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Chapter 556 His name

The king's laughter echoed among the granaries, just like the joy in his heart, which was high and long-lasting. The brilliant sunset slowly set over the western mountains, illuminating people's faces with a distant but comfortable warmth. Avitt narrowed his eyes.

Looking at the red sun setting in the west, I feel that it is extraordinarily bright, like a blessing from the western capital!

"Praise the Lord God! He protects the alliance!"

Gillim lowered his eyes, sighed in admiration, and quickly thought about the pros and cons. After a few breaths, when he opened his eyes again, he was smiling sincerely.

A few months ago, the elder passed away and the high priest went to the Kingdom of God. The entire Mexica Alliance was shrouded in omens of misfortune. At this juncture, Princess Alyssa gave birth to an offspring, which is indeed exciting news!

From another perspective, Princess Alyssa and her newborn child are in the lake capital and are closely guarded by the king's personal guards. The birth of this child has made the relationship between the lake kingdom and the alliance stronger and closer.

Trust each other in a short period of time and there will no longer be any hidden dangers.

Even if the king returns to the capital and hands over the various city-state legions to His Highness Hulot, allowing him to command tens of thousands of troops and take charge of the war situation in the Tlaxcala states, there is no need to worry too much. It’s just...

Gillim's thoughts were racing and he asked in a low voice.

"God bless the royal family! What a joy to congratulate the eldest princess for her smooth delivery!...I wonder if Princess Alyssa gave birth to a little prince or a little princess?..."

Hearing this question, Avitt's smile became even brighter. He glanced at Gilliam and announced happily.

"He will be the future sun of the alliance, after me and Shulot!"

"Ah! It's a boy!..."

Hearing this, the chief intelligence officer's heart trembled. According to the alliance's custom, male inheritance is given priority, and inheritance is passed down from both parents at the same time, and great emphasis is placed on the year of birth and omens.

This newborn boy not only inherited Alyssa's eldest princess line, but also inherited Shulot's throne in the lake. He was also born not long after the death of the elder and high priest. According to traditional theological understanding, he should inherit

There are even legends about the divinity of some deceased people and the reincarnation of their souls...

Therefore, this newborn boy was born with extraordinary respect! His inheritance priority in the alliance, even as soon as he was born, surpassed the elder Moctezuma II, and also threatened His Highness Chimalpili...

The chief intelligence officer's face was trying to remain calm, and he bowed his head respectfully to bless.

"Praise the Lord God! He has given the Mexica royal family, a new noble prince, to inherit the great glory and inherit the divinity of the elders!"

"Ha ha!"

Hearing this, Avitt nodded repeatedly and was quite happy. In his heart, he also believed that this boy inherited part of the divinity of the elder and the high priest. Just as Xiulote was born shortly after the death of his ancestor Montezuma, he was

It is believed that he has inherited the divinity of his predecessor.

"Your Majesty, what are you going to name this child?"

Well, it's a pity that in the face of such a respected child, his naming rights are not in the hands of Shulot, nor in the hands of Alyssa, nor in the hands of Shusok. According to the tradition of the alliance, if the elder is still there, as

The elder of the royal family has the highest priority in giving names. And if the high priest is still there, he also has priority over the king. But at this moment...

"Haha! I have been thinking about this child's name for two days! It was not until today that I stood in the temple of the God of Hunting and announced the victory of the Eastern Expedition, and then I suddenly had inspiration!"

Avitt raised the corners of his mouth, looked at the horizon where the setting sun was setting, and prayed solemnly to the gods. Then, word for word, he told his grandson's full name like a prayer.

"He was born during the Alliance's Eastern Expedition, symbolizing the good omen given by the God of War and bringing the good news of conquering the Tree Snake City! Therefore, his main name is 'Hualtecalaquia' (hualtecalaquia), which means conquering through war

Or level the enemy’s land!”

Avitt paused, looked solemn, and spoke again.

"He is my first grandson and can inherit part of my name. Therefore, his last name is Ztli, which is the divine elf. And his surname..."

Avitt pondered for a while. He actually had other ideas, but Shulot had strongly requested that he just follow his son-in-law's wishes for the time being.

"His last name is called 'Xiu' (Xo), which means 'walking light'."

"That's it! What a wonderful name!"

Hearing this, Gillim understood in his heart and sighed in admiration. He put the three parts together and immediately got the child's full name.

"That's right! His name is 'Xu Walter Kalakia Sawtelle', which means 'the spirit of light who walks and conquers the earth'!"

Avitt's voice faltered as he recited this extremely long name, feeling very satisfied with his talent in naming.

"Hmm...this name may be a little long."

After a while, Avitt's expression flashed and he realized the problem. He pondered for a few breaths, smiled, and found a simple solution.

"Then, from today on, my grandson's nickname will be 'Xiuhua'!"

"Praise the Lord God! Praise the King! Praise His Highness Xiuhua!"

Gillim lowered his head and solemnly praised and prayed. Judging from the king's special attitude, if His Highness Xiuhua can grow up smoothly, it will definitely have a very significant impact on the political situation of the alliance...

But at this moment, it is too early to say these things. In this era, even for children of the royal family, the probability of dying in childhood is still very high, and more than 40% even live less than ten years old. If children want to grow up smoothly, they can

Not an easy task!

The monarch and his ministers looked to the west, watching the gorgeous sunset slowly setting, and the deep night rising from the east. Only then did Avitt put away his grandfather's kindness and smile, and once again restored the king's calmness and coldness.

"Gillim, are you ready for the celebration dinner?"

"Your Majesty, today's dinner will be held in the palace of the Lord of Tree Snake City. All legion commanders and honorable nobles will be there on time!"


King Avit's expression remained unchanged. He thought for a moment and then continued to ask.

"Have all the nobles and warriors from all countries who have made great achievements been summoned?"

"Your Majesty, meritorious nobles and warriors will drink in the open air outside the palace. I have arranged special servants and maids to serve them."

"Not bad. What else?"

"Your Majesty... just in case, I have arranged for two hundred personal guards from the Lake District, wearing armor and armed with soldiers, to be on guard throughout the palace. But judging from the current situation, they should not be needed."

"...Two hundred personal guards, just in case."

After hearing this, King Avit finally nodded and expressed satisfaction.

"Very good! Let's go then! Tonight's dinner will definitely be a fun one!"

"I obey you, my lord!"

"Well. Since we are in the palace of the Lord of Tree Snake City, let's bring him here to make the banquet more festive."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The sound of conversation gradually faded away and became inaudible, just like the setting sun on the horizon, disappearing at the end of the vast sky. The night slowly opened to welcome the arrival of night. Then, the noisy banquet lights suddenly came into view.

The cheerful sound of the flute danced around the crowd, accompanied by the singer's singing, and the sound reached the ears, spreading joy and joy.

This chapter has been completed!
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