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Chapter 579: The Land of the Rain God, the End of the First Conquest

Chief Priest Wei Ke left, just as when he came, wearing a low-key black robe and a simple black cloak. However, the distinguished chief priest of Shenshi City had a bruised face and a deep humiliation in his heart, as well as an indelible hatred.


Andiwei stood in front of the window of the temple hall, watching the black-robed chief, escorted by the warriors, disappear into the western mountain forest. And behind the mountain forest, there is the solid sacred stone city, like a curled up hedgehog.

, stuck in the rear of the Mexican Legion.

"Ha! Stop looking. If you really hate that old fox, then wait until he comes to negotiate next time and kill him with your own hands!"

Red Monkey Ozoma raised the corner of his mouth, walked to the young priest's side, and looked at the Holy Stone City on the horizon.

Although today's negotiation did not achieve the final result, the Mixtec people already knew the conditions and expressed a certain degree of surrender. For such a high-stakes secret negotiation, the other party's envoys always have to go back and forth several times. At the very least,

Chief Vico wants to share the responsibility for peace negotiations with the priests and nobles in the Holy Stone City, instead of resisting them all by one person.

"I...kill the chief with my own hands?"

Hearing this, Andiwei's expression froze and his limbs stiffened. He had no doubt about the determination of the red-haired barbarian, and once again realized the power of the Aztec Alliance. Even an ordinary tribal chief dared to kill Mis

The chief priest of Turk, put it on his lips.

"...Well, Chief Vico may not come here for the next negotiation...Well, the negotiation was requested by the Black Wolf chief. Killing the other party's envoy may ruin the chief's important affairs..."

"Ha ha!"

Hearing this, the red monkey Ozoma grinned. He stretched out his hand, patted the young priest's stiff shoulder, and laughed.

"What a little wolfdog, he is afraid of even biting a fox! The Mixtecs have no power to fight back on the battlefield. Even if the chief priest dies, they still have to come and sue for peace! Besides, these dogs

Fighting is not possible, but internal fighting is fierce. Even in the den, they will bite each other. If you kill the chief, the remaining people may even be happy!"


Andiwei was speechless again, his face turned purple for a while, and he felt like he was being scolded. What the red-haired barbarian said was very rude, but it was a fact of the southern city-state. The internal fighting among the priests and elders has always been fierce and cruel.


"Hey! Lord God! May you protect me and give me light in my heart!"

"Ha! God bless you!"

Seeing Andiwe's prayer, the red monkey Ozoma pursed his lips. He also closed his eyes and prayed for a while. Then, Ozoma opened his eyes, looked at the group of prisoners going away, and asked seriously


"Little Wolf Dog, you are good at arithmetic. How many young and strong prisoners have the army moved north these days?"

"let me see."

Andiwe took out a roll of hard paper for recording from his arms. This is Mexican paper and is much easier to use than wooden boards.

"As of today, there have been twelve teams heading north, with each team ranging from five hundred to more than a thousand prisoners... plus the one that just passed... there are about 10,000 young men and women!"

"And according to the message from Commander Black Wolf, there are probably the same number of young and strong prisoners in the valley in the south who want to be escorted over!"

"Well, ten thousand plus ten thousand, that's more than 20,000 young men and women? No, there are still three to four thousand surrendered troops, that's an extra 20,000...five thousand mouths."

The red monkey Ozoma crossed his fingers and calculated for a while. Then, he worked hard to calculate and store food, with a serious look on his face.

"With the extra 25,000 people, the legion's food is only enough for one month! They went on an expedition and plundered a lot, but the consumption was also huge! It seems that we must knock out a lot from the hands of Shenshi City.

Pen rations!”

In this era, armies scattered and looted, usually resulting in great losses. Unless they captured large granaries or particularly wealthy areas, it would be difficult to have a surplus.

"Yes. Witness the Lord God! I will severely intimidate the Holy Stone City for the sake of Chief Black Wolf and the Legion! I know their weakness, which is the power of the city-state! If it is delayed for too long, the Tehuacan Valley will be burned to a white ground.

, the strength of various ministries has been greatly damaged, and the leader of Shanhe City, Yun Chen, may find an opportunity to annex the Holy Stone City! The Mixtecs in the lowlands and the Mixtecs in the highlands are not of the same mind!..."

The words of the two gradually became muffled and dispersed into the late summer evening breeze. Their gazes looked toward the west. To the west were the green mountains and forests, the sacred stone city in the highlands, and the mountain and river city Huahuapan in the lowlands, just two hundred miles away.


September gradually passed, and the rainy season came to an end. The black-robed messengers from Shenshi City came and went, and the migrating captive team meandered north. The leader of Yunchen in Shanhe City finally gathered more than 10,000 Mixtec warriors and more than 10,000

The mountain militia is stationed at the mountain pass in the southwest of the valley.

These Mixtec armies came from city-states in the lowlands and coasts, and were led by different military leaders. They only responded under the banner of the great leader Yunchen. They set up camp, occupied the terrain, and continued to threaten Mexica heading south.


Black Wolf gathered his army and led 6,000 Guaquili troops, 4,000 Tlaxcala troops, and 4,000 Mixtec troops to confront the Mixtec reinforcements. He was determined to have a fight

In a thrilling field battle, the main force of the Mixtecs was defeated in one fell swoop. However, the commander on the opposite side did not give him this chance.

The main force of the great leader Yun Chen remained stationary, but he continued to send out small teams to fight with the Mexica scouts in the mountains and forests with familiar terrain.

As the sun rises and the moon sets, hundreds of scouts and militiamen hunt, attack, and entangle in the rolling mountains and forests, and then die like withered grass. Every day, dozens of casualties continue. For those who are familiar with it,

For the Mixtecs due to the terrain, this kind of small-scale mountain and forest battles can narrow the gap between them and the Mexica warriors to the greatest extent.

"Damn it! These wild pigs in the mountains and forests will hide in the mud and stink people!"

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Faced with such a battle situation, Black Wolf was a little irritated. Although the Guakili warriors can fight in mountain warfare, it is really difficult to consume the Mixtecs like this.

It was too wasteful and could not determine the overall situation. He had a strong impulse to directly lead his army to attack the mountain camp of leader Yun Chen, and then kill the opponent himself!

However, after a moment, Hei Lang took a long breath and shook his head. In his heart, his instinct as a commander still overcame his impulse as a warrior.

"The two thousand people from Yunshan City also appeared in the mountains and forests in the southeast. There are also thousands of warriors and militia hiding in the Shenshi City. The Mixtec people have a long tradition and will build strong camps and cities to control the key passes in the mountains. They

After all, they are the ancient people of the rain, different from the wild Tekos people."

"Going south to this point, we plundered more than 20,000 people and looted the Tehuacán Valley... It's time to embark on the return journey north! His Highness sent a message for the last time, saying that the king was urging him to lead the Guards to the north.

, I don’t know if I will set off..."

Thinking of this, the black wolf looked seriously and looked to the north. The sky in the distance was vast, and the land on the plateau was flat and empty. That was where the jaguars ran to their heart's content and the eagles flew. And the vast mountains and forests in the south will wait until later.

Clean it up again!

"Send the order! Accept the latest conditions of Shenshi City! Give them five days to hand over a month's worth of food for 20,000 people! As long as the food is enough, release the captive priests and nobles from each ministry, and return the Yunzhong Temple to them!"

At the end of September, outside the Holy Stone City, the Guakili Army received the last batch of food, withdrew from the Temple of the Clouds, and officially returned north. Twenty thousand Mixtec young and strong prisoners were escorted out of the Tehuacan Valley.

Five thousand soldiers from various tribes were also taken by the legion and headed for the hilltop city of Tlaxcala.

The sun was setting in the west, and birds were flying in the forest. The black wolf Toltec and the two thousand warriors behind him stood on the hill in the north of Shenshi City, staring silently.

In front of him, he couldn't wait to send a small team of warriors to recapture the sacred stone city of the Yunzhong Temple. Further south, thousands of lowland Mixtec militiamen followed the army far away, like escorts sent out of the country as gifts.

, and like a grass rat following a jaguar. As for the main force of the leader Yun Chen...

Black Wolf squinted his eyes and looked at the mountains opposite. At the end of the sky, a group of fuzzy dots could be vaguely seen, as well as battle flags with unclear patterns.

"Commander Black Wolf, that is the battle flag of the great leader Yun Chen. There is a white cloud on top, and golden sand below. The so-called 'Yun Chen' is the respected descendant of Yun Zhong, occupying the rich land of golden sand.

, Shanhe City!”

Andiwei looked complicated and explained in a low voice. As the priest and elder of the Yunzhong Temple, he had naturally met the big leader of Shanhe City. He was an ambitious god descendant who also had the blood of the Tiger Claw King...

"The great leader of Yunchen...the land of golden sands!"

Hei Lang repeated it word by word, slowly. He pursed his lips, stared deeply for a while, and then declared in a deep voice.

"Let's go, don't look any further! With the blessing of the Lord God and His Majesty's divine inspiration, the alliance's legions are destined to sweep the world! ... Andiwei, we will be back!"

Having said that, the black wolf turned around with his head held high, carrying a high flag on his back and leading his elite warriors towards the conquered north.

At the same moment, a sturdy middle-aged leader, wearing a gorgeous golden robe, was also standing under the commander's banner. He had a handsome appearance, white teeth, exquisite silver jewelry on his hands and feet, and mysterious tattoos on his face. That

It is a blue wave, a trace of clouds, and a divine pattern that directly communicates with the rain god and ancestors.

"Respected leader Yun Chen, the Aztec barbarians are finally gone!"

A scout warrior came in a hurry, knelt on the ground, and reported back to the respected leader.


Chief Yun Chen nodded slightly, maintaining his majestic divinity. Yes, he is not only the military leader of Shanhe City, but also the priest and elder of Shanhe City. In other words, he has completely controlled the entire city-state.

In hand!

"The Aztecs...the sacred stone city...the temple in the clouds..."

The gaze of the great leader Yunchen did not stay too long on the retreating wolf flag. He looked at the Divine Stone City again, thought for a long time, and then looked at the Yunzhong Temple not far away again. On the towering temple, just now

Set up the banner of the Rain God to announce the return of the God.

"Big boss, Shenshi City has sent a small team of warriors to take over the Yunzhong Temple first!"

"Ha! These old guys in Shenshi City abandoned the Holy Land, allowed it to be plundered, and secretly sued for peace with the Aztec barbarians... They simply shamed the Rain God and humiliated the tribe!"

Chief Yun Chen looked slightly cold. In front of many chiefs, he spoke sternly and scolded in a deep voice. However, the corners of his mouth rose quietly, and he had already made a decision in his heart!

"The Mixtec tribes can't do this anymore! Facing the increasingly powerful Mexica people, only the loosely united tribes can hope to resist! And to unite the entire alliance, who else but me?"

"The Tehuacán Valley was plundered, and the strength of the Holy Stone City was greatly damaged. And in my hands, there are 20,000 lowland and coastal legions, and I have the great responsibility to rescue the Holy Land...the rule of the Holy Stone City, and even the entire highland Meath

Turk’s divine right needs to be discussed again!”

Thinking of this, Chief Yun Chen lowered his eyes for a moment and prayed for the Tlaxcala Alliance in the north for a second. Then, he opened his eyes, already full of fighting spirit.

"Let's go! The army goes north to guard the revered Yunzhong Temple!"

The leader of Yunchen ordered in a deep voice. His face was full of true piety, like a messenger of the gods, making people admire him at first sight.

"With the blessing of the Rain God, I led the army and drove away the brutal Aztecs!... In order to thank the Rain God, I will hold a sacred ceremony at the Yunzhong Temple in five days! Send an envoy to invite the God of Stone City

All the chiefs, as well as the other priests and elders, will participate in the ceremony together!"

The drizzle of rain falls from the gloomy sky, like dust falling from the clouds. The balance of power has been broken, and the sound of the wind before the showers roars in the land of the rain god, turning into the last heavy rain before the end of the rainy season.

Disputes will arise among the Mixtec tribes. As for the life and death of the Tlaxcalans...the only choice is to let the cloud snakes protect them!

This chapter has been completed!
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