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Chapter 609: The starting point of 1489 AD, desperate situation, Columbus! More updates for the stray cat on the window sill of the leader

In January 1489, in the suburbs of Lisbon, the noisy celebrations gradually faded away from this civilian community. In the morning and evening smoke, the aroma of roasted whale meat could no longer be smelled. Although whale meat in this era was cheaper than mutton,

, but they are not ordinary civilians who can consume it for a long time. The celebration of Christmas Day has left with the New Year, and the busyness of civilians in the suburbs has begun again.

Thanks to the colonization of the southern continent, the Kingdom of Portugal has become increasingly prosperous. Although most of the wealth brought by the great voyages has flowed into the hands of nobles and merchants, a little leakage has also made it easier for the commoners of the royal capital to find a job.

, no need to struggle on the death line of poverty.

Life in the Middle Ages was difficult, especially for peasants who were controlled by their lords. Poor small yeomen and tenant farmers not only had to pay land rent, but also had to pay poll tax, family tax, mill tax, and had to pay heavy taxes.

Labor. Oh, and also indispensable, related to the salvation of souls, the church tithe.

In the Catholic world, except for the Swiss mountain people who have a high tradition of autonomy and a strong martial spirit, most farmers in Western Europe have struggled for hundreds of years under the dual oppression of the lords and the church. However, no matter how difficult life is, all farmers

Peasant rebellions were suppressed by the force of the knights and disappeared. The bright Middle Ages belonged to the priests, the nobility, the knights, and now they also belonged to the merchants, but it had nothing to do with the peasants who accounted for 90% of the population.

Of course, the poor life of Portuguese civilians, although worse than that of Italian city-state citizens, is still better than the abject poverty of farmers in France and England. Among all farmers, the German farmers who were cared for by the priests were at the bottom of purgatory.


Thirteen years ago, the last Pope, Sixtus IV, officially conveyed the Lord's latest will to the Catholic world: the living must seek indulgence from the priest for their deceased relatives and friends who are still in purgatory, so that they can ascend to heaven early.

The way to obtain amnesty was to purchase indulgences. After this decree was promulgated, not only did the German peasants live in purgatory, but even their deceased relatives who had finally escaped fell into purgatory again.

In the name of purchasing indulgences, the taxes of the German lords immediately increased. The demands of the church priests became more and more greedy, making it even unbearable for the citizens of the HRE Free Cities.

At this moment, Johazel, a German bachelor of literature, has abandoned his studies and followed theology, joined the Dominican order, and became a glorious monk of the Lord. The theological monk Tiechele is about to start his promotion path, starting from the Holy Roman Catholic Church.

He went to Poland, and then returned to his hometown of HRE, selling indulgences along the way to raise funds for the church. Finally, he would say the famous sentence that has been passed down for thousands of years, completely overthrowing the foundation of the Catholic doctrine of redemption, and preparing for the fire of the Reformation.

Plenty of firewood!

"When you donate money to a soul in purgatory, put it into the donation box, and when it makes a 'ding-dong' sound, he will come out of purgatory!"

At the same time, at Mansfield Elementary School in HRE, a six-year-old child was reading a Latin Bible for the first time. He opened his clear eyes and read with difficulty.

" a (1. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth) me erat r aquas. (2. The earth was empty and formless, darkness was on the face of the abyss, and the Spirit of God moved on the waters)..."

The child was reading and thinking. He was so young that he could not understand these sentences. He just used his young and clear mind to instinctively recite and recite God's enlightenment. And his name was ordinary, called Martin Luther King.


The evening fell in the sea breeze, and the fishermen returned from the sea. Low prayers rang out in the wooden and stone churches and spread throughout the suburbs of Lisbon. An ordinary house was located in a civilian community. The inside of the house was not large.

A rush candle lit on the old wooden table, bringing precious light.

A lamp is like a bean, swaying in the room. A middle-aged man in his thirties is lowering his head, holding a quill, and writing quickly in front of the wooden table. He has a long face with a hawk-nosed nose, prominent cheekbones, and is blue and blue with excitement.

His colorful eyes seemed to be emitting light. On his left hand side, there was a copy of Marco Polo's "Oriental Insights", and on his right hand, there was a copy of Ptolemy's "Geocentric Theory".

Right in front of him, there was a huge "Tuscanelli Map" spread out. On the map, there was a bright red route marked, setting sail from Lisbon, Portugal, all the way west, covering half of the world.

After the perimeter, there are the tempting "Spice Islands", "India" and "Serris"!

"To the holy, respectful, pious, wise, goddess-like beautiful... Queen Isabella. The experienced and heroic city-state navigator Columbus greets you!...According to my estimation, according to

According to Marco Polo's travel records and calculations by the great scholar Toscanelli, the circumference of the earth is..."

Writing this, Columbus, an experienced city-state navigator, paused and looked at the "Toscanelli Map" on the table. This is the late Florentine astronomer, Paolo Dal Pozzo Toscanelli.

The world map drawn by (lli) focuses on the locations of "India" and "Serris", which are in the west of the European continent.

Fifteen years ago, Toscanelli sent this map and the plan to sail west and reach the East to Fernand Martins, the priest of Lisbon Cathedral, and then handed it over to the then King of Portugal, Alfonso.

King Alfonso V submitted this map to the court scholars for review, but in the end astronomers with rich navigation experience gave a reply that "the calculation is completely wrong."

Immediately afterwards, Columbus, the navigator who was also born in an Italian city-state, learned about this map and wrote to Toscanelli to request it. Then, he was ecstatic to receive a reply from Toscanelli and regarded this map as his

The treasure gave birth to a new navigation plan. The son of a woolen weaver in this commercial city-state was much more persistent than the astronomer Toscanelli. He held on to this plan for ten years. Now...


This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "...The circumference of the Earth should be 12,000 kilometers! And the length of Eurasia should be 8,000 kilometers..."

Columbus wrote confidently and wisely. He pursed his lips, dipped in cheap blue ink, and carefully wrote down the calculation formula in the letter... After a perfect calculation, he came to his subversive conclusion.

"In this way, as long as we start from the Port of Palos on the southwest coast and travel 4,000 kilometers westward, we will reach the opposite side of the Atlantic Ocean, which is the fertile land flowing with wealth, India full of spices, and Seles full of silk!

...India and Siris are just 4,000 kilometers overseas!"

Columbus lowered his head, his eyes full of hope. The light candles flickered on his table, like the bright stars outside the window, shining with infinite possibilities. However, just when he was full of hope and working hard to write a letter



A violent crashing sound suddenly came from the wooden door of the hut. In just two or three breaths, the wooden door was directly knocked open, and even the simple wooden lock was broken!


Columbus cursed angrily. He looked up and his heart trembled for a moment. Two strong Slavic men holding big axes stood like stone pillars by the door of the hut. And a skinny Jewish businessman wore a helmet on his head.

Little Hat looked at me with a half-smile.

"It's you! Eleazar..."

Seeing the creditor, the anger on Columbus's face was immediately replaced by uneasiness. He stretched out his right hand, touched the sailor's dagger in the corner, and asked in a low voice.

"You...how did you find this place?"

"Haha! Columbus, with your big mouth, how difficult will it be to find you?"

Eleazar looked leisurely and smiled indifferently. He narrowed his eyes, looked at Columbus's stretched out right hand, and gave the order without hesitation.

"Go over there! Catch him!"

Two strong Slavic men immediately took action and strode over. There was no room to maneuver in the small house. As soon as Columbus reached out and touched the handle of the short knife, a heavy ax came towards him!


The Slavic entourage turned the ax handle and easily knocked Columbus to the ground. The blue ink poured out immediately, completely contaminating the letter to the queen. In just three or four breaths, the experienced and heroic captain of the city-state was dead.

He was pinned to the ground dead, with his face pressed against the mud and even his mouth pressed into the mud.

"Merda! Woo...woo! Eleazar, you devil who deserves to go to hell!...Your soul is destined to struggle in the fire..."

"Ha! Columbus, the fleet of the Kingdom of Portugal, has returned from the southern continent. This time, they crossed the edge of Africa and actually found the route to India!"

Eleazar spoke leisurely. There was a smile on his face, but his blue eyes were ruthlessly cold.

"The Kingdom of Portugal has mastered a new sea route! What's your sailing plan, haha..."

Having said this, Eleazar knelt down, stretched out his hand, and gently patted Columbus's face.

"I think it's time to talk to you again about your debt problem. As your old friend over the years, I am very interested in sending your soul... to the underground... Haha!"

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