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Chapter 728: The Second Kingdom Exploration, Site Selection, Crocodile Shooting and Gifts

The wind and rain wash over the place, and the vegetation is green. The iron ore mountains lie like giant beasts, and the river at the foot of the mountain winds like a long snake. In the lowlands of the bay, clear waves ripple in the distance, and everything is full of vitality.

Everyone, please go and try it soon.】

"God bless you! There happens to be a river in the northeast of this mining area, connecting the flat bay in the north and the undulating mines in the south. The kingdom's first stronghold in Cuba might as well be located at the foot of the mountain!"

Priest Tomat stood on a high place, looking around, with a smile on his face. After the fleet meeting was discussed, a solid plan was come up with. The preliminary exploration of the Mayari Iron Mine was almost completed. He

Then he became very interested and dragged Chihuaco, an old militiaman, around to determine the location of the first stronghold.

"It is forty miles away from Mayari in the west and less than ten miles away from the bay in the north. The transportation along the coast is convenient, the terrain along the river is flat, the cultivated fields are vast, and the stronghold has enough room for expansion... Well, there is still room for expansion.

There is clay along the river that can be used to make bricks."

Birds were flying, parrots were chirping, and the riverside was very lively. Priest Tomat watched for a long time and became more and more satisfied. He touched his chin and said to Chihuaco with a smile.

"The first stronghold of this kingdom is to smelt Snake Tooth Iron Ore and build the main god's temple! As the place to suppress Quetzalcoatl, why not call it 'Snake Suppressing City'?"

"Uh, Snake Town..."

Hearing this, Chihuaco scratched his head, thought for a while, and made another suggestion.

"Witness the Lord God! We came to Cuba's Snake Island just to look for traces of Quetzalcoatl. But the strange thing is that these local tribes don't seem to revere Quetzalcoatl, and they don't even know about the existence of Quetzalcoatl. If you use

If the local tribes ask about the origin, they will know that the snake body of Quetzalcoatl is suppressed here..."

"It's better to name it according to the terrain of this place. There are iron mines in the south and the bay in the north. Together, they are called Iron Bay! And now that the stronghold has not been established, there is no need to name it too big. It can be called Iron Bay Town.



Priest Tuomat pondered for a while and also felt satisfied.

"Okay, let's call it Iron Bay Town! Like the Iron Bay, it will definitely become an unbreakable fortress, standing in the east of the island of Cuba!"

The site selection was completed, everything was done, and everyone in the fleet did not stay too much. They set off on their way back the next day. The seven long ships were docked forty miles away in the Mayari villages on the coast. Their destination was,

It was to return to the village, and on the way back, a river with many game animals happened to pass by.

Moka Yin, the spear escort, had excellent eyes. When he was wading across the river, he keenly discovered a piece of floating "dead wood". He pointed to the river with his hand and shouted with joy.

"Crocodile! There is a crocodile in the river! What a big prey!"

Everyone looked up when they heard the sound. It was indeed a big one. A black and yellow Cuban crocodile was quietly lurking in the river. It was nearly three meters long!

This ferocious large beast has protective bony protrusions on its eyes and is extremely powerful. It can jump out of the water with its entire body and bite its prey. To the local Taino people, this kind of thick-skinned beast is extremely powerful.

The endless ferocious beasts have almost no natural enemies in the local area, and they are also something that hunters from a few tribes of tribes would never want to encounter on a daily basis.

For the exploration fleet, such a large prey must not be missed! Not to mention hundreds of kilograms of crocodile meat, two pieces of leather armor can be tanned from one crocodile skin alone.

Moka Yin, the spear dart, showed excitement on his face. He called on seven or eight Puton warriors, and together they took out the sharp short bronze spears from their backs, and then slowly approached. No matter how powerful the beast was, or how dangerous it was at close range, as long as it was eaten

A round of heavy spear throwing means you have to take a break.

"Mokayin, wait a minute!"

Priest Tomat looked at the Cuban crocodile, his eyes moved, and he stopped Mokayin in simple Mayan language. Then, he touched his chin and called Puap.

"Vice Captain Puap, your archery skills have always been good. Witness the glory of a warrior! Can you shoot this huge crocodile to death with a bow and arrow? Use a thin bronze arrow that breaks the armor and shoot only one arrow!"

"Huh? Shooting crocodiles with expensive armor-piercing arrows? And you can only shoot one arrow?"

Huitu Puap scratched his head in confusion, a little confused. But Priest Tuomat mentioned the glory of the warrior. As the self-recognized "first warrior" in the fleet, he couldn't say no no matter what! He nodded decisively.

, took off the big bow, approached the crocodile in small steps, and took a closer look at this huge and quiet beast.

"The crocodile's heart is very powerful and even has several lobes. Since you want to kill with one arrow, you can't shoot at the heart. You can only shoot through the deck of its skull and hit the thumb-sized brain!"

Puap's eyes sharpened, and he took a few steps closer. It wasn't until he was vaguely aware of the floating "dead wood" within ten steps that he suddenly fully drew his big bow, attached an armor-piercing arrow, aimed for a few seconds, and then

Shoot the arrow!


"Bah! Puff!"

The low sound of the arrow, accompanied by the crack of the bone plate, resounded low on the river bank. Puap immediately retreated, but a violent wave of water was one step ahead of him, crashing towards him! The only thing he saw was the still animal.

The crocodile suddenly burst out with huge force, jumped up on the spot, and jumped completely onto the water surface. The huge and powerful long tail slapped heavily on the water surface, and the water splashed ten meters!

"Huh? Failed?"

Priest Tuomat frowned, but saw a confident smile on Huitu Puap's face.

"Haha! With such sharp arrows, I am really a warrior like General Black Wolf!"

Hearing Puap's laughter, everyone looked again. They saw that the giant crocodile just flopped a few times and then lay softly on the river. This time, its lying posture was not an ambush.

Instead, the muscles relax completely.

That ferocious arrow penetrated its solid skull and destroyed its small brain. After a reflexive struggle, this ferocious beast in the jungle and river was paralyzed and could no longer resist.

At this moment, although its body is still alive, its brain is dead!

"Okay! Praise the Lord God! Puap, you did a good job!"

Priest Tuomat nodded, and patted Puap's shoulder for the first time after a long time. A faint smile appeared on his face, and he carefully ordered the warriors who came forward to cook.

"Tie up this crocodile! Don't remove the arrow from the forehead, and don't make another wound!"

"Yes! That's it! Keep it as it is now, carry it with six people and bring it back to Mayari!"

"Haha! When we return to Mayali Village, this giant crocodile shot to death will be the best gift for Chief Anani of Splash!"

The laughter of the tomato priest echoed by the river, and it was heroic and full of ambition. Chihuaco, the old militiaman, raised his brows, pondered slightly, and nodded lightly.

"Phew! Before negotiating with the chief of the Mayari tribe, this is indeed the best gift..."

This chapter has been completed!
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