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Chapter 834 The second kingdom exploration, daily life in the camp

The camp was short of food, and there were only two meals a day, morning and evening. After a not-too-early breakfast, there was a long wait. The fleet was hiding somewhere between Hidden Snake City and the second ancient city of La Venta, a short distance from the bustling city.

The eastern holy city is only over fifty miles away. In fact, the nearest village of Totonak is only about ten miles away.

In such a dangerous position, as the captain of the exploration fleet, the old militiaman Chihuaco had to be cautious, careful and careful again. According to his words of training the fleet, that is...

"Stupid idiots! Eat whatever you have, and don't think about fighting! ... You all crawl into the hole like a grass mouse, and shrink your head like a turtle! ... Damn it! I will bring you out, and you must do your best.

, take you back..."

Hearing the reprimands of the old militiamen, the kingdom's warriors and sailors in the camp had no choice but to put down their sharpened weapons and lowered their heads helplessly. When the four longships returned from Cuba, they carried nearly two hundred people. And the current camp

Among them, there are only more than 160 people.

Only one-half of the warriors and sailors from Prepecha are left in the fleet. The other quarter of the warriors are from the Prairie City of the Short Spear tribe, supplemented by the generals from Chief Mozi.

Don prisoners of war. As for the last quarter of the sailors, their origins are mixed, and they have all converted to the main god. Among them are Huastecs, Tainos, and even Totonacs...

Fortunately, most of the American tribes in this era only have tribes and beliefs, and no national recognition. The Totonac people of different tribes fight each other without any psychological burden at all. And the fleet

Having been here for so long, apart from the lack of food and difficulty in supplying supplies, there is not much instability.


Thinking of this, the old militiamen let out a long sigh. With the force of the fleet, they can attack the Totonac village and grab enough food. However, that means completely exposing their whereabouts and needing to face the Hidden Snake City.

, thousands of tribal warriors and militiamen. Deep in the hearts of the old militiamen, they also rejected such killing and looting.

"Lord God! I have to take you... back as much as possible..."

Chihuaco, the old militiaman, murmured and carried a simple fishing rod to the lagoon adjacent to the camp. Many sailors from the kingdom were also scattered around the lake, fishing or catching fish.

Further out, the Puton warriors carried hunting bows on their backs and searched in the surrounding jungles, shooting birds, grass rats and hares. They also had another duty, which was to intimidate and drive away the passing Totonac hunters.

Prevent the kingdom warriors in the camp from being exposed. Although it is strange for the Mayan barbarians to appear here, it is much better than the appearance of the Mexica people.

"...There are fewer and fewer fish in the lake..."

Chihuaco, an old militiaman, squatted by the lagoon and fished all afternoon. Under the dull eyes of Dark Snake and Didi, he only caught two small fish as big as a palm.

In fact, so many people stayed here for almost three months. Almost all the fish caught in the water and the prey in the forest were hunted. And the only stable source of food was to come from the hiding place once every six days.

The Mayan galley that secretly transported food in Snake City. It was the merchant ship of Mayan merchant Tikallo. I don’t know how it got it to run faster than a long boat.

"Today is the fifth day... There should be a ship coming tomorrow, and I don't know how much food it can bring... Well... no matter what, let everyone have a good meal and be happy..."

Thinking of this, the old militiaman Chihuaco licked his dry lips and handed the grass basket containing the small fish to Dark Snake.

During the spring plowing season, food in various ministries was in short supply. The Totonac people had been fighting wars and transporting food to the west. The food in the market outside the city was getting less and less. In fact, he didn't have much hope to buy it.

Get some pumpkin puree and kidney beans and have a full meal together, which is already very good.

The sun was setting in the west, and the lake was so clear that not even a single fish hair could be seen. In this situation, even the Taínos who were good at fishing had no choice. Chihuaco had no choice but to put away his fishing rods and bring Di, who was familiar with farming, with him.

Dee went to a flat land by the river. Some mounds of soil had been dug there and a large area of ​​lush cassava was planted, which was the result of two or three months of his busy work.

"Wow! That's great! This cassava can survive when you insert it, and it has sprouted so many new shoots. It's such a good crop!"

The old militiaman Chihuaco looked around, touched the new branches of cassava, and pulled out some weeds. His old face was filled with smiles. The fleet stayed here much longer than he expected. From Maya

The first batch of cassava taken from Chief Shuihua from the big tribe in Li, all sprouted and could no longer be stored.

He had no choice but to find fertile land along the river for these cassava plants, pile them up in mounds of soil, and plant them. Unexpectedly, this high-yielding crop could survive so well, and even weeds could not grow on them.

"Okay, that's great! It's as good as the Lord God!"

The old militiaman muttered a few more words with satisfaction, wondering how long he would have to stay here. Looking at the growth momentum of this cassava field, it only takes more than half a year for this batch of cassava to be harvested stably. If it really doesn't work, just

Let’s just plant the last batch of cassava harvested from the Forest Ridge before leaving Cuba... As long as the fields are cultivated and we have the patience to survive for another year, our blind majesty should be able to conquer it, right?

After seeing the cassava fields, the old militiaman returned to the camp leisurely with a smile on his face. It was getting dark, and no smoke could be seen anymore. Only then did a bonfire set up in the camp, a large clay pot was set up, and wild vegetables were boiled.

The fish soup roasted a mess of small animals and insects. The evening breeze blew and a strange aroma wafted everywhere, making the old militiaman's stomach growl.

Everyone gathered together and drank several bowls of hot wild vegetable fish soup and some soaked pumpkin puree, which made them all feel better. As for the fish they finally caught, Chihuaco only ate a small piece.

, they were all eaten by Ti Lan, Ti Dan, Dark Snake, and Didi.

The night was dark, the moon was bright, and dark clouds appeared on the horizon. The wind from the seaside blew from the east, full of salty water vapor. The strong wind blew on the heads of the fleet, making the messy hair even more messy.

"The peak of the rainy season is almost here! It's another rainy season... It's been a year and a half since we set sail from Crow City!"

Meikat, the divine priest, sat in front of the bonfire and sighed. Then he took his fingers in his mouth, stretched them out to feel the wind, and raised his brows.

"The wind is so strong, coming from the sea, I'm afraid there will be a storm! ... Early tomorrow morning, we have to let the warriors cut some wood and strengthen the camp..."

"The storm is coming...a day or two at most..."

Chihuaco, an old militiaman, squinted his eyes and looked at the dark clouds in the east. After drifting on the sea for so long, the Caribbean climate was like a bad-tempered friend, and everyone was familiar with it.

"There's strong wind and heavy rain... The food that will be delivered tomorrow must be stored well and covered with that waterproof rubber sheet..."

"We must find a way to save more food... We don't know how long we will stay here!..."

This chapter has been completed!
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