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Chapter 906: A prosperous kingdom and the beginning of tribal settlement

The trees are lush, the hills are rolling, and the simple dirt road also has ups and downs, which is quite tiring to walk on. Woodpecker Aipei let the battalion rest where they were, while he lowered his head curiously and turned over the large and small grass baskets of flag captain Babei.

, and took a look at the so-called "good things".

"Lord God! What are these? A small red pottery statue made of bright and delicate rain god clay (tlaloc clay)? Uh... why is it missing an arm?"

"...small white oak objects, combs, spoons, wooden bells...Huh? What is this, a half-legged wooden board? It seems to be an old graphic from the Kingdom of Tarasco? Where did the other half go? Ah?!..."

"...The obsidian stone tool, no, this should be a sacrificial tool, right? The scattered obsidian beads are sparkling. This is the best obsidian! There are holes on it... That's right! Which of the three do you think of it?

The necklace of the divine priest was snatched away? The rope was torn and the beads were scattered. Stupid, idiot! The number and shape of the beads must be in line with the divinity and the divinity! If there are too few, it will not work.

It’s valuable, do you understand?…”

Woodpecker Aidi frowned and thought for a long time, his face alternated with surprise and disappointment. These rough-and-tumble tribesmen who didn’t know where they came from were clumsy even in robbing, and they ruined all these valuable sacrificial vessels.

It's so incomplete, it's really frustrating.

"Red pottery statues, white oak, obsidian... Are your flag troops so poor? Are you even going to rob these rags?... Oh no, it wasn't rags in the first place. It becomes rags after you rob it. You must have robbed a high-ranking priest of the old god.

, Where is his magic staff? Where is his gem weapon?..."

"Ah? What?! After we finish robbing it, it won't be worth anything anymore?! Why!"

The words of the woodpecker Apei were like continuous words, short and powerful, just like the "doo" woodpecker on the tree, which made the flag captain Ba Be dizzy. He widened his eyes and looked at Apei in a daze.

He pulled his hair hard again and then asked hesitantly.

"God...God's staff? Is it that tattered wooden stick? We didn't take it. That thing is very valuable?...Oh, the red gem? That thing has been replaced! It has been replaced with a few copper spears. Red

The hairy man said he liked the red one, so he took the bronze spear in exchange..."

"Uh! Come on, it turns out you have already been picked on? No wonder there are no good things!"

The woodpecker Aipai shook his head, turned around and was about to leave. However, the flag captain Babei Peck quickly stepped forward and grabbed him.

"Rich Chief! Powerful Chief! Don't leave! There are still good things!...Oh! There are also a few pieces of silverware that the red-haired barbarian wanted to change, but I didn't even give them to him. They must be good things!..."

With that said, the flag captain Babei Peck said a few words of greeting behind him. Then, two blue-haired hunters carried a tattered straw bag and handed it to the woodpecker Aipeck.

"What is this? Oh! Silver mask, silver pendant chain, silver bracelet, um...the pattern is very old, like it was carved by the Otomi people...and the silver cup...ah? Why did you smash this cup?"

Damn it! This pattern is wrinkled!…”

The woodpecker Aipai looked at it for a moment, and his blood pressure rose again. He couldn't help it anymore, and cursed and yelled at the corn cobs.

"Witness the Lord God! Next time when you go out to rob, can you be gentle? Pottery statues are easy to crack, heavy and not worth grabbing. The inheritance board must be complete. It is incomprehensible in the first place. It is useless if it is broken in half.

?! The obsidian necklace needs to be a complete one, and every bead must be indispensable! The ancient staff you lost is more valuable than this pile of junk!…"

"Also! The ruby ​​magic weapon was exchanged for a few copper spears. Are you stupid? If you sell it directly to the priest, you can get ten copper axes! ...Silver is not valuable in the first place, it all depends on the gods engraved on it.

The more primitive the sexual pattern, the better, how can it be smashed flat?"

"Ah? Ah!...I...we just want to flatten it so it doesn't take up space so we can bring it back..."

Flag captain Babei stammered, his simple face showing both heartache and sadness. But soon he came to his senses and cursed loudly.

"Damn it! The red barbarian whose ashes are scattered in the wind! He lied to us about the gems!... Next time we meet him, I will definitely give him away!..."

"Boss, there are so many red-haired barbarians. There are so many flag troops that I can't even count them on my fingers! They all have leather armor and good weapons. We can't defeat them..."

"Shit! Then we will drag the Feng Barbarian from Guamar with us! The red-haired barbarian not only took our gems, but also the gold items that Feng Barbarian snatched!..."

"Boss, Feng Manzi and we don't want to deal with each other! Last time we almost got into a fight over the prisoners of war to sell to the chief!..."

"Damn it, shut up! It's all the silverware you smashed!..."

"Boss, what are you talking about? I picked up the priest's old stick and prepared it for carrying my luggage. You asked me to throw it away, saying it was a broken piece of wood..."

"Ah! Shut up!..."


Seeing the hunters of the flag team arguing among themselves, Woodpecker Aidi was speechless. He shook his head, turned around and was about to leave, but was caught by the flag captain, Babe.

"Praise the Lord God! The rich...oh no, the powerful chief!...Exchange for whatever you like! We don't want more, you ask the price, take it as you like!..."

"Huh? This pile of crap..."

Woodpecker Aipai turned his head and saw flag captain Babei's dark, simple face in the wilderness. However, he saw the other party's wide eyes at this moment, his eyes that were pleading, longing, stubborn and fierce.

, Woodpecker Aipai raised his eyebrows. He pondered for a moment, and estimated that if he really didn't change anything today, these barbarians might follow them all the way for this reason, and then secretly shoot him an arrow in the middle of the night...

"Forget it! These barbarians are short-sighted... they are entangled, it's not worth worrying about. Then just buy some!..."

Thinking of this, the woodpecker nodded.

"Hmm... that's okay! I'll give you two big bags of cocoa beans, this half piece of heritage wood, a dozen obsidian beads, and this bag of silverware, give them all to me!..."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Ah?! Cocoa beans? The kind of brown beans that you can eat, drink and spend..."

Hearing this, the flag captain Babei licked his lips, knowing that these were useful beans. But he was used to living a hard life in the wilderness, and he actually didn't choose what to eat and drink. After thinking about it, cocoa beans are still impractical... but the really practical ones are

, the tribe also urgently needs it...

"Praise the Lord God! Well... Chief, we don't want this bean... we want your copper axe! The ax is good! It can chop down trees and people!..."


Woodpecker Aipai twitched his arm, but the flag captain Babei held him tightly and couldn't pull it out at all. He sighed helplessly and said to the guards at the rear.

"Give him two, come on, three copper axes!... Put these away for me. Well, especially the heritage board! I want to take a good look and see if I can read any ancient epic..."

"Yes! Battalion Commander!..."

Soon, the two sides delivered the goods with one hand and the ax with the other. They were so happy that there was no nonsense. The flag captain Babei loosened his hand and held the precious ax in his arms, with a smile on his face again.

"Hey! Don't giggle, remember this! Next time you go out to rob, you must remember to grab gold, silver, clear gems, and pure jade!..."

"Praise the Lord God! Well done!"

Looking at the cheerful and honest flag captain, Woodpecker Aipai shook his head and continued to set off with the archer battalion. On the way, he felt a little worried for no reason.

"Lord God! If the tens of thousands of barbarians in the kingdom's banners are all such fools, how long will it take for these hyenas who can only bite people to learn to farm well and build a

A village where you can farm and pay taxes..."

As the woodpecker was marching, he thought about such a big issue that concerned the country and the people. He thought about it for a long time. It wasn't until the sun set in the west and a post station appeared on the high ground of the hills that he came to his senses and sent someone to the post station.


"Witness the Lord God! Lake Kuitseo is at the foot of the mountain, and there is still half a day's journey to Hekou County. Tonight, we have to rest around the inn. If we go to the surrounding tribal flags, we will waste time, and we may not even get the paper.

A, they all had to be stolen by these poor people..."

The woodpecker Aipeck laughed at the wilderness barbarians a few times, and then walked towards the higher station. But when he was still a short distance away, he stopped abruptly, and the expression on his face changed.

"Ah this? This! This is?!..."

The inn on the hill is quite large. It occupies a large area of ​​the hill. It is surrounded by a simple wooden fence. It can probably squeeze in the entire Archer Camp. At a glance, there are a large row of thatched huts inside the fence that can accommodate people.

There is a shed, a covered cellar for storing things, and even a grand wooden house. Outside the inn, beside the small river in the hills and valleys, a large field has been cultivated. These fields are very large, estimated to be several hundred

Although it doesn't look very neat, it has been harvested and taken care of with some effort, and it looks like farming.

However, at this moment, when they saw the approaching tribal archer camp, hundreds of fierce canine hunters poured out of the tribal camp-like post station. Most of these hunters had red hair and wore sturdy clothing.

They were wearing leather armor, carrying tall bows, and carrying sharp copper axes on their waists. And they spread out on the mountain road and blocked the road directly. Looking at the sturdy and indifferent expressions, it was obvious that

They are all veterans who are murderous.

"The Lord God witnesses! Stop! Those at the inn can rest!..."

Soon, out of hundreds of elite hunters, a red-haired and armored leader walked out. The refined leather armor on his body also had a picture of a wolf painted on it, and he was a warrior of the Black Wolf Legion. He squinted his eyes and looked carefully.

After looking at the group of paper-armored and bamboo-bowed battalions, my eyes finally rested on the most gorgeously dressed and conspicuous woodpecker, Aipei.

"Flag bearer! Are you their battalion captain?!"

"Witness the Lord God! I am a military noble of the kingdom and the commander of this battalion, Woodpecker Ape!"

The woodpecker Aipai stared at the red-haired leader dozens of steps away with his hand on the copper ax on his waist.

"Who are you? Are you the postmaster of the inn? Why are you blocking the road?!"

"Oh, I'm not, I'm the personal guard of the commander of the Black Wolf Army! The postmaster is from our flag team... These rest rooms were also built by the flag team for him... As for blocking the road, I want you to

Let’s take a rest at the inn and have a warm meal!…”

The red-haired leader smiled and made a gesture behind him. Then, the two hunters behind him skillfully carried an extra large flag and placed it at the door of the inn. The mountain wind blew and the flag unfolded.

On the left is a stone scale that symbolizes trade. The painting is very neat, and the brushwork is even a bit like a mural. On the right is a crooked, abstract painting of fur, feathers, animal teeth, etc.

"Lord God! This! What are you doing? Come again?!..."

Seeing this familiar flag, Woodpecker Ai Peck twitched his brows and twitched the corners of his mouth. When he looked carefully, he realized that this big flag was actually two flags sewn together. The balance flag on the left was very

It's official, but I don't know which market it was stolen or robbed from. The flag on the right is made of fine fine cloth, with a mysterious long snake painted on the background, and the flag is stained with blood that cannot be washed away.

"Huh? This is the main flag of an eastern city-state, right? Is this the cloud serpent of the Tlaxcala people, or the feathered serpent of the Totonac people? Let me think about it, the feathers of the feathered serpent are three colors, and the clouds are

The snake is a solid color...Huh? Where are the feathers on the flag? Where are the iconic feathers?...Oh yes! Feathers are usually real objects that are glued on, and you must have lost them..."

"Flag bearer! What are you talking about? What kind of snake is hairy?...You just said 'again'?...Have you encountered other trading tribes? Impossible? We are the only trading station! Which one?

Are we the ones who are stealing from us?!..."

The red-haired leader scratched his head, a little puzzled on his face. But soon, he stopped thinking about it, and a simple and bright smile appeared on his face, like a wolf with its claws retracted and smiling innocently.

"Praise the Lord God! Since you know, I won't explain more. It's the same here, trading that...good thing! The flag team's bastard!"

This chapter has been completed!
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