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Chapter 932: The Kings Document, a ruthless, powerful man!

"King's order: In the mintun villages of various tribes, the militia brigades of the village tribes will be established with the settled tribal surrender troops as the main force! Select loyal seaside warriors and the settled kingdom warriors as the captains of the militia brigades! The village militia will accept the kingdom

The command of the Legion and the Coastal Alliance is responsible for maintaining order in the village and suppressing the rebels in the surrounding jungles... At the same time, the militia brigade is also responsible for the collection and transportation of food after the autumn harvest, and the village priests participate in statistics..."

The snake girl Myawa opened her eyes wide and read the royal decree several times carefully. She had a natural instinct for the politics of the alliance. From these simple words, she could get a glimpse of the king.

thoughts, and future layout and arrangements.

"The tribal surrender troops are the surrender troops of various tribes that have surrendered in the past two years. I remember His Majesty mentioned that these surrender troops of various tribes that surrendered successively once numbered 40,000 to 50,000 people! ...The surrender troops that were placed should be after the autumn harvest.

The plan His Majesty has just begun to implement...select the best from the surrendered troops, select 5,000 vanguard battalions, and 20,000 surrender troops...and the remaining 20,000 people will be scattered in various villages according to the tribes they come from.

Establish a management order that goes deep into the village..."

Seeing this, the snake girl Miawa pondered for a long time and fell into a long thought. She knew that the villages everywhere were actually composed of a tribe that surrendered, except for the original leader and noble chief, disrupting the integration.

These hundreds of villages and hundreds of thousands of village tribesmen are the power directly controlled by the Kingdom of the Lake and the Seaside Alliance!

Specifically, in the Mintun village, it is similar to the Mexica Plateau. There are three village leaders: the priest, the village chief, and the militia captain. However, in the newly surrendered seaside land, the status of these three people is the same as that of the Mexica plateau.

The Western Canada Alliance and the Lake Kingdom are completely different.

"In the villages of Mintun, the most important leader is the militia captain who controls the militia brigade! Their actual role is like the chiefs and leaders of small tribes. And their origin is the settlement of the enfeoffed kingdom.

The warriors include Mexica, Prepecha, and even Tecos. The most numerous of them are the Totonac warriors who were the first to surrender, bloodbathed many city-states along the way, and proved their loyalty! Especially those from

The surrender of Wushan City..."

"Ha! Even the militia captains of the villages have abandoned the noble chiefs and leaders of each tribe and arranged for the warriors of the kingdom! ... Ruthless men! Powerful men! ..."

Thinking of this, the snake girl Myawa gritted her teeth again and cursed secretly. These warriors loyal to the kingdom, especially the Totonak warriors with blood-stained hands, were almost incompatible with the original noble chiefs and leaders. And they

The object of loyalty is also the Supreme God of Death, and the leader of the Black Wolf who personally trained and selected them!

Even though Miawa is in charge of the civil power of the Coastal Alliance, the people she can command are only two other people in the village: the village priests, most of whom are from the field as priests, and the village chief who is responsible for village affairs.

After all, the language of the Totonac people is very different from that of the Mexica Union and the Kingdom of the Lake. The kingdom's expansion in the seaside land is extremely rapid, and the number of village priests that can be mobilized and placed in various ministries is far away.


Therefore, most of the priests in Mintun villages are currently from the local Totonak tribe. About half of them come from the priest academy in Snake Killing City and are the assistant priests of the villages who have just been trained for half a year. The candidates for these assistant priests are mostly

All of them have been seen by Miawa at least once, and it is the tribal sages, small tribe leaders and campfire narrators who have rallied around her and are willing to serve the kingdom.

The reason why the king chose the snake girl to give birth to a son of the god with Totonac bloodline was, to a large extent, to conquer these Totonac elites and incorporate them into the ruling class of the seaside!

"These farm assistants, village priests from local tribes...these elites from various tribes who are loyal to Your Highness and me, and even more loyal to the child in my belly...are the real scales of the Sun God Snake!...However, even with such scales,

It will also be subject to the supervision and jurisdiction of the Inquisition, and will not be able to shine with its original light..."

Thinking of this, Miava gritted her teeth and felt a little unwilling. She knew that whether in the Mexica Alliance or the Kingdom of the Lake, the status of the village priest was the first among the "three elders"! But in the seaside land, they

As the last of the "Three Elders", he has to be under the village chief who actually manages the village.

Because some of these village chiefs come from the kingdom's warriors who conquered various tribes, and some come from the surrendered militiamen who fight for the kingdom. They are all the newly promoted ruling class from the civilians under the Death Temple and the leader of the Black Wolf! They are afraid of

The kingdom's military force, satisfied with its improved status, loyal to the powerful Death God and the leader of the Black Wolf Army...

Miawa's influence among these people is far inferior to His Majesty and Black Wolf... On the contrary, the child in her belly, with the blood of the king, can make these people in awe!... This series of arrangements,

The checks and balances of power were clearly arranged, almost minimizing the power that Miawa could control. Even if she gave birth to Shulot's child, she would not be able to control it like a noble goddess or a regent queen.

Living in the entire seaside land...her power is only one-third!...

"Ah! A ruthless, powerful man! Do you really like to tie me up with bracelets and anklets, tie me tightly to a wooden frame, and watch me struggle feebly?!"

Thinking of all the king's arrangements and the carefully designed balance of power, the snake girl Miava was filled with resentment and cursed in her heart.

"Lord God! Damn it! Extremely abominable!... You would rather believe in the cold, tough black wolf than in such a warm and tender me?!... Black wolf? What can the black wolf give you? What can he do?

You are so happy in every possible way, will I give you a child?...Ha! Pull it out, and you will be a heartless man!..."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The snake girl Miava secretly gritted her teeth and cursed in her heart for a long time. In fact, she could guess more things than Shulot expected, and she could even read a

Autumn is known through leaves.

Accepting Totonak elites, setting up villages, settling and demobilizing the surrendered troops, selecting loyal vanguard battalions and surrendered troops... The king's plan followed one step after another, and the hearts of Totonak's various tribes gradually moved towards the Kingdom of the Lake.


"The cold wolf king of Black Wolf will only drive the surrender troops to attack the city and fight like wolf cubs... In his eyes, the tribal warriors of Totonak will either become firewood for siege, or they will be used as firewood on the battlefield.

Burn up...or survive by chance, with blood on your hands, and become the new wolf in his pack..."

Thinking of the cruel and brutal methods of the leader of the Black Wolf Army, the snake girl Miawa felt a chill in her heart while feeling contempt. This method of driving soldiers to surrender is a violent flame that will burn everything. It is also a cold beast with a bite in its mouth.

Full of blood... This is the power of destruction. The enemy and ourselves are very clear, and the purpose is also very clear, which is to kill, kill, kill! Either completely destroy the enemy, or burn yourself. There is no room for compromise, and there is no room for her to play.


"The methods under the Temple of Death are different again! His Highness is the sacred tree that controls people's hearts, and he is also the ancient snake that devours divinity... You seem to have accepted the elites of Totonak's tribes, but in fact it is just a temporary compromise. What do you want?

Change them, and also change the thousands of years of tradition in the seaside area..."

"This is the order that you long for in these villages and countless tribal people who are under direct jurisdiction!... Your real purpose is to pass on the power of the chiefs and chiefs of each tribe to each tribe like a greedy ancient snake.

Divinity, swallow it all in one mouthful!…”

"And after you select the vanguard battalion and dismiss most of the surrendered troops, the next thing you want to do is to form a kingdom army on the seaside! The kingdom has conquered the seaside, and the general trend has been completed. The elites of each ministry have surrendered and the samurai who surrendered have

We also have a way out, and a new order has begun to be established!..."

"The loyalty of all the seaside ministries is now enough to support the backbone of the tree trunks and cultivate obedient domestic dogs in addition to 'firewood' and 'wolf'!...Haha! Although you were wary of me and didn't say a word to me, but

I can guess your plans, just like I can contain the desires in your heart... But you will never let me interfere, ah! Damn it!..."

"O Lord God! Who are you going to choose as the leader of the Coastal Corps?!... Damn it! A ruthless, powerful, man!"

Thinking of such power, the snake girl Myawa's eyes turned red and her legs trembled slightly. She gritted her teeth, her face was filled with unspeakable desire, and her eyes were filled with suppressed lust, and it seemed that her whole body was on fire.


Seeing such a snake girl, the clerk Yin Lian was also startled. She was a little uneasy, wondering if there was something wrong with these two simple documents? Or was it her attitude just now that made the pregnant snake girl

, got angry accidentally?…

"Uh! You...what's wrong with you? Lord God witnesses! I...I didn't do anything!...Well, it's so hot! Your forehead is so hot!..."

"Well... Yin Lian... I suddenly have a headache and I don't have any strength..."

Snake girl Miawa's eyes flashed, and she suddenly looked at Yin Lian, who was wearing beautiful makeup and stroking her forehead. She blinked her eyes, licked her lips, and after thinking for a moment, she whispered with a smile.

"Ah! The child in my belly seems to be kicking me...Ah! I can't help it anymore!...Sister Yin Lian, please help me and go to the bed in the room!...Ah!..."

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