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Chapter 963: The kings flag comes out from the east and is greeted by the black wolf

In mid-May, Shulot's royal flag set off from Jinwan City again after staying stationed for half a year. Four thousand guardsmen escorted the king all the way east, inspecting the city-states and villages along the way. This time, the king set out

The name is to inspect spring plowing in various places, but the actual itinerary is generally the same.

Shulot stopped and went, visiting Zhuowu City, Coyote City, and Carved Stone City, and inspected more than 20 mintun villages and tribal camps along the way. He even visited the ruins of the third ancient city and held a sacred ceremony.

In the ceremony, the long-chronological monument that has been passed down for more than two thousand years was sacrificed. After traveling nearly 700 miles, Shulot arrived at the ancient Lake Sacrifice City in mid-June.

Beside the endless sacrificial lake (Laguna Catemaco), the Black Wolf's king's flag stood tall and fluttered. The Guards were neatly dressed, carrying tall spears, and arrived as neatly as a forest. The Black Wolf Toltec personally led

A group of legion generals and hundreds of red-haired personal guards came out of the city thirty miles away to greet him.

"God bless you! Black Wolf, how is the battle going on the front line?"

After the formal salute and greetings, Shulot called Heilang close to him. Under the protection of a group of generals and warriors, the two walked to Jihu City while chatting about the latest frontline battle situation.

"Have the sacrificial grounds of the fourth ancient city been occupied? Has the Grass Mandala in the south been conquered? What is the situation with the Hidden Snake City in the southeast?"

"Your Highness, the place of worship in the fourth ancient city on the hill was occupied by the legion half a month ago! I arranged a tribal camp to guard the thousand-year altar in the ancient city. And half of the original priests of the old gods were occupied.

They were sacrificed to death, and half of them converted to believe in the main god..."

"As for the recalcitrant city in the forest, Grass Mandala, it was captured by the Eastern Expedition Army just seven days ago! The army killed 4,000 rebellious tribal warriors and men, and converted nearly 50,000 Totonak in the forest.

Tribe! At this point, within two hundred miles of Hidden Snake City, there is no longer a large city-state from the Totonak Alliance, nor any possible support. At this moment, this so-called seaside holy city is already an isolated city!…"

The black wolf Toltec followed Shulote with steady steps, with a respectful and friendly expression. After receiving the news of Wang Qidong's arrival, he sternly urged all the troops in the legion to go to Caotan City to supervise the battle in person, and even used fanaticism to

Throwing the vanguard camp, throwing exploding spheres of divine power... It was only seven days ago that the great city in the forest three hundred miles to the south, the grass mandala of the Eastern Totonak Alliance, was captured.

"Your Highness, as soon as the Grass Mandala City was destroyed, the Zapotec tribes in the Oaxaca Valley and the southern coast completely severed contact with the Hidden Serpent City. And the Totonac priests and the descendants of the Hidden Serpent City fled.

The main passage to the southwest inland jungle has been cut off!…”

"At this moment, the eastern forward of the army has broken through all the stone fortresses and wooden forts in the area of ​​the Fireworks God Mountain, and has advanced to the outskirts of the Hidden Snake Holy City!... As long as your king's order is issued and the main force of the army comes forward, the final

The siege can begin at any time!"

"Well. With the blessing of the Lord God, we must eradicate the roots! We must not allow these attractive seaside priests and descendants of the gods to take the backbone of the tribe and flee into the depths of the jungle! ... At the moment, they must either defend the city or escape.

Heading to the Mayan land in the east... As for the formal siege of Hidden Snake City..."

When the topic of the battle came to this point, Shulot finally stopped. He looked solemn, looked at the expression of the black wolf Toltec, and asked seriously.

"Heilang, the naval commander of the Hidden Serpent Holy City, that feathered serpent priest Pappu, wants to surrender to the kingdom... The Lord God has witnessed this! As the commander of the army on the front line, I need to know what kind of person you are.

What’s your opinion? Agree or disagree?”

"Uh...my opinion..."

For the sake of the unity of the monarch and his ministers, it was impossible for Shulot to bypass the frontline generals and directly accept the important matter of surrender without asking the frontline generals for their opinions. Upon hearing the king's inquiry, Black Wolf Toltec's face immediately changed.

Showing some hesitation.

According to his original intention, he naturally wanted to catch all the damn priest Papu, as well as the priests and descendants of the Hidden Snake City, and sacrifice them to death! But when he thought of the previous persuasion of the Mayan businessman Tikalo,

Thinking of His Royal Highness's increasingly majestic kingly posture...

After hesitating for a moment, Black Wolf Toltec bowed his head and replied in a candid voice.

"Your Highness, if the naval commander of Hidden Snake City can lead the fleet and craftsmen to surrender and cut off the eastward escape route for the priests and descendants of Hidden Snake City... it will be of great benefit to the Kingdom's Eastern Expedition!...

And if the army continues to conquer the Mayan coast, the kingdom will indeed need bigger ships, more shipwrights, more sailors and water warriors!..."

"So, my opinion is that I agree to accept the surrender of the commander of the Hidden Snake City Navy! As for whether to let him continue to lead the troops, it is up to you to decide!"

Hearing this answer, Shulot raised his eyebrows. He looked at the sincere black wolf Toltec for a while, and a smile of approval gradually appeared on his face.

"Okay! Black Wolf, you can start from the overall situation of the kingdom and take into account the overall kingdom strategy and planning in addition to the battlefield fighting... I am very satisfied!..."

"What you just said is right! The Kingdom's eastern expedition will not stop with the surrender of the Totonac people, nor will it end with my return to the capital in the lake. The Kingdom's access to Cuba must be between these two

It will be completely opened within the year and firmly in our hands!…”

"God bless you! Your Highness, do you really want to return to the capital city in the lake? Please do that...think, think and think again! Apart from you, there is absolutely no other person who can lead a powerful kingdom and command the legions of various ministries.

go ahead!…"

The black wolf Toltec pursed his lips, and his eyes revealed unconcealable worry. Looking at Shulot's decisive expression, he gritted his teeth, knelt down and begged for his orders.

"Witness the Lord God! Your Highness, if you are really determined to return to the capital city in the lake... I, the black wolf Toltec, would like to guard you, and I would rather die to protect your safety!..."

"Haha! Black Wolf, of course I know your loyalty to me! And I have thought twice before making such a decision... God King Avit has made up his mind. He sent envoys four times to recruit me back

, and also sent three royal legions to the three southern states of the alliance... The situation in front of me makes me have to go back! And you have to stay at the seaside, firmly control the black wolf legion that is good at fighting for me, and open up the farther east...

This is far more helpful to me, the kingdom, and even the entire world than being a warrior and protecting me!"

Shulot stretched out his hand and lifted up the black wolf with a smile. His smile was gentle, and his expression was full of calmness. At this moment, he taught his beloved general steadfastly, just like when he first taught him more than ten years ago.

Teach the young guards the same way.

"Black Wolf, you must always remember! The magnificent capital city in the lake is the capital of the Alliance and the true foundation of us Mexica people! Our journey relies on the power of the Alliance and the power of the Mexica people.

Starting from the capital in the lake... that is our greatest capital, never a dangerous beast's lair. The powerful Mexica Alliance will never be our enemy, but our belonging and home!..."

"Ah! This...Your Highness? The current situation...the alliance and the kingdom?..."

"Well. The alliance and the kingdom can compete with each other, but they can never be hostile to each other! Because between me and the God King Avit, we are actually both prosperous and destructive! ... There is only constant expansion, contradictions within the alliance, and conflicts within the kingdom.

Contradictions can be eased and resolved. And if a civil war breaks out and the contradictions accumulated during expansion explode, the great cause of us Mexicans will be ruined!..."

"Avit is my wise teacher, my close father-in-law, and my majestic king! He actually knows this deeply and has always conveyed it clearly. It's just that... there are some subjects who consider themselves loyal and have ill intentions.

Speculators have repeatedly provoked conflicts between us, which has highlighted the contradictions... As for the current contradictions, as long as I return to the capital city in the lake, I will be fully confident to resolve them!..."

Shulot looked at the vast Sacrificial Lake with a faint look in his eyes, and saw the fleet of naval vessels anchored in the lake. He pondered for a while, changed the topic, and gave instructions to Black Wolf with a smile.

"Black Wolf, this ancient and majestic sacrificial lake has continued sacred sacrifices for thousands of years and buried countless ancient divinities and sacrifices. It has been passed down from the Olmec era to today! When I was in the capital city of the lake

, I have always heard about it, and I have also seen the inherited murals. When the kingdom compiles the epic of the world, it also needs to revise and include the Olmec sacrificial rituals here..."

"Come, you can go boating for me! Let me take a good look at the scenery by the lake and this newly conquered ancient land!..."

This chapter has been completed!
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