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Chapter 336 Labor Dispatch

A month and a half after Ding Boren sent out his request for help, only two porters have joined the new workshop.

The new workshop has the most advanced steel rolling mill in the country, skilled workers, and him as the chief engineer. However, due to the lack of porters, the output did not meet expectations.

This situation made Ding Boren feel both ridiculous and helpless.

After Li Donglai heard the whole story, he frowned and thought for a moment, then looked up at Ding Boren.

"This matter is indeed difficult to handle. Nowadays, workers in factories want to do technical jobs such as fitters, forgers, and welders. The wages are high and the work is easy.

It will definitely be difficult to find porters from within the factory.

The only solution is to recruit a group of people from outside and let them do the work of porters.

"Recruiting people from outside?" Ding Boren was stunned. He looked at Li Donglai in surprise: "This is not in line with the rules of our steel rolling mill. When we recruit workers, we must allocate quotas from the ministries and commissions. One carrot and one hole. How can we do it at will?

Where are you recruiting?"

Workers in this era were officially recruited by the state, just like cadres and teachers in later generations.

As long as you can become a worker, you will have an iron rice bowl. As long as you don't make any major mistakes, the factory will take care of everything from getting married and having children to retirement.

Even if the factory shuts down, they will be assigned to work in other factories and will not lose their jobs.

With such good treatment, the threshold is naturally relatively high. Every year, the ministries and commissions allocate certain recruitment quotas to the factory based on the number of retired workers.

If there are no quotas, recruiting workers without permission is a mistake.

Now, Ding Boren's ideological consciousness is not generally high.

It's just that he lives in this era and is bound by the times. He doesn't know that there will be a magical employment method in later generations, that is, labor dispatch.

The dispatched workers do not belong to the factory, and the personnel relations and labor contracts are with the labor dispatch company.

The factory does not need to pay workers directly, but pays the remuneration to the labor dispatch company.

Under this operation, there is no employment relationship between workers and the factory. Even if a dispute arises, the labor dispatch company will be responsible.

In later generations, labor dispatch companies were originally a means of circumventing labor regulations and exploiting workers, but in this era, they can completely avoid the issue of "recruitment quotas."

After Li Donglai thought about it and understood it, he smiled lightly and said: "We can not recruit people directly, but find a group of temporary workers who can do the work."

"Temporary workers? That's not possible. If the superiors find out, we will all have to suffer." Ding Boren shook his head and said.

Li Donglai stood up and leaned close to his ear, muttering for a while. Ding Boren's eyes gradually widened and his mouth could not be closed.

It took a long time before a sound came out of his throat: "Hey, don't tell me, your method might actually work."

"It just so happens that I have nothing to do today. I will discuss it with Factory Director Yang later." Li Donglai smiled and said, "How many more porters are needed in the workshop?"

Ding Boren pulled out a piece of paper from the stack of books: "I have already calculated it. Assuming that a worker can carry 80 kilograms, then excluding the time he has to eat and rest every day, he can carry a total of... So, ten more are needed.


Li Donglai swallowed hard next to him. Good guy, except for the limited rest time such as eating and sleeping, he works hard every day. He is preparing to use the porters as cattle and horses. No wonder he can't recruit anyone for half a month!

If Ding Boren were in later generations, he would have been hung on a telephone pole by workers.

Fortunately, in this era, even the workshop director cannot directly stipulate the workload of workers. After all, the union is not a decoration.

Just when Li Donglai was confused, Ding Boren suddenly raised his head and said: "I'm kidding you, how can I let the workers work all day long? Well, according to the current scale of the new workshop, twenty porters are needed."

Facing his father-in-law, Li Donglai had no way to get angry. He could only take a deep breath and said, "Okay, I'll go find Director Yang right now."

He felt that Ding Boren, an unsmiling old scholar, might have been led astray by the workers in the workshop.

But this is good. After the child is born, you don't have to face a grandpa who keeps a straight face all day long.

After leaving the workshop, Li Donglai went straight to the factory director's office. As soon as he got to the second floor, he met Secretary Zhou in the corridor.

Secretary Zhou just came out of the office. When he saw Li Donglai, his face lit up with joy: "Comrade Donglai, I haven't seen you for a long time."

After the two held hands and chatted for a while, Li Donglai smiled and said: "Brother Zhou, is the factory director in the office?"

"Here, I'll open the door for you."

Factory Director Yang was still the same as before, with a straight face, but when he heard Li Donglai's labor dispatch plan, the teacup in his hand shook, and the tea splashed down, almost spilling on his pants.

"Hehe, this tea seems a bit hot."

After clearing the table, Director Yang stared at Li Donglai and asked: "The plan you just mentioned doesn't sound like a big problem, but have you ever thought about one thing: Where will we recruit people from?

There are many unemployed young people in the capital, but if they like formal, easy jobs, such as temporary workers or hard-working porters, they are definitely not willing to do them.

Li Donglai was well prepared and said with a faint smile: "If we can't recruit people in the capital, we can go to the countryside to recruit people. There is a big difference between urban and rural areas now. Many members work hard for a year and earn less money than workers."

The monthly salary is high.

Moreover, they do farm work all year round and carry steel and the like, which will definitely be no problem.

Factory Director Yang nodded and said: "This is a good idea, but which commune should we find to combine with?"

It was his words that Li Donglai was waiting for, and he said: "You also know that I am from Qinjiagou Commune, and I know the situation there best. I think our factory can form an alliance with Qinjiagou to help workers and peasants, and our steel rolling mill can provide assistance."

They gave them a sum of money, and Qinjiagou Commune sent a group of members to work for us 'for free'. In this way, not only will outsiders have no way to criticize, but our steel rolling mill may also be designated by the higher authorities as a model for workers and peasants to support us.


"Let's help the members, and the members will help us! Okay, okay, this is a good idea!" Director Yang slammed the table and looked at Li Donglai carefully. Why is this young man so smart? After something that was originally illegal, after

His operation turned out to be the achievements of the steel rolling mill, which is admirable.

A peach was given in return, and Director Yang was not a stingy person. He smiled and said: "Since you are familiar with the situation in Qinjiagou Commune, I have to trouble you to make a trip to recruit porters."

"Working hard to build the motherland is what I should do!"

Li Donglai felt happy.

Although porters may be looked down upon by urbanites, they are very popular in rural areas.

Since Uncle Qin went to the food station to raise pigs, he has become a good family that the villagers admire, and his two sons are married.

Every time Li Dong came and went, although the folks in Qinjiagou didn't bring it up, they revealed in their words that they wanted Li Dong to help them find a job in the city.

Li Donglai received a lot of care from the folks in Qinjiagou, so he should naturally help him.

Factory Director Yang also knew what Li Donglai was thinking, and deliberately tried to sell his favor, saying slowly: "As for the salary, although I am a temporary worker, the porter's work is quite tiring. Since we want to help, we can't just do it for a show.

It's the same. The porter's salary is set at 24.5 yuan per month, which is the same as the first-class worker.

Also, I will discuss with Deputy Director Ma and others to allow members to eat in the canteen of our steel rolling mill."

Li Donglai stood up and said, "Thank you very much!"

Because the food in the canteen of the steel rolling mill is subsidized by the factory, the price is much cheaper than outside.

Of course, in order to avoid waste and outsiders fishing in troubled waters, the factory will issue meal stamps to workers every month. Those who rely on meal stamps will have cheaper meals. Without meal stamps, the price will be similar to that outside.

The members of the Qinjiagou Commune came to the capital. They were not familiar with the place. It was easy to deal with sleeping. There were so many warehouses in the steel rolling mill, so they could make do with some straw and bedding. However, eating was a big problem. Director Yang was helping Li Donglai.

Very busy.


Since the workshop was in urgent need of porters, Li Donglai didn't waste any time and rode his bicycle back to Qinjiagou.

Qinjiagou is still the same as before. The large locust tree with a crooked neck at the entrance of the village has a red word "happy" on it. A large group of old women and young wives are sitting under the big tree to bask in the sun.

Hearing the sound of bicycle chains, they all stood up in unison. When they saw Li Donglai, the Li family's aunt walked up quickly.

"Donglai, are you back?"

Li Donglai was riding a bicycle with his feet hanging on the ground: "Auntie, has Uncle Sanmin left it in the house?"

"At this moment, the village chief is taking Sanbao and the others to build ditches in Beidi. Didn't we have a heavy snowfall here during the Chinese New Year? After the snow melted, the ditches were blocked by mud." The aunt of the Li family said softly.

Said softly.

"I still have something to do with Uncle Sanmin, so I won't talk more."

Li Donglai got on his bicycle and went straight to the north. Qinjiagou Village had about 500 acres of land. The villagers were not so poetic. In order to make it easier to distinguish, they divided the land into four parts, "southeast, northwest".

The terrain in the south was flat, and there were more ravines in the north. Li Donglai's buttocks were almost numb when he was riding his bicycle, and then he saw many heads in the fields in the distance.

There was a ditch on the other side of the field, and there was no way for a bicycle to pass through it. Li Donglai could only stick his bicycle in the field and run over quickly.

Next to the canal, village chief Qin Sanmin is instructing the members to clear the canal. Spring is coming soon. In case of drought, this canal may be of great use.

"Second bastard, if you work harder, you'll get through it in no time."

"Daniu, hurry up and pour out the soil with the basket, don't delay things."


"Hey, Donglai? Why are you back?"

Seeing Li Donglai's figure, Qin Sanmin hurriedly picked up his hoe and was stunned.

At this time, Li Donglai had already walked up to him and said with a smile: "Uncle Sanmin, I have good news to tell you when I come back this time!"

"Good news? Your wife has given birth? No, I heard Lao Qin said this. It's still a month away!" Qin Sanmin's face was full of doubts.

Li Donglai didn't show off and directly talked about the recruitment of temporary workers in the steel rolling mill.

Qin Sanmin's eyes widened in excitement and he slapped his thigh: "This is a good thing. The monthly salary of twenty-four and five yuan is more than what we earn in a year."

At this time, the members who were working in the ditch also heard the noise, put down their things, and gathered around.

"What's the salary of twenty-four and a half yuan? Is Brother Donglai helping people find work again?"

"Me, me, me, I have an eighty-year-old mother to support at home, and five children who are waiting for food. Come from the east, the quota this time must be given to me."

"And me, I have three children waiting to get married. Look at Lao Qin, who raises pigs in the city. In less than a year, all the children are married."


The members raised their hands and chattered.

Qin Sanmin grimaced and waved his hand: "Please be quiet. This time Dong came to help us get the quota, and there are still twenty-five."

When the members heard this, the smiles on their faces became even brighter. There were twenty-five places, so the chance of being selected increased a lot.

Before they could speak again, Qin Sanmin continued: "However, this time we are not going to raise pigs. The steel rolling mill needs a group of porters. After you go there, you will have to work hard. The steel is not light, you can

Think well."

When the members heard this, they were immediately happy.

They also thought that they needed to be able to read and write, and that would make them blind.

They were born to do hard work. As soon as they could run, they would help take care of their younger brothers. When they were a little older, they could help their parents collect firewood. When they grew to be half as tall as a hoe handle, they would go to the fields to work.


They were kicked out early in the morning, ate half a piece of cornbread, drank two wells to cool off, and worked in the fields all morning.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Over the years, they have long been accustomed to hard work.

"I'll sign up, village chief. I'm very strong and I'm sure to be a good hand at carrying steel."

"And I, I can carry a two hundred kilogram sack."


Just as Li Donglai thought, the porter job, which was not popular among city people, became a popular job in Qinjiagou Commune.

The members signed up enthusiastically, and more than fifty young and middle-aged people raised their hands just beside the ditch.

This makes Qin Sanmin a little embarrassed. There are only twenty-five places, and they are all from the countryside. Those who go are naturally happy, but those who can't go must not be willing to go.

In the end, he handed over the power of selecting people to Li Donglai.

Li Donglai is a big cadre in the city. Even if he doesn't pick anyone, no one dares to say no.

Besides, the steel rolling mill should have chosen the people in the first place.

Li Donglai didn't feel embarrassed and quickly named twenty-five from the crowd.

"Qin Guangzi, Qin Laosan, Qin Er Mazi, Qin Liu..."

Of course, there are considerations when choosing people.

Li Donglai has lived in Qinjiagou for more than ten years and knows the situation in Qinjiagou very well. The people he selected are all honest, willing to work hard, and have relatively difficult family conditions.

He asked Qin Sanmin to record his name and prepare to go back and submit it to the steel rolling mill for registration.

It was already getting late, and it was agreed that the steel rolling mill would send a car to pick them up tomorrow, so Li Donglai rode his bicycle back to the courtyard.

As soon as I entered the house and rested for a while, there was a rapid knock on the door.

Opening the door, Li Donglai saw Jia Zhang standing outside the door.

Jia Zhang's first words made Li Donglai unable to deal with him.

"Sir, I heard that the new workshop of the steel rolling mill is currently recruiting porters?"


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