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Chapter 128: All sentient beings are endless, and so are the sufferings.

This little elephant's confident words "I am born in Buddhism and do not know the scriptures"... made Fa Hai hold back for a long time and could not speak.

The great sage, who was always sharp-tongued, laughed out loud in anger.

Bajie snorted at the side: "You are from a Buddhist background...you don't even know the Buddhist scriptures."

The little elephant thought for a while and then said: "That's right!"

Bajie was stunned, "Why is it right?"

"I don't even understand Buddhist scriptures, how can I understand them?"

Bajie retreated.

Fa Hai also understood now that if Bajie was pretending to be stupid, then this little elephant in front of him was probably really stupid.

No wonder his father had to waste so much effort to reincarnate him and turn into a human form... How could he survive among the ferocious and cunning monsters with his temperament?

The scene was a little quiet for a while, but the king couldn't help but stepped forward and said: "Is what you said really true?"

"Your Majesty Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, if you tell even half a lie, the heaven will thunder and you will die on the spot."

After he finished speaking, the little elephant carefully looked up at the sky for a while. When he saw the wind was light and the clouds were clear, and the sun was rising, he jumped off the stage and said with a smile: "Look, what I said is all the truth."

Fa Hai waved the beads on his fingertips and recited Amitabha.

The king was actually a man of temperament. Seeing the situation in front of him, he felt a little uncomfortable, but he was not a shy person, so he stepped forward and apologized, saying: "I wrongly blamed Xiang Buddha..."

"Don't!" the little elephant said quickly: "Don't call me like Buddha anymore... I was punished by God for a while, but I can't explain it clearly. Your misunderstanding was also due to my fault. Now that I am really like Dabai,

Then it’s even, it’s even.”

"It should be like this, it should be like this." The king also agreed repeatedly.

"Haha." The little elephant grinned happily: "Now you are not a foolish king, and I am not a demon Buddha... Master Tripitaka, I wonder if my disciple can ask for a favor from you?"

"If you have something to say, it doesn't hurt to say it."

"My disciple pretended to be a Buddha and received incense here. I feel deeply guilty. I know that Master Samantabhadra found out about this matter. I will not be punished. I am afraid that this temple will also be reduced to nothing..." The little elephant looked aside.

The old abbot, who was mixed with joy and sorrow, bowed to Master Tripitaka and said, "May the holy monk speak to the monks in the temple in front of Samantabhadra, so that he can only punish one of his disciples, and then go around them.

Tell them to eat fast and recite Buddha's name here..."

"Wow——" The abbot couldn't help crying immediately, and he knelt down and said: "Like the Buddha, he is compassionate..."

All the monks also bowed down.

"Oh, don't get up quickly... I... Master Tripitaka, please take care of them..." The little elephant was suddenly at a loss and had to ask Master Tripitaka for help.

Despite his age, the abbot was very agile at this time. He knelt down to Master Tripitaka and said, "Master, please have mercy."

"Please have mercy, Master."

"Amitabha." Seeing this scene, Master Sanzang was inevitably moved. Did the Buddha save the world, or did the world save the Buddha?

Or...this scene of mutual perfection is what the World Honored One calls everyone like a Buddha?

You are worthy of being born into a famous family.

Fahai pondered for a moment and then said: "Using the power of incense to transform a demon into a human form, although it is a heretical technique, I remember that you have compassion in your heart and have never done any evil..."

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone present looked at Master Tripitaka——

"Well - let's do this. Since you have received his incense for two hundred years, and now you are out of trouble, you will stay in Baoxiang Kingdom and protect him for another two hundred years to repay the cause and effect. During your punishment, you can stay at Baoxiang Buddhist Temple.

While reciting the Buddha's name, you are not allowed to leave without any reason."

When everyone heard this, their eyes immediately brightened.

"But!" Fahai changed the topic again and said: "You are only allowed to protect him from the disaster of national destruction, from the invasion of demons, and not to interfere in the internal affairs of the royal family, not to interfere in national policies, not to use force to conquer other countries...

Can you do it?"

The little elephant was overjoyed when he heard this, and nodded repeatedly: "It can be done, it can be done! It's just the divine monk, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva..."

"It is reasonable and reasonable for the poor monk to punish you like this. If you are not punished twice, I believe Samantabhadra Bodhisattva will not pursue it." Fahai thought for a while and then said: "If anything happens, the poor monk will personally explain it to the Bodhisattva."

"Thank you, holy monk!"

"Amitabha." Fahai recited the Buddha's name, looked at the king, and said, "What do you think, Your Majesty?"

But His Majesty stepped out and came directly to the little elephant and said, "I have a suggestion."

"What proposal?"

"It's said that you can't get to know each other without fighting." This king was also courageous. He actually took the hand of the little elephant and walked up to Master Sanzang and said: "We have received the grace of the holy monk to turn conflicts into friendship. Isn't it just destiny?


Then he looked at the little elephant and said, "If you don't give up, I would like to be friends with you for eight years. The love of brotherhood... There is a holy monk in front of me this time, so I should bear witness."

The little elephant subconsciously looked at Master Tripitaka, wanting to know what the holy monk's opinion was. However, after looking at it for a long time, he could not see any clues from Master Tripitaka's face. He thought for a moment and said: "If you can do it, you can do it.

But I have to be the big brother."


Everyone couldn't help but laugh together. Even Fahai almost failed, but after all, he was highly skilled and could hold back, which impressed everyone.

Just do what you say.

The monks arranged the incense eucalyptus again, and everyone was smiling. They originally thought that something bad would happen today, but they didn't expect that things would turn out differently.

Now their family is "Xiang Buddha" and they are brothers with the king of the country. They also received the Buddhist scriptures taught by Master Tripitaka before. Now their Baoxiang Buddha Temple should be worthy of its name.

Under the witness of Master Tripitaka, the little elephant became friends with the king Babai and became brothers.

After that, the little elephant simply bowed before Master Tripitaka and said, "My disciple has been enlightened by the divine monk and taught scriptures by the divine monk. I would like to worship the divine monk and ask the divine monk to fulfill my wishes."

One is rushing, and two are letting go.

I originally thought that I had already accepted Baihuaxi's two sons as registered names, but now it seems a little inappropriate to accept this little elephant who is sworn brother to the king of Baoxiang Kingdom.

It can be seen that this little elephant's character is malleable, and considering that Nezha and Li Jing are both father and son, and brothers, it is not a big problem... He said: "It's not impossible to accept you..."

"Disciple pays homage to Master!" The little elephant immediately knelt down to pay homage, and he was very clever at this time.

"You two also come forward together." Fa Hai didn't pay much attention. He waved to Da Lang and Er Lang who were following Bai Huaxian, and said: "I will take advantage of today to ordain you two and introduce us to me.


"Disciple, thank you Master." The two little demons also paid their respects one after another.

These three people knelt in front of Master Tripitaka and kowtowed heavily. Then Fahai reached out and gently rubbed their heads, and then removed their hair.

"Since you are members of the poor monk's sect, you must know the taboos of this sect... If you dare to do evil, the poor monk is thousands of miles away, so I should personally save you."

"Disciple, please remember this." The three of them agreed in unison.

"When you enter Buddhism, you should have the name of Dharma. All the poor monks have the word Wu..." Fahai looked at the little elephant and said: "You can call him Wu Xiang."

"For the two of you, the eldest man is the one who realizes the truth, and the second man is the one who understands the nature."

"Thank you, Master, for giving me the Dharma title."

"Let's go see all the senior brothers."

The three of them went to meet the senior brothers next to each other.

Immediately afterwards, the whole city congratulated, and the king of Baoxiang Kingdom ordered all the people to celebrate together. All expenses should be taken from the internal funds, and the people would not use any money.


At this moment, there are two Bodhisattvas hiding in mid-air to watch. They are the two great masters Guanyin Bodhisattva and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva.

"Good, good, good." Guanyin Bodhisattva couldn't hide the smile on her face. She looked at Samantabhadra and asked with a smile: "How is it?"

"Amitabha." Samantabhadra Bodhisattva also responded with a smile: "You are worthy of the name of an eminent monk."

Guanyin Bodhisattva suddenly lowered his head and said softly: "Your sitting white elephant is in Shituoling this time..."

"He gave birth to this son to strengthen brotherhood." Samantabhadra Bodhisattva looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva and sighed: "Let him go."

"Amitabha." Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva frowned and said, "Although the Three Tibetan Buddhist scriptures should avoid disasters step by step, they should not bring disasters to all living beings. Is this move... Lingshan inappropriate?"

"A poor monk travels through the three realms, and wherever he sees, there are disasters everywhere, and not just on this journey to the west?" Samantabhadra Bodhisattva said solemnly: "Although my fellow Taoist cares about the common people and is called the Great Compassionate and Compassionate Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, in the end... alas...


Samantabhadra Bodhisattva sighed softly, "All living beings are suffering, how can we overcome it all? It can't be overcome, it can't be overcome!"

“If we can’t cross it completely, why don’t we stop crossing it?”

Samantabhadra Bodhisattva showed pain and suffering on his face, "I have traveled throughout the three realms, and wherever I go, I have overcome all the sufferings. How can I not overcome it? My fellow Taoist has transformed into thousands of bodies, and manifested his spirit everywhere. No matter what I ask for, I can't answer it. How can I not overcome it?"

"Why can't we cross it to the end?"

"All living beings are endless, and suffering is also endless."


The two Bodhisattvas looked at each other and left without further words.


After staying at Baoxiang Elementary School for three to five days, Master Fahai and his disciples finally said goodbye and set off to the west.

Before Fa Hai left, he left the full text of the Avatamsaka Sutra for the monks in Baoxiang Buddhist Temple to study. In addition, he also left a piece of the Ksitigarbha Sutra to transcend the souls of the dead.

The little elephant was reluctant to leave and begged the master and the brothers to stay for a few more days. During these days, he followed the master to recite Buddha's name during the day and practiced with the brothers at night. It was very fulfilling.

Not only has Buddhism made great progress, but the body has also become stronger.

He originally thought that his body was strong enough, but unexpectedly he could not defeat any of the four senior brothers. After careful questioning, he found out that the origins of these four senior brothers were all extraordinary.

"Master, I am going to the West to worship Buddha and seek sutras. After I have accomplished my goal, I will have a return trip. Then I will come back and stay for a few days." Fahai touched the little elephant's head and said with a smile, "The "Precious Elephant Sutra" is

It is full of errors and omissions, but at any rate it is the hard work of nine generations of monks in this temple. I hope that you will one day write it into a true Buddhist scripture that can be handed down for generations. Only in this way... can it live up to my expectations."

Seeing that Master had such great expectations for him, Little Elephant quickly knelt down and kowtowed: "I must live up to Master's teachings and truly write the "Precious Elephant Buddhist Sutra"!"

"You don't have to send me far away. I'm leaving this poor monk."

The king and queen of Baoxiang Kingdom, Princess Baihuaxiang, the abbot of Baoxiang Buddhist Temple, the monks and the three disciples of Master Tripitaka watched the master and apprentice go west. After they lost sight of their figures, they looked at each other and turned back into the city.

Everyone gathered again in the main hall of Baoxiang Buddhist Temple. They formed a circle and the atmosphere was a little solemn.

Not long after, the little elephant (Wuxiang) said: "Little monk, let me express my attitude first——"


This chapter has been completed!
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