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Chapter 188 You, a common man, should have left long ago

Chapter 189 You, a common man, should have left long ago

The bursts of thunder were extremely loud, frightening the sinful monk locked in the prison to the point where he left his body for fear of suffering divine punishment.

The whole country of Chechi was covered in gray. Suddenly the dragon gave orders and rain filled the sky. As the saying goes, the dragon was ordered to send down the rain, and suddenly the land was covered with waves.

The good rain lasted for three hours. It was so late that the car came down, and the streets were flooded with water inside and outside.

Seeing that the rain was not stopping, the people shouted: "It's rained enough! It's rained enough! If it rains more than ten minutes, it will destroy the seedlings, which is not beautiful."

However, they saw that the emperor had already sent someone to pass the order, and the Wufeng downstairs officer rode his horse to the altar in the rain and reported: "Master, the rain is enough!"


There was another thundering sound, this one was the loudest, even louder than the thunderous thunder.

I am also afraid that the Lord of Thunder and the Dragon King will not hear clearly and cannot tell the difference.

After this sound, the wind stopped first, then the thunder and lightning, and gradually the clouds opened and the mist dispersed with the drizzle of light rain.

When the Great Sage saw that Deng Tianjun of the Thunder Department, the Duke of Thunder and the Mother of Lightning, and the Dragon King of the Four Seas were all there, he said to the Master: "Master, I, the old grandson, went up to see my friends. Come back as soon as you go."

After saying that, in full view of everyone, he flew into the clouds and said: "Old Deng, Old Dragon King, please stay for a moment, I, the old grandson, are here!"

When Xiao Bailong saw him, he said: "Master, since my father is here, I should pay my respects to him."

"Go quickly, don't be lazy."

The little white dragon also flew up.

The Great Sage saw them hiding in the clouds, fearing that mortals would see their figures, but the Great Sage said: "The clouds and mist are lifted, and you rain down rain to help all the people. This is an act of merit, so why are you afraid that people will see them?"


After hearing this, all the gods laughed and scolded Monkey. He obviously wanted to show off his kindness, but he used such words to throw such words at them.

After saying this, they lost their disguise and truly appeared in front of the people of Chechi Kingdom, attracting all the people to kneel down and worship.

They looked at each other, but ignored the great sage who came to them to reminisce. They only raised their hands to Master Tripitaka below and said: "Thank you, Master Tripitaka, for accepting the great sage as a disciple, carefully restraining and teaching, and removing one thing from the Three Realms."

In case of great disaster, Master’s merits are immeasurable.”

These words made the great sage so angry that he took out his golden cudgel and pointed it at them and said, "Hey! Could it be that you are trying to trick me, Old Sun, that the stick is not heavy enough? Look at the beating!"

"Haha - the monkey is acting up again, I'll wait and go!" Deng Tianjun, with a roll of auspicious clouds, returned to the heaven with the God of Thunder. He didn't want to entangle too much with the great sage, just talk about taking advantage. If he really wanted to fight, he would just rely on it.

They are no match.

It's rare to see the great sage being deflated, which is a great source of conversation.

The great sage descended from the clouds and said deliberately: "Master, relying on your power, they teased me like this, waiting for me to succeed in studying the scriptures, and then went to demolish his Lei Mansion."

When the three masters and the king saw it, they were inevitably envious. Although they had the method of praying for rain, the most powerful thing was the Five Thunder Method created by the old man himself. Although it could bring rain to these true gods and dragon kings, it was hard to say that it was even better.


Maybe they don't want to see them at all.

After all, you can rest comfortably. Normal rainfall in the three realms has its own rules and regulations, so why are they needed?

However, Laojun’s Five Thunder Techniques do not allow them to be the shopkeepers who know how to pray for rain. Otherwise, if several places pray for rain at the same time, how can they have a rest and move around?


Master Tripitaka and his disciples are still capable. The quarrel between the great sage and the gods of the Lei tribe in the previous episode, as well as the gods saluting Master Tripitaka, all showed that their identities were different.

After a while, the little white dragon, who had met his father and three uncles, also returned.

The Dragon King of the West Sea even stepped onto earth in person, bowed to Master Tripitaka, and said, "Young man, I worship under the disciple of the holy monk. I have troubled the holy monk all the way."

"Ao Lie has extraordinary qualifications, excellent conduct, and a rare compassionate heart. Even without the guidance of a poor monk, he will become a great person in the future." Fahai said with a smile: "It is a blessing for the Dragon King to have a son like this."

Listening to Master Tripitaka praising his son, the Dragon King of the West Sea couldn't hide the smile on his face, which showed that he was also proud from the bottom of his heart.

"I haven't thanked the holy monk for his advice to my nephew." The Dragon King of the West Sea bowed to Master Tripitaka again, this time for the little dragon in the Black Water River. "He is reckless by nature. If it weren't for the magician's mediation,

I am afraid that I have violated a taboo and will inevitably be imprisoned. But now I have saved my life and got a good marriage. It is all thanks to the guidance of the holy monk. Xiao Wang is very grateful."

"Amitabha." Fa Hai recited the Buddha's name and said, "The Dragon King doesn't blame the poor monk for messing up the mandarin duck book. The poor monk will be happy!"

"Zhao Jie sent a letter saying that the day when the holy monk obtained the scriptures and returned to pass by the Heishui River would be the day of his wedding. At that time, he would also treat the holy monk to a glass of wedding wine. The holy monk must not refuse. The holy monk does not drink alcohol.

You can always drink a cup of tea."

"Hahahaha, I invited the poor monk to be the matchmaker, and the poor monk will definitely be there when the time comes."

There was another conversation between the two sides, and finally the Dragon King of the West Sea raised his hands to Master Tripitaka and said: "The little king wishes the holy monk a smooth journey and that he can obtain the scriptures as soon as possible. If there is any mission, just ask the great sage to do somersaults to the four seas and give instructions, and the little king will definitely come.


After saying that, he stood up, stood with the three brothers, raised their hands to Master Tripitaka and said, "We take our leave."

After saying this, he saw auspicious clouds covering him and scattering in all directions.

What does it mean to gain knowledge?

Master Tripitaka was really a great monk, and even the gods and dragon kings treated him with courtesy. As the king of the country, and the three masters of the country, they didn't even say a word or even look at them.

"The Holy Monk has great skills." The king was truly convinced of Master Tripitaka at this moment. Even though the three previous masters had been praising him for a long time, it was still not as good as the bows from the Gods of the Lei Department and the Dragon King of the Four Seas.

The monkey was jumping up and down, saying that he made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace five hundred years ago and was not surrendered by this holy monk?

No wonder the king of Tang wanted to swore sworn sworn vows to him, and no wonder the two heads of Baoxiang and Wuji were unwilling to let him go. If such eminent monks could help him, why worry about the country not being prosperous?

Even small temples such as theirs may not be able to accommodate such "true Buddhas" who go to Lingshan. It is precisely this kind of eminent monks who dare to punish the sinful monks according to the national law.

Thinking of this, the king suddenly lost interest and stood up and said: "I am tired, so I will help the two national teachers to accompany the holy monk on my behalf."

The Great Immortal Huli and the Great Immortal Luli immediately showed joy on their faces and said in their hearts: You, a common man, should have left long ago.

The queen was very reluctant to leave, but she saw that the king was depressed, so she left with him. On the way, she asked: "Why did your majesty suddenly lose his temper?"

"Ah," the king sighed and said, "Looking at this kind of person one more time will make your heart hurt even more. It's better not to look at it, so that your eyes can be quieter."

"Your Majesty is so greedy." The Queen smiled and said: "In the past, the state affairs were presided over by the old master, and there were three national masters praying for good weather. Your Majesty was just a hands-off shopkeeper, and he already enjoyed all the glory. However, this holy monk of the Tang Dynasty,

I’m afraid they still look down on a small, barbaric country like ours.”

"Hehehe." The king laughed for a while: "It turns out that the queen sees everything."

"Your Majesty, do you still want to pretend to be ignorant?"

"Let's pretend for now." The king hummed a tune in his mouth and said: "I don't have a few easy days to live, so take advantage of these few days to enjoy yourself."

Three Pure Views.

After the king left, it was naturally the three national masters who acted as hosts. When Master Luli heard that Master Sanzang was going to Sanqing Monastery as a guest, he left the old master behind, leaving a few disciples to monitor him, and hurriedly

Return to Sanqing Temple.

The world is vast, and discussing the Tao with Master Tripitaka is the most important at this time.

This Sanqing Temple has been under construction for twenty years and is still being repaired. Firstly, the three national masters urged me not to be in a hurry. Secondly, the craftsmen who worked on it got their wages according to the sky. Thirdly, the work was done slowly and carefully.

However, it can also be seen that it is a high hall in the spiritual area, the true hall of blessed land. On both sides, Taoist priests play the sheng reed, and in the front is a high official carrying jade slips.

Before Fa Hai and several disciples entered the temple, they saw clearly that there was a couplet woven in yellow silk hanging in front of the temple door, embroidered with twenty-two large characters, which read: "The rain is favorable and the wind is gentle, I wish the Heavenly Lord immeasurable law; He Qinghai

Yan, I pray that you may live for many more years.”

Everyone said that it was normal for Taoist temples to have couplets hung upright in front of them, just like Wuzhuang Temple, which was the only one with no other branches.

After entering, we saw seven or eight hundred people standing on either side, playing drums and bells, offering incense and expressing their love.

Above the main hall, the statues of Sanqing, Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun and Lingbao Daojun are naturally offered.

Although Fahai is a Buddhist figure, he always has respect for other ancestors. When he saw the statue of Sanqing, he also offered incense. All the disciples followed the master in a dignified manner.

When the three national masters saw Master Tripitaka acting like this, they were even more amazed. How could he not be a living eminent monk with such a big heart? In any case, they would never be able to do such a thing as offering incense to the Buddha.


The three national masters invited Master Tripitaka to take a seat, and then said to the Great Sage and others: "The three poor Taoists would like to discuss Taoism with Master Tripitaka. Elders, if you want to listen or participate, just sit down on your own; if you are impatient with the scriptures, just sit down.

Call a few disciples and wander around the temple at will. Although the Three Purities Temple is large, there are no taboos."

Bajie got up first and said, "Do you have any snacks? The old pig has been hungry for a long time."

He didn't pretend either. He was hungry just because he was hungry. The imperial examination promised by the master was ruined. Now they were going to discuss Taoism in the Sanqing Temple. He didn't know how long it would take. He couldn't bear it.

"There are enough kinds of fruit snacks, all made by the imperial chef."

Oops, didn’t Master coax me?

Should this be the place?

Bajie followed a young Taoist priest to the side hall.

Xiao Bailong was not interested in the Taoist scriptures. After informing his master, he asked about the martial arts field in Sanqing Temple and went to practice spear practice.

The Great Sage sat on the side of the master and listened, wanting to see what the three masters' attainments in Taoism were.

Wu Jing did not reject anyone who came, and what he learned became more and more complex. That is to say, his nine minds were integrated, and he was able to take into account all aspects of learning and become proficient in all aspects. This ability was enviable even by the great sage.

At the beginning of the discussion, the three national teachers did not learn much. Only one reading of the "Huang Ting Tao Zhen Jing" was profound and profound, which was enough for them to practice for a lifetime.

The great sage also knew about this scripture and learned it more deeply than the three of them. From the beginning of the discussion, it was the great sage who responded to it, and then it became the unilateral guidance of the three of them.

Immortal Huli felt frustrated, but the person in front of him was the famous Monkey King after all. However, he did not expect that he was not only a stick player, but also had such a profound understanding of the Taoist scriptures.

Immortal Luli sighed: No wonder the Immortal Zhenyuan of Wuzhuang Temple praised him. He is so famous that he has no false reputation. He should seize this opportunity to ask for advice.

It's over.

Immortal Yangli showed a sad look on his face: "My brothers are three, but they are not as good as one monk in understanding the Huangting Sutra. How can I live in this world and serve the Three Pure Ones?"

Master, this disciple is unfilial——

This chapter has been completed!
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