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Chapter 19: Buddha opens his mouth, Bodhisattva breaks his legs

I don’t know when it started, but I seemed to start thinking about things from a demon’s perspective.

And deep in my heart, there will be a voice like this reminding myself from time to time - Fahai, you have changed!

"If the fox demon really wants to eat Tang Monk's flesh, are you still willing to cross him?" When Fa Hai heard this question from Xiao Bai Long, he didn't know how to answer it.

Because Fahai himself couldn't explain clearly.

Thinking about it carefully...it seems that the probability of his salvation is slightly increased.

But if you think about Sister Fox and the innocent child, if you really want to save them...it doesn't seem to be an appropriate choice.

Fortunately, the fox demon made a correct decision and would not put himself in a dilemma.

I don’t know where it started, but Fahai, who had a rock-like heart, actually became a little softer. Perhaps it was this softness that made him look more like an ordinary monk now...rather than those high and mighty people who were enshrined.

The "Golden Buddha".

"Perhaps it would be more suitable for me to be a down-to-earth mortal monk."

There is a Confucian saying that is true: travel thousands of miles and read thousands of books.

Have you studied more than ten thousand volumes of Buddhist scriptures?

But so what?

He just cultivated himself to the point of being possessed by demons, and thought that he was a "true Buddha coming to earth". He even boasted that he would do the right thing for heaven and kill demons.

If the way of heaven really cannot tolerate evil spirits, why should they be allowed to be born in the three realms?

Now we have just left Liangjie Mountain and passed by Wanku Mountain. During this short journey of just a few days, Fahai has really seen one thing clearly... Monsters are not necessarily monsters; and people are not necessarily monsters.


Demons and demons should not be confused.

Compared with Zhen'er, just relying on his past actions, in the hearts of those demon spirits who are bent on doing good, wouldn't he also be a big devil who controls the three realms?

In this way, the fox demon is right, he is probably also a demon monk.

Just as Fahai did not answer Xiao Bailong, Sun Wukong did not answer Master.

There is no doubt that Master's Buddhist teachings are profound, and the method that can change a person's mind after falling asleep and waking up will undoubtedly frighten Sun Wukong even more.

Sun Wukong couldn't understand for a moment. He had seen the robber Lao Liu and the fox demon Fifth Brother look completely different... Although they were still the same skin, were they really the same person?

It's just that being transformed by the master's Buddhist teachings is so different. If you take the initiative to learn it, hiss - the great sage shuddered all over.

He just briefly imagined himself sitting on a futon in his mind, meditating and chanting sutras motionless, but he felt a chill all over his body.

Let’s put aside the matter of studying Buddhism for the time being. Until you figure it out, just pretend it has never been mentioned before...

He was also glad that he had been obedient from the beginning. If the master had used that method on himself, he could have experienced the inspiration of Buddhism... As he was thinking about this, he looked at the master's eyes. Because he was slightly

If you feel guilty, you won't dare to look directly at him, and you will look aside.

When Fahai saw Wukong's expression changing, he must have figured out something.

But Xiao Bailong stood respectfully aside, as if he was still waiting for him to answer his doubts. After thinking for a while, he said a nonsense in a classic Buddhist style, "There is a way to survive without eating, and there is a way to survive by eating."


As for what Xiao Bailong can figure out from this irreconcilable answer, and even he himself doesn't know the answer, it all depends on personal luck.

But judging from his appearance, there is a high probability that he is just expressing his feelings, and most likely he will not take it seriously.

Master and disciple, each with their own thoughts in mind, embarked on the westward journey, which lasted two or three months.

The journey was quite uneventful, that is, I encountered some blind thieves or nomads, not many fairies, and there were wolves, insects, tigers, and leopards without interruption.

It was just as promised before. During the day, the little white dragon transformed into a dragon horse carrying him around and bowed, and at night he transformed into a human form and rested together...

It's just that... Xiao Bailong woke up one night and found his master holding a purple gold alms bowl in his hands, chanting words, and rays of Buddha's light were constantly embedded in it, turning into mysterious mantras; and the senior brother was also constantly adjusting

Immortal essence, sort out the blocked meridians all over your body...


Master and senior brother are actually practicing at night?

Xiao Bailong felt that he had been deceived. He had clearly promised to rest at night, but he was the only one who took it seriously, and he slept very soundly every night... After all, the master and senior brother were very powerful. If they were really in danger...

There is no need to put in any effort on your own.

The Great Sage has been trapped under the Five Elements Mountain for more than five hundred years. It can basically be said that five hundred years have been wasted. It is lucky that his magic power has not deteriorated.

You can cultivate this kind of thing, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

The Great Sage wasted more than five hundred years, but others gained five hundred more years of practice... How majestic was he when he was traveling across the three realms?

Now when he came out of the mountain, he met two powerful foxes. If the female fox hadn't been pregnant, his great sage grandfather's reputation would have been lost!

But five hundred years ago, even though we knew the names of these two foxes?

Another five hundred years have passed. Even though I know what powerful person has emerged from the Three Realms?

Therefore, every night, he would sort out the blocked meridians and practice hard... Now it has been quite effective.

As for Fahai, as early as one month after leaving Wanku Mountain, he recovered his magic power at its peak. Now he is practicing intensively every night, completely digesting Master Tripitaka's Buddhist insights, integrating Mahayana and Hinayana into one body, and his magic power and cultivation are all combined.

As a realm, there is a qualitative change.

I dare not say that I am the opponent of the fox girl who has mastered the eighth form of the Heaven-Splitting Divine Palm, but if I are to deal with the "Fifth Brother" who only has the seventh form, it is enough even without the blessing of the brocade cassock and the nine-ring tin staff.

Win it.

I had competed with Wukong before, and the situation was in a stalemate without both sides using their full strength.

After the discussion, whether it was Wukong or Fahai, the two of them practiced even more diligently.

This is one of the reasons why Xiao Bailong felt very at ease when he rested at night. After all, he was the "only" witness to this sparring match.

But ever since he saw the scene of his master and senior brother practicing at night, he couldn't fish with peace of mind... and had no choice but to join the ranks of practicing at night.

In fact, there was also a Guanyin Bodhisattva who witnessed that competition.

But after the Bodhisattva saw this competition, he couldn't wait to send the three tight hoops away, so he went directly back to the Western Lingshan Mountain and reported everything he saw to the Lord Buddha.

But I heard the Buddha also say: "Just now, Taibai Jinxing came and said that when he escorted Tang Sanzang to the front of Liangjie Mountain, his magical power was amazing. Maybe it was Jin Chanzi who had awakened his true spirit."

"Why didn't he tell me earlier?" The Bodhisattva was a little anxious for a moment. This happened two or three months ago!

"He first went back to heaven to report to the Jade Emperor, and after receiving the order from the Jade Emperor, he came to Lingshan... As the saying goes, one day in the sky and one year on the earth... this time was wasted."

As we all know, Taibai Jinxing's feet are quite slow...


Did they do it on purpose?

"Buddha, now that things have happened, great changes have taken place in the journey to the west. Lingshan needs to make plans in advance."

"Everything on the journey to the west is handled by Master Guanyin and does not need to go through me." The Buddha was like a hands-off shopkeeper, delegating full power to Guanyin Bodhisattva. "As soon as the decision is made, Master can act expediently."

"Respect my Buddha's teachings."

What can a Bodhisattva do?

This is the life of hard work.

The Buddha opens his mouth, and the Bodhisattva breaks his legs...


Time flies and it’s early spring again.

But you can see the mountains and forests are green, the grass and trees are sprouting green buds; the plum blossoms have faded, and the willow eyes are beginning to open.

The three masters and apprentices were walking together to enjoy the spring scenery, and saw the sun setting in the west. Unknowingly, it was time to practice again.

Wukong jumped up to a high point and looked forward. He saw shadows of towers and dark palaces in the valley. He smiled at his master and said, "Master, there is a temple in front of me, but I don't know which statue is enshrined there."


"We have been eating the wind and drinking the dew all the way, staying in the deserted mountains at night, and were about to go to his temple to stay for a night...As for who to worship, you monkey head, besides Tathagata Buddha, do you also know the second true person?


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