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Chapter 218: This Demon King of Jindou Mountain may harm countless people

Chapter 219 This demon king of Jindou Mountain may harm countless people

Although he knew it was a monster village, Fa Hai still led Wu Jing inside, leaving three disciples guarding outside the village.

He is also an expert in art and has the courage to enter the tiger's den himself.

"Master." Wu Jing asked curiously: "Disciple, look at this Zhuangzi. He is quite wealthy. How did the demon king turn this point into a demon mansion? Even if he walked in like this, it didn't seem like a dangerous place. This

How does the Demon Village rely on people to get people?"

"My teacher has only heard of this method, and has no idea how to enlighten it. But just because he can enlighten a villa of this size, I guess the demon king has a lot of skills. I heard Wukong said it was a green bull

Jing, maybe he is related to the Bull Demon King."

"As for how the demon mansion captures people." Fahai thought for a moment and said: "I heard that they usually use traps to trap people, to seduce them with food, wealth, and wine. It's just the demon mansion in front of us. It shouldn't be such a child's play.


After all, this demon mansion has extraordinary momentum, and a demon king with such ability would probably disdain such an ordinary assassination mechanism.

However, don’t let your guard down because of this.

"The two stone lions outside the door are the enlightened stone demons. Look at the willow trees in the courtyard, and there is a hidden vine at the foot." Fahai said with a smile: "Interesting, in the severe cold of winter, there seems to be nothing.

The dead leaves, branches and vines are easy for people to ignore."

There were two sets of pens and papers floating around Wu Jing, one for writing, and the other for presenting the scene in front of him on the scroll.

"Master, how to deal with these two demons?" Two more obsessional spirits floated out of Wu Jing's body, locking the willow demon and the vine demon respectively. As for the two stone demons outside, they have their own senior brother and others to discipline them.

"The monsters here have just been enlightened. Although the creatures have been around for some time, they have not done evil yet. Seriously speaking, they are just the spirits of wood and stone that have been enlightened, and they are not monsters yet." Fa Hai thought for a while and said:

"We are destined to meet each other. It's a good time to try your Buddhist practice. In the past, you have always saved the souls of the dead, but have you tried to transform evil spirits and bring them to Buddhahood?"

Wu Jing was stunned for a moment and said, "Master, do you want me to transform them?"

"Since you have been transformed into spirits by the Demon King, you will inevitably do evil in the future. Why not take advantage of the fact that the spirits in this villa are just being transformed and have not done any evil before you lead them to the right path."

Wu Jing thought for a while and said: "What the master said makes sense, and I will accept my instruction."

Although it is always said that Master traveled westward to slay demons, the demons he killed were man-eating demons, and the demons he subdued were also evil demons that harmed people. For those kind-hearted people, Master never hesitated to give guidance and lead them to the right path.

Just like the three junior brothers from Baoxiang Kingdom, don't they also have demon bodies?

Rather than saying that Master's intention is to slay demons, it is actually more appropriate to describe it as punishing evil and promoting good.

Such spirits have not done any evil yet, and indeed you cannot save them if you encounter them today just because they may become monsters and harm people in the future. This cannot help but go against the compassion of Buddhism, and in fact, it goes against Master's desire to kill evil and protect the Way.

Evil people need to be punished.

But now, it is a good deed to lead these newborn spirits into the right path.

Wu Jing's mind was clear, and Fa Hai just nudged him a little, and he realized something. A spirit floated out of the door, and another one sat cross-legged between the two demons and began to recite Buddhist scriptures.

The Great Sage, who was originally planning to destroy the two stone demons, naturally stopped after seeing this scene.

Its sound is gentle and majestic, not a method of intensity. Its body shines with golden light, and its warmth can melt ice and snow——

Two theories of Confucianism.

One says that human nature is inherently good, the other says that human nature is inherently evil.

In fact, if we look at the creatures in the three realms, it is difficult to escape this kind of situation. Regardless of their nature, the most important thing from now on is to guide and teach.

Wujing's understanding of Buddhism is really impressive. Among his several disciples, he is the one with the Buddha-nature. In terms of this temperament alone, he is probably purer than himself.

It's normal when you think about it. After all, it was Master Tripitaka's ninth obsession, and although he claimed to be an ordinary monk, he was actually just killing monks.

Those who can truly practice the Eight Precepts of Buddhism will have perfected their merits and virtues and can cross the Lingshan Mountain by themselves. Why do they still need a Buddha to cross over?

If Fahai can let go of the thought of killing and the evil spirit of the Buddha, perhaps the second relic of Buddhahood will be successfully condensed. But if he really lets go, he will no longer be Fahai.

Just like the Daoji monk back then, he would rather stay crazy in the human world than enter the Lingshan Mountain to achieve enlightenment.

People only saw that his wine and meat penetrated his intestines, but who knew that wine was blood and flesh was resurrected, and that those who were eaten by him could be reborn?

When it comes to compassion, Fa Hai thinks that he is far inferior to Jigong, and who else can compare to the Living Buddha?

Thinking of this, Fa Hai took a look to the west and said to himself: I don't know whether the Dragon-Subduing Arhat will come down to earth to experience calamity in this life, and I don't know what Lingshan looks like now.

Fahai and Wujing continued walking inside.

However, he saw three halls with tightly closed curtains, quiet and completely deserted. Occasionally, small wild animals hurried past, but they were not evil spirits inspired by enlightenment. Wu Jing was slightly disappointed because of the two obsessions he had just released.

His spirit transformed into four goblins quite smoothly, which made him very excited for the moment.

Compared with following the master all the way to slay demons and transform the undead. Although he does not reject it, he is not as happy as the Great Sage and Little White Dragon. Today is the first time to slay demons, although he has not yet succeeded.

, it was very much in line with his wishes.

Follow the master all the way forward, turn around the screen door, and walk inward. You will find a large hall behind the hall. The upper window panes are half open, and a yellow silk curtain can be faintly seen.

The two of them smelled the fragrant aroma before they entered the building. When they entered the building, Wu Jing pointed at the table in front of him and said in surprise: "Oh, there are so many things to eat here. Fortunately, the second senior brother did not come in, otherwise there would be another trouble for Master.

Is this what you just said, craving for delicious food? It’s just that we are fasting monks, so we have to prepare this table of wine and meat. It’s better to serve some hot porridge.”

Fahai pointed to the five chairs and said, "Fine and wine are just a camouflage. Have you ever seen tables and chairs since we entered the village?"

"The three halls outside are empty. I saw the tables and chairs here for the first time." Wu Jing paused and said, "Is this chair a mechanism?"

He separated a spiritual body, and as his magic power surged, it gradually turned into a semi-real form, and the spiritual body sat on it.


Vines sprouted out of nowhere on the chair, seemingly trying to bind the spirit body. However, the semi-solid spirit body was seen to be insubstantial, causing the vines to penetrate the void.

Wu Jing looked at it carefully: "This kind of ordinary mechanism seems to be able to capture only mortals."

Fahai muttered words, and a golden light flashed from his fingertips on the tables and chairs, and the evil spell attached to them was lifted in a moment.

When Wu Jing was confused about what he meant, he heard his master say: "Go upstairs and have a look."

As we climbed up to the second floor, we were greeted by a golden light. On one side were piles of gold, silver and jewelry, and on the other side were walls as high as brocade. The entire second floor was completely filled, leaving only a path leading to the third floor.



Even Wu Jing, who had seen many of the Demon King's treasures, was shocked when he suddenly saw such wealth. "Master, if this disciple is not mistaken, these treasures are all real."

"It's true." His master and apprentice both had extraordinary eyesight.

"If that's the case, Master, the demon king of Jindou Mountain, will probably harm countless people. Otherwise, how could he accumulate such wealth?"

This chapter has been completed!
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