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Chapter 277: Brothers and sisters, beloved relatives and friends

The words of the Great Sage of Ventilation can be said to be a heavy blow to the heart of the Great Sage.

The Great Sage Ventilation is right. Ever since the Great Sage was born, he has never regarded himself as a monster. Especially after he returned from studying under the Patriarch Bodhi...

Because of what he saw, heard, and learned, he was destined to be no ordinary monster. Although he was unruly by nature, he did not possess the habits of a monster.

Even when I traveled to the Three Realms, I met six brothers. They talked about literature and martial arts day by day, walked around and passed on drinking wine, sang and danced, went in the morning and returned in the evening, and were all unhappy. They regarded the place thousands of miles away as just a palace.

the road.

Occasionally, they were invited to gather at Huaguo Mountain, but there was no cruelty from the monsters at all. They just arranged banquets, killed cattle and horses, offered sacrifices to heaven and earth, and danced and sang with the monsters...

The Great Sage is now recalling the past carefully... It seems that he is seeing the lonely expressions of several brothers, and it seems that he is the only one who is happy.

Details that he had never paid attention to before seemed to appear one by one at this moment. The Great Sage looked at the collapsed mountain peaks in front of him and the gravel on the ground, just like the scene in his heart at this moment.


He couldn't calm his mind for a moment, as if the Buddhist teachings he had practiced with his master in the past were all fake and did not help him at all.

But the scolding words of the Great Sage Ventilation still kept echoing in his ears: "You have never regarded me as your brother!"

"No." The Great Sage suddenly shook his head violently, turned around and looked at the Great Sage Ventilation, and said word by word: "I sincerely communicate with you brothers."

"Sincerely?" The Great Sage of Ventilation sneered.

"The most important thing in the friendship between brothers is heart-to-heart communication." The Great Sage ignored the cynicism of the Great Sage Ventilation. He only looked at the same place with the Great Sage Ventilation and said in a deep voice: "It is completely meaningless to argue at this point.

...But one thing I want to make clear is that perhaps I, Old Sun, have never regarded myself as a demon, but I have always respected my brothers, and my brothers have refused to recognize me, but I cannot break our friendship because of this."

"Hmph." The Great Sage of Fengfeng sneered again: "I didn't expect that you would learn this set of hypocritical behaviors after becoming a Buddhist. Sun Wukong... Who are you looking at with this appearance? That Holy Infant Nephew,

By whose hands did he die?"

"Amitabha." The great sage recited the Buddha's name, but there was no Buddhist compassion in his expression. Instead, there was a fierceness within, "I just want a clear conscience."

At this time, the great sage finally realized the bitter taste of the world of mortals.

He had already known the words "have a clear conscience" before. It was easy to say it, but it was really possible to do it...especially when facing his sworn brothers in the past, who now parted ways or even turned against each other.


This feeling is really unpleasant.

No wonder all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in Lingshan, after attaining enlightenment, shun the world and become monks who do not care about worldly affairs... They even cut off the world of mortals by saying goodbye to it.

Wukong thought of his master. When he left his daughter's kingdom that day, his master looked free and easy, but what exactly was he thinking in his heart... I'm afraid no one knows.

Although no one said it, the string of diamond beads that Master obtained from Mother Lishan...did they really not realize that they had disappeared since they came out of the Daughter's Kingdom?

Others may not know clearly.

But the Great Sage saw it with his own eyes. When he surrendered the scorpion spirit that night, the master lent the string of beads to Her Majesty the Queen for protection... As a result, when we parted the next day, one never asked for it, and the other didn't ask for it at all.

Return means...

With the Great Sage's temperament, even if he has restrained himself now, he will never be as carefree as Master.

If he can temporarily suppress the fire in his heart, he has succeeded in cultivating his mind.

Yang Jian on the side saw the great sage like this, and an unknown fire suddenly arose in his heart. He pointed at the ventilation great sage with the folding fan in his hand, and said disdainfully: "I see it's not that the great sage has never regarded you as brothers, it's clearly the two of you.

You have ulterior motives and just tarnish the bond of friendship."

The Great Sage of Fengfeng was naturally dissatisfied, but he didn't say much. After all, Buddhism pays attention to a compassionate heart, but Yang Erlang is a decisive killer. If he offends him... he is afraid that he will be blamed immediately.

The Great Sage of Ventilation was silent, but it did not mean that Yang Jian would let him go, because he was already annoyed.

"The so-called brothers, what's wrong with identity?"

"Aren't the Meishan brothers demon spirits who have cultivated the Tao for a long time? Aren't they Yang Jian's sworn brothers? Although Xiaotian Dog calls me his master, in my heart he is my brother who shares life and death with me." Yang Jian proudly looked down at the Great Sage of Fengfeng,

He said coldly: "You keep saying that the Great Sage betrayed you. In my opinion... it's just that you have never regarded him as a true brother, so you care about gains and losses like this."

"Hehehe." Yang Jian suddenly sneered as he said this: "That's not surprising. You guys, a bunch of cowardless gangsters, how can you be brothers with a figure like the Great Sage? However, the evil spirits in the mountains dare to call the Great Sage falsely...

Just you guys, what do you know about brotherhood?"

Yang Jian's angry curses made the great sage blush, which also helped the great sage who was filled with evil fire just now, to calm down a little.

The Great Sage knew that Yang Erlang was standing up for himself, but the scene in front of him made him sigh even more.

Perhaps five hundred years ago, he would not have thought that his sworn brothers would turn against him in the future, and that God Erlang, sent by Heaven to encircle and suppress Huaguo Mountain, would end up being sympathetic to him.

Seeing Yang Jianyi's indignant look, the Great Sage suddenly felt that he should never have made fun of someone else's mother back then, and he didn't blame someone for getting really angry.

The Great Sage was thinking that after he succeeded in learning the scriptures, he would need to find an opportunity to apologize to him.


Fa Hai saw that the Great Sage Feng Feng had no intention of fighting back, and saw that both Erlang Zhenjun and Wukong had restrained their tempers, so he knew that the argument was over for the time being. He recited the Buddha's name, then looked at Wukong, and asked softly

Said: "Wukong, he is your sworn brother after all. Whether to kill or release... As a master, I won't let you make a choice."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Wukong was stunned for a moment, and when he was about to say something, he saw his master performing Buddhist rituals to True Lord Erlang and speaking at the same time: "True Lord is the Three Realms

God of Justice, this Great Sage of Ventilation is the demon king of the lower world. If not... then I will leave it to the True Lord to deal with him according to the rules of heaven."

After hearing this, Yang Jian immediately raised his hands and thanked him: "Now that the master has spoken, Yang Jian will first thank you for your free work."

He is the justice god of the three realms. This is the heavenly priesthood. He has divine power in his body. He reaches out and makes a move... and a shackle made of heavenly rules appears on his hand. He raises it towards the Great Sage of Ventilation and kills him.

Locked under the mountain.

Yang Jian had witnessed the power of these celestial shackles with his own eyes. Back then, his mother was chained under Peach Mountain by such celestial shackles.

Back then, when he first achieved his magical power, he held a mountain-breaking ax made of diamond. Although he cracked open Peach Mountain, he failed to crack open the chain of heavenly rules... which almost led to a lifetime regret.

If my uncle hadn't rescued my mother's true spirit and kept it in the Realm of Desire in the Haotian Tower... I might never be able to forgive my recklessness at that time.

This thorn buried deep in my heart has not been pulled out until today.

At the same time, he sat in the position of the God of Justice, and only then did he truly realize the responsibilities of this position... He even had some unusual thoughts.

God, maybe you really shouldn't be emotional.

This may be a bit absolute, but the consequences of the gods' affection will undoubtedly have a great impact on the entire three realms, especially the human world.

For example, the mother who was originally in charge of Tenjo gave up her duties as the goddess of the world of desire after she fell in love... Not to mention what happened after the mother was crushed in Momoyama, just that the mother has been in the mortal world for more than ten years... in the three realms...

There was a lot more confusion.

In the more than a thousand years since my mother's death, there has been a lack of gods in heaven dedicated to controlling heavenly rules. As a result, there has been a backlog of more than a thousand years of old news in the three realms, including many injustices, falsehoods and confusion.

Although these are not the direct influence of my mother's touching the mortal heart, they are more or less related.

Now, as my son, I am sitting in this seat dealing with these old memories... It is hard to say that this is not the reincarnation of heaven.

In just a few days, Yang Jian had many insights.

It is correct that gods cannot easily become emotional, but if we ask gods to stop their emotions because of this...is it going too far?

And how should the measurement be grasped?

Yang Jian seemed to understand the significance of his uncle entrusting him with this important task. Among the three realms, if there was anyone who understood this the most, it was undoubtedly him.

After all, I have witnessed the love between my mother and my father, and I have endured almost a thousand years of painful torture with Cun Xin, and until now, it has been dark and the flowers are bright... If I want to revise a new set of heavenly rules that are applicable to the present, it is natural to do it behind closed doors.

Doesn't make sense.

And as a person with a lot of experience...he is undoubtedly the best candidate.

This matter has a long way to go and will never be accomplished overnight. Yang Jian knows that there is no need to rush, so he still has to focus on the matter in front of him.

The moment the Great Sage of Ventilation was locked by the shackles of the heavenly rules, he could no longer sense his own magic power, and the mountain peaks behind him also sank into the earth, leaving no gaps.

Yang Jian looked at the Great Sage of Ventilation with only one head exposed, and suddenly smiled and said: "Why don't we just see how deep the brotherhood you talk about is."

The face of the Great Sage of Ventilation suddenly changed, and he even felt a little panicked in his heart, "Yang Jian, what do you want to do?"

"I will mobilize the heavenly soldiers and generals to ambush the Flame Mountain, and then send the news that you have fallen here to the Jilei Mountain... Let's see if your sworn brothers turn a blind eye like when the Heavenly Court surrounded the Huaguo Mountain, or...

..will raise troops to rescue you.”

The Great Sage of Ventilation finally couldn't help but angrily cursed at Erlang Zhenjun: "Yang Jian, you are despicable!"

"There is indeed something wrong." Unexpectedly, after listening to the words of the Great Sage of Ventilation, Yang Jian nodded seriously and said again: "Why don't I just lay down the formation and invite a few of your brothers to come and break the formation. If we can break the formation,

, I will let you go... If your brothers cannot break the formation, and I happen to be short of a few death row felons in the prison, I will invite your brothers to sit inside."

The Great Sage of Ventilation said to himself: "How can Brother Bull Demon King fall into such a treacherous trick like yours!"

"Oh." Yang Jian suddenly realized: "So you also know that they will not come to save you. Could it be that not only have you not regarded the Great Sage as a real brother, but you have also treated each other...hehehehe."

Yang Jian chuckled for a while. Although he didn't say the next words, everyone present knew what he meant.

"Actually, there's nothing surprising. This is the nature of demons." Yang Jian said heartily, as if he didn't want to give the Great Sage a chance to breathe: "When you abandoned the Great Sage, you should have thought that one day you would also do it.

suffered the same fate."

"If my news is correct, then the Jiao Demon King and the Yu Tao King... did not come to Ji Lei Mountain to gather justice this time."

"Stop talking." The Great Sage of Ventilation showed his fangs and said angrily: "Stop talking!"

Obviously, his inner defense is being pressed step by step by Yang Jian. Although it has not been penetrated yet, it will be defeated sooner or later.

At this moment, Xiao Bailong and others, who saw that the fire in the Flame Mountain was extinguished, also came on clouds and landed next to everyone.

Wu Jing saw that they were a little confused when they saw the Great Sage of Ventilation pressing down at the foot of the mountain, so he sent three spiritual beings to briefly and concisely tell them what happened in the Flame Mountain.

But after hearing this, Bajie hugged the Great Sage, and his tall body wrapped the Great Sage's petite body. He also heard Bajie buzzing and said: "Brother Monkey, they are all fake brothers, we are just

We are brothers... But we have to agree first. Next time we go to the Heavenly Palace or Lingshan Mountain, you must not tell me. In this case... I am not an old pig and I won't go... Hey, you are young


Bajie held his stomach and backed away. He took small steps under his feet and retreated all the way to the master. Then his feet slipped and he sat down at the master's feet. He started to complain: "Master, Bi Mawen only bullies me."

This junior fellow student..."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! It turned out that the Great Sage listened to his nonsense and gave him a gentle elbow... The Great Sage's strength is definitely not great, but Bajie has always been so exaggerated.

His appearance directly made the great saint laugh.

But he didn't have the usual attack. At this moment... he seemed to understand what it meant to be a brother or sister, a beloved relative or friend.

Among the entire Three Realms, the word "Bima Wen" is probably the only one that does not make him feel uncomfortable or disgusted when he calls it out of Bajie's mouth.

He roughly imagined the scene when several sworn brothers called him "Bima Wen", and he suddenly felt a sense of irritability in his heart.

Of course, if Master calls me "Bi Ma Wen" one day, then I must have made a huge mistake and made Master so angry...

Bajie's sudden gag made the rather solemn atmosphere slightly more relaxed.

Mainly because this was not the time to play around, Bajie quickly restrained himself and began to follow the others to look at the Great Sage of Ventilation who was pressed down the mountain.

The matter is a foregone conclusion, and Fahai himself has no objections to Yang Jian's handling of the matter, and even supports it.

Subduing demons and subduing demons is the foundation of Fahai's journey in the three realms, and it even goes beyond saving all sentient beings... After all, this is something that even the Bodhisattva has recognized: You can do the work of subduing demons and subjugating demons, and you can save Cihang.

I'll do it.

Xiao Tian Quan has already taken Erlang Zhenzhenjun's token and went to heaven to mobilize troops.

And Cuiyun Mountain at this moment.

The Bull Demon King, who was arranging the ambush, heard what the Peng Demon King said about the scene of the Flame Mountain, and stood there for a long time without saying anything.

"Brother?" Demon King Peng called him.

"Alas..." The Bull Demon King sighed and said, "I'm afraid things are going to be much worse for me, Lao Wu."

Demon King Peng frowned, slightly questioning: "No way?"

ps: How many days will it take to combine the chapters and pull them together? I will make a recommendation next Monday. I will update it next week. Give it a try and check out the best products.

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