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Chapter 324: What to do after restraint?

"As we all know", Zen Master Fahai has an indissoluble bond with the snake demon.

Either enmity or bad fate.

And this red lin python hiding in Qijue Mountain obviously doesn't know what it is about to face.

Because of the rotten persimmons in Qijue Mountain, there are no serious creatures in the mountain... And this red python is obviously not a powerful character. Otherwise, it may not be able to take over this 800-mile mountain.

The snake demon is making trouble...80% of it is on the wrong track.

But the gust of wind became stronger and stronger.

The sky and sun were blocked, and it was dark in the middle of winter. There were villagers peeking out of the house. When they saw Master Sanzang taking the initiative to run into the black wind and disappear... they became worried and exclaimed: "No.

Well, this Master Tripitaka was also wrapped up in the black wind, just like the Taoist last time."

After hearing this, the Great Sage just said to them: "Don't worry, this monster is very common and can't hurt my master."

Even though he said this, there was something in the Great Sage's heart. It was strange that Master had the leisure to play with such monsters today.

The great sage just didn't find it, but why couldn't he see where the snake demon was at this moment?

A pair of flaming eyes flashed a few golden lights, and they saw the true nature of this monster. It was indeed a red-scaled python. It was huge and seemed to be as long as the sky... A huge mouth was like a pool of blood, and two bright pythons were like

The demonic eyes as big as lanterns...look very vicious.

In the eyes of the Great Sage, it just looks vicious.

Of course, for ordinary mortals, such demons are naturally unrivaled.

Seeing that the Great Sage and others were not worried, the people in the village gradually became more courageous, and some even boldly opened their windows and looked outside.

When Wu Jing saw it, he quickly separated his spirit body to protect him by the window.

Although this red-scaled giant is no match for the master, it is not something that these mortals can easily provoke. Anyone who is affected by it will either die or be injured.

Must be on guard.

Wu Jing's mind has always been meticulous, and he can always notice some small details that others cannot observe or are easily overlooked. After all, he has "nine heads".


The Great Sage shouted: "Master is serious!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the Buddha's light shining brightly in the air, the black wind suddenly stopped, and a large red-scaled python appeared in front of everyone in broad daylight.

"Oh!" The people were not afraid when they saw these monsters. Those who were crowded at the door immediately wanted to get in.


The fishy stench floated in the air.

But I saw the true appearance of this red-scaled giant, with eyes staring at the morning stars and nose spraying into the mist... There are horns on the top of the head, which are like thousands of agates; wearing a set of red scales, it is like thousands of pieces of agate.

Thousands of pieces of rouge are built together.

If you don't look at its head, just think of it as a rainbow.

"Such a big body." Bajie was stunned and said to the great sage: "This old man's words are not true... I am an old pig with such a fat body, I'm afraid I can't feed him in one meal."

The snake's body is not small. It covers half the city's width, and people can't see the east and west. It spans two mountains, and its body is winding to the north and south.

Ba Huan pointed at the red-scaled beast, "A snake as big as this can eat a hundred at least... It's been three years since I've been here, and this village hasn't been eaten up yet... It's your luck too."


The great sage on the side was about to say something when he heard the words, but saw the master rising up, and then stepped heavily on the head of the snake demon, and directly stepped down the head of the snake demon that was raised high.


Fahai controlled the direction, and the snake demon fell towards the outside of the village.

The Great Sage asked Junior Brother Sha and Bajie to take care of the people in the village, and then he and Xiao Bailong chased them out.

Listening to the things outside, it seemed that the snake demon had been subdued. The people hiding in the room became bolder again, and some even started celebrating.

After all, they have been living a life of fear for the past three years. If they are lucky... starting from today, they will be able to "regain life"!

And Old Man Li suddenly raised a question similar to Bajie's, that is, such a big snake demon could probably eat up all the people in their village at once... But why does it only take away one or two people every time it comes here?


Were the people swept away really eaten?

Is there any possibility of survival?

Old Man Li's words gave the noisy crowd a moment's rest, but how could they know the secret inside?

Wu Jing outside the door heard the words of the people in the room and explained to them: "It seems that these demons no longer need to eat to survive, otherwise there will not be enough people in the three realms for them to eat."

"Then why do they still eat people?" someone suddenly asked.

Yeah... Then why do they still eat people?

Bajie and Wujing were stunned at first, and then they suddenly understood why Master would show no mercy to monsters that eat people, especially monsters with advanced cultivation that still eat people.

Outside the village.

The red-scaled giant python transformed into a woman wearing a red armor, holding a snake spear in her hand and fighting with the master. They said they were fighting... but in fact she was just parrying and had no power to fight back.

The master's nine-ringed tin staff didn't use any tricks at all. It just hit the snake demon with one blow, and she could only dance with the spear to cover it up.

Sure enough...this monster doesn't have much to offer.

When the Great Sage took a closer look, he saw that blood was flowing from the snake demon's forehead.

Thinking of the red horn scattered along the way, the Great Sage probably understood... This red-scaled giant python was not directly trampled to death by the master's kick, all because of the lump on its head.


Even after it transformed into a human form, it still spit out the letter from its mouth and licked the blood on its face with its forked tongue.

He has an awl face, which is cold and charming yet a bit seductive.

She seemed to want to fight Master Tripitaka, but when she saw the Great Sage and Little White Dragon coming next, she turned into a demon and ran away.

Fahai followed her slowly.

The Great Sage and Little Bailong immediately knew that Master deliberately did not kill her because he wanted to find her lair.

And something is wrong with this snake demon... It seems that there is something wrong with her practice. Although she has transformed into a human form, she... doesn't seem to be able to speak.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! This is also strange.

Ordinary little demons can speak human language even if they transform into half demons. As long as they study hard for a while, they will become eloquent.

This snake demon can be regarded as having the cultivation level of a little demon king. It can also transform into a full human form, but it is still unable to speak human words, which is a bit strange.

However, this matter has nothing to do with Master and Disciple Fahai. Regardless of whether the snake demon can speak or not, it will not change her outcome today.

Enter the mountains.

What a stink!

Even eminent monks like Fa Hai could barely hold on to the cloud road when they entered Qijue Mountain.

The little white dragon who came in behind just held his nose and retreated... At this moment, he also understood why he went back to join the master without exploring the Qijue Mountain even though it was right in front of him... It turned out to be Ming Ming.

There is a stench in the underworld. Although I haven't smelled it that day, my body has already reacted.

In fact, even after he came in, his nose didn't work. After all, it was all about this smell and he couldn't smell other smells.

As someone with a keen sense of smell, he would always stay away from places like this unless necessary.

Maybe Xiaotian Dog is not afraid, but he really can't stand it.

Xiao Bailong didn't dare to open his mouth, but just transmitted the message to the Great Sage: "Elder brother, I will take a break for now and go back to the village first."

The Great Sage nodded and signaled to Xiao Bailong that he could still bear it.

After all, this place really stinks, and Old Man Li didn't lie. Not only is this mountain path unforgettable, but it also looks unsightly, like yellow soup flowing away, which is nauseating.


How did this snake demon endure in this mountain?

"Wukong, we found the goblin's lair!"

The master's voice rang in the heart of the great sage, and the great sage turned into a green light and jumped to catch up with him and landed next to the master.

I saw that the snake demon had been covered by Master's golden bowl, and there was a big hole in the ground. I thought it was the snake demon's cave in the mountain.

There is not even a serious mountain gate... This is the most shabby demon king that the Great Sage has ever seen.

"This cave is so narrow that it is difficult for a teacher to enter it."

Fa Hai rotated his Dharma Eyes, as if he wanted to see through the mountain range. The inner context was all in his eyes, "There are many strangers locked in the heart of the mountain, and most of them are still alive..."

"Disciple, go."

The great sage used transformation and immediately escaped into it.

Seeing that Wukong had gone in to save people, Fahai suddenly realized that the Buddha's flames suddenly became powerful. The red-scaled giant was twisted in the golden bowl, and a demon soul was forced out of the body, in the Buddha's flames.

After struggling for a few times, it immediately dissipated.

There were no disturbances.


The red-skinned body was thrown out of the golden bowl by Fa Hai and turned into a corpse that was as thick as three people and about nine feet long.

It turns out that this is the real body of the red-scaled giant. The huge body just now is the magical power it transformed into, but it is of no use... In the world of demons, a huge body may represent one's own strength, but

Not entirely so.


When the people in the village saw that Master Tripitaka and the Great Sage had left without returning, and only a pale little white dragon came back, they suddenly panicked again.

Someone has already begun to make excuses, "It's broken, Master Tripitaka and the little elder must have been eaten by the snake demon..."

He thought it was Xiao Bailong who had escaped with his life.

Bajie snorted twice and said to the people in the room: "Don't worry, even if the snake monster breaks its teeth, it won't be able to eat my master and senior brother."

They are just mortals with no eyesight, so they said such words. Naturally, Bajie did not share the same knowledge as them, but he also asked Xiao Bailong: "Xiao Bailong, why did you come back first? Master and

Where is senior brother?"

"Hey!" Xiao Bailong said with a disgusted look on his face: "Don't mention it, that monster entered Qijue Mountain... My senior brother and I followed the master and went there to explore the monster's lair. Who knows the filth in the mountain?

The smell is as bad as a cesspool... Senior brother knows that my little brother has always had a sensitive nose, but he really couldn't bear it... so he came back."

"Did you hear that?" Bajie tilted his head toward the room.

Another old man said sarcastically: "Why did you let the monster run away?"

"Yes, yes!" Someone echoed: "Just fighting away the monsters doesn't work. You can fight away the monsters, but when you leave, the monsters come to seek revenge on me... What should I do?


"Don't worry, fellow villagers." Wu Jing had a spirit following his master. He could see what was going on in Qijue Mountain, but he just said to the villagers: "That snake demon was deliberately released by my master.

We need to find his demon lair and eradicate the demon problem completely."

Wu Jing deliberately did not say anything about the current situation in the mountains. If he told some things by himself, there would be no surprises after a while.

In fact, if he really wanted to have a surprise effect, Wu Jing would have said these two sentences unnecessary... But after all, he is a serious practitioner and knows enough is enough. He mainly doesn't want to see the panic on the faces of these people.

Everyone was skeptical about Wu Jing's words, even Old Man Li was a little uneasy.

But when they saw their fellow apprentices chatting and laughing, they gradually calmed down a bit.

After all, if their master and senior brother were really eaten by monsters... would they still be as calm as they are now?

Just as I was thinking this, I heard the great sage shouting from outside the village: "The monsters have been saved by my master!"

In fact, the Great Sage also said the last sentence, some people who were captured by monsters also brought back some...but some are still alive and some are dead.

There were also some who died, and even their bodies could not be found.

The Great Sage looked at the Master and said in his heart: This is how things in this mortal world are difficult to deal with.

If we could have come three years earlier, would the people here have suffered less?

The Great Sage was just inspired by the scene. The Three Realms are so vast that there are countless demons and monsters. Just a few of their masters and disciples... they came here three years ago. Isn't it possible that there are no people in other places who have suffered due to the troubles of demons?

"Amitabha." He recited the Buddha's name in his heart, but he didn't have any respect for it. The longer he practiced with the master, the more unreal he felt that this 'Buddha' was. But it happened that he painted a beautiful picture, but he called him master.

People like Bodhisattvas will sink in the three realms and will not be able to live freely.

If the power of "Buddha" is really that great, what do you want Master and Bodhisattva to do?

Master once said, "Buddha is not a Buddha." At first, the Great Sage only had a partial understanding of these words, but now it gradually becomes clear in his mind.

But the Great Sage didn't know that these words...his master also came to understand them from their common experiences while traveling westward.

There is a Buddha in everyone's heart, so Buddha has thousands of different faces. Therefore, "Buddha" says that everyone can become a Buddha.

While the Great Sage was calm, the people still alive in the village rushed out——

Not long after, there were the surprises and laughter of family members reunited... and there were also the sad and crying sounds.

Maybe the joys and sorrows of human beings are not the same, but at this moment... they are mostly similar.

The Great Sage turned his head away, not wanting to see this scene.

The Monkey King, the Monkey King, who lived for more than a thousand years, felt a little inexplicable sorrow in his heart just when he saw this kind of separation between life and death in the mortal world.

The Great Sage saw the Master. The Master's eyes were calm, but not cold.



Seeing that his disciples looked unnatural, Fahai would naturally give instructions, "In the past, my teacher taught you to practice restraint, especially to restrain your seven emotions and six desires."

Wukong nodded and said: "Yes, my disciple was distracted for a moment..."

"It doesn't matter." Fahai waved his hand and said, "Do you know what to do after you restrain yourself?"

Wukong was stunned for a moment, then he quickly saluted his master and said, "I don't know, please ask master to clarify my doubts."

"Amitabha." Fahai recited the Buddha's name, "Wait until Bajie and the others come over."

This chapter has been completed!
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