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Chapter 388: Compassion and Discipline; When three of us travel together, there must be one who is my teacher.

What Master Tripitaka said to Huang Shijing outside and inside the cave just now, Jiuling Yuan Sheng heard everything word for word. A maverick monk like Master Tripitaka can also be said to be the leader of the Three Realms.

The only one.

Unlike the uneducated little lions like Huang Shijing, Jiuling Yuansheng is Taiyi's mount to save Ku Tianzun. His cultivation level is equally advanced, and he is not inferior to the Bull Demon King, Green Lion, and White Elephant. Now he has descended to earth.

In the land of Tianzhu, how can we not study a little bit about the local Buddhism?

Otherwise, it would be difficult to report to Tianzun when we go back.

It's just that before meeting Master Tripitaka, he scorned Tianzhu's Buddhism. How can such side magic touch the true Taoism?

How many great powers did Xuanmen Taoism produce in the Three Realms?

Lingshan Buddhism is known as the era of great prosperity, but how many people are famous in the three realms?

But now it seems that it is not a problem with Buddhism, but that the monks who study Buddhism are not good at it. Let’s look at Master Tripitaka’s few words, but they are full of Zen principles and are thought-provoking.

It's even less like those pretentious old monks who only say half a sentence in order to show off their wits, leaving them full of ambiguities.

When he first came to Tianzhu, Jiuling Yuan Sheng also transformed himself into a Buddhist temple to visit, and all he encountered were scenes like this. At that time, he cursed in his heart: Why are all these Buddhists trying to deceive the world and steal their reputation?

Nothing real at all.

It can be said that he came with good fortune and returned with bad fortune.

Not long after, various vegetarian dishes were put on the table. Fahai tasted a few bites first and then praised them. After all, it was rare for the Demon King's Mansion to make such delicious food.

Huang Shijing explained: "It's a craft learned from a few of my little demons who went to restaurants in the town."

A few people chatted a few words, and Xiao Bailong drank a few glasses of wine for the master.

After that, as he was talking, he smelled the aroma of meat. It was the deer that was roasted and the little monsters were sharing the food.

Seeing Master Sanzang's calmness, Jiuling Yuan Sheng asked out of curiosity: "You little demons are eating meat outside, are you really not offended?"

"Amitabha." Fahai recited the Buddha's name and said, "Taoist Master is worried. It's just a poor monk who doesn't eat meat, and it's not like little monsters like them who uphold the precepts. How can he offend me?"

Jiuling Yuansheng looked at Master Tripitaka and thought for a long time, and finally asked: "Buddhism talks about compassion, but this deer was eaten by a little demon in front of the Master. Can you be compassionate to that deer?"

"Taoist Master, actually the word compassion should not be used here, nor does it depend on whether it was eaten in front of the poor monk. Besides, when the poor monk met the deer, it was already dead. Since it is dead, it is also due to death.

It’s a prey trap set by the little monsters. If it’s because of the poor monk, is it considered a mercy to the little monsters to not let them eat it?”

Master Sanzang did not expect that Jiuling Yuansheng would suddenly ask such a question, but since people asked him for advice, Fahai naturally had to respond and said: "Furthermore, the Buddhist precept not to eat meat did not exist from the beginning.

, because they don’t kill animals, they abstain from meat and fish. Moreover, the meat-eating precept did not only refer to meat-eating at first, but later people confused it, and it was passed down like this. It cannot be just because the poor monks do not eat meat.

Let the little monsters stop eating meat, right?"

"Then I don't know what the compassion in the Master's heart looks like?"

"The Taoist priest said that compassion means love; sadness means hurt." Master Sanzang thought for a while and said: "In the case of the poor monk, this compassion is, first, the love and compassion for life; secondly, it is kindness to others.

All living beings receive it to bring peace and happiness; to feel compassion for all living beings, it eliminates disasters."

"The so-called great compassion brings happiness to all living beings, and great compassion relieves the suffering of all living beings. Perhaps it is compassion that is the secret of Buddhism." Fa Hai smiled at Jiuling Yuansheng and said: "Of course, the compassion in this mouth is always easier to say.

After all, many times, the act of mercy is not one-way, just like this deer today."

Jiuling Yuansheng listened thoughtfully, but said: "I dare to ask a disrespectful word. I just heard that since the Master traveled westward, he has done many things to kill monsters and killed countless dead souls. I don't know that this move has violated the Buddhist precepts."

?Since you have violated the great precept of killing, should the Master still be merciful?"

"The Buddhist precepts on killing are meant to make people respect life and not kill indiscriminately, so as to understand the compassion of Buddhism." Fahai put his hands together and looked compassionately, as if the light of the Buddha was surrounding him. "The so-called precepts, precepts, are to prevent but not to prevent

The commandment of evil; the law is the law of life."

"People who are not familiar with Buddhism will think that the precepts are constraints on one's own behavior. In fact, this is a misunderstanding of the precepts. The true meaning of the precepts is actually to protect oneself and eliminate various obstacles on the path of practice."

"The purpose of the existence of commandments is to let us do what we should do."

"But for the sentient beings in the world, they do not correctly understand what they should do, and for these living beings who do not have a correct understanding and still want to practice Buddhism, there are precepts as constraints, and the precepts teach them what

Things should not be done, and the rules tell them how to do things they can do, thereby reducing the twists and turns on their path to spiritual practice."

"Just as the Buddhist precepts say to abstain from eating meat, it is actually a manifestation of abstaining from killing. Follow the precepts and practice, don't do what you shouldn't do, and don't think about what you shouldn't think. Only in this way can the mind calm down, which is meditation. If the precepts

It’s just to restrict the freedom of sentient beings, so what’s the use of learning from this Buddha?”

"As for killing and mercy." Fa Hai looked at Jiuling Yuan Sheng and said: "Destroying karma and protecting living beings is also compassionate, saving evil spirits and protecting living beings. At least for the poor monk, the two do not conflict. Of course,

These are just some humble opinions of the poor monk on the Buddhist precepts, and the Taoist priest can just listen to them."

After hearing this, Jiuling Yuan Sheng couldn't help but said: "I see, I never thought that there is such an explanation for Buddhist precepts. It's an eye-opener to see it today."

Huang Shijing was confused when he heard this, but he subconsciously asked: "Master, are there any goblins who are causing trouble for you, and then tell you that Buddhism is compassionate and can't kill goblins?"

Fahai looked at Huang Shijing: "There are so many people."

Huang Shi suddenly became more energetic, "They must have looked very wonderful when they were saved by the mage."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Amitabha." Fahai recited the Buddha's name, "They all say that the poor monk is a demon monk. They also say that if you commit such a killing, you will not be able to go to the spiritual mountain or see the Buddha."

Huang Shijing did not dare to follow these words, but Jiuling Yuansheng held his hands in admiration, "Although Master calls himself a mortal monk, he is really not vulgar. It seems that if an eminent monk like Master is rejected by Lingshan, then he is a Buddhist sect."

The sadness."

The reason why Jiuling Yuan Sheng dares to criticize Lingshan is not only because his master is Taiyi, the Lord of Suffering, but also because he himself is a true spirit who has cultivated the Tao for a long time, and his cultivation is deeply hidden. The ordinary Lingshan Bodhisattva and Buddha

The public was really not within the corner of his eye.

After listening to Jiuling Yuan Sheng's words, Fahai still reminded him: "The poor monk is actually a rebellious monk. After all, the Buddhist teachings he practices cannot be spread to all living beings. If you can't understand the true meaning, you can only learn its form and not enter it."

His god will fall into the devil's path sooner or later. If the Taoist priest is interested in Buddhist practice, I have some moderate and peaceful Buddhist scriptures here, which are suitable for beginners like the Taoist priest."

"Are there any translations and annotations by the Master?" Jiuling Yuan Sheng asked again: "Those Sanskrit texts are a headache to read, and even when they are translated into words, there are many incomprehensible things. If there are no Master's annotations, it would be a gift of Buddhist scriptures.

It is difficult to find samadhi among them."

"In that case." Fa Hai pondered for a moment and responded to the next question: "The poor monk will stay in Yuhua Prefecture for a few days and personally annotate a few volumes of scriptures for the Taoist Master."

Jiuling Yuansheng was overjoyed and thanked him repeatedly.

"I am a disciple of the Miaoyan Palace in the Qinghua Changle Realm, Taiyi Saves Suffering Tianzun." Jiuling Yuansheng directly revealed his identity to Master Tripitaka, "My master ordered me to go to Tianzhu to study Buddhism, but what I saw was not satisfactory.

It has been a waste of time. Now I met the Master and realized the demeanor of the eminent monk, and even received the Master’s generous gift of scriptures. I am grateful, but I don’t know how to express my gratitude.”

When Fahai saw Jiuling Yuan Sheng announcing himself to his family, his face was calm, but his heart was unavoidably agitated, and he responded: "It turns out that he is a disciple of Emperor Qinghua. He just didn't know the true face of the Taoist priest, so he was disrespectful.

I also hope Haihan. As for those who annotate Buddhist scriptures, they are not completely useless to the poor monk. The Master said: Reviewing the past and learning the new can make you a teacher. The poor monk's annotation is also a process of new learning, and there should be many


"The old Taoist is getting more and more ashamed." Jiuling Yuan Sheng began to reflect on himself and said: "I didn't expect that Master is not only profound in Buddhism, but also proficient in Confucianism."

Fahai smiled and said: "The Master said: If three people are walking together, they must have my teacher. Why should the practice be limited to others? The poor monk not only studied the Confucian scriptures, but also dabbled in the Taoist scriptures. It is said that he should choose the good ones and follow them.

, and change what is not good. Isn’t this the great way to do it?”

Jiuling Yuansheng stood in awe, and then laughed bitterly at himself: "I have lived for countless years, but I don't know that the simplicity of the great road is right in front of me. I don't know what kind of practice I have done in meditation in the past."

"I once traveled to the Central Plains with Tianzun, and I also met Confucius. I remember that at that time, the king of a country did not let the people in the country listen to his lectures, so he lowered the city gate. He raised the city gate high with one hand.

Then about three thousand of his disciples filed in. At that time, I said to Tian Zun, what kind of knowledge can this martial artist have? Later I learned the name of Kong Sheng, and I was really scared."

Having said this, Master Tripitaka began to briefly discuss a few words with Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng on the topic of Confucius.

Then Jiuling Yuan Sheng, as a thank you for the gift of the scriptures, began to tell Master Tripitaka about his insights on practice. After a while, he fell into doubts about himself.

Just listen to Master Sanzang integrating the "Tao Te Ching", "Nanhua Sutra", "Chongxu Zhen Jing", "Huang Ting Sutra" and other Taoist classics, and often has his own unique insights, which is Jiuling

Yuan Sheng was greatly inspired after hearing this

Do you call this dabbling in Taoism?

Are you sure you're not proficient?

Then I learned that it was their master and apprentice who got the guidance from Zhenyuan Master when they passed by Wuzhuang Temple. Sun Wukong, the eldest disciple of Master Sanzang, even got some Taoist inheritance from Zhenyuan Master. Master Sanzang’s Taoist knowledge is all

After discussing with the Great Sage, I finally calmed down a little.

After the two had a literary discussion, they also had a martial arts fight on the top of a mountain to prove each other's magical powers.

At this time, the little white dragon was also surrounded by the little monsters. The image of the little white dragon in the hearts of the little monsters was becoming more majestic. The younger the fairies were, the more they looked forward to the little white dragon.

After all, the two things that older goblins often say when teaching little goblins are: don’t do bad things, be careful of Sun Wukong beating him to death with a stick; learn more, if you meet the White Dragon Bodhisattva, you will be saved if you say you can’t.


Xiao Bailong had no idea that he would gain such a reputation after becoming a disciple of his master and traveling westward, but he was still happy that these were all good deeds he had accumulated because of himself.

The next day.

Master Tripitaka and Xiao Bailong left.

Jiuling Yuansheng and all the little demons were reluctant to leave. Only Huang Shijing said in a carefree manner: "Grandpa, it seems that Master Sanzang is not lying. He really has the true inheritance of Zhenyuan Great Immortal. The magical power of the universe in his sleeves covers everything."

The sky blocks out the sun, it was the Immortal Zhenyuan who used it himself, that’s how powerful it is, right?”

Jiuling Yuansheng glared at him and said in his heart: Rotten wood cannot be carved.

Master Tripitaka and I discussed Taoism in the cave for a long time, but you, this stubborn grandson, only marveled at his magical power.

Alas, there are reasons for fairies and their like to become enlightened, but more of it is because of themselves. After all, the world of monsters is dominated by the weak and the strong. If they had those experiences, they would rather develop some powerful magical powers and create powerful weapons and magic weapons.

.As for getting them to meditate and practice seriously, it is really difficult for strong demons.

"I will go back to Miaoyan Palace. If Master Tripitaka finishes annotating the Buddhist scriptures and sends them to me before I come back, you can collect them for me."

"I know." Huang Shijing agreed, and then said: "Grandpa, when the third prince left, he invited me to be a guest in Yuhua Prefecture. Do you think I should go?"

"Go." Jiuling Yuan Sheng said: "That King Yuhua is a wise and blessed prince, and his three sons are now worshiping the three disciples of Master Sanzang. You Leotou Mountain

It is only more than seventy miles away from his city, so we will inevitably have to deal with him in the future. This time, while Master Sanzang is still here, I will go and make some good friends. Well, call a few of your brothers and we will settle down in Yuhua Prefecture in the next few days.

, I happened to be able to get Master Tripitaka’s annotations. Remember not to cause trouble!”

"My grandson understands."

Jiuling Yuansheng rode on the clouds and walked away. He was a mount, so his legs were naturally inconvenient to lift.

Not long after, they arrived outside the Dongtian Gate and met King Guangmu and Tianding, followed by a group of powerful men.

When Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng signed his name on the entry and exit records at the Tianmen Clerk's Office, King Guangmu laughed and said, "Yuan Sheng has only been down to earth for a few days, how come he came back so soon?"

"I met Master Tripitaka in the lower realm and had a discussion before sending Master Tripitaka away from the mountain. I went back to Miaoyan Palace to report the whole story."

"I actually met Master Tripitaka?" King Guangmu teased: "Could it be that you were doing evil in the lower realm and the Master came to the door. But you couldn't fight, now you have to go back to heaven and find Tianzun to protect you?"

Jiuling Yuan Sheng laughed when he heard this and said: "If the King of Heaven spreads rumors, I will go find the True Lord Erlang and tell him that you brothers are determined to set an example for the Heavenly Court and will not come down to earth for a thousand years."

"This must not be done. I'll treat you to a drink later!"

"What wine do you have?"

"The reincarnation liquid brewed by Laojun." King Guangmu came closer, "I got it from King Li."

“It’s a deal!”

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