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Chapter 398: Leniency for confession; even a poor monk wants to put that tight band on his head

Former Buddha.

Uparatha Buddha.

It's no wonder that the Great Sage doubted him, mainly because along the way, the former Buddha, who had passed away, had indeed done a lot of things, and his presence was very high among Tang Monk and his disciples.

Therefore, when the great sage heard the advice from an old monk, he subconsciously thought of this Buddha.

"Probably not this time." Bajie stood aside and said, "Master said that Upaladha Buddha passed away more than 1,200 years ago, and these three rhinoceros spirits were taught by the old monk about a thousand years ago.

Guidance and transformation...the time doesn't match."

"Wait a minute." Nezha said quickly: "The Summer King just said that they received guidance when they were young... Pushing forward two hundred years, wouldn't it be when they were young?"

"Everyone, please wait for a moment. I'll go and ask for clarification." Nezha said first, and then he held the magic formula and transferred his mind into the pagoda... Just as he was about to ask, he saw that the three monsters were already honest.

When he came down, he tied up the Summer King with Hun Tian Ling and released him outside the tower.

Just ask them in front of everyone, so you don't have to spread the word yourself.

When everyone saw Nezha releasing the Summer King, they also knew his intentions.

Nezha kicked the Summer King who was still in a daze. The Summer King's legs softened and he knelt on the ground. Nezha put the fire-pointed gun on his neck and said sternly: "I ask you again, what happened to the old monk?"

When did he enlighten you to practice? When did you instruct you to come here to pretend to be Buddha and collect offerings?"

"We'll talk about it after we think about it." Nezha snorted coldly: "After you finish speaking, I will ask the two of them again. If there is a sentence that they don't agree with... Hehe, you know what will happen!"

Nezha, a born evil star, just looks like a child, but when it comes to all kinds of cruel methods, he is even more cruel than the Great Sage and Erlang Shen...

The Summer King was not afraid after hearing this. Anyway, he had already begun to explain. One more sentence and one less sentence made no difference to the Summer King... They were just capturing their brothers this time, not asking Master Tripitaka to directly save them. Obviously, they didn't

He planned to take the lives of his three brothers... If he cooperated honestly with the questioning and told everything he knew, he might be given a lighter sentence.

As for whether it would implicate the old monk... Firstly, the old monk has disappeared long ago; secondly... I don't have much to worry about at the moment.

He was prepared to confess and be lenient.

Thinking of this, the Summer King said: "When our brothers first met the old monk, we should have been about a hundred years old... We are now over one thousand four hundred years old... that is more than one thousand three hundred years old."

This old monk I met years ago."

For monsters who often live for thousands of years, a hundred years is indeed a young age.

"It took me about a hundred years to practice until I could transform." The Summer King didn't wait for Nezha to ask, and answered the second question very consciously: "The old monk taught my three brothers magical powers... He knows

I love eating Suhe sesame oil, so I asked me to bless the people of Jinping Mansion with good weather in exchange for the sesame oil."

"So..." Fahai asked: "The old monk just gave you instructions to protect the people?"


The Great Sage also asked: "The matter of pretending to be Buddha...is it your own initiative?"

"Ah, this..." The Summer King really wanted to leave this matter to the old monk, but he was caught by the gazes of these people, especially when he met Master Sanzang's eyes that seemed to penetrate into the soul, he did not dare to

He lowered his head and whispered: "It's not our own fault... When we cultivated magical powers and came out of seclusion, it was already more than two hundred years later, and it was exactly a thousand years ago now... The old monk has long since disappeared.

We have no trace of him. We don’t even know where he is, and we can’t find him anywhere... But we still remember what he told us back then, so we came to Jinping Mansion..."

"But we are just goblins, how can we easily receive the crispy sesame oil offered by humans?" The Summer King explained: "Originally I just wanted to pretend to be a mountain god... But the incense in Tianzhu Buddhism is strong, and it is passed on...

.I don’t know how it was spread that the Buddhas were coming... Then we came to Jinping Mansion, and simply used the name of Buddha to trick the prefect at that time, asking them to offer sesame oil every year, and we would bless them with a good harvest...

We've always been in peace."

"We have always been in peace and harmony?" Yang Jian said aside: "When the people of Jinping Mansion are short of offerings, aren't you waiting for cholera?"

"Well...this..." After hearing this, the Summer King finally knew where their brothers had made a mistake. It couldn't be ignored. It was indeed them who did it.

At that time, if the Jinping Mansion didn't care about Heaven and Lingshan, wouldn't it be their world?

But precisely because they were at the foot of Lingshan Mountain and they had received guidance from the old monk, they did not dare to go too far... Therefore, they had a chance to survive today.

But it's only to save one life. As for how long he will be detained in the sky prison and what kind of punishment he will receive...that is Erlang Zhenjun's business.

Master Sanzang couldn't help but sigh. Since Erlang Zhenjun became the God of Justice, he has become a lot more relaxed. He doesn't have to worry about whether he should die when he catches a goblin... let alone those who have made mistakes but don't have to worry about them.

The fairies who died were not given the proper punishment they deserved.

These things are all headaches for Zhenjun Erlang now.

The whole story was basically clear. Although he didn't think that what King Bishu was telling was a lie, Nezha still brought up King Bichen and King Bihan together just in case, without giving them a chance to collude.

Made some inquiries.

Got the same answer.

After Nezha brought the three demons into the Linglong Pagoda, the Great Sage said from the side: "In other words, the old monk who gave them guidance... is most likely the former Buddha Upalatha Buddha."

"Whether that old monk is Upaladha Buddha or not, they have never been allowed to cause trouble here. It's a pity that after they cultivated their supernatural powers, the old monk disappeared. If not... maybe their three heads looking at the moon are in sync with each other.

It might not be impossible to get a positive result."

Nowadays, Fahai no longer believes that monsters are inherently evil, especially after meeting the little fox in Wanku Mountain and the little pig monster in Langlang Mountain.

What is lacking is only correct teachings, such as the seven grandsons of Jiuling Yuansheng, although they are demons, they do good deeds.

Fahai also kept this matter in his mind for the time being, and planned to ask the Buddha for clarification after going to Lingshan Mountain.

Unexpectedly, even if he is not Upalatha Buddha, he is a true Buddha with a high position in Buddhism. Otherwise, how could Lingshan allow three goblins to act in Jinping Mansion under the guise of Buddha's name?

It's not too late, it's not even past midnight, and I can still catch up with a bowl of hot Yuanxiao when I get home.

Erlang Zhenjun and others then left one after another. Nezha made an extra trip and sent them to Guanjiangkou first, and then returned to Chentangguan.

As for the Meishan brothers and the grass-headed gods, they have almost wiped out the goblins in Xuanying Cave in Qinglong Mountain, and are now pressing the little goblins back.

With Wu Jing's help, naturally no one who should be arrested was spared, and no one who had committed any crime was unjustly accused.

After Xiao Bailong waited for the matter in Jinping Mansion to be settled, he ate a bowl of Yuanxiao and went directly to Qinglong Mountain. It was his job to deal with the aftermath of the little monsters here.

The division of labor between master and apprentice became increasingly clear.

The master is in charge of the overall situation, the senior brother subjugates and eliminates demons; the second senior brother buries the pot and makes rice; junior brother Sha saves the souls of the dead and records the customs...and the little white dragon is naturally the one who teaches the little demons.


Tonight's Jinping Mansion was destined to be sleepless.

But when the Three Holy Mothers left, they used lotus lanterns to soothe the people's moods and let them fall asleep.

Later, another god came into his dream and explained that the three demons pretended to be Buddhas to collect offerings. They also said that the Jinping Mansion would be fine in the future, and as long as the government was still in control and the people were harmonious, the weather would be fine.

Because it was Erlang Shen, the true king who was famous in the Three Realms, who entered the dream in person, and the people of Jinping Mansion saw the sight of three big rhinos appearing in mid-air at night, there was no doubt about it.

Early the next morning, the government posted a notice stating that the Lantern Festival would still be the same next year, and the golden lantern would still burn for three nights, but it would no longer contain 1,500 kilograms of sesame oil.

It is purchased by the government and does not require donations from the people;

He also said that the battle to permanently eliminate the large lamp oil households in Mintian County;

Furthermore, another temple needs to be added, which is called the Demon Subduing Temple. There are several temples in the temple, including those for Erlang God, those for the Three Holy Mothers, and those for Nezha... Naturally, there will be no separate temple for Roaring Sky Dog, which is similar to Meishan Temple.

The brothers lived together in the Erlang Temple... Of course, the masters and disciples of Tripitaka were also indispensable, and the five groups shared the same temple.

Most of the people in Jinping Mansion actually have no real feelings about these changes. They just have more to talk about after dinner... But for the two hundred and forty large lamp oil companies, it is completely different.

Without the 1,500 kilograms of annual offerings, their hard days would obviously be over.

Therefore, I waited outside Ciyun Temple early to express my gratitude in person.

In addition to them, the magistrates of Jinping Prefecture and Mintian County also came with officials, big and small, to see Master Tripitaka... But when the temple door was opened, they learned from the old master of the temple that Tripitaka Master

The disciple has already left.

As for when they left, they slept so hard last night that they didn't hear any movement.

So he chased westward without giving up. After chasing for hundreds of miles, there was no trace of Tripitaka and his disciples, so he gave up.

They walked west, but of course they couldn't find Sanzang's master and his disciples, because at this time they had already arrived at Xuanying Cave in Qinglong Mountain.

It was obvious that along the way, Fahai had foreseen the troubles that would come from staying in Jinping Mansion. He was not tired of these social interactions, but he definitely didn't like them. He tried to avoid them if he could.

Besides, the little monsters in this mountain are here. If they don't get well, they can't leave without worry.

These little monsters are all ordinary monsters, such as mountain ox spirits, buffalo spirits, yellow ox spirits and the like. There is nothing magical about them...but there are quite a lot of ox spirits in Xizhou, except for the green ox spirit.

King Jiaosi gathered a group of calf spirits in Jindou Mountain...the elite of those bull spirits were actually under the command of the Bull Demon King of Jilei Mountain. Unfortunately, the whole army was wiped out in the battle of Flame Mountain.



The Buddha returned to the Main Hall, looked at the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva who had come for a rare visit, and asked: "Why did the Bodhisattva come to Lingshan today?"

"Amitabha." The Bodhisattva sat on the lotus platform, opposite the Buddha. He held a jade purification bottle in one hand and raised his hand on his chest. He replied: "I wanted to be reincarnated in the human world to endure tribulations, but I couldn't let go of those three thousand incarnations...

So I gave up."

"Bodhisattva is compassionate." The Buddha always believed that Lingshan's current prosperity was inseparable from the great mercy and compassion of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva. He just didn't expect that even the Bodhisattva wanted to be reincarnated as a human and go through tribulations.

Although it was unexpected, Tathagata Buddha was not incomprehensible. After all, even he himself wanted to be reincarnated and experience calamity... But now, the great sage of the demon world who was supposed to be the opportunity for his reincarnation was frightened by the Jade Emperor.

Showed up.

In the past, the great sage of the demon world took the initiative to show up, but now...the cracks in the demon world are all blocked. These changes are too big.

Although the Bodhisattva is bound by the Lingshan Mountain, her great aspirations actually dictate that she cannot act willfully in this matter.

Once she is reincarnated as a human being as a true spirit, all the three thousand Bodhisattva incarnations currently walking in the three realms will disappear.

And if you just reincarnate as an incarnation, there is no real effect of being a human being.

This is a multiple-choice question, choose yourself or all sentient beings.

The Bodhisattva didn't have any entanglements, so he chose the latter unsurprisingly.

But even a Bodhisattva will inevitably have some disturbances in her state of mind after making such a choice. Coming to Lingshan... firstly, to discuss Taoism with the Buddha and meditate; secondly, Sanzang and his party are coming to Lingshan anyway, so she

I want to be a witness.

The relationship between the Bodhisattva and Tripitaka’s master and disciple is always extraordinary.

In the past, when their master and disciple encountered any difficulties, the monkey head would always somersault to his south sea, asking for help... But it seems that since Erlang Zhenjun took over as the God of Justice, there have been fewer of them.

The last time we met was outside France.

But unlike in the past, this time it was the Bodhisattva who was specially waiting for their masters and disciples to arrive.

"Master Tripitaka and his disciples have already passed through Jinping Mansion and are now training those calf spirits in Xuanying Cave." Tathagata Buddha did not hesitate to communicate with the Bodhisattva about the current situation of Master Tripitaka and his disciples, and took the initiative to say: "Such a scene,

Did the Bodhisattva ever think about it when he went to the Tang Dynasty to enlighten him?"

"Never." The Bodhisattva sighed: "After he rescued Wukong from the foot of Wuzhi Mountain, what happened next was beyond the poor monk's expectation... Otherwise, the gold that the poor monk borrowed from fellow Taoist Ma Sui would

Hoop, it’s not like I haven’t given it away yet.”

"Even when he burned down my Guanyin Monastery, designed a group of demons in the Batu Cave, and saved all the demon kings... the poor monks wanted to put that tight hoop on his head.


At this moment, there were only two people in the Main Hall, the Buddha and the Bodhisattva, so they spoke more casually.

The Buddha on the side also said: "Actually, when Lingji Bodhisattva came to complain, I was also very surprised..."

"Amitabha." The Bodhisattva sighed and said the Buddha's name. Of course she knew about Lingji Bodhisattva... If Lingji Bodhisattva had not taken action at that time, it is not certain what the situation would be like now.

Let alone Lingji Bodhisattva, so what if it is the Bodhisattva himself?

When he was at Gaolaozhuang, if he had to protect the canopy... would the barbarian monk be willing to give up?

Of course it wouldn't happen. At that time, the master and the apprentice were even ready to fight against the heavens again.

This chapter has been completed!
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