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Chapter 417: These words are also addressed to everyone present; the master is called Wutian Demon Ancestor

Master Tripitaka will arrive at Lingshan soon!

Compared to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in Lingshan, as well as those Bodhisattvas whose dojos were not in Lingshan, but who had received the Buddha's decree, the goblins in Xizhou breathed a long sigh of relief.

After all, the end of Master Tripitaka's journey to the west seems to mean that to a certain extent, they don't have to live as worriedly as before.

Although there are some benevolent little demons who hope to be transformed by Master Sanzang, for the vast majority of demons in the three realms, the most instinctive reaction to people like Master Sanzang is to shut them out. It is best to

I have never had the chance to meet each other in my life.

The Jade Emperor, who often visited Tushita Palace recently, expressed great regret for this.

When he spread those rumors, he probably wanted to take the opportunity to clean up the gods in heaven, but he did not expect that except for Kui Mulang, who had descended to earth early, all the gods in heaven would end up in the lower realm of King Zhou.

And he still took the initiative to seek death.

Although it was also proved that Master Sanzang did have the ability to free the righteous gods who were on the list of gods, he still endured the punishment of heaven. Moreover, he also gained the recognition and favor of Emperor Xuanyuan and King Yu of the human race.

The Jade Emperor's idle move was put aside.

There is nothing we can do.

Those who can defeat Master Tripitaka will not be fooled. Secondly, they are confident that they can get out of trouble by relying on their own abilities and do not need to rely on others. However, those who have the intention of using Master Tripitaka to get out of trouble are absolutely no match for them.


Fortunately, this is the Jade Emperor's move. It's not a heartache to abandon it, but I can't help but complain to Laojun.

The Three Realms are huge.

Even the Jade Emperor, the supreme being of the three realms, actually only rules the three realms in name.

For example, places such as Lingshan Mountain, Kunlun Mountain, and Jin'ao Island have always had great autonomy, and the Jade Emperor would not easily interfere with their affairs.

And if it weren't for the fact that all the sages of the human race were cultivating in the Fire Cloud Cave due to the restrictions of heaven, there are really two opinions on who has the final say in this world.

I even thought boldly. If the Three Emperors and Five Emperors came together to visit the Lingxiao Palace, the Jade Emperor felt that he could abdicate in favor of others. Whoever wanted to be the Supreme of the Three Realms could be the one.

Does Buddhism still want to preach to the human race in the Central Plains?

Not to mention Buddhism, even Taiqing Laozi descended into the incarnation of Li Dan. How about the Taoist tradition passed down by the human race?

It seems that the incense is endless, but compared with the status of Taiqing Saint, it seems that it is not something praiseworthy.

To put it bluntly, the most popular among the gods in heaven is neither the Jade Emperor nor Laojun, but the "God of Wealth" Zhao Gongming.

The Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva, who is the most popular among Buddhists, has to be bowed down compared to the "God of Wealth".

If there is anyone who can really make the people of the Central Plains hesitate towards the "God of Wealth", I'm afraid it is Wenquxing. In addition, Hongluan Yue Lao also has to step aside, don't let the God of Wealth think that I am not pious.

This is one of the reasons why Zhao Gongming is not enthusiastic about leaving the list of gods.

"Your Majesty, the journey to the west is almost over." The old man shook his fly whisk and said with a smile: "It seems that it is time for the Eight Immortals to return to their places."

Buddhism uses the journey to the west to gather luck.

Although this is a tacit agreement between Buddhism and Taoism, it is naturally impossible for Taoism to have no countermeasures. The Eight Immortals in the Shangdong are the actions of Taoism.

Among them, Laojun has already decided on a great immortal. It is Emperor Donghua who was persuaded earlier to go to the lower world to experience human life.

And the Jade Emperor also has a candidate. The Barefoot Immortal has worked hard in heaven for a long time, and he is among the list of those who will descend to earth this time.

As for Taibai Jinxing, who will also descend to earth in the near future, the Jade Emperor does not intend to let him participate in the affairs of the Eight Immortals, but simply gives him a few days off, and he will have to return to the court sooner or later.

The main reason is that this old man doesn't realize that he is obviously very talented, but he likes to hide his clumsiness.

"The candidates for the Eight Immortals must be decided in advance?" the Jade Emperor asked Lao Jun.

The old gentleman thought for a moment and said with a smile: "How about your majesty and the old Tao each appoint one person, and the other six will all depend on fate?"


The Jade Emperor and Lao Jun each wrote down a person's name at the same time, and then they both showed it out. Lao Jun wrote the three characters "Li Tieguai", while the Jade Emperor wrote the three characters "Zhong Liquan".

"Hahahaha." Lao Jun laughed a few times and said continuously: "Wonderful, wonderful."

It turns out that the reincarnation of the Donghua Emperor and the Barefoot Immortal, who seemed to have been predetermined, actually had to compete for the throne based on chance.

As for the matter of the demon world, neither the Jade Emperor nor Lao Jun seemed to care about it anymore.

Moreover, after Fahai and the four disciples waited for the Huaguang Academy to be repaired and the ghosts and fairies of Yiying Mountain to be properly trained, the master and disciples continued on their journey to the west.

We were right at the foot of Lingshan Mountain, but the master and apprentice walked slower and slower. Whenever we encountered some cities or towns, we had to stay comfortably for a day or two.

Although everyone has made it clear, everyone knows in their hearts that after learning from the experience, it won't be long before everyone goes their separate ways.

There is no such thing as a banquet that lasts forever, and they are not hypocritical people. They just enjoy the time that master and disciple spend together as much as possible.

The road along the way is a great road. Sure enough, the Buddhist land in the West is different from other places. I saw some rare flowers, Yao grass, ancient cypresses, and green pines. Wherever I passed, every family was doing good deeds, and every household was practicing monks. Whenever people in the mountains were practicing,

I also saw a guest in the forest chanting sutras.

The masters and apprentices stayed overnight at Xiaoxing and completed the last eight hundred miles of the journey.

When they were about to enter the Lingshan Mountain, they suddenly saw a Bodhi tree, and the master and the disciples stopped in unison.

"Master, look -" the great sage pointed and said: "There is a Bodhi tree here, but I don't know if it is the one where the Buddha meditated."

"What's the difference between yes and no?" Fahai laughed, "But we are destined to meet each other. This is my first time seeing this Bodhi tree, so why not just meditate here for half a day before entering Lingshan Mountain?"


"Master, aren't you afraid that the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in Lingshan will be impatient with their waiting?"

"Amitabha." Fahai clasped his hands together and said, "As my teacher, I am just an ordinary monk. What are the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas waiting for me to do? You monkey, don't talk nonsense."

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Several disciples laughed secretly for a while after hearing this, and said to themselves: It is rare to see the master like this. Huh, but there were many bad things happened along the way, all because of the inaction of these gods and Buddhas, and they had to wipe their ass with their masters and disciples.

So what if I make you wait for half a day?

And when I, the old grandson, enter Lingshan Mountain, no one can even think of running away from you asking for Buddhist teachings.

In the Lingshan Mountain, there are Arhats who are always paying attention to the movements of their masters and disciples. At this moment, they are reporting to the Buddha in the Mahavira Palace: "Buddha, Tang Sanzang and his party are meditating under the bodhi tree at the moment. They said they will continue on their way in half a day."

The Buddha's expression was solemn, and his face showed neither sadness nor joy.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva opened his mouth and said: "Amitabha. It can be seen that Tripitaka and his entourage have real roots of wisdom. It is gratifying and congratulatory. This is the joy of my Buddhist sect, and it is also the blessing of the three realms."

After hearing this, Muzha, who was standing behind the Bodhisattva, said in his heart: "I hope that when the monkey is chanting sutras later, you can still maintain this dignity and calmness."

Muzha never expected that he would be called here today.



Didn’t you say you would let me leave Buddhism?

Besides, I am just a traveler. Why bother?

Wasn't it just a moment of slackness that allowed Ling Xuzi to take off his chains and fill the pond with water lilies?

Mu Zha glanced at the Shancai Dragon Girl who looked calm but was actually very excited. Because she had always been at the Nanhai Dojo, this was her first time at Lingshan, so she naturally couldn't hide her joy.

To this Muzha can only say: I hope you can laugh again soon.

These words are also addressed to everyone present here.

Mu Zha glanced briefly and found that except for the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva who was sitting in the Yin Mountain, all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the Three Realms were here.

The Ancient Buddha of Burning Deng, the past Buddha, and Maitreya Buddha, the future Buddha, are seated on both sides of Tathagata Buddha. Medicine Buddha is ranked first in the east, followed by the Buddhas of his Glazed Pure Land.

The first one in the west is where the Buddha is to be received. However, he is not there at the moment because he has to welcome Tripitaka and his entourage to cross Lingyun Ferry.

Not only that, Muzha also saw a scribe wearing a Confucian robe, sitting at the end of the row of Bodhisattvas in the Mahavira Palace. In a trance, he thought he had seen the Erlang God Yang Jian, but after taking a closer look, he suddenly realized that he was the Great Sage and the National Preceptor.

King Bodhisattva.



In the Mahavira Hall, even the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are never at peace in their hearts.

After all, they all knew Master Tripitaka's reputation along the way, and the rumors in Lingshan a few days ago would inevitably cause some waves in their hearts.

Although it is said to be a pure place for Buddhism, is it really pure?

Really pure places are those without people.

Let’s talk about the five masters and disciples meditating quietly under the bodhi tree. It is inevitable that they recalled every bit of the past fourteen years, especially the scene when master and disciples first met, which kept echoing in their hearts.

The green bodhi tree is the place where the treasure statue is solemn.

As soon as half a day was up, everyone stood up together, but there were few words on the road, they just lowered their heads and hurried on.

But after passing through the Yichuan Mountains, we saw a tall building with several floors of towering pavilions. It could be said that they soared hundreds of feet into the sky, towering into the sky.

Climb to the top, lower your head to watch the sunset, and reach out to pick up flying stars.

After seeing this scene, the master and disciple's mood gradually improved.

When Fahai saw this, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart: I have been a monk for two lives, but now I have finally reached Lingshan Mountain!

The masters and disciples were still sighing at the grand scenery here, but they saw a figure standing at the front of the pavilion door leaning in front of the mountain gate and shouting: "Is that the one who comes from the Eastern Land to retrieve scriptures?"

When Fahai heard the news, he went and saw the man wearing brocade clothes, shaking jade dust in his hand, hanging an immortal jar on his elbow, and wearing shoes.

He is not a monk, but a true Taoist priest!

Fahai didn't recognize the person for a moment, but the Great Sage beside him said: "Master, this is the Golden-crested Immortal of Yuzhen Temple at the foot of Lingshan Mountain. I think he came here specially to wait for us."

After hearing this, Fahai walked a few steps quickly and came forward to salute, "The poor monk Tang Sanzang has seen the great immortal."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The Golden Top Immortal laughed several times and said, "Why should a holy monk be so polite? Why did the holy monk arrive today? But I was deceived by Guanyin Bodhisattva. Fourteen years ago, she received the golden decree from the Buddha and went to the east to find people to collect scriptures. It turned out that

He said he would come to my place in two or three years. I waited every year, but there was no news. Unexpectedly, we only met today."

After hearing this, Fahai quickly said: "Thank you for the great immortal's kindness, I am grateful! But please forgive me for the great immortal. It is because the young monk encountered many entanglements along the way, and often caused trouble wherever he went. This slowed down the journey, and please forgive me for the great immortal."

"Hahahahaha -" the Golden Summit Immortal laughed again, "What are you talking about, Holy Monk? Your deeds are astonishing to me. It's getting late today, so please go to the temple to rest, and just wait until tomorrow morning to go up to Lingshan Mountain again."


"Thank you!"

Fahai didn't refuse. Anyway, he had already reached the foot of Lingshan Mountain, let alone this day.

The Golden Summit Immortal led the five masters and disciples inside, ordered them to watch tea and set up a meal, and also asked the children to burn incense soup and bathe with the holy monks, so that they could go to the Buddha's place.

The Golden-crested Immortal even paid his respects and sang songs——

It is appropriate to take a bath after completing the meritorious deeds, to refine and tame the nature and become innocent. All the hardships are over now, and the nine precepts and three refuges have begun to make a new start. The demons have all gone to the Buddha's land, and the disasters have been eliminated, so they can see the ascetics. After washing away the dust and dirt, there is no stain.

Restore the original without destroying the body.

Above the Mahavira Palace.

The Buddha looked at the Bodhisattva and slowly said: "The Bodhisattva has made the great immortal wait for more than ten years. Now that he makes us wait one more day, it can be said to be karma and retribution."


That night.

The Great Sage suddenly noticed something strange in Lingshan Mountain. After turning his fiery eyes and golden eyes to look at it, he saw that it was clearly a place of Buddha realm, but there was a black mist.

Just when he was about to speak, he heard the voice transmission from the master: "Wukong, your soul has left your body, go and investigate."


Sure enough, this black mist vision could not be hidden from the master.

Lingshan Jieyin Temple.

This is where the Taoist temple was where the Buddha was introduced, and the black mist emerged from here.

"Weird thing!"

The great sage hid his soul and watched from outside the temple. He said to himself: "It is said that the vision here is not small. Even if the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in Lingshan cannot detect it, why doesn't even the Buddha react?"

Because the incident seemed strange, the Great Sage was a little cautious and did not enter the temple without permission.

I just use my fiery eyes and golden ears and my supernatural powers to listen carefully, but I can only hear it intermittently, which is not true.

I sighed in my heart: It would be great if Junior Brother Liuer was here.

After a while, the Great Sage heard that there was no movement in Jieyin Temple, and after seeing that all the black fog had dispersed, he turned around and returned to Yuzhen Temple.

"Master, he is a man named Wutian Demon Ancestor. He has a secret meeting at night to attract the Buddha. It seems that he wants to gain access to our scriptures."

The Great Sage didn't hear it clearly, but that's what it meant.

"Demon Ancestor Wutian?" Fahai's brows gradually furrowed, and he half-guessed: "Is he a person from the demon world? Can the Buddha be in cahoots with him?"

"No." The Great Sage shook his head, "The two of them must have known each other, so Jieyin Fo did not take action against him, nor did he collude with him. He only warned him to do what he wanted and not to make any mistakes."

"If you can't figure it out, let it go for the time being. When you see Jie Yin Buddha tomorrow, you can ask him clearly in person." He said this, but Fahai was not at peace in his heart. "I didn't expect that even after arriving at Lingshan, I could encounter such a person.

I just hope that I can obtain the true scripture smoothly and don't have any more setbacks."

After all, this is Lingshan Mountain, which is different from other places. If a commotion really breaks out, it will be more serious than bad.

Then, there was no talking all night.

The next morning, Fahai changed his clothes, put on a brocade cassock, a Vairocana hat, and held a tin staff. He led several disciples to the hall to pay homage to the great immortal. This time he was really going to the Lingshan Mountain.

This chapter has been completed!
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