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Chapter 451: Shut up first and cultivate yourself with your heart; how can everything in this world be perfect?

Fa Hai Crosses the Tang Sanzang Text Volume 451: Shut up first and cultivate yourself; how can everything in this world be perfect? ​​Naturally, Laojun would not tell the Jade Emperor that he was listening to that little guy and eavesdropping on Sun Wukong's thoughts.

, and then relayed it to himself.

As for why Diting told him such a thing, it can only be said that this little guy tried his best to find out a lot of the secrets of the three realms, and even some things, in order to take a trip to his alchemy furnace.

Even Laojun is not that clear.

He is indeed the only divine beast in the three realms. If he had not become Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's beloved pet early on, he would have been tied up in the Eight Views Palace at all costs.

In this way, both Tingting and Liu Er have their own homes, but only Bai Ze is left hiding in the three realms. Laojun intended to catch him up to heaven, but was too lazy to move, so he put him aside for the time being.


The main reason is that Bai Ze is an ancient demon god, very cunning and cunning. Even if Laojun wants to catch him, he will have to spend a lot of effort.

The Jade Emperor on the side saw that Lao Jun was suddenly distracted, so he stopped disturbing him and said goodbye.

Although he didn't know where Lao Jun heard this, the Jade Emperor was sure that he hadn't heard anything about it. But he didn't question it too much, because it was simply the power of the monkey.

Things done.

At this moment, the four heavenly kings are still in Lingshan. When they come back, the Jade Emperor is going to personally give an order. If he sees Sun Wukong ascending to heaven, he will immediately close the gate of heaven before talking about anything else.

But it's just that, you can't rest assured and you have to arrange a sound-silencing formation as a protection.

Otherwise, when the monkey saw that he was blocking him from entering, he might even start playing tricks outside the door. By then, the entire heaven would be paralyzed by his "Great Sage's Thunder Sound".

Why didn't you see that he had such abilities back then?

The four heavenly kings who were still in Lingshan said: Your Majesty, there is no need for you to give orders on this matter. From now on, you will see whose mountain gate dares to be opened by the Monkey King!

Even the Consciousness-only Sect founded by his master would probably absolutely prohibit him from giving lectures in the mountain gate!

Lingshan has not been so lively for a long time. Although the four heavenly kings who have recovered slightly are also suffering under the "Great Sage's Thunder Sound", they still feel that it is worth paying for the price. After all, such a scene may not be encountered in a thousand years.


Besides, they fainted early, so they didn’t suffer too much.

Those who support the last few Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are the real warriors. It is not unreasonable for them to become Buddhas, leaders and great Bodhisattvas.

At least after what happened, Lingshan had to admit that the other party's determination was indeed superior to his own if he took down what they couldn't bear.

And Wujing and Jianglong Luohan were two freaks, beyond their knowledge. But it is undeniable that after these two people arrived, not to mention in Lingshan Buddhism, they were in the entire

We must establish a great reputation in the three realms, and our future is limitless.

As for Master Sanzang, who could hear the end, no one was surprised. Only a few great Bodhisattvas who were almost possessed by demons were using magic power to caress their wounds that could not be healed for a long time, but they were muttering to Sanzang in their hearts: Let’s do it

I'm afraid you've reached your limit with such cruelty, right?

But he just happened to take it out on a few of us?

The Great Sage is sitting cross-legged on the Main Hall, but at this moment, the Main Hall has long since lost the image of the Ten Thousand Buddhas who worshiped the ancestors before, and is empty and deserted.

At the top are the Tathagata Buddha, the Ancient Buddha of Lighting Lights and the Maitreya Buddha. The following are the Tathagata Buddha, the Medicine Buddha and the Great Sun Tathagata. There are only six of them left among the Buddhas.

Among the Bodhisattvas, there were only three, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Peacock Great Ming King Bodhisattva, and Great Sage King Bodhisattva. Those who couldn't help but move their hands also took the initiative to leave the hall and were reflecting outside the hall.

After that, there are Fa Hai, Wu Jing and Dragon Subduing Arhat.

Wujing and Jianglong Arhat also wanted to resign, but the Tathagata refused, and the Buddhas and the three Bodhisattvas also thought it was appropriate.

"Wukong has great magical powers."

Buddha spoke slowly, but his voice was no longer the same as Zhuang Xiong's, and he could even hear a hint of exhaustion.


The Great Sage cleared his throat, suppressed his somewhat confused eyes, and said to the Tathagata Buddha, "I am not a good scholar, and I haven't even finished the Mahaprajna Sutra."

Guanyin Bodhisattva saw Wukong's languid expression and knew that his own mental and mental loss was definitely not small, so he lightly sprinkled some nectar and some jade-clear fairy light into Wukong's body, and then said with a serious expression, "You stubborn monkey, you don't know the depth of things.

Fortunately, you shut up in time, otherwise you will definitely hurt your origin. Just shut up first and cultivate yourself carefully."

The Great Sage chuckled and did not refute. In fact, he clearly heard that the Bodhisattva was blaming himself. Although he had already planned this, after all, the ladder was built by the Bodhisattva himself.

The Great Sage bowed to the Bodhisattva, and then looked at the Master. Seeing the Master nodding, he began to cultivate his mind with the Bodhisattva's Three Light Divine Water and Jade Pure Immortal Light.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva also glanced at Tripitaka's place. She had good reason to suspect that Tripitaka did not deliberately restrain himself from his attack just now, just to wake up Wukong who had become obsessed with chanting sutras.

Not what those great Bodhisattvas thought, but Tripitaka has reached its limit.

Just looking at the appearances of everyone in the palace now, one can tell that apart from Wu Jing and Subduing the Dragon Arhat, Tripitaka is the most capable.

The one who consumes the most is the Great Sage King Bodhisattva or Yang Tianyou.

As for why he said this, it was because the Bodhisattva could see very clearly that the Buddha nature of the Great Sage King Bodhisattva remaining in Yang Tianyou's body was gradually being wiped away by the sound of the Great Sage's thunder.

At this moment, the Buddhist cassock on his body has faded away and he has been replaced by a green scribe's gown. Although his face is bloodless and his energy is low, his eyes are getting brighter.

If he had received Master Tripitaka's Buddha's flame in Xiaoxitian before, which allowed him to break free from the "Buddha's shackles", then now that he heard the great sage's thunder sound, it was a combination of circumstances that completely wiped out Upaladha Buddha's presence on him.

I was freed from the shackles of Buddhism. I also gained a truly free body and felt at ease for a while.

This resulted in Maitreya Buddha and Medicine Buddha not knowing whether they should congratulate Yang Tianyou when they faced him.

Fortunately, when they were in Lingshan, they didn't have many interactions. Now that the brothers and sisters reunited, they didn't feel any upset. Of course, if Kinnara Bodhisattva returns, the situation will be completely different.

The second disciple of the former Buddha was not as rebellious as Jin Chanzi.

When he transformed into Mara, he had already attacked Lingshan once, but was suppressed by Tathagata Buddha. Now that he has achieved great success, he has gathered the power of the demon world and became the great sage of the demon world. If they really come back, will they be able to cope with it? They are still two people.


"I made you laugh."

The apprentice has made a big splash, so Fa Hai, the master, naturally has to step up and finish it off for him. After all, he has always been "modest and polite", and this time is no exception. "He is a stubborn disciple with a shallow mind, and he shows off for a moment. But...

It’s causing trouble for Lingshan.”

It’s just that these words came from Tripitaka’s mouth and reached the ears of the monks. Why did it sound so strange?

Did you apologize sincerely?

Why does it look more like showing off?

Everyone can say something about the situation, and everyone has to say it, even the Buddha is no exception, "It doesn't matter, it's not a trouble. I just happened to use Wukong's magical power to test the mental concentration of the monks in Lingshan. What I see now, it seems

They're still far from it."

Xinxing, to a large extent, affects the upper limit of a person's spiritual practice.

Especially for both Buddhism and Taoism, this is a top priority.

Today's lesson may be remembered by the monks at Lingshan for a lifetime, but because it affects so many people, it may not achieve the ideal effect that the Buddha had previously envisioned.

But this is not a big problem. The seeds have been planted. The so-called beginning of everything is still some time before the demon world appears, and this period is enough for me to train them well.

After all, Sanzang refused to take over Lingshan, otherwise he wouldn’t have to worry so much.

Even the Buddha had no way to deal with Tang Sanzang, who had no access to oil or salt. In the past, when he was still a golden cicada, he could still control him with his magic power, but now if he wants to take action, he may be able to defeat him.

It's really not that easy.

Perhaps the Buddha took advantage of his long practice time and his magic power was deeper and more solid than Sanzang's, but in terms of cultivation level, the Buddha was very sure that Sanzang had already caught up.

After several "survivors" had a conversation in the palace, Wukong's mind recovered to some extent.

The matter was settled, and Fahai had no intention of staying in Lingshan for a long time, so he wanted to get up and say goodbye.

The Buddha and the Bodhisattva tried to persuade Sanzang to no avail, so they watched Sanzang leave the Mahavira Palace, called Bajie and Little White Dragon, and went straight down to Lingshan Mountain.

"I originally wanted to promote them to the great position of master and disciple." The Buddha looked at their leaving figures and gave a rare sigh, "This time, it finally lacked a bit of perfection."

"Amitabha." Guanyin Bodhisattva said with a smile: "The so-called Great Dao Fifty, how can everything in this world be perfect in the Forty-nine Heavenly Evolutions?"


Even if Buddhas and Bodhisattvas like them cannot achieve perfection, what about all the regrets in the mortal world?

The Buddha who was being introduced to the side suddenly opened his mouth and said: "The teachings of Tripitaka and Hinayana Buddhism are not inferior to those of the poor monks. They can be called the 'liberation heaven' of Hinayana."

"That being the case," the Buddha pondered for a moment and then said, "Preach my teachings to the three realms and respect Tripitaka as the Hinayana 'Heaven of Liberation' and the Mahayana 'Great Vehicle Heaven'."

It doesn't matter if you don't want to become a Buddha, but Lingshan can't show it at all. Moreover, if these two titles are mentioned, no one in the Buddhist sect will be dissatisfied.

"In addition, Tripitaka is respected as the 'right and omniscient'."

If the first two titles could be accepted by the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the hall, then the title of "Perfect and Universal Knowledge" still surprised them.

At the same time, they were assured that the Buddha's previous statement that he would pass on the position of Lord of Lingshan to Tripitaka was no joke.

True omniscience, also known as Samyak Sambuddha, is one of the ten names of Buddha.

Knowing the Dharma Realm is called correct and omniscient knowledge, and one can know all Dharma correctly and completely.

It is said to possess all wisdom and know everything about all dharmas, so it is called correct and omniscient.

Based on the equality of all dharmas, it enables all sentient beings to become supremely enlightened, so it is called the Right Enlightenment.

In layman's terms, it means that its wisdom is true and complete, all-encompassing, and all-encompassing.

And this number three also spread throughout the three realms at the fastest speed.

Leaving aside the demons in Luzhou in the north and the immortal sects in Shenzhou in the east, the sentient beings in Hezhou in Xiniu and Fanbuzhou in Nanfang are very convinced of this and believe that Master Tripitaka should do his duty.

After hearing the news, the two emperors of Tianzhu and Tang Dynasty, as well as the heads of other countries, unanimously made the same decision - "Amnesty for the whole world".

Of course, those serious criminals are not included in the amnesty.

They have all dealt with Master Tripitaka, so they naturally know how Master Tripitaka treats evil people, and understand that punishment is their true destiny.

As Sanzang's master and disciples left, the monks gathered at Lingshan also dispersed and returned to their own monasteries.

The storm is coming. After all these twists and turns, everyone knows that even Lingshan, which is not peaceful on the surface, is undercurrent. Several Buddhas and leaders have their own plans. Ordinary monks like them, it is best to

It’s better not to fall into this vortex

After some returned home, they still closed the gates of their homes and declared themselves in seclusion to practice; others simply went directly to the underworld to plead with Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva so that they could be reincarnated.

The former are almost all the three thousand human beings who were brought back by the Second Saint of the West; the latter are some fringe figures who were originally in the Western Church. After all, those who have some status have gone to the major pure lands.

The three Bodhisattvas Skanda, Jin Zha and Muzha have a very clear purpose. They are preparing to withdraw from Buddhism.

As for whether to go back to explain the teaching, for Wei Tuo Bodhisattva, his master Daoxing Tianzun is still the great immortal of the teaching, and their two masters are still the three great masters of Buddhism, so they are still a little uncomfortable. What's more,

Now even the mountain gate of Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain is closed.

It was Skanda Bodhisattva who suggested, "Let's go to the human world and experience it first. As for other things, you might as well let nature take its course."


Jin Zha and Mu Zha didn't have any good ideas, so they adopted Skanda Bodhisattva's suggestion.

Skanda Bodhisattva took off his cassock, but did not put on his Taoist robe again. Instead, he dressed up as a mortal and went to study with Mr. Ziyu. Merely proficient in both Buddhism and Taoism was not enough. This was the time to do so.

He studied Confucian classics.

After all, he is the number one person in Quanzhen in the future. Wei Hu ranks above the three schools of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, and has unique talents and talents.

Moreover, since he had already dabbled in Confucianism, Mr. Ziyu would naturally not turn him away.

As for Jin Zha and Mu Ze, they did not shave their heads to begin with. After returning to secular life, they naturally went home to visit their mother first, and then

"Mom, where is my little sister?"

After the two brothers returned to Chentangguan, they found no trace of their little sister, so they naturally asked their mother.

"I know you two came back in a hurry not to see me as your mother. Zhenying worshiped the Third Holy Mother as her teacher and is now practicing in Huashan." Mrs. Yin said again when she saw that the two of them couldn't hold it anymore and were about to leave.

: "If you go to Huashan right now, you might miss the mark. Erlang Zhenjun was so happy to have Lin'er in the first month of the lunar month, and the Third Holy Mother and Zhenying should both be at the mouth of the Guanjiang River."

The two brothers laughed, and quickly apologized to their mother, and then said quickly: "Brother Yang has a son, my two brothers should also come to congratulate her."

Although the relationship between Jin Zha, Mu Zha and Yang Jian is not as good as that of Nezha, they still have some friendship, and they have to go there both emotionally and rationally.

This chapter has been completed!
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