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Chapter 485: For the stability of the three realms; isn’t this the source of the disciple’s Buddha calamity?

Although Qingfeng still looks like a boy, he is actually a Taoist master who has practiced with Zhenyuan for more than a thousand years... However, they have followed Zhenyuan since childhood and guarded Yuanyang, so they have never been involved in love.


But now seeing that the third prince is so "heartless" and has no sympathy for her... I feel a little curious in my heart.

But after taking a closer look, I realized that the Third Prince didn't seem completely indifferent.

"But what can I do?" The third prince sighed and said, "It's not that I provoked them on purpose... What I can do is to tell them my attitude simply and neatly. The so-called short-term pain is worse than long-term pain. ...I can’t let them hang on to me all the time. This is an unrealistic idea.”

Qingfeng seemed to understand after listening, but suddenly thought of another level, "Third Prince, is it possible that it is because you have never been able to get married that you gave them some hope... After all, men are not married and women are not married.

...A gentleman can ask for a fair lady, but when a woman meets a beloved person like the Third Prince, she must take the initiative to seize the opportunity."

"What you said makes sense..." Xiao Bailong deeply agreed with Qingfeng's words, "But getting married is impossible. I will ask Master to ordain me and officially become a monk someday."

"Ha..." Qingfeng laughed sarcastically after hearing this, "Third Prince, I didn't mean it... But let's not say whether Master Sanzang will ordain you, but what will happen even if you do? It's you who became a monk.

Now, it’s not like they have become monks? Besides, the women’s crowns of the Tang Dynasty...never tabooed these things, right?"

Xiao Bailong's expression suddenly condensed, this matter... is really troublesome.

Naturally, he would not doubt Qingfeng's words. After all, as the master of the Holy Buddha of the Three Realms, he was also quite disturbed by it.

In fact, practitioners of Taoism and Xuanmen do not taboo things between men and women, otherwise there would be no such thing as a couple of gods and immortals... It’s just that most real people with advanced cultivation, in addition to being always pure-hearted and celibate, actually have another

The reason is that it is difficult to meet someone who makes his heart beat.

Or, even if you are in love and the other person doesn't... you can't force this marriage.

It's just that compared to ordinary people, they only have a short life span of a hundred years, get married and have children, and carry on the family line... which is also a responsibility.

Moreover, most of the important matters of marriage in this world are dictated by parents and matchmakers... How many newlyweds can get to know their significant other before marriage?

But the monks are naturally different... They have long lifespans, and no one will force them in this regard, so they can live as freely as they want... When they meet the right one, they form Taoist partners and travel together.

In the Three Realms, if you are not so lucky, it would also be great to practice in seclusion or visit friends in the mountains.

"It's strange..." Qingfeng touched his chin and looked at the Third Prince up and down for a long time, "Are you really not interested in them?"

"Except for some compassion, there is no other feeling." Xiao Bailong said the truth.

"Compassion? What do you think of this?"

"Well..." Xiao Bailong pondered for a while, thinking about the wording in his mind, and then explained, "I may not like them, but when I know they like me...especially when I see them...

When I use my love, I always feel that I owe them something...perhaps I feel guilty for not being able to respond to their love for me."

"So I don't want to hurt them unless I have to." Xiao Bailong thought for a while and sighed: "But when I explicitly rejected them, it was obvious that I had broken their hearts... maybe this is also

Another reason why I never get close to women."

"The third prince has high righteousness!" Qingfeng said in awe, "I hope you can keep it up... otherwise, if one day, the news comes out in the three realms that you are getting married... I'm afraid it will be a big storm."

Well, for the sake of the stability of the three realms!

After all, women who fall in love with Xiao Bailong are not good people. If they become "blackened" because of this, it will be a disaster for both parties.

At that time, the person who worked hard for this matter was none other than Xiao Bailong's brother-in-law, Erlang Zhenjun...

"Amitabha." Xiao Bailong clasped his hands together. Naturally, I would not cause trouble to my brother-in-law at this juncture.

If it were his brother-in-law... Xiao Bailong felt vaguely that if he had caused trouble, he would not be too polite to her... Even if he would not be put in jail for this, Bao Buqi would try to appease their resentment.

, will do something that is difficult for others.

For example, forcing myself to obey them...

Miss Gongsun's matter has come to an end for the time being.

After Xiao Bailong came back, he found out that it was Princess Longji who was visiting Ci'en Temple. Then he suddenly realized that it was Lord Hongluan Xing who had descended to earth, so it was normal for him to meet Miss Gongsun.

This also reminded Xiao Bailong of a past incident on the westward journey... It was just when they crossed the Tongtian River that there were two disaster stars, Shangmen and Diaoke, descending to the lower world, which made them miserable.

As a pioneer in exploring the path, I have strayed off the path time and time again without realizing it... I am really derelict in my duty.

Fortunately, Master did not blame him for this, but Xiao Bailong himself always felt guilty...

He has always had this temperament, even when Princess Wan Sheng eloped with the Nine-Headed Insect. When Xiao Bailong was angry, he was actually wondering if he had done something wrong to make Princess Wan Sheng empathize.

Later, when we passed through the Flame Mountain, we managed to clean up Bibo Pond and captured Princess All Saints, we realized... Princess All Saints was greedy and wanted both.

Marrying herself openly, but secretly still having an affair with Nine-Headed Insect... It's really a wishful thinking.

Perhaps this is what prompted him to become the White Dragon Bodhisattva that the little monsters call him today.

Previously, a group of monsters asked for help, but this was not even treated by the great sage.

At tomorrow's ceremony, most of the guests who are supposed to be present have arrived early. Even if they are not at Ci'en Temple tonight, they are here to meet Master Tripitaka.

Zhen Yuanzi and Lishan Laomu are also old acquaintances, but relatively speaking, they have less contact... Now, taking advantage of the opening ceremony of the Consciousness Wei Sect, they can also take the opportunity to discuss Taoism.

"Old man, it's been a long time." Immortal Zhenyuan made a bow.

"Hehehehe——" The old man smiled, feeling particularly happy to see his former Taoist friends today, "I don't need to be polite...please sit down."

After Immortal Zhenyuan sat down, he saw a white snake coiled in Lao Mu's hand, so he took a few more glances...

"When I passed by Qingcheng Mountain before, I came across this little snake. I thought I was destined, so I kept it by my side." The old man raised his arm slightly, and the white snake turned into a white light and fell to the ground, but it turned into a woman in plain clothes... maybe

She was raised by the old mother of Lishan. After her transformation, she did not have the usual beauty of a snake demon transformed into a human being. Instead, she was somewhat holy.

It's better to call it a fairy than a goblin.

"Disciple Bai Suzhen, pay homage to the Great Immortal Zhenyuan." Bai Suzhen has been with Mr. Lishan for some time. What Mr. Lishan taught him was not only the method of cultivation, but also the knowledge.

Bai Suzhen naturally knew very well what kind of person Zhenyuan Immortal was, so I had a chance to meet him in my incarnation.

When an elder meets a younger person, he or she needs to give some greeting gifts.

Of course, not all juniors have this kind of opportunity.

Otherwise, if there were so many disciples of Jiejiao back then, if they were to visit them one by one... even Yuanshi Tianzun, who has a big family and a huge business, would probably be hard-pressed to resist.

Some good people are also talking in private, saying that when the Sanqing family was separated... it was because the Tongtian Cult Master accepted too many disciples that the meeting gift given by Yuanshi Tianzun could not be collected...

As for the Taiqing Saint, his alchemy skills are unique in the three realms, so he is naturally not afraid of not being able to give him a greeting gift.

Those with knowledge of the matter will naturally know that these are all nonsense. For example, the greeting gift given to Mother Lishan was only given to the four major disciples of Jie Jiao, not even the seven major inner disciples who were inner disciples.

On the contrary, in addition to the Twelve Golden Immortals, Chanjiao also has the addition of Nanji Xianweng, the senior brother of Chanjiao, and Yun Zhongzi, a meritorious golden immortal.

But the reason why rumors can spread, whether good or bad, is because they touch people's hearts, isn't it?

"I came out in a hurry." Immortal Zhenyuan first supplemented himself, then took out a branch from his sleeve, waved it twice in his hand, and then looked at Bai Suzhen, "You girl, you may have noticed this.

The origin of the object?”

Bai Suzhen knew that Immortal Zhenyuan was testing her in school. She thought about it carefully, then bowed and said confidently: "I dare to ask Immortal...but the fallen branches of the ginseng fruit tree?"

"Hahahaha——" Immortal Zhenyuan laughed a few times after hearing this and said, "You are very smart."

Bai Suzhen suddenly felt happy.

"But you guessed wrong."

Bai Suzhen was stunned again when she heard this.

"It is said that the dead branch that I took out from Pindao's hand should be the branch of the ginseng fruit tree..." Immortal Zhenyuan did not show off, and directly revealed the answer: "This thing is the dead branch of the Qibao tree..."

It’s not a poor ginseng branch.”


How could Bai Suzhen think of this section?

I was frightened for a moment and didn't know how to reply.

"How could the Immortal take this thing out?" Compared to Bai Suzhen's surprise, the old man's expression was more serious, "Is there something... wrong?"

"Although it was only a cursory glance, I can also tell that she seems to have a Buddha calamity in the future..." Since the Zhenyuan Immortal has already taken out his hand, he naturally has his own intentions. Seeing that the old lady does not want to accept it, he first

I asked, "I must have brought her to Chang'an to resolve this disaster through Tripitaka, right?"


Lishan Laomu nodded. She would not be unaware of what Immortal Zhenyuan could see... Just as Immortal Zhenyuan said, Bai Suzhen will have a disaster in the future, and it will come from Buddhism... As for what exactly is going on

, even with her cultivation level, it is no longer difficult to spy on her.

I originally thought that after traveling to the west, the secret of heaven would become clear, but I never expected that it would become increasingly chaotic.

Even the Eight Immortals in Shangdong, who were quite certain before, have begun to become murky and unclear... I don't know how Laojun and Tianting will plan this matter.

But Lao Mu thinks that with Lao Jun’s temperament, he would probably just ignore it and let nature take its course... After all, for Lao Jun, it doesn’t matter which eight immortals are in the cave. What’s important is whether they can get together.

Enough for these eight people.

"Then this thing is perfect." Immortal Zhenyuan gave his own explanation at this moment, "Since it is the Buddha's calamity, it is not enough to only see Tripitaka... Although he established the Consciousness Only Sect, it seems to be very powerful now.

...But there is no background yet. The rise and fall of the sect is all due to him... Moreover, his influence is limited to the Tang Dynasty and the countries on the westward journey... If I am right, I

Have you already taken her to see Guanyin Bodhisattva?"


Lishan Laomu nodded, "She unexpectedly fell in love with Guanyin."

"In this way, there should be no problem with Mahayana Buddhism..." Zhenyuan Great Immortal said with a smile: "And based on the relationship between Maharashtra Tathagata and Lao Mu, I am afraid that when the tantric monks see her, they will only treat her as

Treat each other with courtesy...Then only Theravada Buddhism is left."

When Hou Yi shot the sun, the golden crow that escaped ended up hiding in the Wa palace of Empress Nuwa. It was not until the Battle of the Gods that it returned to the Three Realms as a Sanren of West Kunlun, the spirit of the innate Lihuo.

Finally, he joined the Western Sect and became the Great Sun Tathagata to establish the secret sect, and competed with the Tathagata Many Treasures for the position of the Lord of the Spiritual Mountain.

But it was the Tathagata Many Treasures who was superior, so the Great Sun Tathagata trapped himself in the Buddha Mountain, leaving an incarnation outside, which was Zen Master Wuchao... When Master Sanzang passed by the Buddha Mountain, he was inspired by him and escaped.


The Vajra Buddha Bead that finally fell into the hands of the Queen of Xiliang was also given to Empress Nuwa by the Tathagata the Great Sun, and Old Mother Lishan was originally the incarnation left by Empress Nuwa... This all matched up.

"And this broken branch of the Seven Treasures Tree in the poor Taoist hand...isn't it the sacred relic of Hinayana Buddhism?" Zhenyuan Immortal seemed to have seen what Lao Mu was thinking, so he took the initiative to explain, "

At that time, Pindao moved the Wanshou Mountain from Dongsheng Shenzhou to Xiniu Hezhou, blocking the danger of the west's eastward advance... How could the two leaders of the Western Sect give up? Unfortunately, both Zhunti and Jieyin had already left at that time.

In the three realms, the Buddha Upaladha of Lingshan came to discuss Taoism with Pindao... This thing was the technique he used to destroy the universe in Pindao's sleeves at that time, and he left it in Pindao's sleeves."

"With his temperament, he will naturally not preach such things in the three realms... In this way, the monks of Hinayana Buddhism should have some respect for this thing and dare not act rashly."

"In that case... Suzhen, why don't you thank the immortal for the treasure?"

"Ah...oh...yes..." Bai Suzhen forced herself to return to her soul, "Thank you so much for the gift of the treasure."

The words of Immortal Zhenyuan and Lao Mu did not avoid Bai Suzhen... At this moment, her mind was still buzzing, and she felt that she suddenly knew too much... She really could know these things


Also, Great Immortal...not to mention what will happen in the disciple's future kalpa...Are you sure that if I were to take over the Seven Treasures Tree left by Uparatha Buddha in your sleeve, I really wouldn't know how to do it?

Will it cause trouble?

Isn’t this the source of the disciple’s Buddha calamity?

Bai Suzhen is very smart, otherwise she would not have been favored by Mother Lishan and taken under her wing.

Although it was only a few words, she could also deduce the circumstances under which Upaladha Buddha would break his own magic weapon, the Seven Treasures Tree, in the Qiankun in Zhenyuan's sleeves, leaving stumps behind.


"What kind of magical weapons do you usually use?" Immortal Zhenyuan asked Bai Suzhen.


After hearing this, Immortal Zhenyuan started practicing the magic formula on the spot and refined the sword on the spot...

This chapter has been completed!
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