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Chapter 489: Since he is a human king, he has to command the world; at best, he is superficially respectful.

After the Yellow Turban Rebellion, those in power in the following dynasties saw the power of Taoist masters, which was the Dragon Slaying Way... so they became more and more fearful of Xuanmen Taoism.

Xuanmen monks, after this incident, even avoided the fate of dynasties in the world.

Even Zhang Jiao, a descendant of Zhuangzi and a great virtuous teacher with "unfathomable" cultivation in the world, could not withstand the backlash of luck, and eventually died of illness... How could an ordinary monk take the initiative to provoke him again?

As for the many emperors in the future, they only wanted to prevent the Taoist rebellion, and they also wanted to let the Taoist priests refine the elixir of immortality... Not to mention that the emperor could not live forever, even if he could, I am afraid it was just wishful thinking.

Most emperors always seem to worry too much about the security of their throne.

I wonder if this courtier is disloyal, if other aristocratic families want to rebel, and what are the movements of the opposition families...

Even Taoism, which has always been indifferent, has been suppressing it for hundreds of years and is about to explode into a shocking thunder. So what will happen if other schools get interested?

Confucianism, Legalism and military strategists are already inseparable from the dynasty, but schools such as Mohism, Zongheng and Yin Yang have never been peaceful people.

After the Qin and Han Dynasties, these three families gradually disappeared. If the Yin and Yang family fled overseas after the death of Ying Zheng, the Zongheng family also declined due to the unification of the world and no stage for them to display their mastery of combining vertical and horizontal lines... But

The Mohist family, which was not restricted by the imperial court, directly cut off its inheritance.

Fahai also discussed this matter with several human kings in the Fire Cloud Cave back then... What kind of decision would they make if such a thing happened during their rule?

At that time, Dayu laughed directly and said: "Since I am the king of humans, naturally everyone in the world must obey my orders, no matter whether they are gods descending to earth or demons in the world... there are no exceptions. The hundreds of schools of thought are originally human schools, so they must naturally obey them.

The king of men orders."

"What if they don't listen?" Master Sanzang asked. After all, hundreds of schools of thought are competing for the status of prominent scholars in the world. On the other hand, they are also competing for the destiny of the human race... Once they gain power, how can they not suppress other schools?


The peaceful coexistence of all schools of thought is something that even Confucius would not dare to boast could be achieved in Haikou...because many of their ideas are fundamentally in conflict.

But Sage Kong had the mind to protect all things with Confucianism and embrace all rivers... Unfortunately, human life is limited, and there were many outstanding people in the world at that time. Although he led three thousand disciples to teach in various countries in the Central Plains, he could not get what he had received.


When the deadline is up, it is already a great surprise to be able to fly up to the Fire Cloud Cave... But on the other hand, it is really unpleasant to sit in the Fire Cloud Cave and watch the suffering of the world without being able to help.

Feel good.

Although Confucianism is respected in the world today, Confucius knew very well that if Dong Zhongshu had not "perfected" the theory of heaven and man's induction, it would have been a matter of time before the Confucian school was purged by the imperial court.

It was from this time that Confucianism began to continuously absorb the theories of various schools for its own use and serve the emperor's imperial power. This formed a situation of "deposing hundreds of schools of thought and respecting Confucianism alone."

Regardless of whether Confucianism really regards the emperor as the supreme emperor in its heart, in short, the superficial writing is very beautiful... unlike other schools of thought, which blatantly restricts the monarch's power.

For example, when the emperor heard that "the emperor commits the same crime as the common people" and "the three cardinal principles and the five constant principles", no matter how reasonable the former is... the emperor will definitely choose the latter.

But most emperors often said the previous sentence to show their wisdom.

"Actually, the reason why the Human King is the Human King is, to a certain extent, because our power seems to be invincible in this world and can protect the human race..." Shaohao smiled and said: "But in fact, among the human race, it is definitely not us.

There are many leaders and tribe leaders under the Human King, and they also have decision-making power on many matters... and it’s not just the Human Race.”

Fahai still knew a little bit about Emperor Shaohao... Rumor has it that all the Bird Tribes surrendered to him back then. This was the only collective submission of the Bird Tribe since Phoenix returned to southern Xinjiang.

This shows how powerful Emperor Shaohao was at that time.

Emperor Zhuanxu also smiled and said: "In fact, the gods were not willing to listen to my orders back then, so I asked them to stay in the sky and never come down. As for the evil spirits..."

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Emperor Zhuanxu did not say anything further, but all the human kings present burst into heroic and wanton laughter... Obviously, when the human king was ruling the world, the life of the evil spirits was not easy, and the fierce power of Dayu is still with us today.


Xuanyuan Huangdi said with some regret: "At that time, hundreds of schools of thought were the outstanding figures of our human race... It is a pity that internal strife continued. If someone could do what Ying Zheng did with the Six Kingdoms, he could unite hundreds of schools of thought to serve...

.I’m afraid it’s hard to imagine how prosperous our human race is today.”

"So... what the First Emperor did was more like the methods of a human king." Fa Hai sighed.

"Ying Zheng was born at the wrong time." This sentence was said by Emperor Fuxi.

Obviously, the ancestors in the Fire Cloud Cave all recognized His Majesty the First Emperor... From their expressions and words, it can even be inferred that if Ying Zheng had not been born a thousand years earlier, he would have been born in one.

A human king in the world.

It is a pity that when he was born, the human king had already withdrawn from the stage of history, and the emperor's pattern of governing the world had already taken shape, which could not be shaken by human forces.

This is one of the reasons why several His Majesty the King feel sorry for this outstanding junior.

Dayu also revealed a secret that no one in the world knew: "Back then, he was unwilling to keep it safe and wanted to give it a try...so he used the Jiuding as a base to smelt the twelve golden men, with the intention of gathering the destiny of the human race.

...forcibly broke through the fate of the emperor, and then restored the human king to rule the world...It was a pity that he failed in his efforts and died from the backlash of heaven."

Emperor Shun even meant something, "That Tian Khan is not a peaceful person. He compares himself to Emperor Qin and Han Wu... Even though Emperor Ziwei transformed into the lower realm, it seems that he has escaped from the control of Emperor Ziwei."

, you return to the human world...if you can help him, maybe he won't follow in the footsteps of Ying Zheng."

Of course this royal brother of mine is restless... He really wants to become the Taoist King and ascend to the Fire Cloud Cave!


After Lishan Laomu entered the mountain gate and formally took his seat... Finally, Li Shimin and Empress Changsun led the prince, a group of princes and princesses, and hundreds of officials and ministers into the temple.

It's not that Li Shimin deliberately came last... In fact, he wanted to come earlier. After all, he knew that so many gods and bodhisattvas would come today. Even if he was the emperor on earth, he would inevitably be a little curious.

This is Fahai's arrangement, and it also expresses his position to the three realms of practice, heaven and Buddhism... Tang Sanzang is a Tang Dynasty and will protect the Tang Dynasty in the future.

At first, Li Shimin vaguely expressed concern to his younger brother, "If I show up last, wouldn't it be considered disrespectful to the gods and Buddhas?"

"Your Majesty... the gods and Buddhas must bow their heads and salute when they see the human king." At that time, Fahai only said these words, which immediately made his blood boil, and even faintly broke through a small realm, the power of blood.

The rush is endless.

This imperial brother's temperament was well known to Fahai... At least in terms of "great achievements", he was definitely a model among human emperors.

Especially when you know that he is aiming at Huoyun Cave, you can know better...Dangru inadvertently revealed to the emperor that Fahai had met several Holy Emperors in Huoyun Cave.

At that time... on the emperor's brother's face, which used to be indifferent to emotion and anger, a rare hint of envy could be seen.

As for jealousy, Fahai didn't feel it.

Fahai personally came to host the opening ceremony, so he only attended the ceremony after all the guests had arrived.

Wearing a brocade cassock and holding a nine-ringed tin staff, this eminent monk looks like a splendid Buddha... He is a well-deserved Holy Buddha of the Three Realms.

Some of the monks who came to join in the fun saw Master Tripitaka for the first time. After just one glance, they couldn't help but have the idea of ​​taking refuge in our Buddha... and some Buddhist practitioners who were already very devout, now

He already put his hands together, knelt on the ground, and worshiped in the direction of the Holy Buddha.

When one moves, a second one will follow...

As soon as the people who gathered in the city to watch the excitement saw the "immortal Bodhisattva" kneeling in the direction of Master Sanzang in the temple, they stopped standing... Even though Master Sanzang had already issued a "decree" before, they would not let him.

They knelt down and worshiped. At this moment, a large number of them knelt down and said: "Holy Buddha is merciful."

In fact, the real people still hesitated for a while. The ones who really knelt down decisively were the fairies who came after hearing the news... Especially on the way westward, they were spared by Master Sanzang and were attacked by "White Dragon".

The little demons who have been transformed into "Bodhisattvas".

It was their worship that led the people in Chang'an City to worship the Holy Buddha together.

Even the chant of "Holy Buddha's Mercy" was shouted out by these little monsters first...and then spread to the surrounding people, out of control.

Originally there were only sparse and scattered shouts, but as they kept shouting, for some reason, everyone's rhythm became completely consistent. People from the whole city and people who came here specially to watch the ceremony

The little demons, who had not discussed anything before, are now like one body, soaring into the sky with great momentum.

Above the nine heavens.

Although the Jade Emperor did not descend to earth in person, he was still in the Yaochi, watching Master Tripitaka's opening ceremony of the Knowledge-only Sect with the Queen Mother.

Master Tripitaka has also emerged as a new force. In just a dozen years, a Buddhist monk who went west from the Tang Dynasty has become a saintly Buddha of the Three Realms who is so respected today... It is impossible for the Jade Emperor not to consider this relationship.

How to make good relations with the Holy Buddha.

Fortunately, Erlang Zhenjun, who is now acting on behalf of the Heavenly Court in the Three Realms, has an irreversible relationship with Master Tripitaka. This is an excellent beginning.

When the Queen Mother on the side saw this scene in the lower realm, she suddenly sighed: "I wonder if you and I in the lower realm can also inspire sentient beings to worship like this."

"Haha——" It was also the case that there were only the two of them in the Yaochi, and there was no one else... So the Jade Emperor couldn't help but chuckle twice when he heard this, as if to say: Are you talking nonsense, are you fanciful?

But seeing that the Queen Mother's expression was a little stiff, the Jade Emperor subconsciously explained: "Let's not mention the other tribes for the time being, just talk about the Central Plains human tribe... They talk about praying to immortals, worshiping gods and worshiping Buddha... But in fact, most of them

People are not respectful to gods and Buddhas...at most they are superficially respectful."

"Appearance of respect?" The Queen Mother shook her head, "Some time ago, there was a crazy student who was angry and cursed God because he failed in the scientific examination in the lower realm... He was a thief with every word. People like this, I am afraid that they are not even superficially respectful.


"Swearing at the sky is a capital crime. Now that the empress has known about this... what will happen to Kuang Sheng?"

"That Kuang Sheng was captured by the people from the Temple of Justice... In the name of God, Meishan Lao Liu punished him to complete a thousand sets of imperial examination questions... It was said that letting him die was too cheap for him, so why not let him live?

It would be better to die..."

"Oh?" The Jade Emperor had never heard of this, "What happened next?"

"Later? He rushed to take the exam again the next year and was the top scorer in high school... But he was no longer as arrogant as before, and he became more humble. Now he is the county magistrate under the rule of the Tang Dynasty. He has clear and clear government orders and good governance.

On the other hand... of course, he has never called the thief God again."

Jade Emperor:...

Lower bound.

Even with thousands of warnings, things still developed in this direction... Even though Fahai had predicted it beforehand, he really didn't expect it to be such a big scene, and even he couldn't control it for a while.


This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Amitabha."

The Bodhisattva recited the Buddha's name and said to the Great Sun Tathagata beside him: "Buddha, please look at this magnificent scene in Chang'an City that people's hearts long for."

The Great Sun Tathagata also sighed for a while, and then said to Guanyin Bodhisattva: "It seems that when we come to the human world to show our holiness, there are scenes of people worshiping us, but... it is indeed difficult to gather such pure vows."

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva pretended to be curious and asked: "Has the Buddha never seen such a scene before? Has he been worshiped by such a vow?"

The Great Sun Tathagata immediately stopped talking... There is no such thing as making fun of people!

When the Arhats and Bodhisattvas around saw this scene, they couldn't help but secretly laugh in their hearts, saying in their hearts: Master Guanyin is naturally different from ordinary Buddhas. Master Guanyin is compassionate and saves all living beings... Then

It's not just talk.

"Have you ever seen it?"

This sentence was also said by the Bodhisattva, and the target was all the Arhats and Bodhisattvas present... and then their expressions became exactly the same as the Great Sun Tathagata.

"Actually, what all sentient beings desire is not very high..." The Bodhisattva took this rare opportunity to teach by words and deeds: "It's nothing more than asking for good and evil to be rewarded... If you do good deeds and get no response, then the good deeds will only

There are fewer and fewer; on the contrary...the evildoers will not be punished, but the evildoers will only increase in number and become more and more ruthless...In this world, if the evildoers overwhelm the good, then your incense will

... Do we have to rely on those evil people to make sacrifices?"

"Don't say that they are unwilling to worship, even if they kowtow their heads in front of your golden body with a loud noise, the incense will continue to flourish... but you, do you dare to accept it openly?"

It is rare for a Bodhisattva to show such seriousness, which makes Arhats and Bodhisattvas dare not speak loudly.

Fahai did not panic when such an uncontrollable situation appeared. In order not to let down the people of the city, he directly rode the clouds into the air and said: "Everyone, please stand up. I will say it again, I don't need to see you in the future."

bow down."

"Holy Buddha has mercy!"

The sentient beings shouted again, and this time they all stood up together.

This chapter has been completed!
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