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Chapter 616: Coincidentally; this is...the sect's summoning order!


Shortly after Li Zhi ascended the throne, he changed Luoyang Palace into the Eastern Capital.

He also issued an edict: "The prosperity of the two capitals comes from the past. This capital is in the center of the universe, pays tribute to all directions, interacts with wind and rain, and serves as the tribunal of all nations."

Obviously, Li Zhi is not just a tool who will act according to his father's wishes, he is already making plans for his future.

Li Shimin did not impose too many restrictions on Li Zhi's behavior. Restoring Luoyang's status as the eastern capital was originally in his consideration... After all, "there is no day in the sky". He, Emperor Zhenguan, and Li Zhi, If the emperors of the Tang Dynasty lived together in Chang'an, sooner or later there would be a conflict in destiny.

Both father and son were foresighted, and it was impossible to ignore such an obvious problem. Therefore, the two emperors lived in two separate capitals, one in charge of the inside and the other in charge of the outside. In this way...many hidden dangers would be eliminated invisibly.

There is no doubt about Li Zhi's ability to govern the country. Although he not only wants to be a conservative king, his father, Emperor Zhenguan, is too dazzling. In comparison, he can actually be regarded as a generation leader. The emperor of the Tang Dynasty, the sage and wise king, seemed a little lackluster.

However, Li Zhi's character is still stable. Even in the face of such a situation, he still accurately finds his position. He will handle the things that he should do in an orderly manner, and he will basically look at the things that he should not interfere with. Without even looking at them, they were all sent directly to the royal father's palace outside the city.

For Li Zhi, his existence... was to accumulate national power for his father and the Tang Dynasty, and when the time came, he would launch a thunderous strike.

It's just that no one knows who will bear this blow. But what is certain is that the ferocity of the Tang Dynasty today is far different from that of the past human dynasties. If those so-called gods and demons are still as fierce as in ancient times, If they take a long-term view of the Tang Dynasty...then we can suggest that they take a longer-term view and go directly to the era of ancient human kings.

Li Zhi sometimes even had a bold idea in his mind that was not common to outsiders: Emperor Zhenguan is just my general marshal of the Three Realms.

And if he really wants to have such an experience, he must accomplish more things in his limited life, and at least accumulate enough wealth to go on an expedition to the Tang Dynasty.

Otherwise, everything is nonsense.

It's just that Li Shimin demolished the Luoyang East Capital built in the Sui Dynasty. Although it was rebuilt later, the scale was never large.

Moreover, when Wu Meiniang entered the palace, it was also Li Shimin who was the first to be blessed with Luoyang Palace. Hearing that Wu Meiniang, who was fourteen years old, had "beautiful appearance and calmness", he summoned her to the harem and named her a talented person.

Now just waiting for the completion of the Eastern Capital, Li Zhi is ready to move to Luoyang and leave the city of Chang'an to his father.

At this moment, Li Chunfeng has brought two juniors, Lu Yan and Li Bai, to Luoyang City. Luoyang City is undoubtedly one of the ancient capitals in the world as famous as Chang'an.

And compared to Chang'an, Luoyang also has its own irreplaceable role and obvious advantages.

Perhaps Luoyang is slightly inferior militarily, but economically...Luoyang undoubtedly has the upper hand.

Especially after Yang Guang built the Grand Canal, Luoyang became even more powerful, and Luoyang naturally became the center of river trade in the Tang Dynasty.

The so-called: There are often more than ten thousand boats in the world, filling the rivers with merchants, travelers and trade, and vehicles and horses, just like Chongrenfang in Xijing...it is exactly the prosperous scene of Luoyang City.

But even so, if you want to maintain such economic prosperity, you absolutely cannot do without the protection of powerful force.

The existence of Chang'an is the guarantee.

Now is the world of spiritual practice, so it is naturally different from the past. But thirty years ago, it was precisely because of Chang'an as the capital that the Tang Dynasty was able to resist the Turks in the north and conquer the Western Regions in the west...

Otherwise, there would not be the atmosphere of the prosperous Tang Dynasty today.

Li Chunfeng looked at the Eastern Capital in front of him and said to Lu Yan and Li Bai: "Today's Tang Dynasty should take Chang'an as the head, Luoyang as the heart, and these rivers as the meridians... The mountains and rivers are the limbs and trunk, and the whole territory is one.

, by gathering the luck of the world, you can truly stand in the three realms and not be afraid of immortals and Buddhas."

When Lu Yan and Li Bai heard Li Cunfeng's words, they both sighed in their hearts and suddenly had the idea of ​​reciting poems and writing poems.

But Li Chunfeng didn't wait for the two of them to brew their emotions, and then issued tasks to them respectively: "I have informed you two of the purpose of my visit on the way. Now we are divided into three groups... to investigate the source of the news separately, and try our best to

I have to dig deeper. But there are clues, don’t miss them.”

Lu Yan and Li Bai looked at each other and knew that they were not traveling with Li Chunfeng. The enemy was hidden in the dark. They didn't even know who the opponent was. It was obvious that the other party was by no means an ordinary person.

Li Chunfeng's numeracy and divination skills are world-famous. Even though the secret is now covered up, "little things" like this will not block their calculations.

But it happened that after Li Chunfeng's divination, he found nothing... Either this matter is not trivial and deeply involved; otherwise, there is someone behind the scenes who can cover up the secrets and use this to deceive Li Chunfeng's divination.

No coincidence.

Yuan Tiangang, who is far away in Luzhou, Beiju, has actually been calculating the location of the bat ancestor, but he has also gained nothing.

Regarding this matter, the two of them had contacted each other through the Jade Talisman.

At this juncture, what could cause both of their calculations to fail at the same time was something related to the disaster... That's why Li Chunfeng specially sought out Lu Yan and Li Bai for this trip.

The reason why I named Lu Yan was because he was one of the candidates for the Eight Immortals; and because of his status as a disciple of Li Bai, I brought Li Bai on.

After all, Li Chunfeng is the spokesperson of the Human Sect in the Three Realms, and he is also Laojun's disciple. There are some things...he still has the right to know.

For example, Laojun sent Qingniu down to the lower world, Golden Hoop Immortal left Jin'ao Island, and Jin Guangxian accepted He Xiangu as a disciple... Although these are not secrets, not everyone is qualified, or channels can


Therefore, when Li Chunfeng learned about what happened in Luoyang, he subconsciously connected the two parties.

The three of them acted separately, each with his own destination.

Li Chunfeng was more direct and went directly to the City God's Temple.

The person who went directly to the City God's Temple to inquire about things back then was still the Great Sage during the Westward Journey, but should I say it or not... This method is indeed very effective. There is indeed no one around a city who knows more than the local City God.

If a mortal goes to the City God's Temple, he will naturally gain nothing.

But before Li Chunfeng entered the gate of the City God's Temple, the City God, Yin Chai and the little ghosts in the temple had already come out to greet him immediately.

"The little god pays homage to Master Li."

Although Li Chunfeng did not become an immortal, people in the spiritual world basically respected him as "Taoist Master" or "Zhenren" when they met him.

Although this is partly due to his great seniority, it is also due to his practical cultivation that he has gained everyone's respect.

In the past, Li Chunfeng rarely took action in the human world, but when he and Li Shimin were training in Beizhou, there were also some powerful demon kings that Li Chunfeng regarded as role models and used them to establish their authority.

Those wild and ferocious beasts that Li Shimin could not deal with were basically killed by his sword.

It was only after this time that all sentient beings in the three realms came to know that Taoist Li Chunfeng had such profound cultivation. His abilities were so well hidden that he actually hid in the human dynasty as a small Taishi Ling...


In fact, this is no wonder Li Chunfeng. After all, the disciples of the Human Religion have always been very low-key. If it weren't for Li Shimin's determination to recreate the prosperous age of human kings, Li Chunfeng himself wanted to help him, so he did his best to assist...otherwise, if he wanted to be

It might not be easy for him to expose his cultivation level.

Nowadays, Li Chunfeng has made his position clear and demonstrated his abilities as much as possible. In fact, he also wants to use this to improve Li Shimin and Datang's core competitiveness in the Three Realms.

Xizhou and other countries have increasingly frequent relations with the Tang Dynasty. Especially under the leadership of Baoxiang, Wuji and Chechi, they have taken the initiative to move closer to the Tang Dynasty...expressing their willingness to respect the Tang Dynasty as the suzerain state and become a vassal state of the Tang Dynasty.

He paid tribute to the Tang Dynasty year after year to show his loyalty and surrender.

Not to mention small countries like them, even the Jisai Kingdom, which has four vassal states, wants to bow to the Tang Dynasty...

The reason why the countries in the Western Continent are so friendly to the Tang Dynasty is that apart from the fact that the Tang Dynasty's national power is growing day by day, which they have to be wary of... there is actually another equally important reason.

That is the Holy Tripitaka Buddha, seated in Chang'an.

Let’s not talk about anything else, but the two heads of the Baoxiang and Wuji Kingdoms’ admiration for Tripitaka Buddha...that has reached an extremely exaggerated level.

That's all in Baoxiang Kingdom. After all, the first branch of the Consciousness-only Dharma was in the capital of Baoxiang Kingdom... But the Wuji Kingdom openly preached that "the Wuji Kingdom does not worship immortals"

With the slogan "Buddha", all the golden statues of immortal Buddhas in the royal temple were smashed... But now, a statue of Sanzang Buddha is enshrined high in the temple.

It can even be said that this is the largest statue of Tripitaka Buddha among the three realms today.

Fahai was very resistant at first, but then he acquiesced to their actions... because as long as there is his own golden Buddha statue in the Wuji Kingdom, the immortal Buddhas in the heavens will not dare to easily cause trouble in the Wuji Kingdom.

Even if the Wuji Kingdom made such a decision back then, it was an act that offended the immortals and Buddhas. Even if the immortals and Buddhas did not retaliate openly, it would still be very easy to stumble in secret.


Placing your own golden Buddha statue in the Wuji Kingdom can be regarded as a deterrent to all the gods and Buddhas.

So that they know that Wuji Country is also protected by someone.

The leader of the Wuji Kingdom is a grateful person. He understands that the Wuji Kingdom has been able to develop to this point because of the protection of Master Sanzang.

In fact, when he spoke out in anger, in addition to the surge of energy and blood, it was probably because Master Tripitaka was by his side... Otherwise, if he was asked to do it again, he was really not sure that he would still have such courage.

Nowadays, the Wuji Kingdom is firmly following the Tang Dynasty and acting as the most loyal ally of the Tang Dynasty in Xizhou.

However, the Baoxiang Kingdom did not agree with this, because the Baoxiang Kingdom believed that they were the first vassal state under the Tang Dynasty.

As a result, the two sides often had minor conflicts.

At first, the Western Region Protectorate was alerted... But later, the officials of the Western Region Protectorate were too lazy to take care of it. Anyway, the two families only talked about this matter, and rarely used real swords.

A fight with real guns occurs.

After all, there are many problems left by the countries in the Western Region, and these matters must be handled by the Western Region Protectorate. How can they have so much manpower to deal with the relationship between Baoxiang and Wuji?

Whenever there was a dispute between the two countries, even the Western Region Protectorate would just take the attitude of watching a show and pass it off with a smile.

Some officials of the Western Region Protectorate who were annoyed by the two countries would also say privately: You'd better not just quarrel, if it can develop into a armed fight...

The military art of the Western Region Protectorate can legitimately enter the borders of the two countries to carry out "mediation".


In the City God's Temple in Luoyang, Li Chunfeng got some information from the City God. Although it was not very useful, it still confirmed some of his previous conjectures.

Moreover, he also confirmed one thing.

That is, the City God did see Qing Niu enter the city not long ago, and there was another person who was with Qing Niu the whole time, but the City God did not know the identity of that person.

In fact, even to recognize the Qing Niu, it was only through Li Chunfeng that he could recognize the appearance of the Qing Niu after its transformation.

Otherwise, it would have to be Li Chunfeng. If it were anyone else, it would be difficult to recognize Qing Niu right away.

If the green bull didn't transform into a green bull, maybe many people in the Three Realms would be able to recognize it as a green bull... But once it transforms into a human form, especially a person with a strong body,

Apart from that, and there is not even a trace of demonic look about him...then he is really difficult to be a human being.

The city gods in various places are actually equipped with the jade shadow talisman issued by the True Lord Temple, but there are not many who can really make good use of the jade talisman.

At least their Luoyang City God's Temple did something with the photo-taking jade talisman, otherwise Li Chunfeng's trip would have been in vain.

Green Ox in Luoyang City.

After Li Chunfeng confirmed this, he still had some doubts in his heart...but he still loosened the tight string first.

Li Chunfeng didn't know much about the news about Qing Niu's descent to earth. After all, his master only gave him one piece of information, that is, Qing Niu's trip to the world was to help the Eight Immortals return to their throne.

But what Qingniu is doing now really leaves no one doubting his identity.

Li Chunfeng was a practical person. Since he knew that Qing Niu was in Luoyang City, he didn't need to go to great lengths to find him, so he directly released a Tai Chi pattern.

Qing Niu, who was discussing matters with the Bat Ancestor, immediately said to the Bat Ancestor after seeing the two yin and yang fish in mid-air: "This is... the sect summoning order! Fu Er, please wait a moment.

Give me a moment and I'll go see what's going on."

This chapter has been completed!
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