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Chapter 659: In the same lineage; I am a human, but you... are the monster

The power of the Tianchi witch does not actually come from herself, but is blessed by "witchcraft". Therefore, although she is powerful, she cannot actually use her fingers like an arm.

Although it is sufficient in the Changbai Mountain area, looking at the entire Three Realms, he is actually far from being a first-class figure.

Now that she met Bajie, Tianchi Witch clearly felt her own limitations. In terms of strength alone, her strength was definitely higher than that of Zhu Bajie. From their first confrontation, she was able to

He can already prove it by catching Bajie's rake with his hand.

When she prevented Zhu Bajie's first sneak attack, Tianchi Witch thought she could capture Zhu Bajie, but she really didn't expect that the fat-headed guy in front of her was really not a good person.

Not only is the art of transformation so exquisite, but his kung fu is also very methodical.

After dozens of confrontations, he was unable to take advantage of Zhu Bajie at all, and was even vaguely suppressed by the opponent... This showed that his methods were very rough.

It also made the Tianchi witch gradually stop scorning this Zhu Bajie.

At the same time, it is basically certain that the information Hong Yangzi disclosed to them just now is not very reliable.

But this is normal. If the other party is playing tricks, that would be weird... But Hong Yangzi probably didn't expect that Zhu Bajie had sneaked into the water mansion together.

Hong Yangzi was trembling now. Although he couldn't figure out why Zhu Bajie wanted to rescue him from the hands of Tianchi witch, but the scene in front of him... I'm afraid no matter who wins in the end, his own fate will be the same.

It will be very miserable and there is no hope of recovery.

In fact, not only Hongyangzi, but even the Tianchi witch wanted to figure this out... Zhu Bajie could obviously watch him finish cooking Hongyangzi before taking action, but he couldn't hold back.

Is it true that monks are compassionate?

Don't tell me whether the Tianchi witch believes it or not... let's first ask what Hong Yangzi, whose head was smashed by Bajie's rake, thinks about it.

If Zhu Bajie had been a monk and had compassion, how would he end up in this situation?

In fact, this is the profoundness of the Buddhist teachings of Daci'en Temple.

The reason why Bajie chose this time to take action was actually because he didn't want to see Hong Yangzi being "concocted" by the Tianchi witch and called him "Witch Wen Fu Zhuan". Even if Hong Yangzi really deserved to die, he would be doomed or his soul would be scattered...

But it should not be done by the Tianchi witch.

Zhu Bajie had to give Hong Yangzi a ride in person.

The merit of overcoming sinful karma can be eliminated by the Eight Precepts, but the sinful karma of killing animals must be eliminated. Otherwise, you will fail Master’s teachings.

In fact, this is also the concept inherited from Daci'en Temple, originating from Tripitaka Buddha who "kills life and eliminates karma".

Among the three realms, there is no other sect like them that scorns the power of merit and virtue, but has a soft spot for the sinful karma of killing.

At this point, even Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, who is sitting alone in the Yin Mountain and has saved all the ghosts, praises Tripitaka repeatedly and praises Tripitaka as the majestic Buddha of the three realms.

In fact, whether it is a holy Buddha or a majestic Buddha, they are just one side of the iceberg of Fahai. Although Fahai will not deny that these are himself, he will not admit that he is just like this.

Fahai has always been determined that he is himself, determined by his own heart.

It is precisely because of this that he is not too entangled in the three relationships between "Fahai", "Sanzang" or "Jinchanzi".

As for what others think of him, that is their business and has nothing to do with him, and it cannot affect his behavior or state of mind.

These positive energies influenced several of his disciples in a subtle way.

Just like Wukong, he has many identities in the three realms, such as the Monkey King who was conferred by Heaven, the Monkey King of the demon clan, or Sun Xinghe of Buddhism... In fact, they are all Sun Wukong;

Bajie had been struggling with whether he should inherit the name of Marshal Tianpeng and establish himself in the Three Realms. His master also taught him that Bajie is Bajie, why should he be someone else?

The same is true for Wu Jing. The incarnation of the obsession of a ninth-generation sutra seeker was able to finally give birth to such an independent personality with nine souls integrated into one. It was naturally influenced by the master.

It's just...only Xiao Bailong is still a little confused and can't see the direction clearly yet.

Because he still wanted his master to ordain him and formally accept him into Buddhism... For this reason, even if he was promoted to the "White Dragon Bodhisattva" by the demons of the three realms, he was originally a "White Dragon Bodhisattva".

Refuse to accept.

Finally, under Master's persuasion, I reluctantly pinched my nose and admitted it, which can be regarded as a great curiosity in the Three Realms.

But I have to say that this is also the same line of succession of Daci'en Temple... After all, Master's "Tripitaka Holy Tathagata" was also driven by the way of heaven and had to be self-realized.

If this were not the case, I am afraid that Fa Hai’s attainment of Buddhahood would not be known for how long.

For the Tianchi witch, sealing Zhu Bajie seemed to put her in a difficult position.

Zhu Bajie's strength has almost completely exceeded her expectations. It is definitely not as easy as imagined to take down Zhu Bajie in a short time.

Moreover, even if Zhu Bajie can be subdued, what can he do?

Should he be placed under house arrest, or should he be dealt with cleanly?

Obviously, no matter which one it is, it is not a feasible answer for the Tianchi witch.

After all, what Zhu Bajie represents is no longer just him, and after the fight just now, the Tianchi witch has figured out one thing...that is, what kind of person is the Sanzang Saint Tathagata standing next to Zhu Bajie?


Even his most inconspicuous second disciple is not something he can easily deal with. If it is really because of Zhu Bajie's fall in Changbai Mountain that Sanzang Holy Buddha took action, then how will he deal with himself at that time?

She couldn't tolerate these things without considering them.

If they had been young, with their explosive tempers, they probably wouldn't have considered it so much. They would have done it first and then talked about it... As for saying that they couldn't defeat Sanzang Saint Buddha in the end, it was because their skills were inferior to others, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Very complaining.

But today is different from the past. If the Tianchi witch still had the spirit of the past, she would not have been hiding in the Tianchi Water Mansion.

You wouldn't know the methods of the Daci'en Temple lineage, but still have illusions after seeing Bajie come to your door.

In fact, Zhu Bajie was right. By luring him out this time, it seemed that the Tianchi witch had won... But in fact, it was Bajie who had established herself in an invincible position first, and instead she was left with her own hands tied.

The situation is stronger than the people. This is a very realistic and helpless thing.

Although Bajie apologizes for this, he will not be merciful because of this, but... Bajie, who is relatively more humane, will also ask the other person if they have any last wishes. If it is within a reasonable range,

Bajie doesn't mind lending a hand either.

As for why Bajie didn't ask Hongyangzi...it was because Hongyangzi didn't have a chance to speak, and he couldn't blame others.

Then, Bajie asked the Tianchi witch as expected, "Does the donor have any unfulfilled wishes?"

Tianchi witch:?

So direct?

After Bajie finished speaking, his expression became more serious.

As smart as Bajie, of course he could see that this Tianchi witch didn't actually want to fight him to the death, but she made a deal with the demons... If such things were spread, even if the master didn't blame himself, Bajie himself would

I won't let myself go.

Although Bajie has always been used to being casual, he has always been very firm when it comes to persistence.

The signboard erected by Daci'en Temple cannot be destroyed by one's own hands.

"Zen Master." The Tianchi witch didn't expect that Bajie would express his attitude directly. With one sentence, he directly blocked the escape route of the two of them, "Do we have to live and die? You and I have always been in conflict with each other, and besides, I have already made a big contribution.

Tang Zhinian...why does Zen Master need to kill them all?"

"It's just about slaying demons." Bajie replied matter-of-factly.

"Hehehe." Tianchi witch, who didn't have much self-cultivation, finally couldn't help but laugh angrily after hearing Bajie's words, "Conquer demons and demons? Don't you know that I am a human being, and you... are just...

It’s a demon.”

"Namo Tripitaka Holy Buddha." Bajie recited the Buddha's name, "The demons are not in the appearance, but in the heart."

"Good pig demon, I gave you three points of color, and you really opened a dyeing workshop." Tianchi witch immediately said coldly: "Since your master and apprentice will not give you a way to survive, then don't blame me for being ruthless. I will send you to see the King of Hell first.


"Hahahaha." Bajie also laughed wildly, "Good witch, your true nature has been exposed in just a few words. It shows that you don't really want to join the Tang Dynasty... The Buddha will not send you to see Ksitigarbha, but will save you on the spot.

, the soul is still scattered in the three realms!"

Boom boom boom!

It's a matter of life and death. Zhu Bajie can't get in, and the Tianchi witch has no other choice. Tripitaka's revenge... we can only forget about it first, otherwise even Zhu Bajie won't be able to get through it.

With their master and apprentice looking so fierce, it's no wonder they couldn't stay in Lingshan. He didn't look like a compassionate monk, he was clearly an executioner with a beheading knife in his hand.

I am afraid that when it comes to slaying demons, Erlang Zhenjun's Temple of Justice is not as efficient as Sanzang's masters and disciples, and Emperor Zhenwu's Jiutiandang Demon Division has to be defeated.

In fact, it is also the main targets of these organizations and the differences in their business scope that lead to such an illusion. If we really talk about it... After all, the Daci'en Temple is still not as good as the Temple of Justice and the Jiutiandang Demon Division.

An institution of pure violence.

Especially for Jiutian Dang Demon Division, it is easy not to take action, and the action is a big sweep... Why can’t the demon clan of Beiju Luzhou still be unable to regain the momentum of the past? Isn’t it because of the Zhenwu Emperor of Jiutian Dang Demon Division?


The seven great saints of the Monster Clan who have gained fame before are regarded as the new generation of banner bearers of the Monster Clan, and how many of them are from Beiju Luzhou?

There are even some who just call themselves monsters, such as the Dragon Demon King from the North Sea Dragon Clan, the Peng Demon King from the Peng Clan, and the Monkey King Sun Wukong. They are all well-established figures in the Three Realms.

In fact, it has nothing to do with the "orthodox" demon clan in Beiju Luzhou.

But later on, the boundaries between demons and demons in the Three Realms became more and more confusing... As time went by, no one cared about the difference between demons and demon clans.

Even the prince of the Monster Clan abandoned the mess of the Monster Clan, went to Xiniu Hezhou, worshiped at Lingshan Mountain, started anew, and founded the secret sect... and still expects others to carry the banner of the Monster Clan?

It's just a joke.

Looking at the Tianchi witch who was about to go berserk, Bajie smiled happily... This was just right. If the demon wasn't ruthless, he would be too embarrassed to be ruthless.

Bajie just has less experience in fighting enemies.

He has basically never encountered powerful monsters. The little monsters only use one move at a time. In fact, he doesn't have much experience. Sometimes... he is quite envious of the scene where his master and senior brother fight monsters for dozens of rounds and then win with difficulty.


The most serious injury that Master suffered seemed to have been during a fight with the Bull Demon King in the Flame Mountain, in which he injured his right arm... Although Master did not say it at the time, since then, for nearly half a month, Master's right arm has been covered in cassock.

, its meaning is self-evident.

The eldest brother, on the other hand, fought to the death with the Golden-winged Dapeng Eagle in Shituoling...and before the eldest brother took action, he seriously injured a little white dragon.

Xiao Bailong has also grown rapidly in strength since that time, which shows that there is indeed great terror between life and death.

Now that he has finally met a Tianchi witch, Bajie naturally doesn't want to end things carelessly... Things like provocation are not only used by Tianchi witches. You must know that Bajie's mouth is also fierce and cruel.

The Great Sage's mouth was already very damaged... But even so, when he and Bajie discussed the art of talking, sometimes he would be the first to "get angry" from shame, which is evident from this.

Of course, to a certain extent, it can also be said that the great sage is also the most vulnerable to aggressive generals.

Sounds of sonic boom exploded directly around the Tianchi Witch. Black witch aura surrounded the Tianchi Witch, and a pair of ice-blue wings appeared from her back, and her feet turned into eagle claws...

The originally human-like body was now covered with a layer of blue feathers.

Xuan Ming has a human face and a bird body.

A description of the Great God Xuan Ming came to Bajie's mind. Isn't it exactly what he saw in front of him?

It's just... When Bajie saw the scene in front of him, he put away his previous smile, his expression became more solemn, and his eyes were glaring with anger. Golden light shone all over his body, and he was full of Buddhist dharma.

At this moment, he was actually attracted by the witchcraft of the Tianchi witch, without any thought.

Buzz buzz——

The Sanskrit sounds, transformed into Buddhist inscriptions, flashed around Bajie's body, and then condensed on his rake. The Buddha's light was dazzling and his momentum was majestic.

Such a scene occurred not because of anything else, but because Bajie felt a huge resentment from the Tianchi witch in front of him, and when the other party revealed the "Xuanming Witch Body", he could not hide it.

Those "witchcraft characters and seals" that work on her body.

The refining of each "Witch Talisman and Seal Script" represents the death of a soul... And on the Tianchi witch, Bajie almost saw hundreds of "Witch Script Talisman and Seal Script", and... this is

Most likely it's not the whole picture.

This chapter has been completed!
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