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Chapter 662: The background of Daci’en Temple is indeed extraordinary; recruiting is also a technical job

The owner of the stick was no one else. He was the six-eared macaque who came to Changbai Mountain to protect the second senior brother. But he was definitely not attacking the black dragon secretly.

It turned out that the black dragon was too slow and blocked his way to Tianchi, so he gave him a stick.

If it were an ordinary dragon, if he took a stick from it, his brains would probably burst out. But after all, this black dragon is a strange species from the North Sea. He also has the witchcraft spell cast on him by the Tianchi witch. If the six-eared macaque takes the stick, it will burst out.

Immediately, I felt something was wrong with the touch... As expected, the black dragon did not die after receiving this blow.

The six-eared macaque is by no means a kind creature. The six-eared macaque is especially good at listening to people's voices, so he knows that people's hearts are sinister... Therefore, he did not give the black dragon a chance to backhand, and landed on the ground immediately after him, and came on his neck again.

He smashed a stick.

The black dragon that turned into its true form basically had no room to hide. It was quite solid this time. The neck of the black dragon was also broken in response. The reason why it could still breathe was entirely due to its own blood.


There was so much movement on the other side of Tianchi that even the black dragon noticed the strange phenomenon. The six-eared macaque, which had been listening to the situation in the direction of Tianchi, would certainly not miss it.

Originally, he wanted to play with the snow demon, just to go out and relax for a while, but the sudden changes in Tianchi made him have to give up this plan temporarily.

Whether it is the safety of the second senior brother or the conflict between fire and water that Changbai Mountain is about to face, it is a major event that cannot be ignored.

Therefore, after the six-eared macaque captured the snow demon in two or two strokes, he tied the snow demon with a demon-binding rope and threw it to the mountain temple, letting the mountain god take custody of it first, while he himself went to the direction of Tianchi... and then

Just then, he met the black dragon that had just taken off and blocked his way.

The six-eared macaque can guarantee that this is really a coincidence, and it is definitely not because he heard the black dragon's inner voice and deliberately followed the other party on the same cloud road.

The Zhenjun Temple had previously customized a batch of imitation magic weapons from Yun Zhongzi, two of which were the Immortal Binding Rope and the Demon Binding Rope... Although the power is not as good as the original version, it can be used to deal with some little demons and immortals.

It is already enough.

Before the six-eared macaque came to Changbai Mountain, he knew that this trip would not be safe, so he carried a large number of these two magical weapons.

Facts have proved that the six-eared macaque was right. There was some commotion in Tianchi, and all the monsters and spirits in Changbai Mountain were alarmed, and no one could restrain themselves.

But even though the six-eared macaques thought that there would be some trouble in Changbai Mountain before they came, they didn't expect it to be so chaotic.

He is just a monkey, and he really has no skills at all.

At this moment, he very much hoped that he could have the ability like Senior Brother Sha. The separated soul clone would almost have the same strength as the original body... Similar to his monkey hair clone, in addition to being able to share memories, in terms of strength.

..At most, it has the power of one blow, and then it will dissipate due to exhaustion of mana.

The evil cultivators who originally only went out at certain times now all opened the doors of their caves one by one. Some of them, relying on the courage of their masters, flew directly towards Tianchi to find out what was going on.

But some people think that they are not strong enough, or they don't like to show off by nature, so they still keep a low profile and peek in the dark.

For the creatures of Changbai Mountain, the Tianchi Witch is undoubtedly a mountain that weighs on their heads... Although the Tianchi Witch does not appear often, if she does something, it will largely mean disaster.

Coming soon.

If it were not for the purpose of attracting outside monks to Changbai Mountain, I am afraid that the life of local evil cultivators in Changbai Mountain would be even more difficult.

Now that there are unprecedented changes in Tianchi, how can they not be nervous?

They were not the only ones, the five great immortal families were also alarmed.

It's just that compared to those evil cultivators who know nothing about the current situation, the people of the five great immortal families can still make some rough guesses -

"I'm afraid Zen Master Wu Neng has gotten into trouble with the old demon of Tianchi!" Huang Xia was the first to come to the conclusion.

They really don't know the Snow Demon's heel... But if such a monster appears in Changbai Mountain, there is a high probability that it is related to the Tianchi Old Demon. But they have no evidence, so naturally they don't dare to talk nonsense in front of Bajie.


If Zen Master Wu Neng thinks that they are killing someone with a borrowed knife, wouldn't that turn a good thing into a bad thing?

To be honest, when they heard that Bajie was going to find the mountain god of the mountain to ask about the snow demon's feet, they felt a little relieved. Some words spoken from the mountain god's mouth were naturally more credible than those heard from him.

Be high.

The Tianchi witch has never dealt with the mountain gods of Changbai Mountain, but the five immortal families are different. They are very active in Changbai Mountain... On the first day that the mountain gods took office, they also came to congratulate the mountain gods and brought congratulatory gifts.

As for whether they really come to congratulate them, or put pressure on the mountain god... it depends on what the mountain god thinks in his heart. Anyway, the etiquette of the five families is quite good, and there is nothing to criticize.

It is also true that the Five Great Immortal Families are not evil spirits and monsters in Changbai Mountain. On the other hand, the existence of forces like them can actually stabilize the situation in Changbai Mountain to a certain extent.

As long as there is no chaos in the five great immortal families, even if those evil cultivators cause trouble, it will only affect a very small area.

It's really not a big deal for evil cultivators to cause trouble. After all, they have always been fighting each other... As for taking the initiative to go down the mountain to cause harm to the people, they actually don't have that leisurely intention. How much "oil and water" do the people have?

If you can get rid of your "neighbors", you will make a fortune.

Of course, it is undeniable that most of these evil cultivators are murderers without batting an eyelid... The human lives and sins on their hands are enough to be arrogant, otherwise they would not be on the wanted list of the True Lord Temple.


As soon as there was any movement on the Tianchi side, Huang Xia immediately thought that Zen Master Wu Neng had attacked Tianchi.

Hu Ming also narrowed his eyes when he heard this, and said to himself: The background of Daci'en Temple is really extraordinary, and he is really courageous. How long have he been out here? He has already found the head of the Tianchi witch...

You should know that even Yuan Tiangang, who had wiped out the five great immortal families, did not think of provoking the Tianchi witch.

"Isn't that too reckless?" Mrs. Bai's eyes showed some worry. The old man was more worried about Bajie's safety. "I thought Zen Master Wu Neng would come back to look for us after learning the news from the mountain god.

Let’s discuss countermeasures together, but...what should we do now?”

The head of the Liu family, Liu Qing, suddenly stood up and said in a deep voice: "With the changes in Tianchi, the demons and evil cultivators in Changbai Mountain will probably never be willing to stay in the cave honestly and peacefully... Liu Qing is not talented, so he will summon his clan members to help

Zen Master Wu Neng lends a helping hand."

Even though Liu Qing did not have a good reputation in Changbai Mountain in the past, he was able to be elected as the new patriarch of the Liu family, and he was able to stabilize the situation in the clan in the shortest time. This ability is beyond the reach of ordinary people.


Moreover, Liu Qing still has considerable courage and is the first clan leader among the five immortal families to make the decision to support Bajie.

And he is very mobile. Before the other four clan leaders took action, they had already flown out of the Huang family and returned to the Liu family to gather the clan members.

Hu Ming and Huang Xia looked at each other, and the two smart men immediately made a decision. The chaos in Tianchi might be an opportunity for the five great immortal families. If they could take advantage of this opportunity, they could destroy the Tianchi faction and the evil spirits in the mountains.

If Xiu is completely eliminated, then in Changbai Mountain...


The gray old man coughed and signaled them not to have any whims... Maybe we can take this opportunity to clear out the Tianchi sect and evil cultivators from Changbai Mountain, but I'm afraid it won't be the turn of the five immortal families in Changbai Mountain... even if

It was Da Ci'en Temple that had no interest in Changbai Mountain, but Old Master Hui did not believe that the Tang Dynasty would let Changbai Mountain go.

Moreover, Yuan Tiangang has already intervened in the affairs of Changbai Mountain. A place like Changbai Mountain is also very suitable for building a branch camp for bad people.

Put away those unrealistic ideas, but now we really should take action to maintain the situation in Changbai Mountain. Firstly, it is to express our position to Zen Master Wu Neng and Datang. Secondly... those evil cultivators have a lot of good things in their hands.


If you miss this time, you don’t know when the next time will be, and you may never encounter such an opportunity again.

Following Liu Qing's departure, the three heads of the Hu, Bai, and Hui families also left one after another, each taking their own actions.

Naturally, the Huang family did not fall behind. Huang Xia left some of his clan members to guard the clan land to prevent evil cultivators from taking advantage of the chaos to plunder, and then led another group of elite disciples in the clan to rush towards Tianchi.

The six-eared macaque felt a little more relaxed after finding out the decision of the five great immortal families. Otherwise, even if he had great supernatural powers, he would not be able to take care of the huge Changbai Mountain on his own.

Moreover, the most important thing in the heart of the six-eared macaque is the safety of his second senior brother.

The six-eared macaque used the demon-binding rope to imprison the black dragon, and then kicked him towards the mountain temple. Presumably, the mountain god would be able to understand what happened when he saw the same demon-binding rope on the black dragon.

What is going on.


The mountain temple, which was already overwhelmed, finally could not withstand the weight of the black dragon. The mountain god looked at the collapsed temple and had no nostalgia in his heart. He just put away his mountain god tablet. Compared to

Shanshen Temple...this brand is his foundation.


The mountain god looked at the dying black dragon and couldn't help but taunted him, "Isn't this our chief manager of Tianchi? Why is he so embarrassed?"

That is to say, the black dragon is tightly bound by the demon-binding rope. Otherwise, even if it loses its head, it will still fight to the death to give the mountain god a bite... The mountain god has been pretending to be his grandson in Changbai Mountain for hundreds of years. I didn't expect that today would be the day.

A day of great pride.

When Zhu Bajie came, the mountain god didn't have much confidence, but as soon as the six-eared macaque showed up, he knew it was safe.

This great god, it is said that his supernatural power is not inferior to that of the Great Sage and Erlang Zhenjun. On the way westward, he played a real and fake Monkey King, and wanted to replace the Great Sage and follow the Tripitaka Buddha to obtain scriptures, but he did not expect to see it.

It was discovered by Tripitaka Buddha...

Then the six-eared macaque, who already admired Tripitaka's Dharma, naturally became a disciple of Tripitaka. Finally, he was invited by Erlang Zhenjun to join the Zhenjun Temple, became an inspector of the three realms, and became a serving priest in heaven.

I am so envious of all the demons and monsters in the three realms.

In addition, there was a Jiao Demon King who was recruited by Taibai Jinxing and was personally appointed as the Grand Marshal of the Tianhe Water Army by the Jade Emperor... In fact, it also made the demons of the three realms truly realize that perhaps recruiting him was their final way out.

Even if they are not as good as the Jiao Demon King and the six-eared macaque, just like the cow monsters who followed the Green Bull Spirit in Jindou Mountain to peel oranges and eat them, if they are all recruited into the Temple of the True Lord and become on-duty heavenly soldiers and generals, that is still great!

But obviously, recruitment is also a technical job.

The Heavenly Court is not just for everyone. First of all, you must have strength, and secondly, you must have a background... Like the fox girl from Thousand Fox Cave in Wanku Mountain, she also has both, except for the unique "splitting skills"

In addition to "God's Palm", if she were not the registered disciple of Master Yuding and Yang Jian's good friend... the demons and monks in the three realms would definitely let her know what it is to carry a jade.

Among the three realms, there are only two places that are qualified to recruit monsters and spirits.

One place is the heaven, and the other place is naturally the bad people of the Tang Dynasty.

As for entering Buddhism, it is a kind of transition. Many times demons enter Buddhism, thinking that they have a plan, but after a long time, they realize that... they have walked into a cage, and sooner or later they have to rebel and leave.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! This is why on the journey to the west, many demons are obviously from Buddhism, but they have to dress up as Taoists when they are demons in the lower world.

There are rumors that this is specifically to smear Taoism... Maybe there is a reason for this, but in fact, for those demons, it is very likely that they realize that Buddhism is really inferior to Taoism.

What's more, there are many "demon" who were originally from Taoism.

To them, what does the Taoist point of being pure and ascetic mean?

Buddhist precepts are inhumane.

Once the mountain god turned over, his face was really hard to suppress... The black dragon himself was also very angry. In addition, his neck was broken by a stick from the six-eared macaque. For a moment, his energy and blood surged, and he fainted after holding his breath.

The snow demon next door was too lively, babbling and baring its teeth in the direction of the mountain god and the black dragon, and could not rest still for a moment.

On the other side, Snow Wolf, who was fighting with Huang Xiuer, realized that there was a change in Tianchi. Of course he was not willing to fight with Huang Xiuer. "Huang Laosan, let's give up for now, and we will compete tomorrow!"

Huang Xiuer knows many more things than others.

There is only one explanation for the changes in Tianchi at this juncture, and that is that Zen Master Wu Neng came to attack... This Snow Wolf is undoubtedly the high-end combat force among the Tianchi sect. No matter what, he can't be allowed to go back to support the Tianchi Witch.


"Your Third Grandpa didn't have enough fun today, you little bastard...don't leave!" Huang Xiuer cursed. Not only did he not stop, but he also launched a verbal attack.

"You can leave if you want. Kneel down and call me Third Grandpa three times, and Grandpa will let my good grandson go."


"I'll let you go if I call you——"

"Ah ah ah - suffer death!" Snow Wolf fell into madness for a moment.

This chapter has been completed!
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