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Chapter 667: When problems arise, they must be solved; Remnant Soul

When it's time to shake people up, the six-eared macaque will certainly not be vague.

Especially under the current circumstances, when it comes to dealing with souls, colleagues from the Yin Division, even if they are not the most professional, are definitely the most cost-effective choice.

After all, in terms of professionalism, Buddhism and Taoism’s specialization in soul research is probably even higher than that of the Yin God of the Yin Division... The Yin God of the Yin Division actually takes advantage of their own priesthood. If it is really considered

When it comes to the study of souls, I am afraid that the vast majority of Yinshen among them only stay at the most superficial level.

As long as they can maintain the normal operation of the underworld and deal with various emergencies within the scope of their clergy, that is enough. As for further in-depth research, they have no time to spare.

As for whether they can cope with the situation in front of them now, the six-eared macaque himself is not sure yet.

This is the first time that the six-eared macaque has encountered something like this... No matter what the final outcome of the Changbai Mountain incident is, it will become a typical case in Zhenjun Temple.

It is a coincidence that although the clone of the third senior brother Wu Jing Zen Master is not near Changbai Mountain, it is active in the area outside the pass... When it comes to research on the soul, the six-eared macaque thinks that he, the third senior brother, has always been low-key in the Three Realms.

, which undoubtedly has a quite authoritative say.

In the entire Three Realms, there are only a handful of people who can incarnate nine souls like the third senior brother. In addition, the third senior brother is dedicated to transcending the souls of evil spirits on his way to the west. Naturally, he has to be more skilled in this aspect.


The Six-Eared Macaque notified his three senior brothers to come to Changbai Mountain to help. On the other hand, he also waited for King Qin Guang, Black and White Wuchang, and the four Yin Commanders who had come to Changbai Mountain to lead the battle.

Faced with the call of the six-eared macaque, they certainly did not dare to slack off. They responded immediately and rushed to the scene as quickly as possible.

In fact, the outer reaches of Changbai Mountain have also been affected. Some "witchcraft talismans" are out of control, floating randomly in Changbai Mountain, and adhering to random circumstances.

But compared to the central area of ​​Tianchi, it really pales in comparison.

King Qin Guang looked at Tianchi, which was almost completely covered by countless souls. It was hard to imagine that this place was originally a paradise that became a fairyland on earth... If he didn't say it, just look at the scene in front of him, it would be no different from the underworld.

Especially when the originally blue sky turned overcast with clouds...it looked more like a ghost land.


Bajie, who was holding Tianchi Witch's body in one hand, also emerged from the water at this moment... Although this body was not completely dead, there was only a trace of Tianchi Witch's soul that existed in the body, which was almost enough.

Ignore it... Even if Bajie uses a little more strength, he can completely destroy this ray of soul.

"Second senior brother."

The six-eared macaque's face was very ugly. Although he did not believe too much in his magical powers, sometimes his subconscious induction did cause him to make certain misjudgments.

He also didn't expect that it was just a wrong body, and he even used a demon-binding rope to lock the Tianchi witch, but in fact there was still such a flaw.

This was undoubtedly an unnecessary mistake caused by my own negligence. If I had been more cautious, I might have been able to avoid such a scene.

But... the six-eared macaque also knows that even if he is given another chance to come back, he will still choose to save his second senior brother first. There is no doubt about this.

After thinking about this clearly, the six-eared macaque did not blame himself excessively... If there is a problem, it will naturally be solved, and it will not be too late to review the matter after all the storms subside.

"Zen Master Wu Neng."

King Guang of Qin, Black and White Wuchang and the four Yin commanders also paid tribute to Bajie.

Although they were not able to witness the battle that just happened in Tianchi, by feeling the aftermath of the collision of the two mana forces, they were basically able to estimate the approximate strength of Zen Master Wu Neng.

To put it simply, if the current Bajie were placed six hundred years ago, he would be fully qualified to participate in the ranking of the seven great saints of the demon clan.

Even now, if Bajie turns into a bandit and raises the demon flag, he will definitely be the great demon king who dominates the area.

If in the past, their respect for Zen Master Wu Neng was more due to his status as the second disciple of Tripitaka Saint Buddha, then now... it is based on Zen Master Wu Neng's own true strength.

Dharma power and Taoism will always be the true foundation of life for all living beings in the three realms.

"What...what happened here?" King Qin Guang was a little unclear for a while, why so many souls appeared in Tianchi, and the state of these souls was very wrong, each with its own defects.

..Even if you enter the underworld, you cannot be reincarnated.

Except for the people from the five great immortal families, everyone present was basically professional. Of course, everyone could also see things that King Qin Guang could see.

But what the ins and outs of this matter are cannot be deduced by simply relying on the scene in front of them.

"You should know that the Tianchi witch has been hunting monks and evil spirits who strayed into Changbai Mountain for thousands of years." The six-eared macaque looked at King Qin Guang, and then pointed at those floating in the sky.

The soul on the pool said, "This is what you see now."

Although King Qin Guang was unavoidably worried that the six-eared macaque would use this matter to accuse him, but in the situation at hand, he could only tell the truth. Concealing it would not do him any good, so he nodded to the six-eared macaque and began to admit it directly.

Error, "It was indeed our mistake, but..."

When King Qin Guang was about to explain the reason to the six-eared macaque, he saw the six-eared macaque waving his hand, indicating that King Qin Guang did not need to say more...it was just a few clichés, even if King Qin Guang did not say it

, the six-eared macaque also knows what the other person is going to say.

Regarding the current situation in the underworld, the six-eared macaques also expressed understanding, and they would not have any harsh attitude towards their "inaction".

Moreover, if something like Changbai Mountain occurs, it is impossible to blame it on the underworld... After all, the matter of cleaning up evil spirits in the mortal world has nothing to do with the underworld... To be honest, it is also the system of heaven and mountain gods.

The indulgence of the evil spirits in the mountains led to such a situation.

Most of the daily affairs handled by the True Lord Temple are actually related to this aspect.

When Erlang Zhenjun treats his colleagues or those serious immortals who go astray due to temporary confusion, he will often give them a chance to change their ways before they cause harm to the three realms or the people in the world.

But for those evil spirits hiding in the mountains... they basically have no mercy... and after assigning specific tasks, the law enforcers of the True Lord Temple naturally followed suit.

Sometimes, even some monsters who have done no evil will be affected.

In response to this situation, the True Lord Temple has also formulated some special policies to protect the rights and interests of the normal demon clan in the Three Realms.

Generally speaking, the general direction is "real-name registration". Anyone whose name is left in the real-name list of the demon clan in the True Lord Temple, whether they are handling cases in the True Lord Temple or other agencies and departments in Heaven.

When sweeping away demons, you can ensure your own safety and avoid being affected.

This was inspired by the imperial court of the Tang Dynasty that allowed the demon tribe to settle down... Therefore, the demon tribe that settled in the human race's Tang Dynasty also enjoyed the same treatment as "real-name registration" in the True Lord Temple.

But on the other hand... the monsters who are just "registered with their real names" in the True Lord Temple will not enjoy the same treatment in the Tang Dynasty... The Tang Dynasty court is quite strict on this point, and must go through

Only after professional review can the rights and interests of the other party be implemented.

This is responsible for the people of the Tang Dynasty.

As for Changbai Mountain... it was obvious that neither the Tang Dynasty nor the Zhenjun Temple had expanded their business scope before.

That is to say, the five great immortal families have now established relationships with bad people and the Great Ci'en Temple, but this is just the beginning. If you want to truly settle in the Tang Dynasty... it is not that easy.

"The purpose of hunting down the creatures in Tianchi and gathering the souls is actually to use the souls as the basis to refine the 'Wood Talisman and Seal script'." The six-eared macaque waited for King Qin Guang and others to digest the scene they saw before continuing.

: "That is to say...the incomplete souls you see now were still 'Witches, Talisman and Seals' before the big explosion just now, but the Tianchi witches were forced to the point of desperation by my second senior brother and were not allowed to do so.

, I had no choice but to use the 'Great Technique of Disintegration of Heavenly Demons', hoping to fight to the death and die together with my second senior brother."

Dafa for the disintegration of demons!

After King Qin Guang and others heard this, they were stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously looked at Bajie on the side... Although they didn't say anything complimentary this time, their evaluation of Bajie was obviously different.

They all moved up a level.

Although the method of dismantling demons is a forbidden technique, its popularity among the three realms is really high.

Anyone who is a practitioner has basically heard of the name of this demonic skill... Not only that, there are countless evil cultivators in the Three Realms who secretly study desperate methods similar to the method of disintegrating demons, but in reality

They have already gone astray from the moment they came up with this idea.

You must know that the magic of disintegrating demons is, in the final analysis, a body-refining technique, and "reversing the blood and reversing the pulse" is just an incidental explosive method.

Whether it is himself or his opponents, few of the monks who have used the "Great Technique of Disintegration of Heavenly Demons" have survived. Basically, they all end up dying together.

At the moment, Zen Master Wu Neng seems to be very exhausted, but his life is obviously not in danger.

I don’t know what kind of state the Tianchi Miko is in right now, but as long as she’s still hanging on, it’s not considered dead.

"Now you have seen it." The six-eared macaque stood next to the second senior brother, pointed at the Tianchi witch who was held in his hand, and said: "This Tianchi witch, even though she has used the 'Devil Disintegration Technique', she is still

It wasn’t my second senior brother’s opponent who was defeated by my second senior brother with a single blow from the front...it was just the explosion that shook the mountains and shook the earth.”

Not to mention the expressions of the Yin gods who listened to the six-eared macaque and looked at Zen Master Wu Neng with even more respect... But when Bajie heard the six-eared macaque praising himself in such a way, he felt a little untenable. At that time

I know best what is going on.

If the master had not given similar instructions before, as well as special training, and my luck has indeed improved a little bit... I could react in time and decide the most correct response, otherwise I would never be able to stand and follow them now.

Speaking... Bajie would even think that under such a powerful explosion, his soul might not be able to withstand such destruction.

But now he couldn't interrupt the six-eared macaque's speech. In order to make the six-eared macaque's words more credible, Bajie had no choice but to hold back the shame in his heart and straighten his body in a cooperative manner.

The six-eared macaque glanced around and said in his heart: Second Senior Brother, you are really giving me face.

Just saying this, the six-eared macaque paused for a moment, and Bajie took over, "At the moment of the explosion, the poor monk was pushed into the water by the impact of the explosion... But the poor monk also saw

When the Tianchi witch came to the Tianchi witch, she pulled out her soul, and at the same time removed the 'witchcraft symbols' on her body... What the poor monk cared about the most was the Tianchi witch's soul... At the last moment, I seemed to be vaguely aware

I saw countless black lights blooming from her soul, and each black light was connected to a 'witchcraft spell'."

Bajie was not clear about what happened next. He couldn't see it, and all his soul power was almost exhausted in that blow.

The six-eared macaque, which entered the water again, did not even notice the strange vision of the Tianchi witch. After he found the second senior brother and protected the second senior brother and healed his injuries... Although he also received the reminder and warning from the second senior brother, after all, it was

A step slower.

When their six-eared macaques used their magical powers to explore, the "witchcraft spells" that were originally scattered around had already transformed into incomplete souls.

And not only the "witchcraft symbols" that broke away from the Tianchi witch, but also the "witchcraft symbols" from the strange beasts raised by her also fell off one by one, turning into residual souls and mixed into them.

Mountain temple.

A loud noise from the direction of Tianchi naturally attracted the mountain god to fly over and look... Just when he was trying to sense whether Zen Master Wu Neng had succeeded, he saw that the black dragon, which was still chained by the demon-binding rope, began to lose its strength.

It began to shake consciously, and the scales on its body flickered, creaking -, creaking -, accompanied by bursts of strange sounds... This made the mountain god's heart tremble. Such strange things really shocked him.

Somewhat uneasy.

The Snow Demon on the side also began to undergo the same changes... But in view of each other's huge body, almost all the scales on the body were flashing with black light. The Snow Demon only had a small white spot on its abdomen, which showed through.

Come out of body.

When the mountain god was confused, he suddenly heard a moan and saw that the blood and energy in the black dragon's body were being consumed rapidly, and all of it was being fed to the "witchcraft talismans and seals" on its scales.

This chapter has been completed!
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