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Chapter 1065 Fighting Asan

Chen Yu closed his eyes, then opened them suddenly, and a powerful spiritual thought surged out, attacking the huge king.

Although mental power, mental power, and divine thoughts are essentially the same, they are very different in power, and divine thoughts are actually non-existent in Chen Yu's state of Taoism.

But Chen Yu forced his spiritual thoughts to teach Ah San a lesson and let him see how powerful Chinese practitioners really are.

Boom... Intangible spiritual thoughts were formed at this moment, sweeping over like a huge wave, and the hurricane that filled the sky was wiped out in an instant.

Moreover, the spiritual power remained unquenchable and continued to move forward, soon sweeping across the entire backyard. A row of buildings in the backyard collapsed in an instant.

The self-righteous Ah San was originally looking at Chen Yu with a sneer on his face, imagining the scene of Chen Yu being torn to pieces by his own mind power, but now he was lying covered in blood in the dried rockery pond.


His whole body was severely bruised, and he looked like a skinned monster, which was scary.

"How can you use your telekinesis power at just a thought? This is impossible, why? Why are you doing this?" Ah San screamed hysterically. He couldn't figure it out. He couldn't figure out that Chen Yu could be so powerful.

You must know that their telepathy comes from the gods of the Asura Hell. You need to chant sutras, chant mantras, pray to the gods, and communicate with the gods before you can have strong telepathy.

But why is Chen Yu's telepathy so fast and strong? He unleashed his telepathy almost as soon as he thought about it, and completely defeated him with a powerful rolling gesture.

More importantly, why is Chen Yu's spiritual thought so powerful? What is the origin of this guy?

"What you call mind power, from the perspective of us Chinese practitioners, is nothing more than using oneself as a medium to communicate with heaven and earth."

Chen Yu said with a smile: "But the difference is that you are communicating with the gods. According to legend, your so-called gods hid in the Asura Hell and shivered because of the catastrophe tens of thousands of years ago."

"So even if they can communicate, the telepathy they give you is limited. The telepathy has to cross countless planes to reach you, which is actually greatly compromised."

"Impossible, this is impossible, our God is omnipotent." Ah San screamed in horror, he could not accept this fact.

"Whether you believe it or not, this is the fact, and your so-called mental power is actually not much different from that of practitioners who have just entered the vitality realm."

Chen Yu sneered and said, "So if you want to cause harm to me, it's impossible."

"But...why is your telekinesis so fast? It can be formed almost instantly? Why?" Ah San raised his head in confusion, with a puzzled look on his face.

"Who told you that this is the power of telepathy?" Chen Yu smiled: "This is called spiritual telepathy, a power our practitioners are born with."

"This power comes from ourselves, so when we use it, we can send it out in a moment without needing your bullshit communication world. Do you understand what I say?"

Ah San roared, struggled to get up, and then looked at Chen Yu with a sinister look: "I admit, I underestimated you, but do you really think you won?"

"So far, I have won." Chen Yu nodded.

"Haha, you are from China Dragon Breath, right?" Asan said with a ferocious smile.

"That's right, I'm from Dragon's Breath. Have you heard of Dragon's Breath?" Chen Yu asked.

"Haha, how could I not know about the most powerful organization in the world? We are a branch of the Divine Religion. The purpose of our Divine Religion is to take the world into our hands. But the biggest reason why we dare not enter China is because of Long


Asan smiled: "But this time, the dragon's breath cannot stop us. Our divine religion, as well as its branches Shiva Sect and Brahma Sect, have all united this time to welcome the birth of our saint."

"As long as our saint comes to this world, no one can stop God from coming to this world. Haha, when the time comes, no dragon's breath can stop us." Ah San yelled crazily.

"Your saint has been killed by us." Chen Yu shook his head: "You are still having this wishful dream?"

"Our Saint is immortal. Even if her clone is destroyed by you, she will live in this world in another form." Ah San said with a ferocious smile.

"She is already here, right next to you, you just don't know it." Ah San said, standing up unsteadily.

"As long as you are happy, you can say whatever you want." Chen Yu shook his head helplessly: "I just want to know what is your relationship with the chief director and the warlord called Satan?"

"They? They are just our puppets. If we want to enter China, we can only station ourselves at the edge of China and then invade slowly." Asan said with a ferocious smile: "We, the Brahma Sect, are just the beginning. From now on, your borders with China will always be there."

There is no day of peace.”

"So you want to start a war?" Chen Yu stared at Ah San coldly: "We border people are all innocent people. It's not enough for you to massacre one village, you still want to continue?"

"When an avalanche occurs, no snowflake is innocent." Ah San slowly shook his head and said, "They were born as people of Great Xia, so they should bear the wrath of our true god."

"Then you are wrong." Chen Yu smiled: "Being born in China, you should be protected, do you believe it? Your Brahma Sect will have news soon, but the two words "Hua" and "Xia" will last forever."

Chen Yu's spiritual thoughts surged out, and the powerful spiritual thoughts turned into sharp blades, raging on Ah San's body. Ah San screamed, and his body was riddled with holes by his spiritual thoughts. His eyes widened.

, fell down, but Ah San, who fell down, still looked unwilling.

Although Ah San was eliminated, the alarm in the director's courtyard has been triggered.

Now a group of guards wearing green uniforms and holding steel guns tightly surrounded the villa in the middle of the council house.

In front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window, Arnold was slowly holding red wine. He looked at the soldiers outside the floor-to-ceiling window with a sneer.

A Ming, the steward of the Board of Governors, stood beside him with a worried look on his face.

"What are you afraid of?" Seeing A Ming's worried look, A Nuo sneered: "Here are all my soldiers. They are brave and invincible. Even if a strong enemy invades, they will protect my safety."

"What is your duty?" Arnold hissed.

"Fight, fight." A group of people shouted in unison.

This chapter has been completed!
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