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Chapter 1188 Armor

"Let's go." Tianxin waved his hand, and everyone walked out of Stonehenge.

But when they walked out of Stonehenge, everyone couldn't help but be surprised.

In front of me, I don't know when a dark group of soldiers appeared.

These soldiers died in battles with the ghost tribe in ancient times, but after their death, they became part of the ghost tribe.

All the soldiers had expressionless faces, and their eyes were replaced by two masses of green fluorescence, because they had been dead for too long, even though this space could greatly slow down the decomposition of the corpses.

However, the faces of these soldiers were already extremely dry, and their indifferent and expressionless faces appeared in front of everyone, looking very terrifying.

And the faint green light in their eyes gave them an even more frightening feeling.

"It's the corpse of a soldier controlled by the ghost clan. Everyone, be careful." Xuan Xin shouted loudly.

The remaining six Seven Star Sect disciples quickly stood in a row, but there was a burst of dust in the distance, and eight square formations of armored soldiers slowly gathered.

Not only that, but the eyes of the soldiers lying on the ground also glowed green and they joined the phalanx.

There are at least several thousand of these soldiers. Even if they stand here and be chopped down, they will probably be killed with mercy, and their number is still increasing.

Tianxin and Bamu quickly stepped forward. The whip in Tianxin's hand was rolled up, and several bolts of lightning emitted from the whip. Immediately, the six soldiers fell to the ground.

It's just that this soldier is dead but not stiff, and now he is blessed by ghost spirits, so he is basically immortal.

The eyes of the six soldiers who fell on the ground had green light flashing slightly, then they stood up and continued to move forward slowly.

Bamu shouted violently, and he thrust the knife forward and slashed it down. With two clicks, the two soldiers turned into a pile of ashes.

When he raised his sword to continue, he saw several Xuanjia warriors coming up. He quickly waved his sword to block, but more warriors came up.

"Back off." Chen Yuchen shouted, he grabbed his right hand, and Li Chen appeared in his hand.

Although there is only one entrance to the realm of clouds, each team arrives at a different place after entering.

But the place Chen Yu, Tian Xin and others entered happened to be the most dangerous place.

This place is a huge ancient battlefield, with countless soldiers dying without freezing, so when Chen Yu, Tianxin and others come here, they will automatically touch the soldiers in this place.

Thousands of undead troops came over. Even if Chen Yu's cultivation had reached the Taoist realm, he felt helpless when he saw the densely packed soldiers in front of him.

Tian Xin and others retreated as instructed, Chen Yu held Li Chen in his hand, raised his vitality, shouted loudly, and let Li Chen go.

The sword light of dozens of feet slowly condensed in mid-air, and then Chen Yu shouted: "Broken..."

Buzz, the transparent sword light surged forward, and for a moment, a power like the earth was shattering rose in front, the earth was cracked, and nearly a thousand soldiers were wiped out in this sword.

With one sword slash, a vacuum appeared in front of everyone's eyes. Chen Yu shouted: "Let's go"

Xuan Xin had no time to be shocked and quickly fled forward along the vacuum zone that was cut open.

On the ground in this area, there are countless soldiers lying densely. If they fight head-on, they will definitely use up their own energy.

Moreover, this place is different from the outside world. It is another blessed place independent of the world, so it cannot greatly mobilize the energy of heaven and earth.

Even if he is as strong as Chen Yu, if he really fights with these thousands of soldiers, he will only end up exhausted and die.

As Chen Yu slashed out with his sword, the earth-shattering power made more soldiers lying on the ground slowly stand up.

A faint green light flashed in their eyes, then they stood up and joined the army.

Even if they died, these soldiers could maintain their pre-death state. They quickly gathered and formed square formations one after another, and then charged towards Chen Yu and others.

Fortunately, these things were relatively slow. Chen Yu led everyone to kill them all the way, and finally broke out of the siege and ascended to heaven.

After Chen Yu and the people from the Seven Star Sect passed by, two figures, a man and a woman, appeared on a hillside.

And this woman is none other than Ye Xinyu.

Following her was Wen Ziming, one of the top ten Shuras.

Wen Zi's name and appearance are elegant. If you meet him on the street, you will probably think that he is a scholar.

But in fact, his strength is almost the same as that of Lingxi Realm masters.

"It seems they were unlucky. They appeared directly on the ancient battlefield after entering." Wen Ziming said lightly.

"These soldiers will all get up if they are disturbed." Ye Xinyu frowned slightly: "So there is only one way now, and that is to run."

"Thousands of soldiers are coming, and all of them are immortals. Let alone a Taoist cultivator, even a spiritual master will not be able to deal with them."

Wen Ziming shook his head and said: "It's not shameful to run away. If it were me, I would run away just the same."

"Let's go there too, the time is coming." Ye Xinyu glanced at the mountain peak in the distance.

All I could see was a patch of red above the mountain peak, and most of the dark red in the sky was reflected from that direction.

Countless black gases floated upward like burning paper ashes. Above, there was a huge vortex, which kept sucking things from the ground up.

"What is our purpose here?" Wen Ziming glanced at Ye Xinyu.

"Just listen and do what you do. I will naturally make arrangements for everything." Ye Xinyu said calmly.

"I only listen to old man Tianming." Wen Ziming said: "If you want to help Chen Yu, then I will not agree."

"That's right, I came here just to help him." Ye Xinyu turned back to look at Wen Ziming and said after a long time.

"I have long heard that you were going to betray Old Man Tianming. I thought it was a lie before, but I didn't expect it to be true now." Wen Ziming's face changed slightly, and he snorted coldly: "Ye Xinyu, you are like this,

But don’t blame me for being rude."

"Before you came here, I told you that I was here to help Chen Yu. You didn't think I was joking with you, right?" Ye Xinyu stared at Wen Ziming, and suddenly, she laughed.

"Are you serious about what you said?" Wen Ziming stared at Ye Xinyu, his face gradually became serious.

"Of course it's true." Ye Xinyu smiled slightly and said, "Chen Yu is my husband, why don't I help him?"

"But everything you have now was given to you by Old Man Tianming." Wen Ziming suddenly became furious.

"Did I beg him? Do I need all this?" Ye Xinyu turned his head suddenly, and his cold eyes made Wen Ziming retreat involuntarily.

This chapter has been completed!
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