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Chapter 297 You Are Dead

Chen Yu stepped aside and Qin Ying flopped down on the sofa. Her knees were red from being hit.

"Why didn't you pick up the girl?" Qin Ying said with some resentment.

"Haha, brother, you don't want anyone to throw you into your arms?" Huang Yiqiang laughed.

"If it's okay, just leave. If you don't provoke me, I won't take the initiative to trouble you. After all, I don't have that much time." Chen Yu said helplessly.

"Why do you refuse people thousands of miles away?" Qin Ying took off her coat, feeling a little resentful.

"Put on your clothes and get out." Chen Yu frowned, this woman was here to cause trouble.

"Why are you so ignorant of style?" Qin Ying was a little angry. She put away her coat angrily and left without saying a word.

"Why brother, do you know her?" Huang Yiqiang asked in surprise.

"The old lady is fine, but now she has become money-worshipping. She will do anything for money." Chen Yu shook his head.

"Haha, no wonder, come on, drink." Huang Yiqiang laughed and continued drinking with Chen Yu.

When the two of them were drinking to their heart's content, the door opened, the lights in the room turned on, and several policemen walked in. Qin Ying also followed. She pointed out to Chen Yu: "That's him, hiding drugs."

"Me, hiding poison?" Chen Yu was slightly startled, what was this mentally retarded woman talking about?

"That's right, are we just here to have a drink and say we are hiding drugs?" Huang Yiqiang stood up.

"I'm sorry, we received a report that you were hiding drugs here, and we have to conduct routine inspections." Several policemen came forward.

"Okay, let's check." Chen Yu stood up, glanced at Qin Ying and said, "Qin Ying, are you making a fool of yourself?"

Chen Yu knew by heart that this woman had just come to toast, pretended to fall down, and took off her coat. This series of operations was really good.

"Chen Yu, you broke the law on your own, what does it have to do with me? Brother police officer, he threatened me." Qin Ying looked like a villain.

"It is the responsibility of every citizen to report drug possession. Don't worry, no one will dare to touch you." A policeman said solemnly.

"Report, there are findings." A policeman took out a bag of white powder from under the cushion of the sofa and handed it to the older policeman.

"What is this?" The policeman stared at Chen Yu with a white powder and said, "Do you know how to punish so many drugs?"

"More than fifty grams, death penalty, haha, Chen Yu, you must have one kilogram, how many times can you count how many times you can be shot?" Qin Ying looked like a villain.

"Comrade police, this must be a misunderstanding. My brother is a doctor and he has saved many people. How could he bring so many drugs?" Huang Yiqiang was confused.

"If you have anything to do, let's talk about it when you get back." The old policeman waved his hand: "Take him away."

"Wait a minute." Chen Yu said in a deep voice, "You have to verify whether this is a drug. A bag of white stuff can't even be identified, so how can you identify it as a drug?"

"Chen Yu, it's useless no matter how much you quibble. How could a comrade in the police get it wrong? This is drugs." Qin Ying said proudly: "Just wait for the death penalty."

"How do you know so well that this is drugs?" Chen Yu glanced at Qin Ying: "Have I ever told you that if you act like a monster again, I will never let you go?"

"Chen Yu, if you are still insistent when death is imminent, your comrades in the drug police will know if you are dead today. You will be dead today." Qin Ying sneered.

"Go check it out." The older policeman said, holding the bag of white powder.

"Yes, Captain." A policeman opened the bag, put it to his nose and smelled it. He looked stunned for a moment, then he quickly poured out the whole bag and took out a small analyzer to test it.

"Comrade police, arrest him quickly. This man has so many drugs, he might be a drug lord." Qin Ying said proudly on the side.

"How is it?" asked the older policeman.

"Captain, preliminary testing shows that this bag of white powder is flour." the policeman who conducted the testing reported.

"Flour? How is this possible?" Qin Ying was surprised.

"Are you sure?" the older policeman asked.

"One hundred percent sure, it's flour." The policeman replied affirmatively: "I've smelled it, and the instrument can't be wrong."

"This is impossible. There must be a mistake. You need to retest it. It must be drugs." Qin Ying panicked. This was something Yu Siying personally gave to her. How could it be wrong?

"Why do you carry so much flour with you?" the older policeman asked in confusion.

"Isn't this illegal?" Chen Yu asked.

"Of course it's not illegal, but it's easy for people to misunderstand." The policeman said helplessly: "Okay, this is a misunderstanding. This lesbian will report it in the future to confirm."

"It's impossible. These must be drugs. There must be some in the house. You need to search." Qin Ying panicked.

"Why are you so sure this is drugs? Comrade police, she is the person in charge of the nightclub. In a place like this, it is normal for some illegal things to happen. I suggest you check her out." Chen Yu said with a smile.

"Chen Yu, don't be slanderous. Our club is a regular club." Qin Ying screamed: "Don't be proud, you have offended a big shot, do you know that?"

"Hey, look at her bag. It's so bulging. Is there something in it?" Chen Yu pointed to Qin Ying's bag.

"This lady is too excited. Check her bag to see if there are any psychedelic drugs." The older policeman frowned. Qin Ying didn't behave normally.

"No, no, I'm not a police officer who took drugs, I really didn't." Qin Ying quickly explained: "If you don't believe me, look at it, I..."

Qin Ying opened her bag. The moment she opened it, she couldn't help but froze. She didn't know when there was a packet of white powder in her bag.

"What is this?" The policeman's expression changed drastically.

"I don't know, this is not mine, this thing is not mine." Qin Ying panicked.

"Captain, it's drugs." As soon as a policeman inspected the goods, his expression suddenly changed: "It's a kilogram."

"take away."

With a click, a pair of handcuffs cuffed Qin Ying. Qin Ying looked a little confused. It was not until the police pushed her out that she suddenly woke up: "This is not mine, this is a frame-up, this is a frame-up."

"What's going on? What's going on?" Qin Ying screamed and struggled miserably.

She clearly remembered that she secretly put the package under Chen Yu's sofa. The police could find out if they came to check.

But why did Chen Yu's bag become a bag of flour, and why was there an extra bag of something inexplicably in her bag?

"Sichun, help me, I don't know what's going on, please help me quickly." Qin Ying saw Yu Sichun walking towards this side, she suddenly broke away from the policeman, as if caught

He hugged Yu Sichun like a life-saving straw.

This chapter has been completed!
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