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Chapter 389

"Junjun, are you okay? Can you walk?" Junjun's mother covered her mouth and looked at her son in disbelief.

"It's great, it's really great, little brother, look, Junjun has stood up." The man was so excited that tears filled his eyes.

The people who laughed at Chen Yu on the other side have now shut their mouths. They almost don't believe what is happening in front of them.

They all knew about Junjun's disease. The medical research center sometimes admitted patients with difficult and complicated diseases in order to analyze the pathology. Junjun's disease was special, so everyone participated in the consultation.

They knew the seriousness of the condition and how weak Junjun's body was. He could not stand on his legs because of lack of blood circulation.

But after taking one pill, Junjun stood up. This is a box of blood-nourishing pills costing three yuan.

"The effect of the medicine is still too slow." Chen Yu shook his head and said: "If it continues like this, it will take half a year to fully recover. But because there is a problem with the blood system in his body, he will have to take this medicine for life."

"My little brother is already very good. This medicine costs three yuan a box, which is enough for more than ten yuan a month. We can afford it." The man cried.

"Yes, we spent 300,000 yuan but couldn't cure the disease. Your three yuan of medicine cured the disease. We are really grateful to you." The woman also cried excitedly.

This group of research center members who claim to be high-level talents all look ugly, as if they have been slapped in the face.

Each of them has a high degree of education, graduated from a well-known domestic college, has a master's degree or a doctorate, and enjoys special subsidies from the state.

The result of their consultation was a bone marrow transplant, which cost around half a million yuan, but they never expected that Chen Yu could cure the disease with just a few dollars of medicine.

"Can I take a picture of this medicine?" Zhou Qian on the side quickly stepped forward, took a picture of the medicine, and then raised her head and asked: "Mr. Chen, I am a reporter. I want to film a program about medicine. Can I interview you later?


"We'll talk about it later." Chen Yu shook his head and said, "Take medication for life? That won't work. There is no such thing as lifelong medication here. Come on, I'll give you acupuncture and adjust the prescription for you. I'll make sure you're like a normal person in a week."

Chen Yu stepped forward, helped Junjun sit down, then took out the silver needle and began to perform acupuncture on him.

After a set of needles came down, Junjun felt full of strength all over his body.

Some of the blood-clotting purple spots on his wrists have disappeared, and he now looks exactly like a normal person.

"Mom and Dad, I'm fine. The purple spots on my body are gone. I'm really fine." Junjun said excitedly.

"Thank you, my savior." The couple pulled Junjun together and knelt down to Chen Yu: "Benefactor, you are really our benefactor."

"Get up quickly." Chen Yu helped the couple up and said, "The illness is not serious, it's just that you haven't met the right person."

"That's right, if it weren't for you, we would still have to raise 500,000 yuan. Whether the cure will be good or not is still unknown." The man said gratefully.

Wu Zheng's face suddenly darkened. He felt that these words were aimed at him.

"This is a prescription for recuperation. Just follow this prescription when you get back." Chen Yu wrote the prescription and gave it to the couple: "Go back and have a good sleep."

"Okay, okay, Mr. Chen, after Junjun recovers, we will come to thank you." The family of three said gratefully.

"That's not necessary, it's just my duty." Chen Yu smiled.

After seeing off his family of three, Chen Yu planned to leave.

"Young man, please stay." Liu Changxing stopped Chen Yu: "Young man, I am Liu Changxing, the director of the Medical Research Center."

"I didn't really believe in Chinese medicine before, but you have refreshed my understanding of Chinese medicine. Can you join us?"

"I'm sorry, I don't have any education. Your people have said that you are all high-level talents. How can someone like me, who only have a college degree, deserve to be with you?" Chen Yu smiled.

"Chen Yu, please don't be ignorant of praise. Our director personally tried to persuade you to stay, but you still don't agree?" Wu Zheng's face darkened.

"Working with people like you, I think the so-called research center is just that." Chen Yu said lightly: "Director Liu, medical research is important, but when you recruit people, you can't just look at them.

Educational qualifications do not depend on character.”

"Some people have no knowledge, but look arrogant. I don't think such people can have a correct attitude no matter what field they are in. I'll say goodbye."

After Chen Yu finished speaking, he turned around and left, leaving a group of people looking at each other in confusion.

"It's just a coincidence, it's just a few cents of medicine." Wu Zheng said angrily.

"A few cents worth of medicine is not expensive, but it can cure hundreds of thousands of diseases that can't be cured with a few cents of medicine. This is ability." Liu Hexing said with a dark face: "It's not scary to be inferior to others, but what's scary is that

He still refuses to admit that his skills are inferior to others."

"Yes, that's what Director Liu said." Wu Zheng looked a little embarrassed.

"Let's all go back and have a meeting. We need to have a deep understanding of today's events. I will also record this matter in the medical research journal for discussion by major research centers." Liu Changxing shouted.

"Yes, Director." Everyone nodded and returned to the laboratory building.

Zhou Qian was playing with a camera in her hand, and she felt she had discovered a hot spot.

"Chen Yu, did you know that our stock price has exploded?" The next day, as soon as Chen Yu woke up, Song Mengyan called.

"What's going on?" Chen Yu was stunned and didn't understand what was going on.

"Didn't you treat people yesterday? You cured hundreds of thousands of incurable diseases with Yangxue Pills, a proprietary Chinese medicine owned by Tianyun?" Song Mengyan said excitedly.

"Yes, there is such a thing. What does this have to do with our stock price?" Chen Yu was confused.

"You don't know yet? Someone took the video and uploaded it online. Now Tianyun Pharmaceutical's search volume dominates the list. The stock price is soaring like a rocket. The company's valuation has doubled several times." Song Mengyan

Still haven't recovered from the excitement.

"Is this happening?" Chen Yu was startled and quickly opened his tablet and took a look. Someone made a video of him treating Junjun last night and posted it online.

Now it is being spread on all major video websites, the search volume is huge, and the shares of Tianyun Pharmaceutical seem to be on a rocket.

There was a wave of free advertisements for Qingyan Health Care by a certain star, and now there is this video. Chen Yu feels that he is really lucky. You have to know how much it costs to buy a hot search.

Fortunately, the video was processed and his face was mosaic, making it difficult to see the person clearly. Otherwise, he would have been recognized every minute on the road.

Chen Yu remembered that the reporter named Zhou Qian said that he wanted to interview him, but he was in a hurry and did not contact her.

But the video should be made by her, but as a reporter, she is very careful to protect the right of portrait and privacy. The faces of important people have been processed and cannot be recognized.

Chen Yu also breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't want to be a celebrity, but the stock price of Tianyun Pharmaceutical soared and several of his drugs were sold out. This was a real surprise.

This chapter has been completed!
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