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Chapter 560

"Heart rate and blood pressure should be checked as soon as possible. In addition, the electrocardiogram was done first. I don't believe it. With my ability, I still can't figure out the diseases of these children?" Wang Keshan ordered his assistant as soon as he entered the door.


He was holding his breath in his heart. He was so attentive to Shi Mengrou, but she didn't even look at him. And just now she actually said that she couldn't handle this matter by herself?

Are you kidding, he is a master's degree student who has returned from overseas and is the youngest director of the brain department in the hospital, but he can't solve these problems? He insists on checking it out and giving Shi Mengrou a hard slap in the face.

"What are these children stuck on their heads?" Wang Keshan looked at the yellow talisman paper stuck on a child's forehead and couldn't help but frowning and said: "What kind of messy superstitious stuff."

As he spoke, he casually took off the talisman on the child's forehead. The child was over ten years old. As soon as the talisman was removed, a black energy quickly spread from his forehead and then spread throughout his body.

The boy opened his eyes suddenly, and a flash of green light flashed across his pupils. He suddenly roared, opened his mouth wide, and two sharp teeth suddenly appeared, looking very terrifying.

He suddenly turned over and sat up, stretched out his hands, and the nails on his two small hands spread out quickly. The nails on his hands formed sharp claws, which were dark and shiny.

"Director Wang, there's something wrong with this kid." Several people in the room paled.

The little boy now has sharp fangs and green eyes, and looks very scary.

"What's going on? Let me take a look." Wang Keshan was also startled. He quickly stepped forward and reached out to catch the little boy.

But the little boy's claw flew out, leaving five bloody marks on his hand.

Before Wang Keshan could cry out in pain, the little boy suddenly stood up and slammed into him.

Plop...Wang Keshan felt as if his chest had been hit by a high-speed car. He screamed, flew back five or six meters, and hit the door. With a crash, the glass on the door shattered.

Open, Wang Ke collapsed on the ground, his forehead buzzing.

No one could have imagined that this little boy was so strong. This was definitely not normal. Wang Keshan saw the little boy staring at him with green eyes, and his heart went crazy. He struggled to get up, opened the door and shouted: "No.

Something happened..."

By the time Chen Yu arrived, the little boy's face had turned dark.

He was so strong that even a group of people could not hold him down, and several doctors were knocked to the ground.

Chen Yu stepped forward, quickly threw the little boy to the ground, then held down his head with one hand, and made a gesture with his right hand in the air.

With a cry, a mysterious symbol disappeared into the little boy's body. The little boy closed his eyes and became quiet.

"Chen Yu, what's going on?" When Shi Mengrou rushed over angrily, she couldn't help but be dumbfounded when she saw this scene.

"What's wrong?" Chen Yu said angrily: "Didn't I say that you are not allowed to uncover the talismans on the children's foreheads? This is a corpse suppressing talisman, which also has the function of locking corpse energy. These children were forcibly fed corpse oil. These

Only the corpse suppressing talisman can prevent the spread of corpse energy. Once the talisman is peeled off, the corpse energy flows throughout the body. This is the rhythm of corpse transformation."

"Wang Keshan, did you do this? Did you ignore what I just said?" Shi Mengrou was almost furious. She had just comforted the parents of these children when something happened here.

If there is something wrong with this child, who can bear this responsibility?

"I, I just want to see, is this kid crazy? How can he catch and bite people? Why is he so strong?" Wang Keshan, who was frightened and fell to the ground, struggled to get up, horrified.


"Did you remove the talisman on the child's head?" Chen Yu looked at Wang Keshan angrily.

"Yes, it's me. I'm the youngest director of the brain department in the hospital. I think I can solve this matter myself. I..." Wang Keshan said plausibly.

But before he could finish speaking, Chen Yu slapped him and sent him flying away.

Bang...Wang Keshan screamed and fell to the ground.

Five bright red finger prints quickly appeared on half of his face, and several teeth came out of his mouth.

"How do you beat someone? You beat them in front of the police?" Wang Keshan couldn't believe it.

He had a very high status in the hospital, and he had always yelled at people, but Chen Yu's slap in the face stunned him.

"Hit you? If this child turns into a corpse because of you, I will kill you." Chen Yu shouted.

"Who are you? You beat people in the hospital, do you still have the law?" Wang Keshan stood up, pointed at Chen Yu and shouted: "Security, where is the security..."

A group of security guards ran over, and Shi Mengrou said angrily: "The police are here, you can do whatever you need to do."

The security guards saw the situation and left quickly.

"Mengrou, what do you mean? Do you know this kid?" Wang Keshan was stunned.

"He is Chen Yu, the person in charge of the child's health this time. He...he is a Chinese medicine doctor." Shi Mengrou hesitated, but still did not reveal Chen Yu's true identity.

As a police officer, she has been exposed to different things from ordinary people, so she can accept the various mysterious skills displayed by Chen Yu, but Wang Keshan is different, he has never been exposed to them.

"Traditional Chinese medicine? You leave the safety of a group of children to Chinese medicine?" Wang Keshan suddenly became angry.

What makes him angry is that his dignified returnee master's degree, the youngest director of the best hospital in Ningcheng, is actually not as good as a traditional Chinese medicine doctor?

"Yes, I am a Chinese medicine practitioner. Do you have any questions?" Chen Yu frowned.

"Haha, Mengrou, I can confirm that you have met a liar. I don't know what method he used to fool you into believing him, but I can tell you for sure that he can't solve this matter." Wang Keshan said with confidence.


"Am I a liar?" Chen Yu had no time to talk nonsense with this guy. Just when he opened his fingers and was about to slap this guy away, he suddenly discovered five bloody claw marks on this guy's arm.

This is the scar he got when he was grabbed by the half-corpse child when he unveiled the child's talisman.

"Have you ever been arrested here?" Chen Yu grabbed his arm and said sternly.

"It's none of your business, you liar." Wang Keshan was about to shake Chen Yu away, but he couldn't break free as soon as he tried to break away. Chen Yu's hands grabbed him tightly like iron pliers, holding him back.

There is absolutely no way to break free.

"Lock him up first. All the people scratched by this child will be locked up together. I will solve these problems after I finish handling the things here." Chen Yu threw Wang Keshan to the ground.

"Handcuff him." Shi Mengrou was really fed up with this self-righteous guy. She waved her hand, and someone immediately came over and cuffed him.

"What are you doing? Why are you arresting me? I didn't break the law..." Wang Keshan refused to accept, but Shi Mengrou waved her hand and the two of them left with him.

This chapter has been completed!
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