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Chapter 670 You Don't Know Chinese Medicine

"Smith, I'm doing this for your own good." Peter shrugged nonchalantly: "And do you really believe that these Chinese people can save them? Haha, the old man just pricked him randomly with a needle, but it had no effect at all.


"Mr. Peter, please don't question our Chinese acupuncture skills. It is precisely because we took action just now that Mr. Smith's snake venom is within control." Dean Zhou frowned.

"With all due respect, through the exchanges between Chinese and Western medicine over the past few days, I have not felt that there is anything unique about Chinese medicine. On the contrary, during the exchanges over the past few days, I have discovered that most of your theories on Chinese medicine have no scientific basis."

Pete looked disdainful.

"There is no scientific basis because Chinese traditional medicine is thousands of years earlier than your Western medicine. It is impossible to explain the theory of Chinese traditional medicine with the science that you Western medicine considers." Chen Yu's voice came over.

"Dean Zhou, I called my master, and I will leave this matter to him." Wu Baozhen came over in a hurry.

"Who are you?" Peter turned around and said angrily.

"Chen Yu, Chinese medicine." Chen Yu said calmly: "You said that during the exchange of Chinese medicine, the theory of Chinese medicine has no scientific basis to support it?"

"Am I wrong? Your Chinese medicine doctors are all talking nonsense, and those so-called theories are simply nonsense." Peter said disdainfully.

"Well, I actually understand you." Chen Yu smiled: "There is only Peppa Pig in the world of kindergarten children, so it is normal that you cannot understand the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, because your Western medicine has only been around for a few hundred years.

, using your theory to verify Chinese medicine is a bit bullying you."

"You are humiliating the entire medical profession, and I am going to sue you." Pete yelled angrily.

"Go ahead and accuse me, but if I wink, I lose." Chen Yu smiled and turned to look at the bearded man on the bed: "Is this the person you are talking about?"

"Yes, Master, his leg was bitten by a silver ring. I used gold needles to seal his acupuncture points to slow down the spread of the snake venom, but we couldn't get the serum in a short time." Wu Baozhen looked excitedly.

By Chen Yu.

He has no doubt that Chen Yu can solve this problem, because in his eyes, Chen Yu is a leader in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, and there is nothing in this world that he cannot solve.

And since he saw Chen Yu exorcising evil spirits for Mr. Ye last time, he even regarded Chen Yu as a god, and he looked forward to Chen Yu taking action again.

"Smith, I suggest you ampute your leg." Peter ignored Chen Yu and stepped forward: "It is undeniable that their acupuncture can indeed slow down the infection in your leg, but now your entire leg has turned black

If you don’t have your leg amputated, I’m afraid you will be hopeless.”

"No, I won't amputate my leg. My grandfather lived in China and he has seen the magic of Chinese medicine. I believe in Chinese medicine." Smith shouted while holding on.

"Just believe it." Chen Yu nodded and said: "The venom of the snake that locks the silver ring is very powerful, but fortunately it is not the kind of poisonous snake that seals its throat when it sees blood. Otherwise, it would be hopeless now, and Wu Baozhen, please come here."

"Master, I'm here." Wu Baozhen stepped forward quickly and said respectfully.

Wu Baozhen's move left everyone confused. Even the foreign medical team members didn't know what the master meant, but the Chinese doctors were a little confused.

Who doesn't know that the famous Wu Baozhen is one of the three heads of Taiyuan Hospital. He studied under Yaishenshan and enjoys a very high reputation in Shengjing and even internationally.

His master Luo Huichun's medical skills have reached the pinnacle. Now he calls a young man like Chen Yu his master? What is Chen Yu's identity?

"You use golden needles to prick his six major acupoints, which will detoxify and slow down the blood circulation to prevent the poison from spreading. These acupuncture remedies are actually good, but you can prick one more acupuncture, which will be better."

Chen Yudao.

"Thank you, Master, for your teaching. May I ask, Master, which acupuncture point would be better?" Wu Baozhen listened with his ears raised, for fear of missing a word.

"Here." Chen Yu took out a needle and pierced Smith's Zhubin point: "Why do you want to pierce here? Do you understand?"

"Zhubin Song", the name of this point means that the cool and damp water vapor after the qi and blood of the three Yin meridians of the foot are mixed and reorganized, is transferred to the kidney meridian, so pressing and rubbing this point can dissipate heat and reduce temperature. Zhubin point has the function of clearing away heat and promoting dampness, transforming

Is phlegm soothing, regulating qi and relieving pain?" Wu Baozhen patted his thigh: "Why didn't I think of it? If this acupuncture point is pricked, at least half of the toxins can be discharged."

"That's right, using this acupuncture method can eliminate at least half of the toxins in the body. If it is supplemented with Liuhe acupuncture method, his toxins can be eliminated." Chen Yu said and took out six more silver needles.

Stab one after another.

Oddly enough, with Chen Yu's several needle pricks, the black and purple color on Smith's legs immediately subsided, and his numb and numb legs now actually had a glimmer of feeling.

"I, am I okay?" Smith looked at everything in front of him in surprise. He looked at his legs in disbelief. The color of his right leg was no different from his normal skin color, but he still felt slightly numb.

To the point of paralysis and unable to move.

"Not yet." Chen Yu said to Wu Baozhen: "Because Liuhe acupuncture was used too late, the toxin in his legs has spread, so acupuncture alone cannot remove the snake venom in his legs."

"It's because I'm not good at studying." Wu Baozhen looked ashamed. Indeed, if Chen Yu had arrived at the first time, the snake venom on the bearded leg would not have had time to act. There is a mountain between his and Chen Yu's medical skills.


"Actually, it's not bad. If you hadn't sealed his acupuncture points in time, the poison on his legs would have spread, and I'm afraid it would be very troublesome now." Chen Yu smiled slightly and said: "Next, we only need to use a few Chinese medicines.

Just pull out the toxins and clean the sores.”

"Master's medical skills are indeed unparalleled in the world. Baozhen has learned from me." Wu Baozhen bowed in admiration.

"But, international friends say that our Chinese medicine only exists in theory and is not practical, so I have to make a clear distinction." Chen Yu smiled. He took out a piece of talisman paper and asked someone to bring him a bowl of water.

"What are you going to do?" Peter stared at Chen Yu with wide eyes, not understanding what he was going to do.

In fact, after Chen Yu performed the acupuncture, Smith's snake venom had been almost removed. This could be seen from his experience, but this guy just refused to admit it.

"You will be convinced." Chen Yu smiled. He moved his hand, and a piece of talisman paper suddenly burned. He threw the talisman into the bowl of water.

Fire was supposed to be extinguished when it met water, but instead of being extinguished, the fire burned violently with a loud bang. However, the flame slowed down quickly and then slowly extinguished.

This chapter has been completed!
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