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Chapter 699 Spirit Raid

The well was sealed very tightly. The grandson of Rabbit was very cruel at that time. The mouth of the well was sealed. Even if Liu Tong woke up below, he would probably not be able to get out. This grandson was indeed cruel.

After some cleaning, the debris at the mouth of the well was finally cleared away. One of Zhang Peng's bodyguards took a flashlight and shined it down. After looking at it for a moment, he raised his head in confusion and said: "Master Zhang, there is no one inside."

"No one?" Chen Yu was surprised and quickly stepped forward to take the flashlight and shine it down the well.

The well is not very deep, and because it has been dry all year round, the bottom of the well is full of rotten leaves. However, there is no one at the bottom of this small well.

"I'll go down and take a look." Chen Yu felt something was wrong. He took the flashlight, turned over and jumped from the top of the well to the bottom.

The bottom of the well was not much larger than the well head, and there was no passage from the bottom to other places. The girl's body had indeed disappeared.

"There is no one at the bottom of the well." Chen Yu looked for a long time and found no clues. He turned over and shouted in a deep voice: "Where is the person?"

"I don't know, I clearly threw her away that night, and I never came back after I threw her away." Rabbit also looked frightened.

"Where is the body?" Zhang Peng was furious. He felt that the rabbit was not telling the truth at all. He stepped forward and punched and kicked the rabbit until the guy rolled his eyes.

"Say?" Zhang Peng shouted.

"I don't know, I really don't know, what on earth is going on?" The rabbit was lying on the ground twitching, he was about to be beaten to death.

"Looking at his appearance, I really don't know." Chen Yu frowned and said, "This is strange. It doesn't look like anyone has moved at the mouth of the well. Why did the people inside disappear?"

"Mr. Chen, what should we do now?" Zhang Peng was at a loss.

"Wait while I look around." Chen Yu looked around and then entered the main hall of Guyue Temple.

There is a dilapidated statue in the main hall, and the things inside are very messy. Because no one comes all year round, the place is full of dust.

It was now past nine o'clock in the evening. Chen Yu walked around outside the hall, and then suddenly found a series of footprints behind the hall.

This series of footprints should have been left by a woman. The woman passed by wearing light shoes. Sure enough, someone had been here.

"That kid didn't lie. They did hide people here before. Someone has been here." Chen Yu said.

"Who came here? Why did they take away the girl's body?" Zhang Peng was a little confused.

"I don't know, but it's not a bad thing. Since someone has been here, it means that the girl may still be alive." Chen Yu said.

"Is she still alive?" Zhang Peng was surprised and happy. If the girl was still alive, it would be easy to handle. Otherwise, with his grandfather's temper, Zhang Yan would really be sent to the police station.

"There is a nunnery up there. Let's go there to see the situation. Maybe someone there rescued the girl." Chen Yu thought for a moment and said.

"Okay, let's go take a look." Zhang Peng nodded.

Just when a few people were about to leave, a gust of wind suddenly hit them. This gust of wind carried a piece of black air, and this black air was filled with awe-inspiring demonic power.

"Everyone, be careful." Chen Yu's expression changed drastically. This demonic power was unusual. It should be something created by heaven and earth.

Everyone gathered together, back to back, and the demonic wind quickly rotated around the group of people, and there was also a weird whistling sound coming from the demonic wind, like some kind of animal hissing.

What's more important is that there is a hint of sharp aura in the demon wind. This aura locked Chen Yu and others tightly. Everyone was terrified, as if they were being targeted by something.

The thing in the demon wind seems to be a natural predator, and it regards everyone outside as its prey.

Suddenly, the evil wind stopped, and masses of black energy gathered in the courtyard of the temple, forming a mass of black energy. There seemed to be a haughty eye in the black energy, staring at everyone with contempt.

The rabbit was trembling with fear. Suddenly, he pushed away the bodyguard who was controlling him, and then used all his strength to escape towards the door of the temple.

He couldn't stand the demonic power in that black air, and wanted to get rid of Chen Yu and Zhang Peng's control.

His desire to survive was very strong, and he ran wildly outwards. His speed was no less than a sprint of 100 meters.

Just when he was about to run out of the dilapidated gate of the temple, suddenly, a black shadow flashed past quickly, followed by several sharp claw marks formed in mid-air.

Several white claw marks flashed away, and the mouse's body suddenly stiffened, and then he stood on the spot, unable to move.

There was a look of horror on his face. Suddenly, his head tilted and rolled to the ground with a plop. At the same time, his body was divided into three parts and fell to the ground.

He was actually torn into pieces by that unknown thing, and the opponent was extremely strong. The rabbit was a huge living person. Although he was thin, he was extremely tall, but the opponent didn't show up, and he was caught in three pieces with one claw.


Zhang Peng and his bodyguards had horrified looks on their faces. Everyone was heartbroken at this moment. What on earth could be so powerful that it could tear a living person into pieces in an instant?

"It's amazing." Chen Yu was also surprised. He grabbed Li Chen with his right hand.

What appeared this time was a monster. It was different from the evil ghosts he had encountered before. This thing was born from the good fortune of heaven and earth. It was something that had been cultivated for many years. It had profound moral principles, so he had to be careful.

At this moment, the air in front of him was distorted, and then something about half a person's height appeared in front of Chen Yu. This guy had a slender body and moved quickly. It had been standing beside everyone in a hidden form.

As two blue walnut-sized eyeballs appeared, the guy's true form appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

This is a huge civet cat. The reason why it is big is because its body is about the same size as a leopard. It can only be seen from the patterns on its head and body that it is an extremely huge cat.

Everyone's scalps exploded, and Zhang Peng was so frightened that he almost screamed. Such a big cat?

No wonder everyone felt like they were being targeted just now. The cat fighter in front of them completely regarded all of them as prey.

As we all know, among many breeds of cats, civet cats are the most capable of fighting. Although the chance of a kitten killing you is small, it is not impossible.

What's more, the thing in front of me was a monster that had lived for who knows how many years. It jumped up and rushed towards Chen Yu.

This chapter has been completed!
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