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Chapter 819 father and son meet

"Because I don't think it looks like an accidental miscarriage. People who have had accidental miscarriages don't have such great resentment at all."

"This... I admit, it was not an accidental miscarriage. My wife is almost forty. We didn't want to have a child. This was an accident, so we beat her." The man lowered his head and spoke.

Tell the truth.

"That's right." Chen Yu nodded slightly and said, "Your child must have gone through all kinds of hardships to come into this world. You and your wife are basically abandoning him."

"So this sore actually has something to do with him, and it can't be cured by ordinary medicine."

"What should we do?" The man turned pale with fright. In fact, he still didn't tell the truth. That woman was not his wife, but his mistress.

The mistress wanted to give birth to the child and threatened him, so he secretly gave his mistress an abortion pill, so the unborn child was full of resentment.

His hand was pinched severely by a child before he left. This is a real ghost hand sore. It would be difficult to cure it with ordinary medicine.

Chen Yu took out a bowl of water, and then took out a talisman. When he moved his hand, the talisman paper ignited on its own. Chen Yu shook the burning talisman in his hand, and then melted the talisman into the water.

"Drink half of this talisman water and spray the other half on the affected area. It will be cured soon." Chen Yu said: "But your child has resentment in his heart. Within ten days, you have to go to a temple with great incense to pray for him."

Transcendence to drive away bad odors."

"Does this really work?" Looking at the bowl of water in his hand, the man looked a little confused. He was not sure whether this thing really worked.

"Whether it works or not, you will know if you try it. If you think there is a better place to see a doctor, please do it yourself." Chen Yu said lightly.

"Hey, you don't want to see a doctor. If you don't want to see a doctor, just wait in line. We still have to see a doctor." Someone behind him was already impatient.

"Yes, you are simply wasting your time. Hurry up, there are many people waiting behind you."

Seeing that the people in line behind him were impatient to wait, the man no longer hesitated. He gritted his teeth, drank half of the bowl of water in his hand, held half of it in his mouth, and sprayed a few drops on the sores on his legs.


What surprised him next was that the sore on his leg slowly disappeared as the talisman water was sprayed down.

Moreover, the wound on his affected area also slowly healed. This scene shocked the man and stunned him.

"Okay, the injury is really healed."

"It's amazing. The talisman can also cure diseases."

"Yes, Mr. Li has opened talismans before, but they were regarded as superstitious. I didn't expect that this talisman water can really cure diseases."

The people queuing up for treatment were very excited. They never imagined that the treatment method could be so magical, without injections or medicines, just drinking a bowl of water.

"Everyone, Zhu Youke has been treating diseases since ancient times, but many methods have been lost now. If it can be solved with talisman, Mr. Li will definitely use talisman water to solve it. If it can't be solved with talisman water, you still have to believe in medicine." Chen Yu

He smiled and said, "talismans can cure diseases, but they cannot cure all diseases. Everyone should remember this clearly."

"Remember it clearly, Dr. Chen, please help me take a look."

"Yes, this method is amazing, I want to try it too."

"Don't be anxious, everyone, line up so everyone can see it." Chen Yu smiled slightly.

So these patients all queued up, and what happened today was spread from one person to another. In the future, no one will believe in Mr. Li's talisman skills.

It was not until noon that the patients gradually dispersed, and Chen Yu also said goodbye.

At the entrance of the hospital, a Bentley was parked.

The Bentley's window was open, and Qiu Yanfang was looking out.

There is a lot of space in this extended version of the car. In addition to Qiu Yanfang, Chen Anyi is also sitting inside.

Now Chen Anyi has swept away the previous feeling of decadence. He wears a suit and leather jacket, his beard and hair have been trimmed, and he looks like a very successful person.

Except for his somewhat lethargic spirit, he was well dressed.

He sat in the car without saying a word and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Your son is coming out, are you not looking forward to it at all?" Qiu Yanfang glanced at Chen Anyi with a look of contempt.

Chen Anyi coughed a few times: "What is there to look forward to?"

"Chen Anyi, I realize that you are the cruel one. Haha, this is your son who has never met. He has been separated for decades, and your mood has not fluctuated at all?" Qiu Yanfang sneered: "You are the real one.


Chen Anyi continued to cough. He was slightly wheezing, and his lungs were wheezing like bellows.

"Take this medicine so that you don't look like a tuberculosis ghost when you see your son." Qiu Yanfang frowned. She took out a medicine from the refrigerator under the seat and handed it to Chen Anyi.

Chen Anyi said nothing. He took the medicine and swallowed it directly.

After swallowing the medicine, his face slowly turned rosy, and his coughing stopped. His breathing was steady and he was in high spirits. Compared with just now, he was completely different.

"Yes, this is what a father looks like." Qiu Yanfang chuckled: "I asked you to maintain your dignity in front of your son, so don't be ungrateful."

"Then I have to thank you." Chen Anyi's voice did not waver at all, but from the depths of his eyes, you could see a trace of expectation.

He was hiding it. After all, he was his own flesh and blood. The son he had never met made him look forward to and nervous, but in front of this woman, he had to hide everything about himself.

"He's out, go see him." Seeing a figure appear at the door of the hospital, Qiu Yanfang looked a little expectant.

Chen Anyi looked at that figure, his face turned a little flushed, he tried his best to conceal his inner excitement, and then slowly walked out of the car.

Chen Yu walked out of the hospital door. He was originally going to leave, but the person walking towards him slowed down his pace.

His eyes were locked on this man and he could no longer look away.

The man was wearing a well-fitting custom-made suit and his body was straight. He slowly walked to Chen Yu and stopped.

The two looked at each other, and a feeling of blood thicker than water surged out of Chen Yu's body.

Chen Anyi had a smile on his face. He looked at his son, and a sense of pride surged out of his heart.

This is the first time he has seen his son at such an old age.

"Who are you?" Chen Yu stared at Chen Anyi. In fact, he already had the answer in his heart, but he just wanted this person to admit his identity personally.

"I am your father, Chen Anyi." Chen Anyi smiled and said, "I think you should already have the answer in your heart."

"What are you here for?" Chen Yu looked at Chen Anyi.

"It's nothing. I heard that you are back and I wanted to come and see you." Chen Anyi kept laughing.

"Now that you've finished reading, can you go?" Chen Yu said lightly.

This chapter has been completed!
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