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Chapter 1017 Free is the most expensive

"Don't worry, I will definitely point you to the simplest way! Have you ever heard of the Forgotten Land?" asked the Tianshan Child Elder.

"The Forgotten Land? Where is that?" Wei Bin sweated over his knowledge again. He had played Tianlong for ten years in his previous life. It was just that he had never heard of the Forgotten Stone. After all, the Forgotten Stone was just a stone.

It’s just a prop. Quan Tianlong has so many props. It’s a forgotten stone that can only be touched when changing sects. Wei Bin has never heard of it, so forget it!

The Forgotten Land sounds like a map. If there is a map that Wei Bin has never heard of, it would be a bit outrageous. Even if Wei Bin has never been there, he must at least have heard of the name.

?But Wei Bin has never even heard of it. This is really confusing!

"Haha, it's normal that you haven't heard of it. I've only been to the Forgotten Land once in my life!" said the Tianshan Child Elder.

"Is it true that the Forgotten Land is rich in Forgotten Stones, senior? They all contain the word "forgotten"!" Wei Bin asked.

"I've only been there once. I don't know if it's rich or not, but I'm sure it can definitely be produced here. There's no problem in getting at least the Forgotten Stone you want! Wei Bin, are you willing to accept my mission?

"?" Tianshan Child Elder asked.

"What mission? Senior, you have to tell me the mission first, then I can decide whether to accept it or not!" Wei Bin seemed to have an ominous premonition, and his intuition told him that the Forgotten Land was a place of death! Otherwise, the Tianshan Child Elder would not be able to accept it!

We will first ask Wei Bin if he wants to accept the mission, and then announce the specific content of the mission!

"Okay, as long as you can help me bring back ten Forgotten Stones from the Forgotten Land, I will give you a quota for skill guidance. You can use this quota for transplanting flowers and trees, and you can also use it for other skills. If

If you can bring me 20 forgotten stones, I will give you another place to retain the original sect's skills. If you can bring me 30 forgotten stones, then I will help you awaken the Chonglou wrist, and you don't need to

Your Sage Jade! If you can bring me 40 Forgotten Stones, then I will help you strengthen the skills I just promised you!" Tianshan Child Elder said.

Does the system accept the commission from Tianshan Tonglao?

"What the hell! What kind of situation is this?" Wei Bin thought to himself, the Tianshan child's grandmother is not playing according to the routine! Co-author, I just chatted with you for so long, and your words don't count? We are not the two of us.

Has it been negotiated? Why has it become a mission mode? This means that if I can't bring back even a piece of Forgotten Stone, then you won't help me reserve the skill tutoring spot? You won't help me retain the original sect either.

skills? It won’t help me awaken Chonglou Wan, right? It won’t help me strengthen my skills either? This is unreasonable!

"Senior" Wei Bin was just about to ask something when he was interrupted by the Tianshan Child Elder!

"I know you have a lot of questions in your heart. To be honest, these things I just promised you are just my verbal promises, but I don't have such strong authority and strength to help you do this. If

If you really want to get what you want, then you have to rely on your own efforts to get it. Other than that, there is no other way!" Tianshan Child Elder said.

What Tianshan Child Elder said was a bit cryptic, but Wei Bin still understood it!

In the final analysis, no one can break the rules to help players!

For example, during the bargaining just now, Tianshan Child Elder promised Wei Bin that she could add an additional 5 damage reduction effect to his Ice Muscle and Jade Bone, help him reduce the cooling time of Eagle Strike in the Sky to 30 seconds, and help him

Strengthen Iron Lock Hengjiang into a group anchor and have damage, help him integrate the spring scenery into the spring white snow. Among these promises of Tianshan Child Elder, Tianshan Child Elder herself cannot help Wei Bin, because Tianshan Child Elder does not have this authority

In fact, when Wei Bin just learned that Tianshan Child Elder could help him strengthen these four skills, he was a little surprised. How could Tianshan Child Elder be so strong? Can she actually help players strengthen their skills? If Tianshan Child Elder can additionally

Wei Bin can still accept giving him a skill pointer. After all, all players' skill pointers are achieved by the main protagonist NPCs. As one of the protagonists, Tianshan Tonglao can help players with skill pointers, so it is still acceptable.

That’s right!

It can help players strengthen their skills. This is really something that has never been seen or heard of. Wei Bin has played so many Tianlong, and he has never heard of any NPC that can directly help players strengthen their skills! From the perspective of game mechanics,

, the nc does not have this authority. If the nc had this authority, wouldn't the dragons be in chaos that day? Then everyone's skills may be different. Your skills are strengthened in this direction, and his skills are in that direction.

Strengthening, this is not in line with Tianlong’s settings and habits at all!

But now, after Tianshan Child Elder issued this task to Wei Bin, Wei Bin suddenly understood everything! Tianshan Child Elder did not have the authority and ability to help Wei Bin strengthen his skills. The only thing Tianshan Child Elder could do was to give Wei Bin

Bin designated a task. If Wei Bin wanted to strengthen his skills in the expected strengthening direction, then he had to complete this task! Everything depends on him! Of course, the role of Tianshan Tonglao is still very important.

Because Tianshan Child Elder is his guide, if Tianshan Child Elder does not point out the way for Wei Bin, then Wei Bin will not be able to complete the task even if he wants to, because there is no one to issue tasks for him! Not everyone is qualified to let Wei Bin do it.

Tianshan Tonglao issued such a mission!

Here, there is a very interesting phenomenon, which can also prove Wei Bin’s conjecture from the side!

Let’s take a look at the mission issued by Tianshan Child Elder to Wei Bin!

If Wei Bin brings back 10 Forgotten Stones to Tianshan Tonglao, then Wei Bin can get an additional skill pointer!

If Wei Bin brings back 20 Forgotten Stones to Tianshan Tonglao, then Wei Bin can get a quota to retain the original sect's skills!

If Wei Bin brings back 30 Forgotten Stones to the Tianshan Child Elder, the Mountain Child Elder will help Wei Bin awaken the Chonglou Wan that day, and there is no need for the Sage Jade! The implication is that the Tianshan Child Elder has a Sage Jade in his hand.

If Wei Bin brings back 40 Forgotten Stones to Tianshan Child Lao, then Wei Bin's four skills can be strengthened!

In fact, the rarity and difficulty of obtaining these four rewards can be judged based on the Forgotten Stones required!

In contrast, Wei Bin received an additional skill pointer. Such a powerful reward was actually ranked last among the four rewards. What does this mean? It means that this reward can be achieved by Tianshan Tonglao herself.

Yes, there is no need for the system to take action at all!

Why? Because he got a quota to retain the skills of the original sect, and this reward actually ranked above it! You know, after the series of exchanges just now, Wei Bin knew that he wanted to retain the skills of the original sect when he transferred to another sect.

In fact, it is not difficult. All it takes is a Forgotten Stone. And the reward for such a simple thing is actually ranked above getting guidance. This is enough to show that it is Tianshan Tonglao herself who helps Wei Bin obtain an additional skill guidance.

What can be done does not require the system to take action at all! It does not even require Wei Bin to perform the task!

Why the system does not need to be used here is also used as one of the basis for judgment. You will know after talking about the content of the last reward!

The third reward is that if Wei Bin brings back 30 Forgotten Stones, Grandma Shantong will help Wei Bin awaken the Chonglou Arms that day, and she won’t even need the Sage Jade needed to awaken the Chonglou Arms!

Here, does it require Tianshan Child Elder to pay anything to awaken the Chonglou Arms? If you are a person who has never awakened Chonglou equipment, you may think this is difficult, but Wei Bin has awakened many Chonglou equipment. He knows,

For them, the Awakening of the Chonglou equipment is not worth mentioning at all. It has no difficulty at all. For players, the difficulty of the Awakening of the Chonglou equipment is just a piece of Sage Jade. It can be said that the Awakening of the Chonglou equipment is not worth mentioning.

The difficulty of building artifacts is all concentrated on the Sage Jade. How much is a piece of Sage Jade worth? Wei Bin once bought a piece of Sage Jade for 110,000 gold! In other words, Wei Bin collected 30

The reward for a Forgotten Stone is about 110,000 gold!

Price of 110,000 gold

The value is definitely far greater than getting an additional skill point, far greater than retaining the skills of the original sect!

Here comes the key point. The fourth reward is to strengthen those four skills. Logically speaking, the value of this fourth reward is higher than the reward of getting an additional skill pointer and retaining an original sect skill. It is understandable.

, after all, this strengthens four skills, especially the strengthening of Iron Lock Hengjiang and Ice Muscle Jade Bone. One person has changed from single target immobilization to group immobilization + damage, while Ice Muscle Jade Bone has additional

The damage reduction effect of 5, with these two enhancements alone, is worth more than retaining a skill from the original sect or getting an additional skill pointer. However, it is understandable that the reward value of this enhanced skill exceeds both.

But he actually exceeded the reward for awakening the Chonglou Wrist. This is a bit puzzling. You must know that Awakening the Chonglou Wrist does not require Wei Bin to pay a Sage Jade, which means that the reward for awakening the Chonglou Wrist is

It is worth more than 100,000 gold, and the value of strengthening these four skills can reach more than 100,000 gold? This is impossible! Even if I buy two general-purpose skills with the effects of these two skills, it is not like this

Is it expensive? With this money, why don’t I buy two general skills?

It can be seen that the reason why the option of strengthening skills is ranked last is not because of its high value, but because of other reasons, which causes it to be ranked last and the most valuable.

On to the reward!

So what is the reason why it is ranked as the most valuable reward?

Obviously, it is precisely because this reward is not given by Tianshan Child Elder, but by the system!

The first three rewards can actually be regarded as being given directly to Wei Bin by the Tianshan Child Elder. The Tianshan Child Elder has the authority to give players an additional skill pointer. She also has the authority to help the player retain a skill from the original sect. Awakening again.

Not to mention Lou Wan, that itself is the ability of Tianshan Child Elder!

As for the last reward, it is obvious that Tianshan Tonglao does not have the authority and ability to help players strengthen their skills. No NPC has such authority and ability. Strengthening skills is a unique privilege of the system. Only players who complete certain tasks

, can be strengthened by the system, and the power level rewarded by the system is definitely higher than Tianshan Tongmao's power level, otherwise Tianshan Tongmao would not have this authority!

This also just verified Wei Bin's conjecture. No one can break the rules to help the players!

Thinking of this, Wei Bin, who originally wanted to complain about the tricks Tianshan Child Elder used on him, swallowed his anger back in his stomach. It is good that Tianshan Child Elder can help him guide such a task. This is already Tianshan Child Elder

This is the greatest benefit for Wei Bin within his authority. It’s not that Tianshan Tongmao doesn’t want to directly strengthen Wei Bin’s skills, it’s really that Tianshan Tongmao can’t do it!

Don’t underestimate the task that Tianshan Child Elder gave Wei Bin. Not just anyone is qualified to let Tianshan Child Elder issue such a task!

From the perspective of players and the system, the system will never give Wei Bin a reward for no reason just because the Tianshan Child Elder likes Wei Bin and wants Wei Bin to return to the Tianshan Sect to support the Tianshan Sect. Is this possible?

The rules of the system are above all NPCs. It is impossible for the system to allow NPCs to give players any rewards casually. If this is the case, doesn't it mean that the system is out of control? Wouldn't it be chaotic? Then

Wei Bin's relationship with Duan Yanqing is so strong, he may not know how much benefit he can get from Duan Yanqing! Rules must be followed by everyone! If the friendship and friendliness between the player and the NPC can affect the NPC's treatment of the player

If given, then Wei Bin, as the general of Dali, would not be able to destroy any force? Why let Nirvana fight alone? Or is it that Wei Bin's title of general is false, and he cannot mobilize many troops at all?

Therefore, although Wei Bin felt a little disparate in his heart, Wei Bin soon adjusted his mentality and calmly accepted the task of Tianshan Child Elder!

"I accept!" Wei Bin said confidently. With his current strength, it should be no problem to obtain dozens of Forgotten Stones!

"Okay! Very good! Very good! Wei Bin, I will prepare all the rewards for you. When you come back from the Forgotten Land, I will take care of you!" Tianshan Child Elder heard Wei Bin accept.

After the mission, I was suddenly overjoyed!

To be honest, it’s not that Tianshan Child Elder is unwilling to issue this task to everyone, but that this task is too difficult. In Tianshan Child Elder’s perception, no one can complete this task, and if you must start from the dwarf

If there is a taller person, then the only person who has the best hope of completing this task is Wei Bin!

"Senior, look at what you said, is this task that difficult?" Wei Bin felt more and more that this task seemed not that simple!

"Haha, it's not difficult, not difficult at all. As long as you can do a little bit, it's not difficult at all!" Tianshan Child Elder said with a smile.

"Isn't it difficult? What can I do that is not difficult?" Wei Bin asked.

"Stick to your original intention! Don't forget your original intention! Only then will you always succeed!" Tianshan Child Elder said solemnly.

"What do you mean? What does this have to do with the mission?" To be honest, Wei Bin was a little confused!

"Haha, I can't say too much to you. You will understand after you enter the Forgotten Land! Okay, you go and gather your team. In order not to get lost in the Forgotten Land, you'd better form a team

, there must be at least two people in your team, it would be too dangerous for you to go alone!" Tianshan Child Elder said.

"Team? This is a team mission? Can there be cliques?" Wei Bin asked.

"No! This is a personal mission. The reason why I asked you to form a team is to allow you to come back safely. If you are alone, let alone complete the mission, whether you can come back or not is a question!" Tianshan

Child Elder said alarmingly.

"What does this mean? Can you come back? Can you come back, or can you come back alive?" Wei Bin quickly grasped the details in the words of Tianshan Child Elder. What does "can you come back" mean? Could it be a copy?

, you won’t be let out if you can’t complete the task, right?

"Haha, you are indeed very smart. I hope you can use your wisdom in this forgotten land!" Although the Tianshan Child Elder did not directly answer Wei Bin, her meaning was already very clear, and it was exactly what Wei Bin thought.

Like the Forgotten Land, it might be easy to get in, but it would be too difficult to get out! Maybe he will die in the Forgotten Land, or maybe he won't be able to find enough Forgotten Stones at all.

In comparison, these are too simple. Perhaps the biggest difficulty in this trip to the Forgotten Land is how he will come back? Can he come back?

This is a bit embarrassing. What kind of place is this forgotten land? Is it so dangerous? Can it prevent players from returning? Such a task made Wei Bin retreat!

You know, if it were normal times, Wei Bin would not be afraid of this task at all! But it is different now. What is the situation now? Why is Wei Bin rushing to find the Tianshan Child Elder? Is it not because Wei Bin is eager to awaken?

Chonglou Wan? There is only half a month until Wei Bin's Chonglou Wan is broken. If he enters this forgotten place and cannot return within half a month, wouldn't he be left in the cold? He came to Tianshan

Isn't Tong Lao just trying to awaken the Chonglou Wans? If he still fails to awaken the Chonglou Wans after spending a long time, then what's the point of his efforts for a long time?

This is one of them!

Secondly, in addition to this one and a half month period, Wei Bin also has another one and a half month period, which is the day when Xiong Ba is released from prison. The reason why Nirvana can be safe and sound during this half month is because Xiong Ba has put down his cruel words.

, Nirvana must be destroyed by him, no matter what

Anyone who dares to think of Nirvana will be fought to the end by Ao Shi! In half a month, Xiong Ba will be released from prison. By then, Nirvana will be faced with a desperate blow from Ao Shi. If Wei Bin has not been there by that time,

If Nirvana returns, wouldn't Nirvana be in danger? You know, it's not just Aoshi's family that covets Nirvana. Since Nirvana City was upgraded to a fifth-level gang city, Nirvana has long been a thorn in the side of the major forces.

After getting rid of it, Aoshi is just a pawn among these big forces. Even if Aoshi fails, Nirvana still cannot get rid of the threat. In fact, Nirvana will become more dangerous. Aoshi's counterattack is just to pull Nirvana away.

This is just the prologue of the war, and the real war will officially begin after the prologue!

Therefore, even if Nirvana defeated Aoshi, Nirvana is still very dangerous. If Wei Bin has not come back by that time, then Nirvana will be really dangerous!

Combining the above two factors, Wei Bin had to retreat when faced with the task in front of him. If this were a peaceful era, Wei Bin would definitely go to the Land of Forgotten immediately and resolutely, but for now, for the

For him, the most important and urgent thing is time, and what about this task? It just needs time, which is a bit embarrassing!

"Senior, can we have a discussion?" Wei Bin asked, if he could get concessions from Tianshan Child Elder, that would be easy!

"Say! I will try my best to help you!" Tianshan Child Elder decisively agreed to Wei Bin. After all, Wei Bin's clearance will be of great benefit to her. As long as Wei Bin clears the level, Tianshan Child Elder can get

With a large number of Forgotten Stones, Wei Bin can also return to the Tianshan Sect!

"Can I go to the Forgotten Land later to complete the mission? You can help me awaken the Chonglou Wan first! Because in half a month, Nirvana behind me will usher in an unprecedented battle! If I can't come back in time, then Nirvana will

Stop it!" Wei Bin told the Tianshan Child Elder about his concerns!

"No, since you accepted this mission, the portal has entered a countdown. You have up to 24 hours. After 24 hours, the portal will close. By then, you will not be able to enter even if you want to. This portal

It can only be opened once a year. If you miss the opportunity today, you will have to wait until this time next year!" Tianshan Child Elder decisively rejected Wei Bin. As long as Wei Bin accepts this task, there will be no turning back.

Got it!

"Senior, after I enter, how do I get out? As long as I collect 10, or 20, 30, or 40 Forgotten Stones, can I choose to come back?" Wei Bin

Asked again, since this forgotten land is a place where it is difficult to come back, then Wei Bin must know more about it. At least he must understand how he can come back from there. After he completes the mission with the highest reward,

Is he forced to be sent back by the system, or can he choose to come back as long as he completes a certain stage of the task? He needs to know whether the initiative to return here is in his hands. If he can make his own choice

If it's time to come back, it would be better. The worst he can do is fail his mission, and the worst he can do is not awaken Chonglou Wan. Losing Chonglou Wan is better than losing the entire Nirvana, right?

"Haha, you still don't understand what kind of place the Forgotten Land is!" Tianshan Child Elder smiled bitterly, as if there was a painful and unforgettable memory of hers there!

"After entering, as long as you want to come back, then you come to me and tell me three times that I want to go home. No matter how many Forgotten Stones you have collected at this time, you can come back at any time! And as long as you

Having come back from the land of oblivion, you will automatically become a Tianshan sect!" said the Tianshan Child Elder.

"Does this mean that you will also go to this forgotten place with me?" Wei Bin asked.

"I won't go with you, but there will be my incarnation there. You only need to shout to my incarnation three times that I want to go home!" Tianshan Child Elder explained.

"Then where should I go to find your incarnation? Will your incarnation come with me?" Regarding the question of how to come back, Wei Bin must confirm clearly, although Wei Bin does not know what this so-called forgotten place is.

Whether it's a copy, a map, or a different world, no matter where it is, one thing is certain, that is, once he goes to this place, it will be difficult to come back. Don't look at what Tianshan Child Mother said.

, but in fact you may not know how difficult it is!

"No comment on this!" Tianshan Child Elder said.

"No comment? Then where should I find you? How do I know where you are when you don't say anything? What if I'm trapped there and can't come back?" When Wei Bin heard this, he asked, "Am I crazy?"

, you didn’t tell me where you were, how could I tell you three times that I want to go home? Aren’t you being difficult?

"Haha, the boat will go straight to the bridge. You don't have to care about where I am. When you reach the Land of Oblivion, you will naturally know where I am. I promise you!" Tianshan Child Mother patted her proud chest.


"What about the assessment tasks? Is there no need for assessment tasks?" Since the Tianshan Child Elder said so, Wei Bin could only believe it.

"Haha! You big fool, this is your assessment task!" Tianshan Child Elder laughed and taunted Wei Bin!

"Uh!" Wei Bin seemed to understand something! Tianshan Child Elder combined this mission with his mission to return to the Tianshan Sect!

This Tianshan child's grandmother is really a wonderful person. She deserves to be an old aunt who has lived for sixty or seventy years. This routine is really full of tricks!

From the perspective of players and the system, this mission cannot actually be regarded as an assessment task for changing sects, because the assessment task mode for changing sects is fixed, which is to defeat the assessor in the mission scene! Obviously, this

This trip to the Forgotten Land did not allow him to defeat the assessor inside, but instead allowed him to collect Forgotten Stones!

At first, Wei Bin thought this was just a task to help Tianshan Child Elder collect forgotten stones. In this way, Wei Bin could not only get one from it to use when changing sects, but Tianshan Child Elder could also get a batch of inventory for supply.

It will be used by future players when they change sects!

But later, Wei Bin realized that for Tianshan Tonglao, this task was to help her collect the Forgotten Stones, but for Wei Bin and the system, its meaning was different.

From a system perspective, the purpose of this mission is to give Wei Bin a chance to change his sect. Only if Wei Bin passes the mission can he change his sect. Why do you say that?

Because switching sects is not something you can do at any time. Players can only change sects when they transition from an ordinary player to a first-level player, and from a first-level player to a second-level player.

After that, the player will be automatically upgraded to a first-level player or a second-level player. Except for the time node of the upgrade, the player cannot change the sect!

And what about Wei Bin? He has taken advantage of these two opportunities to upgrade. The first time, he was promoted from an ordinary Tianshan disciple to a first-level Tianshan disciple. The second time, he was promoted from a first-level Tianshan disciple.

Tianshan was promoted to the second level Murong. Now, Wei Bin has no chance to advance!

Having said this, some people may have questions. This question is, when the player reaches the level node where he can be upgraded, do he have to upgrade? For example, when the player reaches level 40, he must upgrade.

Level 1? When players reach level 60, do they have to upgrade to level 2? Can players save the number of upgrades and save them for later use when they want to?

Yes! This is possible. Players can keep the number of upgrades they have made. In fact, most players do not advance to the first level at level 40 and the second level at level 60, because no one can

Want to get higher rewards through assessment tasks with higher difficulty levels! Many players are at level 41, level 42, level 61, and level 62, and then they will upgrade or transfer to a sect after their strength has improved again! From


From a point of view, the system does not force players to upgrade at level 40 and level 60. In other words, players can retain the number of upgrades!

But! Although the system is not mandatory, players will still upgrade as soon as possible. Why? Because if they do not upgrade, their strength will be relatively reduced!

Level 1 players have 50 damage reduction to level 0 players, and the time they are controlled is halved. Level 2 players have 50 damage reduction to level 1 players, and the damage they cause to level 1 players is increased by 50, while the time they are controlled is halved!

You know, high-level players suppress low-level players. You don’t have to level up, but you can’t stop others from leveling up. People are so involved nowadays. If you don’t level up, you won’t be able to beat them.

Others! Therefore, although the system will not force players to upgrade, the involution among players will also force players to upgrade. Therefore, although the system does not have mandatory measures, players will almost never keep it.

The number of upgrades! Especially for combat players like Wei Bin!

The third-level promotion level is level 80, and he has not obtained the number of promotions yet. Therefore, Wei Bin, who has no promotions, logically speaking, cannot change sects, because only at the promotion node

Only then can you switch sects!

It's just a regular way of changing sects. Since there are routines, there are also unconventional ways. The unconventional opportunity to change sects is to get a chance to change sects by completing a difficult task. As long as you complete the task, then you will

You can go switch sects!

Here, it should be noted that after completing the task, it does not mean that the player can advance in level! The player only gets an opportunity to transfer to a sect, not an opportunity to advance in level. Transferring to a sect is different from upgrading.

Level! The relationship between sect transfer and level promotion is that under normal circumstances, you can only transfer sects if you have the number of upgrades! In other words, under normal circumstances, sect transfer is dependent on level up.

! And promotion is not dependent on changing sects!

From Wei Bin's point of view, the task in front of him is just to increase the number of times he can change sects, because he no longer has the number of times to transfer sects, but Wei Bin has a doubt in his heart!

This doubt is that the task of obtaining the number of sect transfers is generally very difficult, but no matter how difficult it is, it is not so difficult. How could it be as difficult as Tianshan Tonglao described?

Just now, the words of Tianshan Child Elder completely answered the question in Wei Bin's mind, that is, this is a two-in-one task, not as Wei Bin imagined, this is just an additional task for him.

After completing this task, if he wants to change his sect, he will have to participate in another sect assessment task!

Tianshan Child Elder combined these two tasks for Wei Bin. As long as Wei Bin returns, he will return directly as the Tianshan Sect. As long as he comes out of the Forgotten Land, he will already be a Tianshan Sect.

Sending disciples!

Why was it said earlier that Tianshan Child Elder was a human spirit? Why was it said that Tianshan Child Elder had very deep tricks? It’s because, as long as Wei Bin entered this forgotten land, from the moment he came out, no matter what Wei Bin’s results were, he would

Become a Tianshan Sect disciple! Tianshan Child Elder is afraid that after Wei Bin gets the number of times to transfer to another sect, he will not return to the Tianshan Sect and use this number to go to another sect. Wouldn’t the Tianshan Child Elder suffer a loss that day? That’s why Tianshan Child Elder took this step

I used a two-in-one method to force Wei Bin to return to the Tianshan Sect. As long as Wei Bin comes back from the Forgotten Land, then don’t leave and just be my disciple of the Tianshan Sect! Isn’t this a human spirit?

Isn’t this a routine?

Some people may want to ask, did Wei Bin come out immediately as soon as he entered the Land of Oblivion? In other words, if Wei Bin failed the mission, could he still change his sect?

That's right, that's it, that's what this mission is. Regardless of whether Wei Bin completes the mission with the lowest reward, he will switch to the Tianshan sect, because this mission has been described very clearly, there are only rewards, no punishment! Only the different things he has collected

The different rewards obtained after collecting a certain number of Forgotten Stones, but they did not say what would happen if he could not even collect the ten guaranteed Forgotten Stones! And from the mouth of the Tianshan Child Elder, Wei Bin learned that as long as Wei Bin

Judging from this sentence that he has returned from the Forgotten Land, he is a disciple of the Tianshan Sect. As long as Wei Bin goes through the motions, he will switch back to the Tianshan Sect!

As for these four rewards, haha, this is the core of this mission!

Some people may have doubts. If Wei Bin found the Tianshan Child Elder and said three words "I want to go home" immediately after entering the Forgotten Land, then it would be too easy for him to transfer back to the Tianshan Sect. Is it possible to get a transfer?

Are the number of sects and the difficulty of passing the sect-changing assessment tasks so low? Does Wei Bin only need to walk through a cutscene and be done with it? Then this is too simple, right? If that's the case, then I can do it too!

Haha, if you think so, you are totally wrong! You must know that the free ones are the most expensive, and the ones that seem extremely simple are the most difficult!

Why does Wei Bin's task seem simple, but is actually so difficult? The reason is focused on these four rewards!

You must know that everyone can get a chance to transfer to another sect by accepting a certain difficult task. At the same time, the specific content of this task also varies from person to person. The task Wei Bin accepts may be different from others.

The tasks may be simple, or they may be more difficult than others' tasks. All of these vary from person to person and are all customized according to the player's actual situation!

As for Wei Bin's mission, these four rewards are actually the things that bring difficulty to Wei Bin!

You know, if it were someone else, they would probably come out as soon as they entered the Forgotten Land, or they would come out after collecting 10 or 20 Forgotten Stones, because they don't have the Chonglou Wand to awaken.

, In other words, the tasks assigned to them by Tianshan Child Elder will not include any rewards that will help them awaken the Chonglou Wan. In fact, Tianshan Child Elder will not even issue this task to them!

But what about Wei Bin? Although he could have just entered the Land of Oblivion and come back immediately, would Wei Bin do this?

Then he definitely won't! What is he here for? Isn't he just here to awaken the Chonglou Wansi? If he doesn't awaken the Chonglou Wansi, then why should he accept this task? So, Wei Bin's trip

The purpose is to collect at least thirty Forgotten Stones! Because only after collecting thirty Forgotten Stones, Tianshan Child Elder will help him awaken the Chonglou Wrist! Putting aside the Chonglou Wrist, even if Wei Bin is not aiming for the awakening

Coming from Chonglou Wan, can he just jump in and out in seconds? Definitely not. You know, Wei Bin only needs to collect ten Forgotten Stones by hand, and Wei Bin can get an additional skill guide. What a joy.

What if he doesn't do it? He only needs to collect twenty Forgotten Stones, and then he can once again get a quota to retain the skills of the original sect! Why not do this? He has to switch sects anyway, why not transfer back?

After Tianshan, how about making yourself stronger?

Anyway, he is going to return to the Tianshan sect. How about one more skill guide, one more skill from the original sect, and four more skills that can be strengthened?

This is internal drive! And the difficulty of this task actually comes from the player's own internal drive. The player's inner dissatisfaction invisibly adds a lot of difficulty to the task!

It's like asking you to go to a place to pick up money. The money is given to you for free. As long as you reach the first place, you can pick up 10,000 yuan. When you reach the second place, you

You can pick up another 10,000 yuan. When you get to the third place, you can still pick up 10,000 yuan. Do you want to go and pick it up?

And what is your task? Strictly speaking, what you pick up is not cash, but things that can be exchanged for cash. Your task is to pick up these things, and then come back and someone will exchange them for you into cash. This is your task.

, of course, you can also not pick up any of them and come back immediately after entering, but will you do this? Obviously not!

This chapter has been completed!
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