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Chapter 102 Ancient Dragon Soul

Together with the four dragon balls he had saved before, Wei Bin finally collected a hundred of them and was ready to summon the dragon!

In addition to the Dragon Balls, Wei Bin also dug up many rare beast skill books. Among them, the master's manual skills include: 3 advanced divine blessings, 3 advanced blood sacrifices, 1 advanced holy blast, 1 advanced bloodthirsty, and 1 advanced dispelling.


The skills of the precious beast include: 6 advanced loyalty books, 6 advanced auras, 4 advanced borrowing powers, 4 advanced instant shadows, 1 advanced magic soul, 1 advanced battering, 1 advanced combo, and 1 advanced cold

Ice Curse, 1 advanced discernment book, 1 advanced honest and honest book, a total of 35 advanced skill books.

Wei Bin wants to create two babies, one is a dragon, which requires advanced discernment, advanced ice spell, advanced combo, advanced thrash, advanced magic soul, advanced blood explosion and advanced bloodthirst.

The other is a balance baby, also called a physical baby, which requires advanced dispelling, advanced holy explosion, advanced loyalty, advanced aura, advanced borrowing, advanced penetration, and advanced honesty. Wei Bin gave the rest of the skill books to Feng Yun Wuji and the others.

After a few are distributed, you can almost create five babies with advanced skills!

Wei Bin first came to Yun Miaomiao in Baishi City.

"Miss Yun Miaomiao, I have collected 100 dragon beads to awaken the legendary ancient dragon soul!" Wei Bin said.

"So soon? I didn't expect you to be able to awaken the dragon so quickly. I thought it would take another month at the earliest! Anyway, since you have met the conditions, I will awaken the dragon for you right now!" After saying that, golden light flashed.

, the dragon statue next to Yun Miaomiao came to life and soared into the sky! It soared in the sky for a while before landing next to Wei Bin.

"Master! It was you who awakened me! I will fight for you all my life!"

"Okay! From now on, the two of us must be in the same boat and never leave!" Wei Bin said sincerely. Dragon is one of the mythical beasts. It is spiritual similar to NC. It has its own thinking and knowledge. In battle, it can be just

Give it a final command, and it will rely on its own thinking and combat experience to do it. You don't have to worry about arranging every step for it. To put it bluntly, it has its own independent consciousness, which is completely incomparable with ordinary babies!

Wei Bin spent two days upgrading the Ancient Dragon Soul to level 36, and only realized the magic soul and severe attack he wanted. The next step was to add skills. Wei Bin checked the attributes of the Ancient Dragon Soul!

Ancient Dragon Soul Immortal Super Divine Beast Awakening 03 Bloodline 01

Level 36 Growth Rate: Perfect Comprehension 0

HP 3876

Internal attack 1371

External defense 290

Internal defense 250

Hits 412

Dodge 100


Knowing 5

Reiki Qualification 2799

Physical qualification 1840

Dingli qualification 1417

Shenfa Qualification 1753

To be honest, this attribute is very average, similar to the attributes of ordinary players, but the ancient dragon soul belongs to the divine beast, and the divine beast can be awakened. Use 50100150 dragon balls to come to Yun Miaomiao for one sleep, two sleeps, and three sleeps. After the third sleep, you can still wake up.

With bloodline awakening, the qualifications will be greatly improved after each level of awakening! At the same time, the skills of the divine beast are no longer limited to high-level skills, and can create super skills. Super skills are far more powerful than high-level skills!

Wei Bin started to sweep up common rare beast skill books from the auction house. At this stage, many people have reached level 20 and started digging for maps, so the auction house still has some common rare beast skill books. He spent a hundred gold to buy a few.

After seeing through the spirit of this method, painful blows, combos, and ice spells, Wei Bin returned to Yun Piaopiao and started to practice skills.

After the ordinary skills meet your expectations, there are two ways to upgrade to high-level skills. One is to directly go to the high-level skill book and replace the low-level ordinary skills, which is suitable for rich people. The other is to use low-level skills to gradually upgrade, first

Use 2 identical ordinary skill books to upgrade the first level skill to the second level, 5 books are needed to upgrade the second level to the third level, 10 books are needed to upgrade the third level to the fourth level, and 15 books are needed to upgrade the fourth level skill to the advanced skill, which means it only costs 32

This skill book can upgrade from ordinary skills to advanced skills. It is suitable for players who do not have much money and can only slowly develop and play games.

The total amount of money spent in the two methods is almost the same. For example, an advanced skill book is worth 100 gold, and an ordinary skill book is only worth about 3 gold. However, for commoners, they cannot spend 100 gold at one time.


Wei Bin first cast an ice spell on the ancient dragon soul, and it was successful!

Combo attack, defeated the thrash!

A severe blow, breaking the Xuan Lei Curse!

The Xuan Lei Curse withstood the severe blow!

Hit hard, missed the combo!

Combo, success!

After using the fourth skill six times, I finally succeeded. The next step is to see through it!

See through it and withstand the severe blow!

Hit hard, missed the combo!

Combo attack, defeated the Xuan Lei Curse!

The Xuan Lei Curse cannot be seen through...

After going back and forth dozens of times, Wei Bin still failed to achieve the ideal state he wanted, so he went back to the auction house and bought a skill book worth 100 gold to learn again.

Finally succeeded. At this time, the skills of the Ancient Dragon Soul are Combo, Thrash, Ice Spell, Magic Soul, and Penetration. The automatic skills have been completed, and the next step is to add active skills. Active skills are divided into army-breaking and sun-opening types.

Skills, two skills can only be used once each, and they will not support each other. If you use another manual skill, it will replace the previous skill of the same type!

The next step is simple. Wei Bin replaced the ordinary skills with advanced skills, and then added advanced bloodthirsty and advanced blood blast!

Advanced combo: 20 chance to attack the target 2 times in a row. Precious beasts with brave personalities have the highest chance of being released.

Advanced Thrash: 15% chance of causing internal energy damage with aura qualification 1 to the target. Precious beasts with a brave personality have the highest chance of being released.

Advanced Ice Spell: 15% chance of causing the owner's ice attribute damage to the target. This skill inherits the owner's ice resistance when calculating. Precious beasts with timid personalities have the highest chance of being released.

Advanced Magic Soul: Passive skills, internal attack increased by 20. .??.

Advanced Seeing Through: Allows the owner to see through the invisibility state where the invisibility level is lower than the owner's level.

Advanced bloodthirsty: puts the owner and himself into a bloodthirsty state, increasing the attack by 100 for the owner and 50 for the owner, lasting 10 seconds, and the cooling time is 60 seconds.

Advanced Blood Explosion: Causes 5000 direct damage to 12 targets within ten meters, with a cooldown of 2 minutes.

Compared with ordinary skills, advanced skills have a higher trigger probability and higher damage. At the same time, low-level ice spells cannot inherit the master's resistance reduction.

The character of a divine beast is a full character and can be applied to all skills. For example, advanced combos have a 10 bonus for rare beasts with brave characters. There is also a bonus for divine beasts, which is actually a trigger probability of 30. The bonus is in parentheses.

probability in the future.

The damage caused by advanced thrash is the damage of the rare beast's spiritual energy + the rare beast's own basic attack.

The damage caused by the advanced ice spell to the target is actually an additional attribute attack of the master. For example, Wei Bin's current ice attribute is 198, which can cause 1200 damage, then this skill will cause 1200 rare beast basic attack damage to the target.

The damage of this skill in the early stage is very low, but the damage in the later stage is good. This is creating a skill for a mythical beast, and it must be done in one step.

The same applies to Advanced Blood Explosion. It is explosive in the early stage, the damage ignores defense, and the effect in the later stage is average. This skill book was dug up by Wei Bin when he was digging for maps for the first time and he never used it.

Advanced detection is an excellent skill for Tianshan. Normal detection is limited to level 5. Advanced detection can see the opponent's stealth status as long as the player's level is higher than the opponent's stealth level!

The ancient dragon soul has been created,

The next step is to do the hidden mission on Xuanwu Island!

At this time, Wei Bin had an idea and came up with a good idea. He posted an announcement in the gang. Every time he traded a garbage baby to Wei Bin, he would get two points. It was only for half a day. Soon the entire Xuanwu Island would be nirvana.

People occupied it, what a great job! It’s hard to catch a level 25 baby, but it’s not easy to catch a level 5 baby? There is no level requirement for rare beasts in the task! In less than an hour, Wei Bin caught enough

After buying 1,000 babies and paying 1,000 gold, the Ancient Dragon Soul obtained 1,000 points of full qualifications, and his temperament instantly became taller, richer, and more handsome!

Ancient Dragon Soul Immortal Super Divine Beast Awakening 03 Bloodline 01

Level 36 Growth Rate: Perfect Comprehension 0

HP 8576

Internal attack 2261

External defense 530

Internal Defense 440

Hits 586

Dodge 169

Knowing 6

Reiki Qualification 3799

Physical Qualification 2840

Dingli Qualification 2417

Shenfa Qualification 2753

This attribute is already higher than that of ordinary players. The key is that the mythical beast can continue to be cultivated, and it can be resurrected after death. As long as it is summoned again, it will be at full health.

After Erhai, the next mission chain map is Yannan. The cliff cave that Wei Bin upgraded before is in Yannan. The monster level in Yannan is more than 30 levels, although almost no one will come to such a high level in advance.

Map, but Yannan is a map where guild cities can be established, and there are already four guild cities in Yannan at this time, so Wei Bin had to seize the time to open all the treasure chests in Yannan, and a total of 2 Deer Antler Pills were opened.

The formula and the formula of 1 Caixiang Pill, Wei Bin handed them all to Avril Lavigne for production!

Since snatching 20 recipes from Uncle Tong a few days ago, the business of Tiantian Baibao Store and Nirvana City Pharmacy has obviously improved. They can already produce 800 Deer Antler Pills and Caixiang Pills per day. The selling price of each

1 silver and 80 coppers, a net profit of 30 gold per day. Fame is very important these days. Where does fame come from? You must have enough medicines to sell! What's the use of just opening a store without medicines to sell?

So Avril talked with some partners. Those people had medicine sources but no pharmacies. It was extremely inconvenient to sell them! Wei Bin had a pharmacy but not many medicine sources. How could he sell more than 800 medicines a day?

?So Avril helps them sell drugs for free, they make money, and Avril earns fame and familiarity!

This chapter has been completed!
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