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Chapter 1022 Transformed into the sea

Brother Li may have thought that Aoshi only had a few people, or even just one person, sniping them, but the audience knew that Aoshi was divided into two groups, each with fifty players with a limit of six or more!

It is precisely because the audience from God's perspective can analyze the current situation that some people have begun to leave here, because they know that in more than ten seconds, the battle will be over, and the defeat will

Fang, there is no doubt that it must be nirvana!

However, at the moment Bing Xin fell, Brother Li successfully captured the source of these ballistics. He found the specific location of the owners of these ballistics that killed Bing Xin!

"They are there, go and kill them quickly!" Li Geyao pointed in the direction of the fifty players with a limit of six or more!

However, since they have not completely gathered together yet, not everyone has seen the direction that Brother Li is pointing to. After all, the surging crowd of people in Aoshi has affected the vision of Nirvana players! They really saw what Brother Li was pointing to.

In the direction, the only ones closest to him were Die Wu and Lin Qianhong!

Seeing this scene, Diewu decisively activated the White Crane Spreading Wings, and directly threw the three-ring moon in the direction pointed by Brother Li!

Diewu's move of Three Rings to the Moon did not expect to kill many people on the opponent's side. Her main purpose was actually just to throw stones to find the way! She wanted to judge the direction in this direction based on the damage caused by this move of Three Rings to the Moon.

The proud player, who is attacking them, who is killing her teammates instantly?

You must know that with Diewu's output and the White Crane Spreading Wings state, she can definitely kill the proud three-level player in one move with three rings of moon, because the three-ring moon can carry an ordinary hit

The damage of the attack is high, but with the Butterfly Dance of the White Crane Spreading Wings enabled, it would be too easy to kill a full three players with one normal attack. After all, the White Crane Spreading Wings can increase the damage by 100!

And if they are those proud players who kill Die Wu's teammates instantly, they will definitely not be killed by this three-ring moon trap, because since they have the strength to kill Die Wu's teammates instantly, they cannot be killed by Die Wu's one move.

The three-ring moon trap will be used to kill them, and then, as long as you observe the position where Diewu's three-ring trap moon is released, if whose blood volume is reduced but is not killed, you can know who exactly is there.

Killing Diewu's teammates instantly is like asking for directions! You know, maybe Brother Li, who has been looking for the enemy attentively, will know who is the teammate who killed Diewu instantly, but Diewu doesn't know, Brother Li just gave it to her

It just pointed out the direction, but there were so many people in this direction. How could Diewu know who exactly they were? Therefore, Diewu used a trick to ask for directions, trying to tell the other party's specific location and who was there.

Find it out!

And Die Wu's move of three rings falling down to the moon directly killed two full three players. In addition, several others were directly smashed to the point of losing their health. Die Wu's output can be seen!

You know, Diewu is following the Lingwudang route. Lingwudang's attacks are inherently explosive. In addition, Wei Bin gave her the nine-star equipment as a gift, plus the damage-increasing effect of White Crane's Bright Wings and Diewu's high speed.

Knowing, when the knowing blow is triggered, it is normal for a player with a maximum limit of six to be reduced to residual health by using three rings in one move!

After determining the opponent's position, the next battle will be much easier. At this time, Diewu has determined who the opponent's high-combat players are. Although she cannot determine all the players, she can at least determine their specific positions.

, and the fifty players with a limit of six or more in Aoshi are gathered together, which means that as long as one person's position is determined, the others will have nowhere to hide!

But at this time, Diewu's three-ring moon set also successfully attracted the attention of the commanders of these six-max players. After all, Diewu, who could beat them to the lowest level of health with one blow, was too much of a threat to them.

Big! In the eyes of this commander, the priority of killing Die Wu has been ranked ahead of Nirvana Emei!

What's more, in just this second, Aoshi has already focused on Nirvana's last Emei, and Tranquility was also defeated by them. Therefore, Aoshi's limit reached six players' ballistic trajectory, and they quickly headed towards Die Wu.

Flying in the direction!

Diewu's body is not as good as the four Emeis. After all, the four Emeis are inlaid with level six rubies, but what about Diewu? She is Lingwudang, where can she steal rubies? In order to ensure her output, she has inlaid all the rubies.

It's a sapphire that increases aura. How can her small body withstand the bombardment of fifty players with a limit of six or more?

Not to mention Die Wu, Tian Jing, Xuanyuan Ai Ai, what will happen even if they are inlaid with level six rubies? Even if they have experienced perfect reconstruction and have the combat power of a maximum seven players, what will happen? Even if they are a maximum seven players, what will happen?

Players can never survive for a second in front of fifty players with a limit of six or more!

You know, this is a player with a maximum of six. The gap between a player with a maximum of six and a player with a maximum of seven is very small. Although a player with a maximum of seven can defeat several players with a maximum of six, don't forget

Well, the opponent has fifty players with a limit of six or more. Even the top players with a limit of seven or more cannot beat fifty players with a limit of six or more?

Why is it that Wei Bin is obviously very rich, but he only inlays level 6 gems for the core members of Nirvana? Even Wei Bin's own gem level is only level 6. Why? Because the price/performance ratio of level 7 gems is too low

, this is generally recognized. Wouldn’t it be nice to use the money to create a player with a limit of seven or more to create five players with a limit of six or more? A player with a limit of seven or more will definitely not be able to beat five players with a limit of six or more.

Control till death!

Therefore, even if Die Wu has the strength of a maximum of seven, in front of fifty players with a maximum of six, he can't even think about making trouble, and he will only be killed in an instant!

Diewu's death was not in vain, her death was very meaningful!

Because just when Brother Li shouted, his teammates had already begun to rush towards him. Among them, Dongwu Empress He cut the wires with a kitchen knife and teleported directly to Brother Li's side, although he did not look like Die Wu.

In this way, they discovered the location of the enemy at the first moment, but the next second, they looked in the direction pointed by Brother Li, and the two of them also successfully discovered the traces of each other, and this trace was left by Diewu for them.


It was Diewu's throwing stones and asking for directions that helped the Soochow Empress and the kitchen knife to chop the wires to determine the specific location of the enemy. It can be said that Diewu's death was a well-deserved death. Brother Li pointed out the direction for them, and Diewu...

A specific target has been determined for them, and this is their comrade! Before dying, you must also indicate the target of attack for your teammates, and you must also leave clues for your teammates!

The Empress of Soochow who teleported over seemed to be very angry because of Die Wu's death, because the Empress of Soochow and Die Wu had a very good relationship in private. How could he not be angry when he saw Die Wu's death? Watch again.

Until Diewu pointed out the way for him before he died, the anger of the Empress Dowager of Soochow rose again for a while!

Soochow Empress decisively activated Destruction in All Directions + Wind and Thunder, and then after the heavy rain pear blossom needle increased damage, Soochow Empress decisively used two group attacks to throw them away!

Who can withstand this output? This is the strongest explosive form of the Soochow Empress. If they attack in groups with two moves, a large number of people will be killed by the opponent, including those who have reached the limit of six!

You know, the Tang Sect has the ability to instantly kill players of the same level. In addition, the Soochow Empress already has the strength to reach the limit of seven players. If you want to kill the limit of six players in an instant, it is no problem!

Here, the Empress of Soochow deliberately used a little cleverness, and it was precisely because of this little cleverness that he killed a few less players with a limit of six or more!

The two group attacks of the Empress of Soochow are not actually used for those players whose identities are confirmed by Diewu's three-ring moon set. If he uses it against these people, he can definitely kill them.

There are more players with a limit of six, but if this is the case, he will have ruined the specific position that Diewu pointed out to his teammates! Because the output of the Soochow Empress is extremely high, his group attack can definitely kill Aoshi in seconds

If his limit reaches six players, if he kills all these people,

The Nirvana teammates who come from behind will lose their way and lose their target again. They will be like Die Wu before. Although they know where the opponent is heading, they don’t know their specific location. This will be harmful to them.

The teammates coming from behind created obstacles! Therefore, the Soochow Empress would rather kill a few less players with a maximum of six, rather than kill these iconic players with a residual health of six maximum!

However, in the next second, the proud players of Extreme Six also discovered the existence of the Soochow Empress. It can be said that the reputation of the Soochow Empress has spread all over the world. He is the first Tang Dynasty to appear in the public eye.

Door, so when they discovered the Soochow Empress, the commander immediately issued an order to focus on the Soochow Empress. Therefore, the Soochow Empress only lost two group attacks.

I was so angry on the spot!

His two group attacks, to be honest, did not kill too many players with a maximum of six, because there were too many people in Aoshi, and the targets that his group attacks could target were limited. With Aoshi's three players

To share the target quota among them, Soochow Empress finally only killed six players with a maximum limit of six!

After the Soochow Empress, the proud commander again targeted Brother Li, because he clearly saw that Brother Li had been pointing in the direction where they were. With the commander's IQ, he immediately

Realizing that Brother Li should be the commander of Nirvana, and even if Brother Li is not, his gesture of pointing the direction with his hand is enough for Aoshi to focus on him first!

And Linlin, who witnessed the death of Diewu and Soochow Empress with her own eyes, instantly realized that the other party was definitely going to attack Brother Li soon, because both Diewu and Soochow Empress died beside Brother Li.

, and Brother Li has been pointing in the direction of players who have reached the limit of six in Aoshi. His action will definitely attract Aoshi's attention. In order to hide his specific location, can Aoshi not kill Brother Li in seconds?

At this moment, Linlin struck decisively. She flew to Brother Li's side with a Lingshen move, and then she started to use the strength to counterattack!

At the same time, the projectiles from the opposite side had already flown to Brother Li's side. After witnessing the group of projectiles flying in the direction of Brother Li, An Jing, with quick eyes and quick hands, hurriedly used a move on Brother Li, dumbfounded.

Trying to help Brother Li escape!

The next second, Brother Li's blood volume dropped by one-third!

That's right, Brother Li was not killed instantly, he only lost one-third of his health! Brother Li survived the siege of more than 40 players with a limit of 6 or more on the opposite side! He became the first person who could

The person who survived the fire from more than 40 extreme players!

He was able to survive not because the opponent lost six people, but because Linlin and Anjing risked their lives to protect each other!

Let’s take a look at why Brother Li was able to survive the fire from more than 40 players who reached the maximum limit of 6. If we follow common sense, how could he survive the fire from more than 40 players who reached the limit of 6 and not die?

In fact, Brother Li is indeed not dead!

First of all, the quiet and dumbfounded chicken can reduce the target's damage by 50. This is undoubtedly and very common, but how did the other Linlin risk her life to protect her?

You know, the Lingshen Style of the Murong Sect has a move that can be used on teammates. Why can Linlin's Lingshen Style be used against Brother Li? It's because Linlin chose this Lingshen Style.

Tips, why can't Wei Bin's Lingshen Style be used on teammates before? Because Wei Bin's Lingshen Style chose a tip that increases damage by 100! And Linlin's tip can be used on teammates. If used on teammates,

If so, it can withstand 50 damage for the target within 8 seconds after use. In other words, for Brother Li, this support skill is equivalent to a damage reduction effect of 50, but this 50 is not as peaceful as

He was so dumbfounded that he dissipated directly into the invisible. His 50% damage was transferred to Linlin, and Linlin was responsible for it!

Now we can understand why Brother Li was able to withstand the concentrated fire of more than forty players with a limit of six or more without dying, right?

Let’s see how much damage reduction Brother Li has now!

First of all, the dumbfounded chicken reduces the damage by 50, Linlin's Lingshen Style reduces the damage by 50, Linlin's Qixia Yingri reduces the damage by 5, Chonglou Shoulder reduces the damage by 5, Granting the Seal reduces the damage by 10, Fame reduces the damage by 10, Brother Li's level

The level of damage reduction is 10 higher than theirs. What's more, he and Feng Yun Wuji are in the same hundred-man regiment, and Feng Yun Wuji has a Molten Gold Sunset Sword in his hand, the King of Hundred Soldiers.

The Sunset Knife has an exclusive skill of the King of Hundred Weapons - Stoneskin: the team or team to which the God of War holder belongs takes 20 less damage.

This is another 20 damage reduction. How much damage reduction is there inside and outside?

Of course, damage reduction cannot be calculated by superposition. Otherwise, it only takes one move of Stunned + Lingshen to reduce damage by 100. If this is the case, there will be an invincible player in the dragon that day!

The superposition method of damage reduction is not the direct addition of numbers, but linear superposition. For example, the initial damage received by Brother Li is 9 million, then after being weakened by various damage reduction skills, the final damage he received

That's 90005050950950909090811842605, and finally suffered 1.18 million damage!

This is the final harm that Brother Li suffered!

This is a bit outrageous. After the concentrated fire of more than 40 players with a limit of six or more, finally fell on Brother Li, there was only more than one million damage? Oh my god!

Seeing this scene, the proud commander was dumbfounded. Where did this horse-riding god come from? He could actually withstand the concentrated fire of more than forty players with a limit of six or more without dying? Is this still a human being? Also

Is there a king's law? Is there any law? They say that Nirvana is a cheating gang. It seems that Wei Bin is not the only cheating gang. The brother Li in front of me is also a cheating gang! Have I fallen into a cheating gang?

And while he was hesitating, two Pure Heart Universal Good Mantras lit up from above Brother Li's head, directly filling his blood volume!

Damn it, how can we play this? Isn’t this guy too capable of resisting? It’s okay if he can resist, but the most important thing is that just now, their team with a limit of six players fell down all of a sudden

After getting down about ten people, their team suddenly only had more than thirty people left, which was a bit embarrassing. Instead of being able to gather fire to kill Brother Li, they actually killed about ten of their own people!

Of course, Linlin also died with them! Because Linlin was simply unable to bear the 50% damage! You must know that the 50% damage Linlin suffered was 50% of the initial damage suffered by Brother Li, not Brother Li.

50% of the actual damage received, which means that Linlin suffered 4.5 million injuries to her stomach. How could he have so much blood?

Moreover, because Linlin was eager to save Brother Li, she first flew over with the Lingshen Style, and then used the borrowed force to counterattack. When she activated the borrowed force to counterattack, some ballistics had already hit Li.

Brother Li's body, only ten people's projectiles did not reach Brother Li's body. In other words, Linlin only rebounded and killed these ten people. The more than thirty players with a maximum limit of six in front escaped.

A disaster!

But it was different for Linlin. When she used the Lingshen Style to protect Brother Li, none of the opponent's projectiles reached Brother Li. In other words, although she did not rebound to kill everyone,

But it hurt her from beginning to end! Can she survive?

In this way, Linlin died heroically in order to protect Brother Li!

Seeing the scene of Linlin's death, Brother Li understood something instantly. Then, he turned his attention back to the group of players who reached the limit of six. At this time, his eyes were already full of anger. He looked at

This group of people seemed to be looking at a group of dead people, their eyes filled with killing!

The woman he loved was actually killed by the other party in order to protect himself.

"Haha, all of you! You are going to die!" Brother Li roared angrily.

After saying that, a ray of purple light blessed Brother Li's whole body. It was the light emitted by the Tianlong Sect's ultimate move, Hundred Steps Piercing Yang! Brother Li, he is going to fight back!

I saw Brother Li throwing three consecutive sword moves into the crowd, namely Shaoze Sword, Shang Yang Sword and Zhongchong Sword. After the three swords came down, he directly killed many full three players in an instant, and at the same time gave these limit full six

Players are tagged because their health is reduced but they are not dead!

Although Brother Li was extremely angry, he still remained rational at all times in his anger, because he knew that killing these six-limit players at this time was far less cost-effective than marking them first. He alone

No matter how high the output is, he can't kill all the players with a maximum of six, but what if he marks this group of players with a maximum of six? Then after he dies, there will still be his teammates to complete the mission on his behalf.

! .??.

After throwing these three skills, Brother Li easily killed one of the players with a limit of six who was not satisfied with his health with a casual blow. Brother Li's output was really explosive, with a group attack and a normal attack.

Attacking, he actually easily took away a player with a limit of six or more!

And the people on the opposite side were not fools. When they realized that they could not kill Brother Li instantly, they immediately aimed at cutting the wires with kitchen knives, and successfully took away the kitchen knife with another volley!

At this time, Nirvana personnel rushed over one after another, but the battlefield was very chaotic at this time. The other Nirvana people were not very clear about the situation here, so for a while, the scene of Calabash Baby saving grandpa actually happened to Nirvana.

Every time someone comes to Nirvana, the other party will set fire to kill one person! Who makes people already stand and wait for the rabbit!

Soon, Brother Li discovered something was wrong and couldn't go on like this. If we continue at this pace, Nirvana will be destroyed sooner or later!

"Everyone, please don't come over. They are near the coordinates 9965. You can go from other directions!" Brother Li suddenly changed his mind. He could no longer let his teammates rush over. The situation at this time was like the enemy hiding behind

Use a sniper rifle to snipe your teammates in the dark. Every time a teammate comes over, the opponent can snipe one person to death!

But it would be different if he directly exposed the coordinates. In this way, teammates can attack the opponent from other directions. Even if the opponent discovers those Nirvana members coming from other directions, it will at least cost them a lot of energy.

Time and energy will prevent them from sniping and killing their own people as easily as they do now!

But after all, they are facing a group of Extreme Six players. As mentioned before, there is no waste among the Extreme Six players. Each of them has superhuman combat experience and combat awareness. Otherwise, they would not become Extreme Six players.


Therefore, although Brother Li has made a very wise move, the remaining core members of Nirvana are still being sniped one by one, because there are too many people on the other side, and so many eyes are staring at Nirvana.

Players, the Nirvana players who stand out from the crowd are easily discovered by them, and as long as the Nirvana players are discovered, it will be the end of the Nirvana players. There is not that big a difference between the players with a limit of six and the players with a limit of seven.

The difference is that as long as the Nirvana players are discovered, they will have no reason to survive after a concentrated fire!

In this way, the number of Nirvana's core members dropped sharply, from 10 to 8 to 6!

When there were only four core members left, a strange phenomenon suddenly occurred! That’s right! An emergency occurred on another battlefield! On that battlefield, a torrent was seen rushing towards Brother Li and their battlefield.

Wherever the torrent passes, not a blade of grass grows, and no one survives!

Go back half a minute!

After Wei Bin killed Xiongba, he did not go to join Brother Li like the other core members, but chose to stay where he was and continue to fight against the proud players! Because Wei Bin had a plan in mind!

He knew that around Xiong Ba, there must be many high-competition players, at least players with a limit of six or more. Xiong Ba had sold off all his assets in reality. It was impossible for him to recruit only three players, four players and limit players.

If there are over five players, he will definitely recruit some players who can reach over six, and these players who have over six must be around Xiongba!

And Wei Bin's plan is to use himself as bait to eliminate this group of players with a limit of six or more! Because Wei Bin is currently in a lone state far away from the large army, Wei Bin has now truly entered the world of proud players.

In the hinterland of Aoshi, this is where the most concentrated players of Aoshi are. Since he is alone, Nirvana's Emei cannot rescue him, so the players of Aoshi who have reached the limit of six cannot miss this perfect opportunity to kill him.

Yes, you know, this is a God-given opportunity. After passing this village, there is no such store. If you don't kill him now, it will be difficult to kill him once he joins the large army.


And this is Wei Bin's purpose, he wants these proud players to kill him!

After Wei Bin killed some of them, Wei Bin finally fell under their concentrated fire. After all, the opponent's number of players with a limit of six or more was too many! The opponent dispatched a full five

Ten players with a maximum limit of six!

However, Wei Bin's death did not lead to the end of the battle, because Wei Bin's purpose was to let the opponent kill him! Just when the opponent's limit reached six and the player was complacent about killing Wei Bin, suddenly,

A large amount of water surged out of thin air where Wei Bin fell. In just a moment, the group of players with a limit of six or more were knocked off their feet and eroded their lives at a rate of 100,000 points of damage per second!

Some of the players with quick eyesight and quick hands did not know what was going on, but their desire to survive subconsciously made them choose to teleport directly, while other players who did not have teleportation skills began to

Run away!

But at this moment, Aoshi relied on their numerical advantage, but now it has become a stumbling block that hinders their escape, because there are too many of them, and now they are simply crowded. In this case, they have to

How can one escape?

This is like a flood in the real world. Even if there are no people, it is very difficult for them to run through the flood, let alone the situation where everyone is crowded with each other and refuses to give in. It is impossible for anyone to escape.


Soon, the floods rushed in all directions, and no one survived wherever they passed. Even the players who had just teleported away were killed one after another!

After seeing this, the audience exploded!

"Holy shit! What kind of situation is this? Where does this natural disaster come from? Why does the flood appear here?"

"Damn it! This is so awesome. In front of nature, human beings are still insignificant!"

"This flood seems to be the same as the flood when Yamakimon died. Could this be Yamakimon's trick?"

"Bullshit! This is absolutely the flood that was created after Wei Bin's death. However, this method is so awesome. Who can punish Wei Bin? Who dares to kill Wei Bin? Isn't this a common death?


For a moment, the situation in the audience started to boil, and even the players who had originally planned to leave stopped because of this!

That's right! This flood was transformed by Wei Bin. After killing Yaqimon, Wei Bin got a sword of Tiancongyun from Yaqimon, and this skill of transforming into the sea is

It comes from this sword of Tiancongyun. Back then, Yamatamon did use this move. Back then, this move directly flooded the entire border city, and no player within its radiation range survived!

And today, Wei Bin, who has the Tian Congyun Sword, also follows the example of that year.

In a battle, he deliberately put himself in danger and used himself as bait to seduce the attack of the proud Ultimate Six players, because this skill of turning into the sea will only be passively triggered when death, and Wei Bin

He knew deeply that if he wanted to deal with so many players in Aoshi, including the limit-full six players hidden among them, it would be impossible without some means of mass destruction, so Wei Bin came up with this plan to make Aoshi's limit-full players

Six players kill themselves, and then they can passively trigger this move and transform into the sea!

Next is the scene in front of us. Since Wei Bin is now in the true hinterland of Aoshi, there are now the most Aoshi players around him, accounting for almost 80% of the entire battlefield. So when Wei Bin transforms into the Queen of the Sea, the torrent moves towards

With waves coming from all directions, Wei Bin's move turned into a sea and erupted directly from the center of the Proud Player!

"What is this thing that is stepping on the horse?" the proud commander said in panic, his eyes revealed endless fear. To be honest, this was the first time he had seen such a scene, and he watched helplessly

As his teammates fell down one by one, each one with no resistance at all in this torrent, the commander panicked!

But at this moment, Yaqimon felt really happy!

I saw Yamatamon swimming towards the direction of Brother Li at a speed faster than the torrent. Just when they were about to reach them, the eight heads of Yamatamon directly threw a few moves.

Attack, there are Xuan Lei to kill, calamity fire to kill, and corrosive poison to kill. For a time, there are traces of Yamatomon everywhere on the battlefield, and no one who is attacked by Yamatomon can survive.

Down, even players with a limit of six or more will not be able to do it, because Yamatomon is in the ocean at this time, and Yamatomon's combat power is completely different on land and in the ocean. Yamatomon on land is different from those in the ocean.

Yamatamon is completely two kinds of creatures. At this time, using the word "like a fish in water" to describe Yamatamon is really fitting! Perhaps under normal circumstances, these players with a limit of six or more can withstand the attack of Yamatamon, but

They couldn't withstand the attack from the Yamatamon in the water!

As the sea water spread, eventually, the flood transformed by Wei Bin flowed in front of everyone. However, at this moment, the flood suddenly disappeared! The incarnation of the sea could only last for ten seconds, but the flood in front of him disappeared.

disappeared without a trace, not because the time was up, but because Wei Bin took the initiative to stop this state. You know, Wei Bin can decide to end the torrent state early!

And why did Wei Bin stop early? Because this move of turning into the sea does not distinguish between friend and foe. Why didn't Wei Bin use this move at the beginning? Firstly, it was because it was his last trump card, his ultimate move.

, have you ever seen someone lose the king bomb last time? Secondly, because this move of turning into the sea does not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy. While Wei Bin kills the proud player, the Nirvana player is also difficult to survive!

And when the torrent disappeared, Wei Bin appeared again! He appeared next to everyone. After this move turned into the sea, Wei Bin could be resurrected at full status, and the place of resurrection was Wei Bin.

Wei Bin chooses at will! As long as the flood reaches it, Wei Bin can be resurrected!

Moreover, this is not considered a real death, and Wei Bin will not lose his level because of this. In fact, this can be understood as Li Daitao of the Ming Cult, who is resurrected after death and will not suffer any losses!

"You dare to kill my people, you are really seeking death!" Wei Bin's eyes were filled with murderous intent!

At this time, among the many core members of Nirvana, there are only three people left. These three people are Brother Li, Demon Lord of the Blood Sea and Ximen Yibei! Brother Li is because he has enjoyed many damage reduction effects.

The damage effect directly made Ao Shi's ultimate six-player players give up the idea of ​​him!

The Blood Sea Demon King and Ximen Yibei survived by relying on invisibility. At this time, the two of them were quietly approaching these six-limit players!

Seeing the arrival of Wei Bin, Brother Li immediately had a backbone. Wei Bin's arrival gave him great confidence. Originally, Brother Li was planning to throw away the keyboard. After all, the opponent's limit was too many players.

, its output is really sufficient, and under the cover of those three-level players in Aoshi, it is difficult for the output of the core members of Nirvana to hit these six-level players. As for the arrival of Wei Bin, Brother Li knows that,

Nirvana, win!

No one can stop a Wei Bin who is in full condition, not even more than thirty players who are at full six! Because Wei Bin is too strong. Although he, like everyone else, has gone through perfect reconstruction,

Wei Bin is stronger than them in other aspects, especially in terms of resistance. Brother Li and others can only resist five players with a maximum death limit, but they cannot resist six players with a maximum death limit. But Wei Bin is different.

Wei Bin can resist the death of players with a limit of six or more, unless these players with a limit of six or more are inlaid with double rows of resistance reduction gems, but there are too few such people, and as long as they are resisted to death by Wei Bin, then they still have

What is the output?

Seeing that Wei Bin appeared, the proud commander decisively ordered to focus on Wei Bin. You must know that the threat Wei Bin brought to them was greater than all the core members of Nirvana. Even if the core members of Nirvana combined, the other

The threat is not as great as that brought to them by Wei Bin!

However, when the ballistic missiles reached Wei Bin one after another, they were like pebbles falling into the sea. The only thing that proved their existence was the ripples in circles!

Among these projectiles, the ones with the highest damage are only over 10,000. After all, their attribute attacks have been disabled. Their only damage can only rely on internal power attacks. However, Wei Bin's internal power defense is as high as 40,000. There are several players with a limit of 6.

Can his internal power attack exceed 40,000?

Therefore, in one salvo, Wei Bin only lost more than 200,000 blood. This damage is not worth mentioning to Wei Bin, who has more than 4 million blood, because Wei Bin has blood-sucking ability.


Faced with the vast number of ballistics, Wei Bin decisively activated God's Descending to Earth + Shifting Flowers and Trees, and then threw the long-range Frost Plum Blossom at these players with a limit of six or more!

To be honest, the Tianshan sect has one thing that is better than the Murong sect, and that is that the Tianshan sect has the long-range attack skill Hanmei Blooming, which the Murong sect cannot match. However, as long as Hanmei Blooming triggers a knowing blow, its cooldown can be refreshed.

, and with Wei Bin’s understanding, beating these people is not a critical strike with a knife?

Not only a critical strike with a knife, but also a group of children, because Wei Bin has activated the dual splash skills of descending from the gods and changing flowers and trees. With such output, who can withstand Wei Bin's blow without dying? Even

Even players with a limit of six or more will not work!

And at the moment when Wei Bin transformed, the Blood Sea Demon King and Ximen Yibei also appeared. They both activated the skills of Shifting Flowers + Yangguan Triple Stack + Eagle Strike in the Sky. Everyone instantly defeated a group of people. Likewise,

, even players with a limit of six will die!

Tianshan's third company can instantly kill opponents of the same level during team battles, because the splash of Yihuaqiumu is really powerful. On the surface, each person can only attack once, but Yihuaqiu can splash it.

For the three people around them, that is to say, each of these people will be splashed three times on average, plus the critical damage of Eagle Strike in the Sky, they will not die but they can fly? Not to mention that the two of them still have the ultimate limit.

With the strength of seven players, it is too easy to instantly kill these six players!

From this moment on, the situation reversed instantly. Aoshi only had more than thirty players with a limit of six or more left. Ximen Yibei killed three or four in seconds, Blood Sea Demon Lord killed three or four in seconds, and Wei Bin's

Each hit can take away several of them. No matter how many players the opponent has at the limit of six, they won't be able to kill them like this!

In just a few seconds, this group of players with a limit of six or more were beaten by Wei Bin and four others!

The next battle will be very simple. Without the output of the players who have reached the limit of six, what is the use of this group of players who are proud of the world? You know, there is a premise for the ants to bite the elephant to death, and that is

This elephant is a relatively weak elephant, and the number of ants needs to be very large!

This chapter has been completed!
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