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Chapter 1035 High IQ

"What? Changed to monogamy? How is this possible? Monogamy has been going on for how many years, and we just changed it?" Brother Li said in disbelief. At this time, he was both excited and worried.

, he is excited because if this law is really enacted, then he can be with Linlin! And if this aunt is just teasing him, then

It has to be said that although the probability of implementation of this policy is not very high, it is not impossible, because for now, although the world has been unified by an organization called the Federation, in fact, the major countries

They are still divided according to the nature of the country, but all countries must obey the orders of the federation. From the perspective of belonging, the world is a whole, but if you look at it from the perspective of a civilian, then they

I still have the concept of a country in my heart. After all, the country has been formed for so many years, and the Federation has only been established for a few decades. The countries are all different from each other in terms of customs, language and culture!

In the past few years, for some unknown reason, the proportion of boys born in their country suddenly dropped by nearly half. Originally, the ratio of boys to girls was about one to one. Even if there was a gap, it was not much different. But from about two

Starting thirty years ago, the number of boy births in this country has been cut in half, which means that the ratio of boys and girls in the 20s and 30s has reached one to two!

This has long attracted strong attention from the country and society, especially the common people. The era of male inferiority and female superiority has completely returned to the situation where men were inferior to women thousands of years ago. However, thousands of years ago, men were superior to women because of the

Productivity is low, and men are better suited to survive than women. A family can be without women, but it cannot be without men. As long as women give birth to children in a country, their role is not big, but men are different. Men need to cultivate and maintain.

Health, develop the country! It is precisely because of low productivity that the status of men in society is much higher than that of women!

However, with the subsequent development of productivity, human beings no longer lacked food, and began to pursue spiritual food, which is the so-called satiety, warmth and lust. This brought an end to the era of male superiority and female inferiority. Since this era has a greater demand for men

It is no longer as necessary as in the past, so the status of men has relatively declined. It coincides with the characteristics of the era of being full, warm and lustful, which directly evolved a large number of licking dogs. It is these licking dogs that forcefully promote the male development.

In the age of humble women, what does it mean to be full, warm and lustful? Isn’t it just the desires between men and women? Women only have one reproductive organ, so they can store a lot of spare tires and lick dogs, but what about men? Men

In order to marry a wife, one has no choice but to be a licking dog. Once this trend is formed, it will directly accelerate the formation of a trend where men are inferior to women and women are superior!

You don’t have to come and lick me, then you can be a bachelor for the rest of your life. Anyway, if you don’t lick, someone will lick me. As long as I have one of those things, I won’t be afraid of being married off!

Therefore, history has gradually developed from men being superior to women to men being inferior and women being superior!

Until the incident 20 or 30 years ago, for some reason, the birth rate of boys in the country where Brother Li and the others were living was getting worse every year. Until now, it has been halved! Finally, this country has once again welcomed the

There is no way to overcome the situation where men are superior to women. The ratio of men to women in our country has reached one to two. From today on, I no longer have to lick the goddess. Don’t you have that thing? You just have a hundred of that thing.

, you can’t get married? There was no way before, everyone was afraid of being single, but now? The country has enacted a law that every man must get married and have children, and the bride price has increased from the original two hundred thousand federal dollars to three

One hundred thousand, the bride price is enforced by the state and is paid by the woman! At the same time, if the male compatriots do not get married, they will be fined 500,000 federal dollars, and if they do not have children, they will be fined 1 million federal dollars!

What does this policy of the country mean? It means that in this country, it is no longer possible for men to be single. The country is afraid of extermination and forces every man to get married and have children. Under this policy, what status does a woman have?

Status? Don’t you just have a batch? Who doesn’t? I can definitely get married? What about you? You may not be able to get married, right? Who is licking whom now?

That's right! Nowadays no one talks about goddesses, but the male gods who open their mouths and keep silent. In today's society, women already lick men. Men have a lot of spare tires and licking dogs. When they are a little unhappy, they just change.


Although the Federation has unified the world, as ordinary people, their impression of the Federation is actually not much different from the impression of the country. In their eyes, these are managers, and as people living at the bottom of society

For ordinary people, who cares about whether the earth has been unified? They still live in their own circles, which directly led to the fact that when this country informed the federation of the situation, the countermeasure given by the federation was cross-border marriage, but is this possible?

?As I said before, no matter whether someone unifies the world, they will always be ordinary people, and they will always live on the land under their feet. Which girl would you want to marry to another country? They don’t even know the language.

It doesn’t make sense. If I get married, will this last forever?

Therefore, this country knows that this policy is not feasible, so it simply does not implement it. Instead, it has been putting pressure on the federal government to restore polygamy!

As the ratio of men to women in this country becomes more and more imbalanced, and the reason can never be found, in order to prevent the country from becoming extinct, the federal government finally approved their polygamy. Of course, it is just monogamy! A man,

You can have two wives!

In this way, although the problem of serious imbalance in the male-female ratio cannot be eradicated, it can at least alleviate the pressure of extinction to a certain extent. If monogamy is still monogamous, the number of boys in this generation will be reduced by half, and when the number of boys is reduced by half,

When one generation of boys gets married and has children, the number of their next generation will be reduced by half. If this pace continues, it won’t take a few hundred years for this country to become extinct!

But what if polygamy is restored? A man can marry two wives. If both wives have children, then although the ratio of men to women will still be one to two, the proportion of boys in this generation will still be only half of that of girls.

But because one woman gave birth to children in the past, but now? Two women give birth to children. Therefore, although the proportion of boys is only half of that of girls, the number of boys is not less than before the imbalance between men and women. In this way,

At most, the number of girls in this country will only increase, but the number of boys will not decrease. Although the increase in population has brought great pressure to the country, it is better than extinction, right?

Of course, all of this is just what happens in this world from God's perspective. In fact, the promulgation of this marriage law was promulgated this afternoon. Brother Li went out early in the afternoon to pick up Linlin.

, so he didn’t watch the news, and he didn’t even know that this law had been promulgated!

In Brother Li's view, or in the view of the people of this country, the country has been applying to the federation for 20 or 30 years. If the federation allowed approval, it would have been approved long ago. Why wait 20 or 30 years?

Since it has been delayed for 20 to 30 years and has not been approved, it means that the federal government will not approve the implementation of this policy!

This is why Brother Li doesn’t believe it!

"If you don't believe me, I don't have time to stay with you here. I have to go home quickly. If I don't go home, my old man may go to flirt with me after hearing the news!" After saying this, the aunt said

Leave here in a hurry!

After the aunt left, Brother Li looked at Linlin, and Linlin also looked at Brother Li.



The two said in unison.

"Let's marry!"

After saying that, the two hugged each other. At this moment, Brother Li felt extremely warm from Linlin. He had never felt this kind of warmth in his life!

In this way, two men and women who had never even tried to kiss, and who would feel electric shock even if they touched hands, actually made a private marriage just like this.

"You don't want to go home tonight, okay?" After hugging each other for a long time, Linlin finally plucked up the courage and extended an invitation to Brother Li!

After saying this, Linlin's face instantly turned red, like a girl who had never been in love.

How does she look like a mother with a seven-year-old child?

"Did we develop too fast? The two of us have never even held hands?" Brother Li was also a little shy.

Just imagine, you have been with a goddess you have a crush on for two or three years. During this period, if you occasionally touch her hand, you will feel nervous and electric shock. You have not even held her hand or even kissed her.

However, if a goddess you have been secretly in love with for two or three years suddenly wants to stay with you overnight, what would you think?

When Brother Li heard Linlin's invitation, in addition to feeling a little embarrassed, all the blood vessels in his body suddenly swelled, especially in some places, tents were set up directly! On this day, Brother Li really

I never dreamed of it!

"Well, isn't this a stretch now? Can't we just make up for everything we skipped before tonight?" Linlin looked at Brother Li expectantly!

"But you were drunk today. If you have anything to do, can we talk about it tomorrow after you sober up?" Brother Li seemed to still have some concerns.

"Are you worried that I'm drunk and confused and don't know what I'm talking about? You're worried that I'll become a lost girl and regret what happened tonight when I wake up tomorrow, right?" Lin

Lin looked at Brother Li. However, Brother Li did not reply to Linlin. Obviously, not speaking was acquiescence. Brother Li was afraid that Linlin's decision just now was made while drunk, and everyone knows what kind of words are said when drunk.

You may say that any decision can be made, otherwise why would there be so many young girls who have fallen behind? It’s not because I drank too much and needed to release my emotions, and at this time there was another one who could.

When friends of the opposite sex who listen to your inner voice are by your side, relationships will happen naturally? Why are so many business deals done over the wine table? Isn’t it because alcohol adds to the fun and makes people impulsive?

Brother Li was worried that Linlin would regret it the next day, so he rejected Linlin's drunken decision!

"Don't you know how to tell the truth after drinking?" Linlin said again.

"Of course I know, but you can do all kinds of things after drinking. Some people are easy to be impulsive after drinking, and some people speak the truth after drinking. How do I know which type you belong to?" Brother Li said.

"I know that you are a responsible and good man. Besides, I just drank a bottle of beer. Do you think I am drunk? My mind is very clear now, otherwise it would be better like this

, come and test me, okay? If I can answer your questions correctly, it will prove that I am awake, okay?" Linlin asked.

"Well, there is a bus. When he arrives at a certain stop, five people get off and ten people get on. When the next stop is reached, five people get off and ten people get on. At this time, the bus

There were 21 people on the bus. How many people were there on this bus before it passed these two stops?" Brother Li asked.

"11 people!" Linlin replied instantly.

"Have you ever heard of this question? How could it be so fast?" Brother Li said in disbelief, you should do the math after all!

"If you don't believe me, just keep asking the questions!" Linlin showed her fearlessness!

"Okay, then I will ask you another question. If you can still answer this question, then I will stay with you tonight!" Brother Li seemed to have thought of a question that Linlin could never answer.


"This is what you said, it's settled! Come on, pull the hook!" Linlin said happily.

However, Linlin's happy move made Brother Li feel something was wrong!

She would rather die than hook up with me!

In the past, Brother Li and Linlin made several agreements, and every time the agreement was successful, in order to make both parties fulfill the agreement, Brother Li would propose to hook up with Linlin. However, Linlin would refuse to engage with Li every time.

Brother Li didn’t know what Linlin was thinking, but Linlin had never hooked up with him even once!

But today, Linlin actually offered to hook up with her. This was so abnormal!

Not only is this incident very abnormal, but all of Linlin's actions today are also abnormal! What is going on?

Brother Li was very confused!

But since Linlin had already stretched out her finger, Brother Li couldn't help but stretch out the little finger of his right hand and clasped it tightly with Linlin's little finger!

"The question is like this. Suppose I am a shoe seller and the purchase price of a pair of shoes is 45 yuan. However, due to the change of seasons, I don't want to backlog the shoes until next year, so I decide to sell them at a loss of 30 yuan!

But just yesterday, a customer came to buy two pairs of shoes. He gave me a 100 yuan bill. But since I didn’t have any change here, I went to a neighboring shop to exchange 100 yuan in change, and then gave me the change.

Customer 40 yuan! Originally I thought the matter was over, but afterwards the neighboring store discovered that the 100 yuan bill was fake. In desperation, I had no choice but to pay the neighboring store another 100 yuan! So the question is,

How much money did I lose in total? Smart Miss Linlin, can you answer this question for me?" Brother Li asked.

"I can give you one minute to think. After five minutes, if you still can't answer, then he will count you as a failure!" Brother Li said with a smile.

"Tch, it takes five more minutes to answer a question of this level? Our family, Chenchen, can do it all!" Linlin said she didn't care. A three-year-old can answer such a simple question, but you still give it to me? You're too stupid

Are you looking down on people?

"Tch, if you can't do it, then you can't. Why are you throwing the blame to Chenchen?" Brother Li rolled his eyes at Linlin.

"I'm serious, a three-year-old can know the questions you asked. If you have the ability, don't ask a three-year-old like this. You give me the same questions as a four-year-old!" Linlin expressed disdain.

"If you admit that you don't know how to do it, then I'll give you another question. That's what you say." Brother Li was interrupted by Linlin before he finished speaking.

"Chenchen, come on, come on!" Linlin called Chenchen over.

"Are you serious? You won't really let him do this question, right? He is just seven years old. Even if he has studied for the Mathematical Olympiad, he has not learned so deeply at this stage!" Li

When I saw it, Linlin really called Chenchen over and said in surprise.

"I've told you, Chenchen is very smart. There is no problem at all if you leave such a simple question to Chenchen!" Linlin said very confidently. As for Chenchen's IQ, Linlin is still

Very understanding!

"Uncle Li, what are you talking about? What kind of questions are you asking? I haven't started school yet, can you not let me do the questions?" When Chenchen heard this, he was frightened. I haven't set off enough fireworks yet. You guys haven't set off enough fireworks yet.

Do you want me to go home and do the questions?

The nature of children who loves to play and hates studying is clearly reflected on Chenchen’s face!

"No, uncle is giving you a puzzle. If you can answer it, then uncle will give you this whole box of fireworks, okay?" Brother Li said softly.

"You can have this! Uncle Li, tell me!" Chenchen said very obediently.

"The question is like this. Suppose I am a shoe seller." Brother Li just said this when he was interrupted by a question from Chenchen.

"What? Uncle Li, are you a shoe seller? Where do you sell shoes? By the way, when we went to the mall today, we forgot to buy shoes. Tomorrow you take me to your store to help me choose a pair.

Are the new shoes good?" Chenchen's question directly made Linlin and Brother Li laugh!

"Pfft! No, it's not that uncle sells shoes. Uncle doesn't sell shoes."

"Uncle, if you don't sell shoes, can't you buy me a pair of shoes?" Chenchen interrupted again.

Brother Li’s topic!

"Chenchen, this is impolite. You can't ask others to buy things for you, you know? If you have something you want, you should study hard and get it through your own efforts. Do you understand?"

Linlin said seriously.

"I know, mom!" Chenchen replied.

"It doesn't matter. If you call me daddy, I will buy you new shoes tomorrow. What do you think?" At this moment, Brother Li had a sudden idea. He didn't know what kind of reaction this little guy would have!

"No, I don't want to call you dad. I already have a dad. Although he is far away from me, I only have that one dad. Besides, aren't you my uncle? Why did you let me call you dad?" Chenchen

Linlin's face instantly turned ugly after her words.

"It doesn't matter, little kid. Even if he calls me uncle for the rest of his life, I won't mind. I will take good care of you two for the rest of our lives!" Brother Li touched Linlin's head, and Linlin's expression changed.

Relaxed a bit.

In fact, Brother Li does think so. He doesn't care what Chenchen calls him, how Brother Li treats him, how his relationship with Brother Li will be in the future, and how he calls Brother Li. It doesn't matter at all.

relationship, when Chenchen grows up, he will understand everything!

"I promise you, I'll buy you new shoes tomorrow, okay, but you have to answer my question correctly. Do you think it's okay?" Brother Li said.

"Okay, Uncle Li!" Chenchen said happily.

"Then I will continue with the question. Don't get too serious with me. Suppose I am a shoe seller. The purchase price of a pair of shoes is 45 yuan per pair. However, due to the change of seasons, these shoes are not easy to sell.

But I didn’t want to overstock my shoes until next year, so I decided to sell them at a loss of 30 yuan per pair! But just yesterday, a customer came to me and bought two pairs of shoes, and he gave me a 100-yuan ticket.

Since I didn’t have any change here, I went to the owner of the neighboring store to exchange 100 yuan in change, and then gave the customer 40 yuan! Originally, I thought the matter was over like this, but afterwards the owner of the neighboring store discovered that,

That 100 yuan bill turned out to be a counterfeit currency. In desperation, I had no choice but to pay the owner of the neighboring shop another 100 yuan! So the question is, how much money did I lose in total? Smart Chenchen, your mother

But I said, you know how to answer this question, then you can." However, before Brother Li could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Chenchen.

"Uncle Li, you are so stupid. You can't even calculate such a simple account. It seems that you are not suitable for business! You lost a total of 130 yuan. You still want to stump my mother with such a simple question.

You are so naive!" Chenchen said.

As soon as Chenchen said these words, Brother Li was stunned!

Damn it! When I saw this question, I still had one minute to calculate it, and you guy just gave me the answer in seconds? How is this possible? Isn’t this incredible? You are only seven years old, you

What did you eat when you were growing up? No wonder your mother takes everything in her mind, so she puts all her energy into you!

"How's it going, Uncle Li, did I get the answer right?" Chenchen asked.

"Yes, you got the answer right! But how did you get it right? Can you tell me what you think?" Brother Li asked.

"It's very simple. In the whole process, there is nothing to do with your neighbor. It is impossible for your neighbor to make money or lose money from you in the two exchanges of money with you. There is no profit at all between the two of you.

The relationship with loss, that is to say, how much you lose depends on how much money the shoe seller ultimately makes. How much he makes is how much you lose. So if you want to know how much you lose,

All you need to do is calculate how much money the shoe buyer earned! If I were the shoe buyer, wouldn’t I have to buy shoes tomorrow? I bought two pairs of shoes with counterfeit money, which means I didn’t spend anything

I bought two pairs of shoes at a reasonable cost, and I also got the 40 yuan you gave me in change. You bought these two pairs of shoes for 45 yuan a pair, and two pairs are 90 yuan, plus the change you gave me.

Isn’t my 40 yuan 130 yuan? Uncle, you are so stupid, you can’t even do such a simple calculation!” When Chenchen explained his answer to the question to Brother Li, he accidentally hit this

Future father-to-be!

"Awesome, you are really awesome!" Brother Li gave a thumbs up to Chenchen!

At the same time, Brother Li looked at Linlin again, intending to praise Chenchen for being really smart!

"Then let me ask you next, why do you use the figure of 45 yuan for a pair of shoes to calculate? Do you know that this pair of shoes is worth 45 yuan? You only know that this pair of shoes sells for 30 yuan, shouldn't you use 30 yuan for a pair of shoes?

Do you want to calculate the price? In the end, it is 30+30+40100. Your uncle and I finally lost one hundred yuan! Actually, if you think about it differently, what you said before is correct. There is no debt relationship between me and my next door neighbor.

How much money you make is how much money I lose. Obviously, we are in equal exchange. You gave me one hundred, and I gave you one hundred, but the one hundred you gave me was fake.

The one hundred yuan I gave you was real, so I should have lost one hundred yuan in the end, isn’t that right?” Brother Li asked.

"Uncle Li, you are not suitable for business! Aren't we doing a question? What does this have to do with knowing how much a pair of shoes costs? Your purchase price for this pair of shoes is 45 yuan. You will lose the money after you give it away.

45 yuan, is it possible that someone else gave you 30 yuan and you wouldn’t pay it back? So you can’t use the price of a pair of shoes at 30 yuan to calculate it! In addition, it’s true that you lose as much as I earn, and it’s true that

I gave you a counterfeit coin, and you gave me a real coin. However, the money you finally lost and the money I finally earned were not just a hundred yuan! How much did I earn? I earned two

The 90 yuan for a pair of shoes and the 40 yuan you gave me. You shouldn’t calculate the value of these two pairs of shoes based on 30 yuan. The number 30 yuan is just what you set for me. Is it possible that you set the price for me?

If it’s free, wouldn’t you lose money? Because no one of us has to give money to the other, and no one has to ask the other for money! This is wrong. Even if you price this pair of shoes as free, you still lose 90 yuan, because this

You bought these two pairs of shoes for 90 yuan! If you sell these two pairs of shoes to me for a total of 10 yuan, do you still have to pay a hundred yuan? No, in that case, you should pay the compensation.

180 yuan is right, because two pairs of shoes are worth 90 yuan, and you gave me 90 yuan in change! If you price two pairs at 20 yuan, you will lose 170 yuan, and if you price two pairs at 90 yuan, you will lose 100 yuan

Yuan! Could it be said that how much money you lost depends on the selling price you defined for this pair of shoes? No! How much money you lost should depend on how much you bought the pair of shoes, plus

How much change did you give me!" When Chenchen taught Brother Li how to settle accounts, Linlin listened and laughed.

"Okay! Okay, since you are so good at settling accounts, I will buy your shoes tomorrow. I will give you money tomorrow and you can buy them yourself. I want to see if you know how much money you should get back! Okay.

Come on, go play!" Brother Li hurriedly sent Chenchen away.

"Pfft, how about Brother Li? Doesn't it feel good to have Chen Chen press your IQ to the ground and rub it? Do you know? When Chen Chen gave you a lecture just now, it seemed like a teacher was teaching students, hahaha! It's really

You made me laugh so hard!" Linlin finally couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"This kid's anti-interference ability is really strong. I didn't expect that I misled him so much and didn't lead him to the ditch in the end!" Brother Li admired him from the bottom of his heart.

In fact, there is a point of confusion in this type of questions, that is, the same amount of money is mistakenly calculated twice! When calculating this kind of questions, you must sort out the ins and outs of each amount of money. You must not calculate it twice, or even

three times!

At first glance at this question, Brother Li lost money on two pairs of shoes, which is 90 yuan, because the purchase price was 45 yuan a pair. Then, Brother Li gave the customer 40 yuan in change because the customer gave him 100 yuan.

Brother Li sold it at 30 yuan, so 1006040, which means that at this moment, Brother Li has lost 90+40130, and at this time the neighbor of the next door shop came to find

When he came, he said the money was fake, so Brother Li gave his neighbor a real 100 yuan coin as compensation. In other words, Brother Li lost 130+100230 yuan!



At this time, someone will definitely stand up and point out Brother Li's flaw, that is, you only calculated the part of the money you spent, but you haven't calculated the 60 yuan you just pocketed! You really found it.

You gave the customer 40 yuan, but you took the 100 yuan from next door. In addition to giving the customer 40 yuan, you have 60 yuan left! Don’t you count this 60 yuan? In other words, you

Shouldn’t the final loss be 23060170? You can’t just count the expenses and not the returns!

So the question is, is Brother Li’s final loss of 170 yuan correct?


This is the result of errors caused by double counting of the same amount of money!

Let’s think about it differently. Brother Li didn’t have any change in his hand at the time, so he had to temporarily borrow 100 yuan in change from his neighbor (which was equivalent to exchanging it with counterfeit currency), and later returned 100 yuan to his neighbor. There was an equal exchange between him and his neighbor, and he borrowed and repaid the neighbor.

, there is no question of who loses and who gains, right? So looking at the entire transaction process, it seems that there are three parties, but it is actually two parties. There is no neighbor at all. He just lent 100 to Brother Li.

Yuan was just taken back in full afterwards, and there was no stake. All stakes only existed between Brother Li and the customer. In short, the customer’s gain was Brother Li’s loss, it’s that simple! Assume that Brother Li’s hand

There is change in it and there is no need to exchange it with the neighbor, so he collects the fake money from the customer, then takes out 40 yuan from his pocket and hands it to the customer along with 2 pairs of shoes. The customer turns around and leaves. Then, Brother Li loses money at this time

How much is it? 40+45+45130, this is the money that Brother Li lost! What if we look at it from the perspective of the customer? The customer earned 90 yuan for two pairs of shoes, which together with the 40 yuan that Brother Li gave him, is 130 yuan.


The above is the first way to solve the problem!

The reason why some people thought it was 230 yuan or 170 yuan was because they counted the money twice. The person who ended up with 230 yuan counted 100 yuan twice. In fact, the neighbor's 100 yuan should not be counted at all.

, because Brother Li and his neighbor exchanged money of equal value, and the neighbor did not earn anything from him. Since the neighbor did not earn anything from him, how could he compensate the neighbor for 100 yuan? How unreasonable this neighbor must be to let Brother Li.

Pay him 100 yuan?

The students who finally calculated 170 yuan did so because the 40 yuan was calculated twice. These people thought that Brother Li had compensated his neighbor 40 yuan, which is obviously wrong!

In addition to solving the problem in this way, there is actually another way to solve the problem, that is, we can assume that Brother Li had a total of 300 yuan before making this transaction, and then we will restore the scene of this transaction

First, a customer comes to buy two pairs of shoes, so Brother Li first spends 300 yuan to buy two pairs of shoes, one pair is 45 yuan each, which costs him a total of 45,290 yuan. At this time, Brother Li still has 30,090,210 yuan left.

Next, the customer gave Brother Li 100 yuan, and then took the 100 yuan to the next door to get change. Because a pair of shoes was sold for 30 yuan, he gave the customer 10030240 yuan back and left the remaining 1004060 yuan.

It went into Brother Li's own wallet, so at this time Brother Li still has 210+60270 yuan.

The most critical step came. The neighbor told Brother Li that the 100 yuan note he was looking for was a counterfeit bill, so Brother Li paid the neighbor 100 yuan. At this time, his wallet had 270,100,170 yuan. This is Li.

The last remaining money.

In other words, Brother Li didn't take the counterfeit currency to his neighbor to exchange for change at all, but exchanged it with the real currency in his hand. In this case, wouldn't the neighbor come to find trouble with him?

Brother Li finally had 270 yuan left in his hand, but among the 270 yuan, there was a counterfeit 100 dollar bill. In other words, Brother Li actually had 170 yuan left in the end.

And he had 300 yuan when he started, so we can know that in this transaction, Brother Li lost a total of 300,170,130 yuan.

The above is the second way to solve the problem.

The most confusing part of this puzzle is that Brother Li gave 100 yuan to the store next door twice. Many people here will calculate the 100 yuan twice, but in fact, Brother Li did not lose a penny.

When it comes to the owner of the shop next door, Brother Li is not stupid! Regarding this, it is very clear to look at the problem from the perspective of the owner next door. The boss next door only received 100 yuan in real coins from beginning to end, and he also paid

From the beginning to the end, the boss next door has never made a penny. The boss next door has never made any money, so naturally Brother Li will not lose a penny to him. The money that Brother Li loses is

As long as you understand the money earned by customers, the answer will naturally be revealed!

"However, you don't think you answered this question correctly, but Chenchen answered it correctly!" Brother Li suddenly said.

"It doesn't matter, you can continue!" Linlin said that she would not refuse anyone who comes!

"Okay, then I will give you another question, but you can't ask Chenchen to help you answer this question. Don't think that I don't know. In fact, you can't do the question just now.

That's why you gave it to Chenchen, because you know Chenchen is very smart, but you have to answer this question yourself. If you can answer it correctly, I will convince you, okay?" Brother Li asked.

"Say it!" Linlin said confidently.

"The question is like this. There are 5 pirates. They grabbed 100 gems. Each one is the same size and priceless. They decided to distribute these gems like this. First, the first step is to draw lots to determine their own numbers.

15. In the second step, first, No. 1 takes the lead in proposing a distribution plan, and then all 5 people vote together. Only when the voting result is that half or more than half of the people agree, can these gems be distributed according to his proposal.

, otherwise, the person will be thrown into the sea to feed the sharks. The third step, if No. 1 dies, then No. 2 will continue to propose the distribution plan, and then the remaining 4 people will continue to vote. In the same way, only if

Only when half or more than half of the people agree to his distribution plan can the gems be distributed according to his proposal. Otherwise, he will be thrown into the sea to feed the sharks, and so on, until someone proposes to let half or more of the people.

When half of the people agree to the plan, the allocation ends. There are some conditions in this question, that is, it is assumed that every pirate is an extremely smart person, and can judge the gains and losses very rationally, and then make a choice, and will never act out of emotion.

To take revenge on certain people, and at the same time, if possible, they all want others to die. Of course, everything is still based on the number of gems! Then the question is, if you are the pirate who drew the No. 1 lottery, let you

Come up with a distribution plan that can save your life and maximize your income at the same time. How should you propose it? Because this question is difficult, I will give you five minutes to answer it!" Brother Li is extremely confident.

asked, you must not be able to answer such a difficult question, right?

"Tch! You have the nerve to test me on such a simple question!" Linlin said again with disdain.

"You're not going to ask Chenchen to help you out again, are you? I'm going to start timing you now. Think about it for yourself. I'm going to smoke a cigarette first. A cigarette takes exactly five minutes!" After that, Brother Li

Then he got up and left!

"No need! You smoked for too long. What cigarette takes so long? A cigar? Let's do this. You will come back in one minute. If I can't give you the answer, I lose, okay?" Linlin

Said seriously.

Want to play puzzles with me? You may have picked the wrong opponent!

"Okay, you'd better be worthy of my half a cigarette!" Brother Li joked.

Next, Brother Li swore that this was definitely the fastest cigarette he had ever smoked in his life. Brother Li smoked one cigarette after another, each puff was full of energy, and he wanted to finish it in one gulp. Finally,

A minute later, Brother Li came back with half a cigarette butt and found Linlin!

This chapter has been completed!
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