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Chapter 1059 Mass production of exquisite patterns

"Shanshan was my classmate when I was a BA student at Harvard, and she was a strong competitor during my studies. On several occasions, her grades were better than mine, and her ideas were basically similar to mine. Fundamentally,

There is not much difference, but you have always looked down upon her and refused to reuse her!" Xuanyuan Aai complained.

Counting the time in the Forgotten Land, this is the second time that Xuanyuan Aiai has recommended to Wei Bin a replacement for Nirvana's deputy gang leader. The first time, Xuanyuan Aiai recommended Avril to Wei Bin.

It's not Shanshan. To be honest, Xuanyuan Aiai recommended Avril in Forgotten Land out of a desire to try. She wanted to try whether Avril was suitable to be the deputy leader of Nirvana. After more than ten years of observation,

To be honest, although Avril is a big fault, she is a bit stuck in the rules and not very groundbreaking. What Nirvana needs now is not a conservative who sticks to the rules, but a radical who dares to innovate. What Nirvana needs now is to open up new territories.

Expanding the territory is not about protecting the country! If one day in the future, Nirvana unifies the Middle-earth continent, then conservatives like Avril will be more suitable for Nirvana, but the times are different, and the situation Nirvana faces is different. For the deputy gang leader

The requirements are naturally different!

After Xuanyuan Aai's attempt, she was more inclined to her old classmate Shanshan. After all, Shanshan was also a top student at Harvard BA. In terms of academic qualifications, social experience, and experience in managing gangs, Shanshan

They are all more suitable for Nirvana’s deputy gang leader than Avril!

Wei Bin naturally heard that Xuanyuan Ai Ai meant to complain about him, but I was also wronged. It's not that I don't like her, it's because you are too good. There is a saying that goes well, in the dark under the lamp, there is nothing.

If you block her in front, her light won't shine into my eyes no matter what!

I have to say that Shanshan is indeed a talent, a talent that Xuanyuan Aiai compares to. Perhaps, if the first person Wei Bin met was not Xuanyuan Aiai, but Shanshan, then maybe, then

Now the deputy leader of Nirvana is no longer Xuanyuan Aai, but Shanshan! ??

"How can I reuse her? The leader of the Experience Gang has been given to her. If she moves up the ladder, she can only take your position. If you sit here, I don't dare to kick you away! Okay,

Even if she can take over your position, the Experience Gang will still need someone to take over. The current Experience Gang has been able to help us achieve Nirvana a lot, and the development of the Experience Gang cannot be underestimated, right?" Wei Bin said bitterly.

"Am I still in charge of this? If I can help you solve the problem of choosing Nirvana's deputy gang leader, it is already very good. I will also manage the experience gang for you? If I let the deputy gang leader of the experience gang take over the position of the gang leader, will you?

You want me to recommend you a candidate to be the deputy leader of the Experience Gang? I say boss, are you the gang leader or am I the gang leader?" Xuanyuan complained.

"Well, I'll start looking for her later, but I've agreed first that after I've chosen the deputy leader of the Experience Gang, I'll have to let Shanshan take care of her for a while. After Shanshan can let go, I'll let her go.

Shanshan comes to Nirvana, and then you take Shanshan for a while, and then you step down after the handover is complete, is that okay?" Wei Bin said.

It has to be said that Wei Bin's laziness has recurred. All the matters in the gang, including personnel appointment and dismissal issues, as long as they are not the appointment or dismissal of Nirvana senior officials, all other personnel appointment and dismissal issues have been left to the two deputy gang leaders to decide on their own.

Because Wei Bin trusts them, and believes that they will not form cliques for personal gain, and will not stand up for themselves. Because of this, regarding the personnel appointment and removal of the leader of the Experience Gang, Wei Bin's first reaction was to ask Xuanyuan Ai Ai, rather than taking action himself.

Think about who to use!

"Okay, no problem!" Xuanyuan Aai said with certainty.

"Then let's talk about the second question. What kind of major event would make you resign as the deputy leader of Nirvana? You know, now that you are inside Nirvana, you can say that you are deeply involved in your body and mind. If you suddenly resign

, then many people may not necessarily obey the next deputy leader. The job of the next deputy leader will definitely be difficult, and his performance will definitely not be as good as yours! Is it really worth what you have done and the sacrifice of Nirvana's development?

?Also, what you want to do still needs my unconditional support? I feel that you are going to create a new world, is it so important?" Wei Bin continued to ask.

"Haha! Stupid!" Xuanyuan snorted.

When Xuanyuan Aai said he was stupid, Wei Bin was not angry at all, because since Xuanyuan Aai said he was stupid, then he must be stupid! There is no doubt! No one is perfect, no gold is pure, everyone has his own

Whatever he is good at, he also has his own shortcomings. Regarding Wei Bin's shortcomings, he is naturally stupid!

"Do you know what the primary productive force is?" Xuanyuan asked.

"Haha, although my academic qualifications are not as good as yours, I still understand this basic common sense. Science and technology are the primary productive forces. What's wrong? Ah? You shouldn't." When Wei Bin said in person that science and technology are the primary productive forces.

At that moment, he seemed to realize the meaning of the message Xuanyuan Aiai sent him privately.

"That's right! It's science and technology. For a gang, internal affairs management is indeed very important, but compared with science and technology, internal affairs seems a bit insignificant! At least compared to the current Nirvana, internal affairs is no longer so important.

It’s important. The so-called internal affairs management is nothing more than timely designation and adjustment of policies based on the current situation of Nirvana. But now Nirvana’s policies have become mature. As long as no major changes occur in the future, there will be no problems for a while! But scientifically

Technology is different. Do you know what is the most fundamental factor that restricts a gang's combat power?" Xuanyuan asked.

"Of course it's attributes! If you break it down further, it will be divided into gems, carvings, cultivation, babies, craftable equipment, and non-craftable equipment such as hidden weapons and seals. That's the main thing.

!" Wei Bin said.

"That's right! What if I tell you now that I can solve the problem of Nirvana's craftable equipment and hidden weapons?" Xuanyuan Aai said with great pride.

After hearing Xuanyuan Aai's words, Wei Bin was suddenly startled, and his face began to become serious! Not only Wei Bin paid some attention to Xuanyuan Aai's words, everyone present, including Tianshan Tonglao, all became

He became serious, because what Xuanyuan Aiai said was really explosive. If the issue of equipment and hidden weapons could really be revealed, it would be tantamount to a bombshell!

"Solution to the problem of craftable equipment and concealed weapons? Dare I ask, to what extent can you solve these two problems?" Wei Bin was full of surprises, but also full of doubts. What exactly did Xuanyuan Aiai want to say?

Does this mean that equipment and hidden weapons will no longer be a problem for Nirvana in the future? Then the question is, if Xuanyuan Aai can popularize standard equipment for Nirvana, to what extent can it be popularized? Is it seven-star equipment or eight-star equipment?

Equipment, or nine-star equipment?

"The data I just sent you is the data of the exquisite patterns of various equipment parts in the manual production stage of level 70, level 80 and level 90! I can give you exquisite patterns. As for the learners of future patterns, they can create

How many stars of equipment come, it depends on the gang leader who you choose to build these equipment!" Xuanyuan Aiai said with a proud look on his face.

"What? Mass-produce exquisite patterns?" After hearing Xuanyuan Aiai's words, everyone's jaws dropped to the ground in shock!

Damn it! Exquisite equipment drawings can be produced manually? This means that in the future, exquisite equipment drawings can be mass-produced? If exquisite equipment drawings can be mass-produced, will there still be a shortage of top-quality equipment? Yes

You know, any equipment created through exquisite equipment patterns must be at least seven-star. If it is not seven-star equipment, the builder is embarrassed to say that he has learned exquisite patterns. This is too embarrassing!

The difference between an exquisite equipment pattern and an ordinary equipment pattern can be described as heaven and earth. It is really a world of difference! The exquisite pattern is really too abnormal!

So what is the difference between the two? The difference is huge


As we all know, there are three steps to building equipment. The first step determines whether the equipment can be successfully built. Only if the equipment is successfully built, the following steps will be meaningful. If you can't even build the equipment, then what star rating is there?

Only when the similarity reaches 60, can the equipment be successfully created!

The second step determines the star rating of the equipment. At this stage, your fusion degree directly determines the star rating of the equipment you create. For example, the fusion degree of the equipment you create is 6069, then your

The star rating of this equipment is six-star equipment! If the fusion degree of the equipment you create is 7079, then the star rating of your equipment is seven-star equipment! If the fusion degree of the equipment you create is 8089, then your

The star rating of this piece of equipment is eight-star equipment. If the fusion degree of the equipment you create is 9099, then the star level of your piece of equipment is nine-star equipment.

The third step is to add points to the second step on the premise of ensuring that the first step can be successfully built, so as to increase the star rating of the equipment as much as possible, or if the similarity of the first step does not reach 60

Next, reversely pass the data in the second step to the first step, try to make the similarity of the equipment reach 60, and then build the equipment successfully! To put it bluntly, the role of the third step is to complement each other and support each other!

For example, the third step will transfer the data in the first step to the data in the second step at a maximum ratio of 10. Of course, the premise is that the data in the first step after the transfer must not be less than 60, because whether it can be

The successful creation of a piece of equipment depends on whether the data in the first step can reach 60.

For example, your second step is a fusion degree of 75, the first step is a similarity of 60, plus the success rate of 10 attached to the forging room, which is a similarity of 70, and then the meaning of the third step is

That is, it will transfer 10 of the 70 in the first step, that is, 7 to the second step. The original 75 fusion degree in the second step plus the 7 transferred from the first step, the second step

The fusion degree of Bu Li became 82. In other words, the equipment that was originally supposed to be seven-star equipment has now transformed into eight-star equipment!

If the similarity in the first step plus the 10 similarity added by the forging room is only 61, then in the third step, you can only transfer 1 to the second step, because you must first ensure

The only thing is that the similarity in the first step must reach 60!

And if the data in the first step is still less than 60 after adding the forging room bonus of 10, then the data with the highest 10 will be transferred from the second step to the first step until the first step reaches 60, such as the first step.

The similarity is 42, and the second step is the fusion degree of 80. Then, in the third step, 10 of 80, which is 8, is fed to the first step. In this way, the first step plus the forging room

If 10 is passed, it will be qualified, and the finished product will be seven-star equipment. If after 10 are delivered, the similarity of 60 is still not reached in the first step, the equipment creation will be declared failed!

To put it bluntly, the third step is a balance of the first two steps. It is a beneficial improvement. Its direction is to enable players to create higher-star equipment!

The above mechanisms are just ordinary patterns for building equipment. If the player learns exquisite patterns, then in the third step of the crafting process, the maximum transmission limit can be increased from 10 to 20!

This is a bit awesome! How awesome is it? Just give me an example to understand!

For example, a player's second step has a fusion degree of 66, but the first step has just barely passed, with only a similarity of 64. Adding the success rate of 10 in the low-level forging room, it is a similarity of 74, and then in the third step

In the second step, the maximum 20 of 74 is transferred to 20, and the transfer shall not be lower than 60). That is, after 14 is given to the second step, the fusion degree of the second step becomes 80. Yes, the fusion degree of the second step is changed from the original 66.

The fusion degree was instantly increased to 80, which means that what was originally supposed to be a six-star equipment, with the help of the third step, transformed into an eight-star equipment! This is a bit scary, directly surpassing the seven-star equipment.

, the original six-star equipment jumped directly into eight-star equipment. Isn’t this enough to defy heaven?!

Moreover, it is not difficult to see from the data that the similarity of the first step of 64 and the integration of the second step of 66 are not particularly outstanding data. Although this data is for ordinary players,

They are already very proud of it, but for an experienced player who builds equipment, this data can only be said to be average!

And just such an ordinary data has actually created an eight-star equipment. Who should get the credit? It must be attributed to the exquisite patterns, because the exquisite ones also give it a second place.

Step 1 has a fusion degree of 14. What if it is an ordinary pattern? Then only transfer the data of 8 to the second step. If this is the case, then the final data of the second step will only be 74, and the final equipment will be

It’s just seven stars!

This is the difference between exquisite patterns and ordinary patterns! Isn't this a difference between heaven and earth?

Equipment made with exquisite patterns, even an ordinary player who is not very good at making equipment, can achieve a minimum of six stars. Even if you want to make five-star equipment, it is difficult, but as long as you play a little better, you can

You can create seven-star equipment!

And if you are a player who is proficient in building equipment, it is basically guaranteed to be seven stars, and it is commonplace to work hard to build eight-star equipment!

And Wei Bin, as the same person who once studied exquisiteness and built many eight-star equipment, how could he not understand the meaning of an exquisite pattern? If mass production of exquisite patterns can really be realized, then

In the future, Nirvana must at least have a set of seven-star equipment for everyone. This is still the most basic. If it reaches the later stage of the game, then it is not a problem for everyone to have a set of eight-star equipment!

Just imagine, when people are still breaking their legs for six-star equipment, Nirvana already has a set of eight-star equipment. Who else is still playing nigga? How can someone else smash the keyboard?

The most important thing is actually not these things. The most important thing is that once the exquisite patterns are mass-produced, they will be able to mass-produce the legendary nine-star equipment in the future!

You must know that although Wei Bin has the ability to create nine-star equipment, the ways he has mastered to create nine-star equipment are very limited. It requires consuming a large amount of high-grade mithril or cotton cloth, and this kind of thing is except for the Kyushu Chamber of Commerce.

, there is nothing for sale at all, but even if the Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce can buy it, the currency must be gift points. The Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce’s gift points are so rare that even Wei Bin has a hard time getting them!

This means that although Wei Bin has the ability to create nine-star equipment, his output is limited, and he cannot create a few pieces of nine-star equipment. At most, they can be used by the core members of Nirvana! If you want to expand your advantage, let more

For many Nirvana players to wear nine-star equipment, they have to find another way and do it through other channels. The way Wei Bin currently masters will definitely not work!

Obviously, Xuanyuan Aai has embarked on this new path, and has made great achievements. Unknowingly, Xuanyuan Aai has actually mastered the exquisite equipment patterns of level 70, and even level 80 and level 90 in the future.

, as long as he meets Xuanyuan Aai's needs and provides Xuanyuan Aai unconditionally to produce these patterns, will Nirvana's equipment still be a problem?

You know, this is nine-star equipment. Each piece of nine-star equipment has an extremely powerful skill attached to it, which can add a lot of attributes or output to the player. Once nine-star equipment can really be built in the future, the strength of Nirvana will be

It can definitely be improved to a higher level!

Theoretically, if the data obtained by Xuanyuan Aai

If it is true, if exquisite patterns can be mass-produced, then building nine-star equipment will really be achievable!

Why do you say that?

Because this can be achieved as long as a group of players with the talent to build equipment are screened out. As long as their first step can reach a similarity of 70 and a second step of fusion of 74, then the first step can transfer 16

The data is given to the second step. In this way, the fusion degree of the second step will reach 90, and a nine-star equipment will be born!

Although this quantity requirement is a bit high, Wei Bin firmly believes that there must be someone who can create such data. If nothing else, as long as Wei Bin plays well, he can create equipment with such data. Although he

He has some talent for making equipment, but his talent is definitely not top-notch. He is above average at best. If he can first use ordinary patterns to screen out a group of players with potential and talent, then

If we let these people learn these exquisite patterns for mass production, it will not be impossible to mass-produce nine-star equipment in the future!

In the previous life, the main reason why few people had seen nine-star equipment was actually because there were too few people who could make nine-star equipment. If there were more people who could make nine-star equipment, how could there be no one who had seen nine-star equipment?

What about the equipment?

And what are the conditions that restrict the number of nine-star equipment? It’s not that the level required to create nine-star equipment is too high, but the number of players who have learned the exquisite patterns!

The level required to create nine-star equipment only determines the conditions for whether a person can create nine-star equipment on a personal level. But if it reaches a certain height, it determines the number of nine-star equipment that can be created. That is

There is a question of the number of players who can create nine-star equipment. As long as the number of players who have learned the exquisite patterns increases, there will be more talents who can create nine-star equipment, and then the total number of nine-star equipment will be greater!

So, in the past life, over so many years, some exquisite patterns appeared on the Middle-earth continent, but few people have seen the nine-star equipment?

There are exquisite patterns, and there are people with the talent to build equipment, but why can’t nine-star equipment still be built?

This is because the exquisite patterns do not match the strength of their owners. People who have learned the exquisite patterns cannot exert the value of the exquisite patterns!

A person who has learned exquisite patterns is not good enough to be able to create nine-star equipment. However, a player who is skilled and talented cannot get exquisite patterns. In fact, he does not even have the potential to create equipment.

I don’t even know, because the patterns are too expensive, and most people rarely get involved or try them!

Wei Bin's idea can solve this problem perfectly. He first uses a batch of ordinary patterns to screen people with talent for making, and after screening out, he will hand over the exquisite patterns to him. Doesn't this mean that

When a thousand-mile horse meets Bole, can a capable minister meet a wise master? In this way, exquisite patterns can meet a master who can bring out their value!

Xuanyuan Aai not only brought data on the exquisite patterns of mass-produced equipment parts of level 70 to Wei Bin, but also data on the exquisite patterns of level 80 and level 90 equipment. Isn't this too outrageous for you?

While others are still thinking about how to obtain exquisite patterns, Nirvana has actually started mass-producing exquisite patterns. It has to be said that science and technology are the primary productive forces!

After hearing the news, everyone here was really shocked. If this news were placed on the Middle-earth continent, it would definitely be explosive news. If anyone knows that Nirvana possesses this kind of technology, then to be honest

, Nirvana will never have peace! Countless powerful forces will definitely eat Nirvana alive and force Nirvana to hand over these data!

After realizing this, everyone looked at each other and seemed to have reached a consensus!

"You are not going to kill me to silence me, are you?" Tianshan Child Elder suddenly said this!

To be honest, if possible, Wei Bin really wants to silence Tong Lao. With Tianshan Tong Lao's strength, even if they all put together, they are not enough to fill the gap between Tianshan Tong Lao's teeth. Wei Bin has no doubt that as long as Tianshan Tong Lao is

As soon as grandma takes action, all of them will be killed instantly. You know, Tianshan Child Lao's combat power is top-notch even in the entire world of Tianlong!

"Senior, how dare we have such thoughts? I know that senior is an extremely trustworthy person, and you will definitely not leak this news! Besides, no one will believe such an outrageous thing!

"Wei Bin said with a smile.

To be honest, Wei Bin really trusts Tianshan Child Elder, but he does not trust Tianshan Child Elder because of her character or Tianshan Child Elder's regard for him. He trusts Tianshan Child Elder completely.

It's because Tianshan Tonglao is a local nc in Tianlong World. Wei Bin trusts local ncs because most ncs are very trustworthy. Thinking about it back then, why Wei Bin would rather hire ncs to defend the city lord's palace in Nirvana City than

Are you willing to let Nirvana players defend? Because NCs are more reliable than players. As long as you give NCS enough revenge, they will not betray you even if they die. But players are different. As long as others give them enough revenge, then they

100% will betray you! In Tianlong's design, except for a few NPCs who are rebellious, the vast majority of NPCs are still very reliable!

In fact, in addition to Wei Bin, there are many forces who have followed Wei Bin's example. They would rather hand over their lifeblood, the city lord's mansion, to mercenaries than let their own players defend it. After all, the players have too many weaknesses.

, so unreliable!

And high-level NPCs such as Tianshan Tonglao pay more attention to their own credibility. What's more, Tianshan Tonglao is one of the protagonist NPCs. Let alone letting her take the initiative to reveal the secret just now, even if someone puts a knife on it

Even on his neck, she might not even open her mouth! But if no one knew that Tianshan Child Elder knew today's secret, then how could anyone come to question her?

"No one believes it? In today's world, even rumors can be turned into facts! Just a while ago, I obviously lost a pill to strengthen my body, but it was passed around, and in the end,

It turns out that I have lost an elixir that can make people instantly become immortals. Do you think it is too far off? So, if our secret is accidentally spread, there will inevitably be a bloody storm in the world!" Tianshan

Child Elder said with a smile.

"Our secret? Senior, since when did it become our secret? I haven't even written this horoscope yet, but you believe it to be true. Don't listen to Xuanyuan's nonsense!" Wei Bin hurriedly explained, after hearing Xuanyuan's words

It's like trying to take advantage of someone's misfortune! Are you asking him for hush money?

"Haha, okay, then you can go, I will never force you to stay. Anyway, even if today's secret is spread, no one will believe it, don't you think?" Tianshan Child Elder said sarcastically, you said no

Do people believe it? Then you shouldn’t be worried that the secret will be leaked, right?

"Senior, tell me, what do you want me to do before you are willing to keep my secret?" Although Wei Bin said this to the Tianshan Child Elder, he looked at Xuanyuan and said it. Obviously, he was a little reproachful.

Why did Xuanyuan Aai say such an important thing in front of Tianshan Child Elder? Don’t you know whether such a secret can be known to outsiders?

"Haha! Leader, do you really think that senior will tell this matter? Then you are too mean. First you suspected that I had second thoughts, and now you suspect that senior Tianshan Tonglao will leak the secret. Now you

It’s really getting worse!” Xuanyuan Aiai said confidently, as if she had already expected that Tianshan Child Elder would never leak this matter!

"Haha, do you see? This is a smart person. No wonder people can see through it as soon as they enter the Forgotten Land, but you have been trapped for four years. You two are really not on the same level of understanding!" Tianshan Child Elder

He also stepped forward to help Xuanyuan make noises!

"Do any of you talk like that?

?Senior, you are my boss anyway, you can’t threaten me with leaking secrets!" Wei Bin said dissatisfied.

"Threaten you? Why don't I threaten you? Isn't it your personal reason? Since I already know the secret, then this is our common secret. Is there anything wrong with me saying this is our secret?"

During this time, the Tianshan Child Elder's name for Xuanyuan Aiai had been changed from Xuanyuan Aiai to Aiai. This shows that the level of intimacy between them has risen to a new level!

"Gang leader, you are really too careful. Senior Tianshan Tonglao is not an outsider, so why should you be so cautious? As long as we keep the secret within the scope of our Nirvana core members and senior Tianshan Tonglao, you can rest assured that there will be no problem.

Yes!" Xuanyuan said with assurance.

After hearing that Xuanyuan Aai trusted him so much, Tianshan Child Elder couldn't help but feel an inexplicable feeling in her heart.

"Senior, what do you want from me when you say that?" After thinking about it for a while, Wei Bin finally couldn't help but ask. He firmly believed that Tianshan Child Mother's words "our secret",

She definitely didn't say it casually. She deliberately emphasized to us that this was obviously not her secret. She must want to get something from herself. Maybe Xuanyuan Aiai was right when he said that Tianshan Child Elder would not reveal secrets, but to the other party.

In terms of guessing Tianshan's thoughts, he must be better than Xuanyuan Aai!

"Haha, you're not stupid either!" Tianshan Child Elder said with a smile. However, she did not say what she wanted from Wei Bin!

"Then what do you want? Money?" Wei Bin asked.

"Haha! lo! You are really lol. Do you think I am a person who is short of money? You know, money is not everything. There are many things that you can't buy even if you have money!" Tianshan Tonglao explained.


When Wei Bin heard this, he felt even more unsure. Even money could not solve the problem. Now he was destined to be blackmailed by the Tianshan Child Elder!

"It's very simple. You can definitely give me what I want, and it won't cause you any loss. Not only will it not cause you any loss, but it will also bring you great conveniences and benefits. It can be said that we

It’s a win-win situation!” Tianshan Tonglao explained.

Damn you! Are you a little too fresh and refined with your bragging? You are the first person to be able to beautify blackmail in such a dignified and elegant way, and to dress up in such a sacred way. You are the first person who has never been seen before, and no one will come after you! You are obviously trying to blackmail me.

, but it is said that it not only brings me great convenience, but also brings me great benefits. I am really a nanny!

"Senior, can you just tell me what you want from me?" Wei Bin asked.

"Cooperation! I want the data in your hand to make exquisite patterns!" Tianshan Child Elder said straight to the point.

"Data? What do you want this data for?" Wei Bin asked confused.

"Why do I need data? Then why do you need data? Why do you need data? Why do I need data!" Tianshan Tonglao said.

"Why do I need data? If I want data, I have to mass-produce exquisite patterns. After mass-producing exquisite patterns, I can arrange for people to build high-star equipment. You don't need equipment, so why do you need data?

"Wei Bin asked.

"Who said we don't need equipment? Do you think you are the only ones who need equipment? Equipment is our equipment, but after the outsiders came, they robbed our equipment, leaving us with no equipment to wear.

!When it comes to the need for equipment, we are no less than you!" Tianshan Tonglao said.

"What? You also need to wear equipment? Are you kidding me? This is really the first time I've heard of this!" Wei Bin said in surprise. After so many years of experience in Tianlong, this was the first time he heard that NPCs also need to wear equipment.


"Gang leader, are you out now? You don't even know whether they are wearing equipment, so these data will not be able to play an advantage in your hands! Sooner or later, these data will be destroyed in your hands, and even

It will lead to Nirvana!" Xuanyuan Ai Ai said.

"Have you been planning to cooperate with Senior Tianshan Tonglao since the beginning?" Wei Bin probed.

This matter is really too scary to think about!

At first, Wei Bin blamed Xuanyuan Aia for his careless act of revealing the exquisite patterns in front of the Tianshan Child Elder. After all, this was too arrogant, right? How could such a secret that could lead to the destruction of Nirvana be known to an outsider?

Woolen cloth?

But judging from what Xuanyuan Aai just said, it seems that she never thought about letting herself produce these patterns from the beginning. What she planned from the beginning was to let Tianshan Tonglao produce them on her behalf.

You know that the locals in Tianlong also need to wear equipment!

Letting Tianshan Tonglao produce these patterns on his behalf may seem a bit unbelievable and dangerous. After all, it involves outsiders. In fact, if you calm down and think about it carefully, it is not difficult to find that it is actually left to Tianshan Tonglao.

It is much safer for grandma to give birth than to give birth yourself!


Because since they are going to mass-produce exquisite patterns, maybe only a few of their core members know the news now, but once mass production is about to begin, there will be many more people who know the news, and it is impossible for just a few of them to do so.

Are you going to mass-produce the drawings? You always have to find someone else to produce it, but how can you trust people nowadays? Their credibility is far less than that of the NC. The NC has a very good reputation and a very strict mouth. It is definitely not comparable to the players!

From the perspective of leaking this secret to the outside world, it is definitely better to let Tianshan Tonglao mass-produce the patterns than to mass-produce them themselves. It is even less easy for Tianshan Tonglao to mass-produce the patterns and leak the secret!

Second, from the perspective of the consequences after the secret is leaked, if Nirvana is responsible for mass-producing these patterns, then once the secret is leaked in the future, Nirvana will definitely be besieged by countless powerful forces. Under pressure, Nirvana will have to surrender.

If the secret is revealed, or be besieged to death, either of these consequences is unacceptable! But if it is left to Tianshan Tonglao to mass-produce, it will be different. If it is left to Tianshan Tonglao to mass-produce,

Even if the matter is really exposed in the future, it will have nothing to do with Nirvana, and all the consequences will be borne by the Tianshan Child Elder.

Third, with Tianshan Tonglao's connections, she can find more people with the foundation and talent to work for her. In the future, the output of these patterns will be greater than that produced by Wei Bin, even if some are given to

The output of Tianshan Tongmao is still greater than that produced by Wei Bin himself!

Taking into account the above factors, it is definitely more cost-effective for Tianshan Tonglao to mass-produce these exquisite patterns than for Wei Bin to produce the patterns himself!

And Xuanyuan Aai has actually realized this a long time ago, otherwise she would not be able to tell this secret in front of Tianshan Child Elder. Before, Wei Bin was still because Xuanyuan Aai told this secret in front of Tianshan Child Elder.

He was secretive and had a blaming heart, but now it seems that he is the big fool! Xuanyuan Ai Ai has already thought of what is ahead of him!

"Haha, you're not too stupid! To be honest, in order to determine the character of senior Tianshan Tonglao, I have already cooperated with him in the Forgotten Land. That's why I trust senior so much. About this secret

Even if we talk about the matter in front of our seniors, we won’t shy away from it at all!” Xuanyuan Aiai explained.

After hearing Xuanyuan Aai's words, Tianshan Child Elder couldn't help but feel a hint of warmth in her heart. After all, this is trust!

"So, senior, how do you want to cooperate? Let's be sincere and stop bargaining like we did just now!" Wei Bin said solemnly, as if he had already recognized Xuanyuan Aai's promotion. Regarding Tianshan Tonglao's request for cooperation,

Nor did he refuse.

"50/50! You don't need any materials. I've contracted all the raw materials for you. You just need to wait to pick up the goods from me!" Tianshan Child Elder said.

This chapter has been completed!
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