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Chapter 1162 Langhuan Paradise

But the materials used to create the Ice Soul Divine Needle are different. You must know that among the materials required to create the Ice Soul Divine Needle, in addition to those special materials found in extremely cold places, there is also a material that Wei Bin owns.

, but although Wei Bin has it, the quantity is not large, because this material is Xuanhao Jade. One of the main uses of Xuanhao Jade is to upgrade the form of hidden weapons. The locust stone can be upgraded into a plum blossom dart, and the same is true.

You can upgrade the Plum Blossom Dart to the Ice Soul Divine Needle! As mentioned before, the source and use of Xuan Hao Jade are really not proportional. The output of Xuan Hao Jade is really too low, lower than ordinary rare items, but

The consumption is so huge that even Wei Bin cannot afford it. Although the amount of Xuanhao Jade required to create the Ice Soul Divine Needle is not too much, it is a huge amount. If only a few hundred Ice Soul Needles are created,

Wei Bin can afford the Divine Soul Needle, but if he wants to build an Ice Soul Divine Needle for all the hundreds of thousands of people in Nirvana, he will not be able to get enough Xuan Hao Jade even if he sells iron. Not that he

The money is not enough, but because there are not that many Xuanhao jade on the market!

Xuanhao jade is not Yanxian jade. Although Yanxian jade was in short supply in the early days, as long as it passed that period, the output of Yanxian jade increased. After all, the ancient tomb has nine floors. As an upgrade holy place,

, there are people upgrading there 24 hours a day!

But Xuan Hao Jade is different. Even in the later stages of the game, the output of Xuan Hao Jade is still pitifully low. Not only is the output low, but the most important thing is that its demand is getting bigger and bigger. First of all, Xuan Hao Jade will never be able to survive in this life.

It is a conflict with the hidden weapon. The plum blossom dart is not the ultimate form of the hidden weapon. The hidden weapon is divided into five forms. The plum blossom dart is only the second form of the hidden weapon. In the process of upgrading from the locust stone one by one.

, no matter which form you want to upgrade to, you can't do without Xuan Hao Jade, and the amount of Xuan Hao Jade required will increase exponentially!

In addition, Xuan Hao Jade is not only used to upgrade hidden weapons, it also has an even more awesome use, which is to exchange for Xuan Hao Jade sets! Xuan Hao Jade, which was originally used to upgrade hidden weapons, is already in short supply, and now

With the addition of another way to redeem the set, shouldn't the demand for Xuanhao Jade explode even more? Just imagine, with the output remaining unchanged, what will happen if the demand becomes larger and larger? That's what happens with this thing.

In the later stages, you can’t buy it anymore!

As for the drop of Xuanhao Jade, the main way to obtain it is from a map called Lava Cave. The monsters here will drop it. However, the wild monsters here are too powerful. Not only are they thick-skinned, but they are also thick-skinned.

And each one also has extremely high fire-reducing kangs. Even if you have a limit of five players, unless you are equipped with all fire-resistant gems, your resistance will still not be able to withstand the attacks of the mobs here! This is a bit high.

Okay, you know, this is just a standard for dealing with the mobs here! Such a high level directly destined that ordinary players will not be able to come here to farm Xuanhao Jade in this life! And this is just ordinary players.

It’s just the mobs. There are elite monsters and bosses here. How can we fight this? Moreover, this map is very special. Its monster spawning mechanism is very outrageous. It is not like other maps. As long as a certain

If the wild monster at the coordinates dies, a new wild monster will appear in a few minutes! In the lava cave, you need to kill all the wild monsters and the boss in the center of the map.

will be refreshed! This means that unless you have the ability to defeat this boss, otherwise, you still cannot farm Xuan Hao Jade here! Because the number of mobs is limited after all, you have to kill them all

In the future, if you don't have the ability to conquer the boss, how can you continue to grind?

It can be seen that it is not an easy task to buy Xuan Hao Jade. Coupled with the market demand for Xuan Hao Jade, this thing is destined to be a very precious luxury product!

And even if Wei Bin can more or less get some Xuan Hao Jade, he may be able to get some Xuan Hao Jade from Tianshan Tonglao and save the Xuan Hao Jade he has stored, that will undoubtedly be good, Wei Bin

Bin needs to reserve Xuan Hao Jade for a long time to prepare for the exchange of Xuan Hao Jade set in the future!

Not long after, the teleportation array around Tianshan Child's Elder lit up again, and everyone knew that one of their companions was coming back from the land of oblivion!

What was unexpected was that as the teleportation array lit up, two people walked out of the teleportation array together. Yes, it was the last two people, Brother Li and Linlin!

These are the last two people on their trip to the Forgotten Land. It’s just that they have stayed in the Forgotten Land for too long. Calculated based on the offline time and the time flow rate ratio between the inner and outer worlds.

If so, then they have stayed in it for a full fifty or sixty years. It is hard to imagine how they will face the real world when they return to reality after being trapped in it for fifty or sixty years.

In order to help the two of them quickly recognize reality and adapt to this real world, when the two just walked out of the teleportation array, everyone gathered around them!

"Welcome home, brother!"

"Brothers, welcome back to reality from the land of oblivion!"

"Actually, you are not dead, because the Forgotten Land is just a false world. After you die in it, you will return to the real world, which is the world we are in now. So, don't worry, you are not dead at all. You

Not only are you not dead, but you have returned to your youth!"

For a time, all kinds of comforting words were thrown out. Everyone seemed to have decided that the two of them must have returned through death. After all, they had stayed in the land of oblivion for fifty or sixty years! Moreover,

, the two of them must not have realized that they actually died in the land of oblivion. In reality, they are still alive and well!

"What are you doing?" Faced with the enthusiasm that made Brother Li unable to speak, Brother Li felt unprecedentedly baffled!

"What are you doing? I'm afraid that you two can't accept the reality, so why don't I do some ideological work for you two?" Wei Bin explained.

"Can't accept the reality? Do you really think that we don't know that we have lived in the land of oblivion for fifty or sixty years?" Linlin said lightly.

"Do you know? Stop bragging! If you really knew, would you still be trapped in there for fifty or sixty years? Wouldn't you have come out earlier? Or, like Aaa, you have been taking advantage of the difference in the flow of time.

Do research inside?" The bug in Qian's eyes said in disbelief. He didn't realize until his death that it was actually a place of oblivion. He had already suffered the dimensionality reduction blow from Xuanyuan Aai, and he could no longer bear Linlin and

Brother Li has also realized that it is a false world a long time ago. If the two of them have really realized it a long time ago, wouldn't Chongzi be one of the three stupidest people in this group of people? You know, only

He, Tian Jing and Soochow Empress returned through death, and he naturally hoped that Linlin and Brother Li would also return through death!

"Haha, gang leader, are you looking down on people too much? In fact, a few days after entering, I realized that the time I was in was not the real world at all, but a place of forgetfulness!" After saying that, Brother Li

Looked at Linlin.

"Me too, in the world of Forgotten Land where I am, Nirvana successfully survived the impact battle and became a major force. Since then, I have realized the falseness of the world! In total, it is only ten or so

Let’s have some time!” Linlin explained.

"You are lying, how is this possible? Then for you, since you have long realized the lies of the Forgotten Land, why have you been reluctant to come back? Are you coveting the glory and wealth in it? Or are you just like aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Engage in scientific research?" The bug in Qian's eyes insisted on questioning.

"Do scientific research? What kind of scientific research? I have no interest in that! As for enjoying the glory and wealth you mentioned, let's think of it that way! In that world, Nirvana not only won the battle of impact, but also announced Kazuo

Polygamy, where I spent my whole life with Linlin!" Brother Li explained.

"What? You

Has polygamy been announced in my world? What a coincidence? It has also been announced in my world, haha!" The two looked at each other. Obviously, the reason why Linlin came back late was also because she was with Li in the Land of Oblivion.

Brother spent his whole life lingeringly!

"You guys, the gap is really huge! Some people realize the Forgotten Land within a minute after entering it, but what's the result? After realizing it, they can't survive in it and just do it in there.

It took ten years of research to come out! There are also people who realized the Forgotten Land a few days after entering. However, what is even more outrageous is that you have spent your whole life in that false world. Can you believe it? There are still people inside

Some were forced to die after staying for a few months, some committed suicide a year later, and some stayed for three or four years before realizing the place of oblivion and then came out on their own! You guys can do it,

It basically covers all the situations that come out! Haha!" Tianshan Child Elder commented, this group of people in Nirvana are really interesting!

"However, generally speaking, no matter whether you were forced to come out or left voluntarily, no matter how long you stayed in it, at least your current consciousness has quickly accepted this real world. From this point of view,

You are all good! And I believe that through this trip to the Forgotten Land, your character has been greatly improved and your perseverance has been tempered, although you have not gained any material from it.

Physical improvement, but spiritual sublimation is the most important. I firmly believe that after this experience, nothing can defeat you in the future development!" Tianshan Child Elder encouraged.

In addition to what the Tianshan Child Elder said, Wei Bin also had a unique experience about this trip to the Forgotten Land, and this experience came from Brother Li and Linlin! These two people are really worthy of their praise.

As the protagonist of the world, he was able to single-handedly influence the world of Tianlong, and was able to make the federal government in the Forgotten Land introduce polygamy. What a powerful obsession! It can be seen from this that Brother Li and

Linlin's obsession with being together is so powerful!

After finishing the matter, Xuanyuan Aia received the task of transferring to another sect from Tianshan Tonglao. With Xuanyuan Aai's strength, there was no pressure to pass the most difficult assessment task. After transferring to another sect, Xuanyuan Aai continued to be successful all the way.

Following the Tianshan Child Elder, we arrived at the gate of Langhuan Paradise.

"Senior, can we go in together and take a look at the scenery inside Langhuan Paradise?" Just when Xuanyuan Aai and Tianshan Tonglao were about to enter, Wei Bin couldn't help but want to go in together. This is

Langhuan Paradise, even if you are not qualified to choose books from it, it is exciting to feast your eyes on it. Furthermore, Xuanyuan Aai doesn't understand anything, what if she doesn't know the stuff?

Wouldn’t it be a waste of the sect’s contribution?

"Of course this is not possible. Only those who are qualified can enter. Although you are also a leader among our Tianshan Sect and the chief disciple in my mind, you currently do not have enough to enter Langhuan Paradise.

Qualifications, so you definitely can’t go in. As for the other people, they are not even my disciples of the Tianshan Sect, and they will certainly not be able to enter Langhuan Paradise!” Tianshan Child Elder directly rejected Wei Bin, what a joke, if you go in

What should I do if I steal two books? Then wouldn’t I suffer a big loss?

"Senior, you can't think like that! I have to taste the benefits first and have a goal to strive for. Then I can do my best for the sect. As for them, senior, why don't you show them our Great Tianshan Sect?

Given their superiority, how can they change their appearance and join our Tianshan sect? Don’t you want my brothers with the highest combat power in Middle-earth to join the Tianshan sect? To be honest, their strength is not inferior to mine!

"Wei Bin said cleverly and seductively.

I have to say that what Wei Bin said really made Tianshan Child Elder a little tempted. Although Wei Bin said that Wei Bin had some motivation to fight, Tianshan Child Elder did not believe it, but Wei Bin

To attract this group of highly combat-proficient members into the Tianshan Sect is definitely something that Tianshan Tonglao can never ask for. For people with ceiling-level combat capabilities like them, it would be good if they could win over one or two, not to mention so many at once.

People? To be honest, Tianshan Child Elder really wanted to draw them into the Tianshan Sect, but since they were allowed to enter Langhuan Paradise, it would be somewhat inappropriate if Wei Bin was not allowed to enter!

"In principle, people who are not qualified to exchange skills cannot enter Langhuan Paradise. However, since you are all elites in the industry, it doesn't hurt to take you in for a look. But you all have to listen to me. After entering,

, don’t give me frivolous things, all the skill books can only be read, not touched. Once I find out that you have done anything wrong, don’t blame me for being rude!" Tianshan Child Elder said.

Even though Tianshan Child Elder knew that letting this group of people enter Langhuan Paradise together, there was a chance that they would switch to the Tianshan Sect, which was just Wei Bin’s excuse, Tianshan Child Elder couldn’t resist the temptation after all.

, what if they really joined the Tianshan Sect because of the temptation of Langhuan Paradise? Even if only one or two of them joined the Tianshan Sect, it would be a bloody gain for her!

In this way, everyone followed the Tianshan Child Elder into Langhuan Paradise.

"One, two, three and eighteen, what's going on, boss, you brought so many people at once this time? Is our Great Tianshan about to rise?" After entering, an old gatekeeper counted them carefully.

A specific number of people.

There is a question here, that is, the more people entering Langhuan Paradise, the better, or the fewer the better?

You know, although there are thousands of skill books in Langhuan Paradise, they will be emptied out quickly if people are allowed to enter. If there are no skill books in Langhuan Paradise, then Langhuan Paradise will naturally also be empty.

It has no value. From this point of view, in order for Langhuan Paradise to remain a bargaining chip for the Tianshan Sect to attract players, and for Langhuan Paradise to continue to exist, naturally the fewer people who enter, the better!

However, is it really true that the fewer people entering, the better?


Well, it’s not just about whether Langhuan Paradise can bring popularity to the Tianshan Sect. This kind of bargaining chip is more like a big cake, a big cake painted for people to see, but in fact everyone knows

, very few people can actually get the skill book from it, so this temptation is actually not as great as imagined. At best, it can only be tempting to some people!

What is the significance of the existence of Langhuan Paradise? When it was first established, it was not actually established for popularity, but to strengthen the members of the sect. As long as it can strengthen the sect and make the members of the sect stronger, then

Even if Langhuan Paradise is evacuated, it is still extremely valuable. It can be said that the purpose of its existence is to allow people to evacuate it, because the more emptied it is, the more it shows that the members of this sect have been strengthened.

, the strength of this sect becomes more and more powerful!

So, in essence, the more people enter Langhuan Paradise, the happier the old man in front of him will be!

"No! She is the only one this time. The others who came to visit are all here. Maybe they will switch to our Tianshan Sect because of this!" Tianshan Child Elder explained.

"Master, this is against the rules. According to the rules, people who are not qualified to select skill books cannot enter this blessed land of Langhuan!" said the old man.

"Are you the leader, or am I the leader?" Tianshan Child Elder glanced at the old man, and then suppressed what the old man wanted to say again!

Then, everyone came to the bookshelf, and the rare skill books were displayed one by one in front of everyone's sight!

"My dear, is this the legendary Langhuan Paradise? Is this too perverted? Even if you take out a skill book like this and wander it on the Middle-earth continent, it will definitely cause countless people to rob it crazily.


"Yes, any skill book will inevitably lead to a bloody storm!"

For a moment, everyone was stunned.

God descends to earth: dispels the current control effect, and becomes immune to and rebound control within 6 seconds. The casting distance is increased by four meters. The attack has a splash effect with a radius of five meters. The splash damage ignores defense and resistance. The cooling time is 60 minutes.


This is the set skill in Wei Bin's Chonglou set. It can even be seen in Langhuan Paradise. Although it is only a weakened version of the God descending from the earth, its skill level is extremely high.

It can be dispelled and immune to control. This is a very powerful combat skill. If any of them obtains this skill book, their output will definitely be improved to a higher level, which will not only increase the attack distance, but also have

The splashing effect, and the splashing effect also ignores defense and resistance. How explosive is this output?

The universal strong control skill book is a single-target remote strong control skill. The duration is determined by the difference between the skill level, practice level and the target's practice level. The target cannot move, cannot use skills, cannot be released, cannot be immune, and the cooling time is 2 minutes.

Universal strong control skills are the same as sect strong control skills. You know how rare the first-level strong control skills of sects are? It has been three years since the server was launched, and the huge Nirvana only has two people with strong control skills.

Its rarity is evident! And what if a player who has already learned the strong control skill learns this universal strong control skill? Then he will have two strong control skills in his hand, and a person with two strong control skills will

, then who is still his opponent? Especially for players with high training levels like the core members of Nirvana, it is not a problem to control the opponent stably for twenty seconds! Who can withstand the output of twenty meters like them? This is no joke


Every 60 seconds in Ninjutsu, the next hit will be a critical hit.

What is the concept of a critical hit every minute? What is a critical hit? A critical hit is something independent of the knowing hit. It is not like the knowing hit whose trigger probability is affected by its own knowing value, but its triggering rate is not affected by its own knowing value.

The effect is the same as Knowing Blow, which can cause double damage to the target! It is not affected by its own attributes and is only related to the probability of the critical hit skill itself. It can be superimposed with Knowing Blow! If triggered at the same time

With knowing blow and critical strike skills, that's four times the damage. This is four times the damage. It's really a quick way to cut through the mess!

Even the exclusive skill of the King of Hundred Weapons in Wei Bin's hand only has a 15 chance of critical hit. Although the total number of triggers in a minute is definitely greater than once, this ninjutsu is triggered once at a fixed time, and its fixity is directly

It is given strategic significance. For example, after using all the damage-increasing skills, the first attack can trigger the ninjutsu and deal high damage! This is a skill that can be done in seconds! In comparison, this ninjutsu,

Even it is not much weaker than the critical strike of Wei Bin, King of Hundred Weapons!

Thunder God's Wrath uses lightning to strike all enemy units in the map at the same time (excluding wild monsters and invisible units), and has a 5-second true vision effect. It does not enjoy damage bonus, splash effect, or blood-sucking effect.

Wait, the cooling time is 24 hours.

This move is a bit buggy! Oh my god, Tianlong’s only map-wide attack skill, the whole map cannon? Just imagine, during a large-scale team battle, two armies are fighting on the same map. If

At this time, with such a move, many people didn't even know how they died, and they harvested hundreds or thousands of heads in a daze! Just imagine, if Wei Bin came here all of a sudden, how many people on the map would survive?

Personally? I’m afraid that except for players with a limit of five, everyone will be killed, right? Although this skill does not enjoy the bonus of damage-increasing and splashing skills, super bloodthirsty skills that increase attack can still have an effect.

, because super bloodthirsty is not a damage-increasing skill, but directly increases the master's attack power. Wei Bin now has 160,000 attacks, and after super bloodthirst, it will be 320,000. In addition, the attribute attack is tens of thousands more, plus

That’s nearly 400,000 attacks. If it’s not a player with a limit of five, who can have so much blood? Moreover, this skill also has a hidden effect. After using it, every player who is attacked will be under true vision for 5 seconds.

, under true vision, everyone can see through the player's invisibility!

The only disadvantage of this skill is that it does not enjoy the benefit effect of damage bonus skills, nor does it enjoy the splash effect similar to the Tianshan sect's grafting, nor does it enjoy the blood-sucking effect, etc. Otherwise, it would be too abnormal. If a Tang Sect or

If Tianshan uses this skill, he can really kill the entire map instantly! To put it bluntly, this skill is to perform a basic attack on all enemy units within the entire map. It does not enjoy any carrying effect. The level of damage depends on the individual enemy units.

Defense is determined by resistance!

Shadowless Fist strikes all enemy units within a radius of 20 meters in the designated area. The casting distance is 20 meters and the cooling time is 10 minutes.

At first glance, what kind of rubbish skill is this? Is this skill worthy enough to enter Langhuan Paradise? Is Langhuan Paradise declining? How come all cats and dogs can enter Langhuan Paradise with all their skills? This is at best a world without dogs.

The targetable version is not even an upgraded version. No Dog in the World is a large-scale attack with itself as the center and a radius of 20 meters, and this Shadowless Fist is a designated group attack release area, with a maximum range of 20 meters.

The center is at a distance of 40 meters, that is, the target can be hit up to 40 meters away! However, No Dogs in the World has a stiffening effect. Any target attacked by No Dogs in the World, regardless of its movement speed, attack speed or

The speed of raising your hand and turning speed will be halved, and no dog in the world will cause direct damage. Even if it cannot break the opponent's defense, it can cause tons of damage! And the Shadowless Fist in front of you only causes one hit to the target within the range.

It's just a normal attack, it doesn't do any direct damage!

No Dog in the World is a very powerful skill. Shadowless Fist seems to be on the same level as No Dog in the World, but it is not powerful enough to enter the blessed land of Langhuan! At least it is comparable to the previous skills.

In comparison, it's a bit stretchy!

And if you are deceived by its appearance, congratulations, you have missed a god-level skill!

In fact, many skills are just a brief description. After all, the more powerful the skill, the harder it is to describe it. It is impossible to describe every detail of it in words! Its specific effects still need to be discovered by the players themselves! For example

In Wrath of the God of Thunder, the skill description only states that it has a true-sight effect, but does not explain in more detail what the true-sight effect is. This is something that players need to understand by themselves. Another example is that it only describes not enjoying the splash effect, but

There is no detailed explanation of what splashes are included, such as grafting and grafting, and the splitting of the King of 100 Weapons is not enjoyable!

And just in these undescribed functions, its powerful combat power is hidden! Shadowless Fist is a typical example!

In contrast, the Wrath of the Thundergod states that it does not enjoy various bonuses, but the Shadowless Fist does not, which means that it can enjoy various damage bonuses, splashes, blood-sucking, etc.

Effective, so you can understand how powerful it is, right? The Shadowless Fist can attack all targets within a radius of 20 meters. The effect of overlapping is to splash three targets around the attacked target. This is obvious.

, with one move of Shadowless Fist, everyone will be splashed to three people around them. Everyone will be splashed several times. There is no way there is anyone alive in this range!

Moreover, Shadowless Fist also has a hidden mechanism. It is difficult for others to discover this mechanism except those who have experienced it personally. That is, the player is invincible during the use of Shadowless Fist! The Wrath of the God of Thunder

It attacks everyone through lightning. The Shadowless Fist does not use external objects, but attacks nakedly in person. However, the range is so large and there are so many people. Normally, it would take a long time to even touch each person.

Time, this is the essence of Shadowless Fist. The mechanism of Shadowless Fist is to move quickly and attack quickly. If this range is full of people, then it will take about 3 seconds for everyone to attack once.

If there are few people, it may only take one second. During this period, I will disappear in place. After the Shadowless Fist is completed, I will reappear at the place where I used the Shadowless Fist! In other words, this

The disappearing mechanism can actually be understood as being in an invincible state, which can be used to avoid skills. For example, if a skill flies over from the opposite side and you disappear with a move of Shadowless Fist, the skill will naturally be in vain!

Within 30 seconds of shooting a halberd from the gate, all attacks must hit the target and trigger a knowing blow. The settlement order is the last one, and the cooling time is 10 minutes.

This is a bit awesome. You know, what is the concept of a sure hit and a sure knowing hit? Each hit can deal double damage, and it is sure to hit. There is no need to consider the target's dodge, because its settlement order is last.

For example, the opponent uses certain skills to increase his dodge to 100, but when encountering a player who is in the state of shooting halberds through the gate, it is still useless, because the shooting of halberds through the gate is calculated last, and you can dodge no matter how high you are.

It can still hit you 100 times! This is a skill that can kill people by leapfrogging. For example, a player with a maximum of four will fight a player with a maximum of five, and a player with a maximum of five will fight a player with a maximum of six. Isn’t the difference in strength reflected in attack, defense and dodge?

This skill gives a weak person a 100 hit rate, and at the same time gives him double damage. It is very normal for a person with low strength to leapfrog and kill someone!

Passive skills in control-free areas, double the control-free time you are in.

The skill of the control-free field, you say it is strong, it is indeed very strong, you say it is weak, it is indeed very weak! Whether it is strong or weak depends on its user, for example, for

For a player who only has six seconds of control-free time, it is actually very weak. It only adds six seconds of control-free time. In comparison, its cost performance is much lower than the other skill books mentioned above! But if the user

What about the long-term control-free skills? For example, Wei Bin, Wei Bin has control-free for six seconds by grafting, super dispelling and control-free for six seconds, deity descending from the earth and control-free for ten seconds, banishing and control-free for 11 seconds, these basic skills are free of control.

The control time is already as long as 33 seconds. In other words, the control-free area gives him an additional 33 seconds of control-free time. This is a bit excessive! As a DS with extremely high output, what is the most important? Definitely.

It's the output environment. If you output the environment, then even if you have tons of output but can't hit it, what's the use? Why was it considered weak before? Isn't it because there are few control-free skills in Tianlong?

? If placed on Wei Bin, it would definitely be a god-level skill! This is why it varies from person to person. To put it bluntly, this skill is specially equipped for strong people. It is a rare skill.

God-level skills!

Any skill that can increase the control-free time is a good skill. This is the reason why the control-free field has entered Langhuan Paradise. However, because its scope of application is very small, few people have such a long-term control-free time as the gods descend to the earth.

Its skills make it not very attractive to most people. This is destined to only enter the first floor of Langhuan Paradise, and its qualifications are not enough to enter the second floor!

However, Xuanyuan Aai did not stay on the first floor, but walked directly towards the second floor. In the process, she did not even look at it. The purpose was quite clear!

Soon, everyone arrived at the second floor of Langhuan Paradise. As soon as they entered the second floor, everyone felt an extremely dark aura. This kind of aura had only been felt by them in the dark plane!

Death and Decay uses dark magic to create a death area that lasts for 8 seconds. Any enemy unit that enters this area will lose a maximum health value of 5 per second, and will cause damage to the boss with a maximum health value of 1 per second. This damage is sacred.

Damage, cooldown time is one hour.

Death and Decay, which loses blood every second based on the damage as a percentage of the maximum health, is a bit awesome. This is a typical magical skill for killing masters! What is sacred damage?

In the game Tianlong, in terms of the nature of the damage, it can be divided into three types of damage from low to high!

The lowest level of damage is normal damage, which is the damage caused by normal attacks issued by the player. This damage must not only calculate the player's defense and resistance, but also calculate the opponent's damage reduction effect. It is the lowest level.

type of injury.

The next level up is direct damage, such as the Half Fury skill that every sect has. Direct damage also needs to calculate the opponent's damage reduction, but it does not calculate the offense and defense of both sides. You have a defense of 100 million. I

The number on the skill panel is the amount of damage you will take, and you can enjoy the blessing of bonus skills! In other words, it ignores defense!

The top level of damage is holy damage. The so-called holy damage means that the damage finally suffered by the player is not affected by any damage reduction skills, equipment, and ignores the damage of defense and resistance. With a skill of 100,000 damage, you are considered a king.

Even if he comes, he will lose 100,000 blood.

Death and withering is such a skill. Even if it is a level 1 player, after learning this skill, if Wei Bin stands still in the area of ​​​​death and withering, he will honestly lose 5 points per second.

Blood volume!

Moreover, this percentage is still based on the upper blood limit of 5, not the current blood volume of 5. Even Wei Bin will have to lose 40 blood after taking full skill damage!

This is a typical master killer. No matter how powerful you are, you still have to kneel down!

However, due to the protection of the boss, if this skill is used on the boss, it will only lose 1 blood per second. After all, if the boss also loses 5 blood per second, it would be too perverted.

Okay, so what kind of boss can’t be conquered?

Midnight Wither uses dark magic to create a death area that lasts for 20 seconds. Any enemy unit that enters this area will lose damage equal to its current health value of 5 per second. It will cause damage to the boss equal to its current health value of 1 per second. This damage is holy.

Damage, cooldown time is one hour.

Even though the duration of this move Midnight Wither has been increased from 8 seconds to 20 seconds, it seems that the skill has been strengthened many times, but in fact it is not necessarily true! Because although its duration has become longer, every second

The damage of the clock has been reduced. Although the damage number is still 5, the upper limit of the previous one has undergone fundamental changes. The damage of death and withering is based on the upper limit of 5 blood. But what about midnight withering? It is based on the upper limit of 5.

The current health value is used to lose blood. If the target is full of health, the damage of these two skills will be the same in the first second, but then, the damage of the two skills will start to change!

In the second second, the damage of death and withering is still 5 of the upper limit of blood, but if it is withered at midnight, it becomes 09500500475, a damage of 475 of upper limit of blood. In the next second, the damage of death and withering is still 5 of the upper limit of blood, and at midnight

As for wither, it becomes 902500545125, which means the damage is 45, which is the maximum health limit. The damage is reduced extremely quickly! Moreover, this skill can never kill people. Even if you only have 1 health, this move

Midnight Wither still can't kill you, because it removes 5 health based on your 1 health.

Perhaps its total damage in 20 seconds will ultimately be much higher than death and withering, but don't forget, the opponent is not a fool. Faced with this magical skill based on percentages, no one will just stand there and wait.

Hurt by you?

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