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Chapter 1166 Parallel

The above are just some uses in combat. In addition to using this technique to build space in combat, it can also be used in life. For example, if you enter this flow space during medicine, then others will

With only 360 vitality points per day, you can have 720 vitality points every day! This means that your daily medicine production will be twice that of others!

The reason why Xuanyuan Aiai chose this method to build a space was that none of the above uses were what Xuanyuan Aiai was most interested in. She chose to redeem this skill book with only one destination, which was to build a flow space that could allow people to

She has more research time, so her research efficiency will be doubled because she has double the game time! She is going to use this trick for scientific research!

"This" Wei Bin felt distressed and helpless. This move to build space is indeed very powerful, but for Wei Bin personally, he still prefers combat skills, because the effects of combat skills are more direct and can be easily

Show it clearly!

"Haha, it looks distressing, right? Why don't you go up and choose one? I can give you a skill book. And for you, Brother Li, and the Blood Sea Demon Lord, I can give each of you a skill book.

, you go and choose!" Just when Wei Bin was feeling extremely regretful, the white-haired old man came over from behind them!

"What? Giving away skill books for free? Senior, this kind of thing has never happened since the establishment of Langhuan Paradise. Aren't you going to break the rules?" Tianshan Child Elder was shocked that Langhuan Paradise has been established.

It has been many years, and she has been to Langhuan Paradise many times, but she has never seen the white-haired old man in front of her give anyone a skill book in vain, let alone the skill book on the third floor of Langhuan Paradise.

, even the first-level skill book has never been given away to anyone for free!

"Haha, Langhuan Paradise was built by me, and most of the skill books in it were collected by me. Isn't it okay if I give someone a few skill books? Besides, according to the regulations, it's just

There are rules for exchanging skill books, but there is no rule that says I can’t give them away!” the white-haired old man said. .??.

"Senior, is this true? We can really choose a skill book here?" Wei Bin asked suspiciously. Not only Tianshan Child Elder didn't believe it, but even Wei Bin couldn't believe that he actually had it.

Such an adventure, you know, you will never encounter an adventure like this twice in your life!

"Haha, it's just a skill book. Am I going to break someone's trust for a few skill books?" the white-haired old man said.

In this way, Wei Bin, Brother Li and the Blood Sea Demon Lord quietly obtained the authority to select skill books. From this, it can be seen that the white-haired old man did not really hate the Blood Sea Demon Lord.

, no matter how murderous the Blood Sea Demon King is, he is still innocent. He is just the product of the killing policy pursued by the senior officials of Middle-earth. In the final analysis, the reason lies with the senior officials of Middle-earth.

! What the white-haired old man hates is not the Blood Sea Demon Lord, but the senior officials of Middle-earth! The reason why the white-haired old man also gave the Blood Sea Demon Lord the authority to choose the skill book is actually because the white-haired old man cherishes it very much.

To be honest, regardless of how the Tianshan Child Elder praised the Blood Sea Demon Lord just now, the fact that the Blood Sea Demon Lord was able to dodge the white-haired old man's blow with a snap of his fingers is enough to illustrate the Blood Sea Demon Lord's strength.

The white-haired old man is a person who cares about the entire human race. For people like the Blood Sea Demon King, he must help as many as he can!

As for the fact that he gave Brother Li a chance to choose, it was because when the white-haired old man was preparing to launch his second attack on the Blood Sea Demon King, the pressure he released overwhelmed everyone present and made everyone retreat.

After three steps, Brother Li was the only one who was not affected at all. This is so weird. According to common sense, this is absolutely impossible. Even the Tianshan Child Elder couldn't withstand the pressure, but Brother Li was safe and sound.

Not affected? Brother Li's specialness also attracted the attention of the white-haired old man, making him want to know more about Brother Li!

As for letting Wei Bin choose the skill book, it couldn't be more obvious. The white-haired old man has already acquiesced in Wei Bin's identity as the destined son. Since the prophet once predicted that Wei Bin would find him, it means that the meaning of his existence is

What’s wrong with helping Wei Bin and giving Wei Bin a skill book? I built this Langhuan Paradise, so what’s the matter if I just gave him all the skill books?

"However, you can choose Wei Bin's skill books by yourself, but I need to choose the skill books for Brother Li and Blood Sea Demon Lord. I have two skill books here, which are very suitable for you. I think you should be able to

I like it!" the white-haired old man said with a smile.

"Thank you, senior!" Brother Li and the Blood Sea Demon Lord said at the same time. It is already very good to be able to get a skill book on the third floor of Langhuan Paradise for free. What else do you need a bicycle?

"Come with me!" the white-haired old man said calmly.

Soon, everyone followed the white-haired old man to a bookshelf filled with dust. From the dust falling on the bookshelf, it was easy to see that no one had cared about this bookshelf for a long time! Moreover, on this bookshelf,

, there is only one book!

Each time you dodge an attack when switching from defense to offense, your damage and movement speed will be increased by 10, and the state will last for ten seconds.

"My nanny!" When the Blood Sea Demon King saw this skill book, the words "my naughty" surged up from deep in his heart. This skill is simply too powerful! It's so powerful that it breaks through the sky.


Moreover, the most important thing is that this move fits him very well. You know, what is the Blood Sea Demon Lord famous for? It was during the battle with Yamatamon in the border city that year, Yamata

The Qi beast launched eight missiles at the Blood Sea Demon Lord. However, the Blood Sea Demon Lord actually dodged five of them. This is a bit awesome! The Blood Sea Demon Lord created his own movement technique called Blood Sea Demon Lord.

He is as powerful as prison, his body skills are very powerful, dodging ballistic missiles is commonplace, and with his high body skills, what will be the consequences if he uses this move in front of him?

Every time you dodge an attack, you can get a buff state that increases damage and movement speed. Obviously, this state can be superimposed. When you dodge an attack, you can increase the damage and movement speed by 10. So what if you dodge five attacks? Then

But it increases the damage and movement speed by 50!

And this is only the damage and movement speed increased by one round of attacks to the Blood Sea Demon Lord. What if the Blood Sea Demon Lord can dodge many projectiles with every round of attacks? Wouldn't that increase the damage and movement speed?

100 damage, 200 damage, or even 300 damage? Because this state can be superimposed, and the duration is 10 seconds. Maybe after ten seconds, the first layer of the state disappears, but he must definitely want to

He kept dodging attacks. Although the first level of status disappeared, the 11th level of status was added again!

After having such a skill, is the output of the Blood Sea Demon Lord still a problem? It must be no problem to maintain a damage increase of 200 under normal conditions, right? Of course, if the Blood Sea Demon Lord deliberately stacks the layers of this state,

Then the damage-increasing status he obtains must be far more than 200, and it is 400 to 500% possible. However, don’t forget, what is the meaning of saving this status? What is the purpose? Is it just for fun? No

!The purpose of saving status is to output. Therefore, it is impossible for the Blood Sea Demon Lord to only save status without outputting. As long as he outputs, the number of projectiles he dodges will naturally be reduced. Naturally,

It is impossible to maintain a damage increase of 400 to 500% for a long time! If both attack and dodge are taken into account, then the persistent damage increase of 200 is not a big problem for the Blood Sea Demon Lord!

Of course, this is only the increase in damage when calculating each attack. In fact, because the Blood Sea Demon Lord deliberately dodges the projectiles, this means that he cannot output at full power. He usually does not dodge.

During the ballistic process, he could attack 20 times in 10 seconds, but now? Because he deliberately accumulated status and dodge the ballistics, in this case, he could only attack 10 times in 10 seconds! Each of his

Although the damage of the attack has increased, the attack frequency has decreased. If you want to calculate a

In terms of total damage within a period of time, his output is equivalent to an increase of 100!

Of course, the word "only" cannot be used to describe it here, because increasing the damage by 100 is already an exaggeration. You must know that although this damage increase effect only lasts for ten seconds, as long as the Blood Sea Demon Lord keeps dodging

, then these ten seconds are no longer ten seconds, and last for a lifetime. As long as he is still fighting, he can always enjoy the damage bonus! Just imagine how powerful a skill that increases damage by 100 for a long time must be.

To what extent? I’m afraid that the damage done by the Blood Sea Demon Lord was even more severe than Wei Bin’s!

In addition, this damage-increasing effect actually has a variety of ways to exert it, such as the long-term damage-increasing 100 mode mentioned earlier. In addition, he can also use the sure-kill mode, which is to blindly go

Dodge the opponent's projectiles and put all your energy into dodging the projectiles. When the damage increase effect is increased to 400% to 500%, then launch a fatal blow to the target. After the damage increase is 400% to 500%,

Under such circumstances, who can withstand his blow without dying?

After talking about the damage-increasing effect of this move, let’s take a look at its function of increasing movement speed. Increasing the player’s movement speed allows the player to dodge the ballistics more easily and reduces the difficulty of the player dodging the ballistics. In addition, in terms of movement speed,

After being greatly improved, it will be of great benefit whether it is attacking or escaping. It can greatly reduce the time spent chasing the target. At the same time, if it is used to escape, it will increase the movement speed by 1200%.

Who else can hit you? Moreover, if it is used to escape, the Blood Sea Demon King will move faster and faster, because at high speed, it is difficult for others to hit him, and

As long as you can't hit him, you can increase his movement speed. After the movement speed is increased, others will be unable to hit him, and then his movement speed will be faster!

Next, let’s talk about how the system determines whether the Blood Sea Demon Lord has dodged the attack? Does the system install a camera on the Blood Sea Demon Lord? It is always counting how many attacks he has avoided?

In fact, this is nothing. The most puzzling thing is that if various projectiles are flying randomly during a team battle, under what circumstances is it considered that the Blood Sea Demon Lord has dodged the projectiles?

In fact, in Tianlong, there is such an unknown mechanism. Only a few people know about this mechanism, and that is the target locking mechanism. When the player attacks the target, when your projectile is launched,

, the system will lock the target as your attack target. Only the Blood Sea Demon Lord becomes your targeted attack target, and later, the Blood Sea Demon Lord evades your projectile. In this way, the system will

It was determined that the Blood Sea Demon Lord had dodged a projectile!

If one of the projectiles was not directed towards the Blood Sea Demon Lord, but towards the person next to the Blood Sea Demon Lord, then in this case, even though the ballistic trajectory was also in the direction of the Blood Sea Demon Lord

It's flying over, but even if he dodges, it still can't increase the buff status for him, because the target of this projectile is not the Blood Sea Demon King at all, and they are not attacking you, so what's the use of dodging?

But you are relatively close to the attack target, it’s just a coincidence!

This is the mechanism for determining whether the Blood Sea Demon Lord has avoided the ballistic trajectory!

"Blood Sea Demon Lord, it is not easy for you to dodge my attack. It can be seen that you are a person who is proficient in body skills. I have a skill book here. I believe it will suit you very well. I hope he can bring it to you."

What's coming! But! Here, I hope you can promise me one thing, that is to assist Wei Bin loyally! Are you willing?" The white-haired old man picked up the skill book on the bookshelf and patted it.

The dust that has been silent for a long time.

This skill book is of little use to most people, because most players are not good at movement, and for a person who is not good at movement, he cannot avoid other people's attacks.

, and since the attack cannot be avoided, then this skill is naturally useless! It is precisely because the scope of application of this skill book is very narrow that no one has paid attention to it for decades! But its narrow scope of application is exactly the same

From the side, it highlights the power of this skill book in its field. The narrower the scope of application, the stronger the ability in that scope. There is no doubt about this! It is impossible to have a narrow scope and also be weak.

?Then why does it enter the third level of Langhuan Paradise?

"Thank you, senior. I will do my best!" The Blood Sea Demon Lord said with confidence. He is Wei Bin's disciple and a member of Nirvana. Wei Bin is his benefactor. With this, even the white-haired

Even if the old man doesn't say anything, he will do his best to do things for Wei Bin!

"You continue to follow me!" the white-haired old man said.

Not long after, the white-haired old man led everyone to a new bookshelf. Then, from the top of the bookshelf, he took a skill book called Zhen Finger Flicking Magic and handed it to Brother Li!

The True Finger Flick Magic Skill charges one blow and launches a normal attack on the target. The final damage is the normal attack damage and the charging time. The charging has a shock effect. The control level of the shock control is level two. The maximum charging time is 10 seconds and the cooling time is 60.


"Thank you, senior!" Brother Li said with tears of gratitude.

Why is Brother Li so grateful to the white-haired old man? Because the skill book the white-haired old man gave him is so powerful!

First of all, this move's true "Flicking Finger Magic Skill" has nothing much to do with Xiaoyao Sect's "Flicking Finger Magic Skill". This move's "True "Flicking Finger Magic Skill" is a charge-based skill. It can be shot out in seconds, and it can also be charged.

After one second, two seconds or even three seconds, you launch the attack again. The difference is that if you don't charge up, but directly shoot out in seconds, then this is just a normal attack.

The damage is the damage after the attack and defense calculations of both sides!

And what about charging? That’s different. It can be said that the meaning of this true finger-flicking magic skill is its charging mechanism. If you don’t charge it, what’s the point of this skill? I’ll just send it.

Doesn’t it work with normal attacks? Anyway, the effect is exactly the same!

And what about after charging? First of all, in terms of damage, the damage will double the initial damage every second of charging! This means that the longer the charging time, the higher the damage caused in the future! Just imagine

, if you charge it for ten seconds, it will cause 1,000 damage at once, which means Jesus will die even if he comes! This is ten times the damage!

Let’s talk about the shock effect during this charging period. You must know that the strongest point of this skill is not its high damage, but its shock effect. What is the shock effect? ​​The shock effect is just white.

When the white-haired old man attacked the Blood Sea Demon Lord, everyone was knocked back three meters by the white-haired old man's momentum. Here, this momentum is actually a deterrent effect!

In other words, this shock effect is actually a control skill, because under the shock effect, the player cannot perform any operations at all! And according to the skill description, this shock effect is still a second-level control skill, that is to say

, this is a group control skill at the same level as the first-level strong control skill, that is, a group strong control skill!

This is a bit awesome! There are not many such skills in the whole world for group control skills. You must know that force control skills cannot be dispelled and cannot be immune. In other words, once Brother Li uses it

If this skill is activated, all hostile players within a certain range next to him will be controlled, and they cannot be released!

As for controlling time, it is even more unsolvable. Obviously, you can forcefully control others for a few seconds by accumulating power for a few seconds. This is a bit awesome! What if Brother Li keeps holding down this move without releasing it? Then

Wouldn’t it be possible to forcefully control the other party all the time?

?That’s right! That’s it! This is the power of this finger-flicking magical skill!

The reason why the white-haired old man recommended this skill book to him was because when the white-haired old man used the finger-flicking magic skill just now on the Blood Sea Demon Lord, Brother Li was actually immune to the shocking effect of the finger-flicking magic skill. This was the order.

The white-haired old man could not imagine that. Therefore, in the white-haired old man's view, Brother Li must be a person with special talent in terms of momentum. It is precisely because of his special talent that he is immune to his own shock. For someone like Li

As a white-haired old man of the same race, I naturally have to take care of people with special talents like Brother Li and help Brother Li better develop his potential!

Next, it was Wei Bin's turn to choose skills. The white-haired old man discovered the unique talents of Brother Li and Blood Sea Demon, so he selected skill books for them so that they could train them in a targeted way.

The white-haired old man didn't know what Wei Bin was better at. In addition, Wei Bin was the son of destiny. The white-haired old man could help him, but he couldn't guide his development. Therefore, regarding the choice of this skill book, the white-haired old man

Leave the initiative to Wei Bin himself!

"Wei Bin, you can choose your favorite skill book yourself!" the white-haired old man said.

"Thank you, senior!" Wei Bin said with great gratitude, giving away a skill book on the third floor of Langhuan Paradise for free. Such an opportunity is not something that just anyone can catch!

Next, under the gaze of everyone, Wei Bin came to the shelf where the Blade of Wisdom skill book was located. Then, Wei Bin stretched out his right hand in the direction of the Blade of Wisdom!

You know, they have been wandering around Langhuan Paradise for so long and have seen various skill books, but in terms of power, this Blade of Wisdom is the most powerful. Perhaps its power cannot be reflected yet.

But this is a late-stage skill. The more powerful it becomes in the later stages. For Wei Bin, there is no problem in increasing the attack power by a hundred or so points every day. In this way, the attack power is 30,000 to 40,000 points a year. This kind of magic

Where can I find the skills? Let alone Wei Bin, others don’t have the right to choose. If they can choose, they will definitely take this Blade of Wisdom into their bag without hesitation!

However, just when everyone thought Wei Bin would take down the Blade of Wisdom, Wei Bin's hand stopped on a skill book next to the Blade of Wisdom, and the name of this skill book was, Juxtaposition!

Let me go! I don’t want the Blade of Wisdom, but I choose a juxtaposition? What’s going on with you? Can’t you tell which skill book is strong and which is weak? What the hell is this juxtaposition?

Out of curiosity about Wei Bin's unusual behavior, everyone looked at the parallel skill book. .??.

There is a 10% chance of creating an illusion when juxtaposed in the attack. The attack power of the illusion is the same as the attack power of the main body. It takes 500 damage and lasts for 30 seconds. It can create up to 5 illusions.


This trick is a passive skill. After learning it, when attacking, there is a 10% chance of creating an illusion that looks exactly like the player. Moreover, this illusion can attack independently, and the player can also control it. However, this illusion

It can only attack normally and cannot use active skills. Passive skills can be used. The attack power of the illusion is the same as that of Wei Bin himself, and the damage it takes is five times the damage suffered by Wei Bin. To put it bluntly,

Receive an additional 400 damage! Each illusion can exist for up to 30 seconds, and up to five illusions can be created at the same time.

What kind of skill is this?

This is a skill that has both offense and defense, and it is also a very confusing skill. You must know that the trigger probability of 10 is quite high. Basically, it can create an illusion in five seconds, and the illusion can last for 30 seconds.

, that is to say, as long as the player is always in an attacking state, it is very simple to create five illusions. Counting the main body on the battlefield, there will be six Wei Bin appearing at the same time! And if you have been staring at Wei Bin,

, then maybe you can still tell which is Wei Bin's body and which is Wei Bin's clone, but during the team battle, who will keep staring at Wei Bin? If you are not careful, you will lose Wei Bin's body.

From now on, it is no longer possible to tell which one is Wei Bin's true body and which one is Wei Bin's illusion! This is the confusing nature of this move!

So why is it so difficult to distinguish between reality and illusion?

Because the attack power of Wei Bin's illusion is the same as that of Wei Bin. Among these Wei Bins, the same amount of blood can be lost when the main body cuts you, and the same amount of blood can be lost when its clone cuts you. It is impossible to tell through the damage, and if the illusion

How about judging by the blood loss range of the illusion and the blood loss range of the main body? If you want to judge the authenticity of the illusion by taking an additional 400 damage, there is a premise, that is, you have to understand the mechanism of the skill and know the illusion from a God's perspective.

You will receive extra damage, but what if you don’t have the blessing of God’s perspective? Furthermore, the battlefield is changing rapidly, and Wei Bin’s damage is so high. By the time you can tell which one is the real Wei Bin and which one is the illusion, I’m afraid you will have already

It's dead, after all, this is the output of five Wei Bins!

Finally, why did Wei Bin choose this skill? Why not choose the Blade of Wisdom?

It's very simple. Although the Blade of Wisdom is very strong, it takes effect very late. Even if Wei Bin relies on the Blade of Wisdom to increase his attack power by 30,000 to 40,000 per year, it will only be 170,000 or 80,000 in five years!

And Wei Bin's current attack power has reached more than 160,000, which means that in five years, Wei Bin can rely on this move to double his attack power!

But here comes the question, what is the purpose of increasing the attack power? Is it just for fun? Obviously not, the purpose of increasing the attack power must be to increase the output. Then the question comes, how is this Blade of Wisdom move compared to the one in front of you?

Is it better than tied?

Not necessarily?

Perhaps in four or five years, the benefits brought by the Blade of Wisdom to Wei Bin will be greater than those of Tie, but before that, at least in the next two or three years, the Blade of Wisdom will not be as good as Tie.

Blade is a skill that relies on growth to reflect its value. If you use this skill alone, it will actually be of no use!

Take the current situation as an example, what is the output of Wei Bin when he creates five illusions? That is five times the output of Wei Bin! Although this requires a prelude and takes time, it is still better than twice the output of Wei Bin.

Bin's output is high, right? Even after a few years, the attack power of Wei Bin doubled by the Blade of Wisdom, isn't it still only twice the output of Wei Bin?

What's more, this illusion is also deceptive. While improving Wei Bin's output, it can also help Wei Bin absorb damage. Even with the illusion, Wei Bin can leave whenever he wants and stay whenever he wants.

Because he is from the Tianshan Sect, when the other party cannot tell which is Wei Bin's body, his body suddenly becomes invisible. What is the difference between one of the illusions disappearing due to the end of time? You know, Wei Bin's golden cicada escapes from its shell in an instant.

Invisibility, no need to read the bar for one second!

Therefore, no matter from which angle you look at it, for Wei Bin, the value of this move is higher than that of the Blade of Wisdom!

Of course, for Wei Bin, the effect of Juxtaposition is greater than that of Blade of Wisdom, which does not mean that Juxtaposition is stronger than Wei Bin. In fact, among all the skill books in Langhuan Paradise, no skill book is definitely better than the others.

Skills are strong, and no skill is too frustrating to use. Whether a skill is strong or not depends not entirely on the skill itself, but on its scope of application and compatibility with the user!

Let’s take the two skills of Parallel and Blade of Wisdom as an example. If it is placed on Wei Bin, the effect of Blade of Wisdom will definitely not be as good as Parallel! But what if it is placed on someone else? That’s different.

Got it!

First, let’s take a look, why is Wei Bin stronger than the Blade of Wisdom?

Because Wei Bin himself is not lacking in output! Isn’t the purpose of your Blade of Wisdom to increase attack power? But Wei Bin is not lacking in output now.

Although the higher the attack power, the better, but when your attack power reaches a certain level, the gain effect brought by the attack power will be minimal. Without the Blade of Wisdom, I can increase my attack power.

I can also kill others instantly. Now that I have the Blade of Wisdom to increase my attack power, I can still kill others instantly. So isn’t that the problem? What’s the point of the increased attack power your Blade of Wisdom gives me? The result is not the same.

Not much has changed! In terms of defeating bosses, after the attack power is increased, the efficiency can be improved, but the output increased by juxtaposition is higher!

In the final analysis, it is because Wei Bin's own attack power is already high enough, which means that the effect of the Blade of Wisdom on Wei Bin is not very obvious. On the contrary, if it is for an ordinary player, then this

The value of the two skills is another matter. For an ordinary player with very low output and low defense, what if I give you five illusions? Since your basic output is very low, you will

The output of the five illusions is also very low. Judging from the fact that each of your attacks can cause 10,000 damage, doesn't the five illusions plus the main body only only do 60,000 damage? But what if it is replaced by the Blade of Wisdom? Then

But it's different. The attack power is increased by 30,000 in one year, and it will be 60,000 in two years. After two years, the effect of the Blade of Wisdom will be more than equal!

And this is only for those players who can break the defense. Some players can't even break the defense of others. If you can't break the defense with your body, then the illusion can't break the defense as well. So what's the point of the illusion?

What? But the Blade of Wisdom is different. If I can’t break through your defense this year, I won’t be able to break it next year? What about the year after that?

Therefore, in terms of output, for an ordinary player with very low output, the effect of the Blade of Wisdom is definitely stronger than the tie!

Then let’s look at defense. The defense of the illusion is the same as that of the owner, but the illusion has to withstand 500 damage. That is to say, if someone attacks your body, it will lose 10,000 blood. Then if this person attacks your illusion, it will lose 10,000 blood.

You have to lose 50,000 blood! Others can easily kill your illusion, and they can easily tell which is the illusion and which is the real body. But what about Wei Bin? Others can't break it.

Wei Bin's defense and resistance, in this case, whether your illusion has to bear 500 damage or 1000 damage, is there any difference between this and taking 100 damage? Others can only hit Wei Bin

One drop of blood is forced to be deducted, and if you fight the illusion, is there any difference between losing five drops of blood and ten drops of blood? There is no difference at all! Because they can't break the defense! So for Wei Bin, the 500 damage of the illusion is basically

It’s just a meaningless number! But what about ordinary players? Their illusion is like a piece of paper, easily broken!

This is the difference between the two skills of Blade of Wisdom and Parallel in an ordinary player. Obviously, the effect of Blade of Wisdom is far stronger than Parallel!

This is why it is said that among the many skills in Langhuan Paradise, there is no so-called strength or weakness. The strength and weakness vary from person to person. For different people, the strength of the skills will also be different. This

It varies from person to person, and for Wei Bin, the value of juxtaposition is definitely stronger than that of the Blade of Wisdom!

"Okay, you all got your wish. You all can leave. Wei Bin and Brother Li will stay for a while!" said the white-haired old man.

"Then junior, please excuse me!" Tianshan Child Elder said politely. Unexpectedly, the white-haired old man was so generous today and directly presented three additional skill books. This was something Tianshan Child Elder could not have imagined, but this is something

It's a good thing, because two of these three skill books have fallen into the hands of their Tianshan Sect disciples. From now on, the strength of their Tianshan Sect will increase by a small amount!

"I wonder why senior wants us two to stay?" Wei Bin asked.

"I'm just curious about this young man named Brother Li. You two are friends, so I'd like to ask you to stay and help me get to know him!" the white-haired old man said.

"Senior, if you have any questions, just ask me directly. I will definitely answer everything you know!" Brother Li said politely. His heart was full of gratitude to this white-haired old man. After all, he had just given me an answer.

I got myself a god-level skill book!

"Okay, then I won't be polite. Let's do this. You just use the finger-flicking magic skill you just learned to attack me! You can store up as much power as you can, as long as you can!" said the white-haired old man.

"Attack you? Senior, I'm afraid that's not a good idea, right?" Brother Li said embarrassedly. He had just learned the skill book given to him, and now he would be the first to attack him. No one else would be able to do it.


"Haha, it doesn't matter, just attack me!" the white-haired old man said with an indifferent expression.

"Senior, the main reason is that I only care about your age and am afraid of hurting you!" Brother Li said with a smile.

"Haha! Hahaha! This is the first time I have heard such nonsense in more than a thousand years. Can you hurt me? If you can really hurt me, it will be a great blessing for the human race! Haha, even if you

Come on, if I frown, I lose!" the white-haired old man said with great confidence.

"Then this junior will be offended!" Brother Li said.

After saying that, Brother Li stretched out his right finger towards the white-haired old man. Then, he saw a force visible to the naked eye gathering towards Brother Li's right finger. For a moment, a strong wind blew, and Wei Bin couldn't help being hit.

After retreating a few meters, the white-haired old man subconsciously looked at the distance Wei Bin was pushed back, and then couldn't help but laugh!

However, all this was not over. As the time for Brother Li to accumulate power increased, the figure of the white-haired old man also shifted. He was forcibly knocked back by one meter by the aura exuded by Brother Li. Although

It was only one meter long, but the white-haired old man couldn't help being shocked. He was also knocked back. Although it was only a short one meter, the other person was just a young man! The other person was not on the same level as him.

, was knocked back a meter by a young man. If this spread, wouldn't he be laughed at to death?

Ten seconds later, Brother Li's charging time reached the upper limit. The next second, the projectile that stayed on his right finger flew out uncontrollably and flew straight in the direction of the white-haired old man!

And when the white-haired old man saw the flying speed of Brother Li's finger flicking skill, the white-haired old man was dumbfounded, because he didn't even see the trajectory of Brother Li's projectile.

The impact hit him!


It's so fast!

The white-haired old man has never seen such a fast trajectory. Even the finger-flicking magic skill he just used against the Blood Sea Demon Lord only moves ten times as fast as an ordinary person. But what about Li's finger-flicking magic skill?

?The ballistic trajectory was so fast that even the white-haired old man could not detect it. It was too fast! The white-haired old man had never seen such a fast ballistic trajectory!

It wasn't until the projectile hit the white-haired old man that the violent wind around him stopped, and Wei Bin regained his freedom!

"Are you too awesome? Your pressure just now really made me breathless, and my whole body was out of my control!" Wei Bin stepped forward and said, he counted himself in detail

The distance just pushed back was a full ten meters away. In other words, the coercion of Brother Li's finger snapping skill can control things within a radius of ten meters, and control the enemies within a radius of ten meters to be unable to move.


"Haha, if you want to talk about strength, you have to look at senior. I can't even break through senior's defense. Senior and junior are really convinced!" Brother Li said with a smile.

"Haha, the younger generation is to be feared, the younger generation is to be feared! I didn't expect that there are so many capable people and strangers around you to help, so I feel relieved. Now you can go!" said the white-haired old man. After saying that, he turned around and said,

It looks like seeing off guests!

This chapter has been completed!
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