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Chapter 1170 Establishment of Diplomatic Relations

When it comes to Wei Bin's drinking capacity, Tian Jing does know very well about it, after all, they are a couple, and the rumors in the world about Wei Bin's drinking capacity are indeed true. A year ago, Wei Bin's drinking capacity was indeed only about one kilogram, but since beating him

After getting to know the head of the Jingwu Sect, he also learned martial arts. Since Wei Bin started practicing martial arts, he has not learned anything serious, but he has learned how to suppress the smell of alcohol by controlling his Dantian.

You are a proficient student. You must know that everyone actually has internal strength, but most people have not practiced martial arts and have not developed it. Internal strength suppresses the alcohol and metabolizes it quickly!

Why does everyone smell of alcohol after drinking? Could it be that they were influenced by the alcohol odor emitted from the wine glass during the drinking process? Is this possible? How much alcohol odor can be emitted from just a wine glass?

The reason why everyone has a strong smell of alcohol after drinking liquor is because the human body excretes the alcohol from the pores of the body through metabolism, and the excretion speed of ordinary people is limited.

It can be excreted passively, but it is different for people who practice martial arts. If you learn to forcibly excrete alcohol odor through internal force, your metabolism will be much faster. This is why Wei Bin only drank wine for ten minutes.

That’s why the whole room smelled of alcohol. Why did Luo Wuji feel a strong smell of alcohol when he entered He Bi’s box? Why did Wei Bin just push open the door to his box and the smell of alcohol started to spread out? That’s right.

It was because Wei Bin used his internal strength to expel most of the alcohol from his body! After all the alcohol in his body was expelled, Wei Bin would naturally not be drunk!

When he was practicing martial arts in Wei Bin, he really only had the capacity for a kilogram of liquor, but since he started practicing martial arts, his alcohol capacity has increased several times in an instant, and drinking a kilogram is as common as a daily meal!

Since this was a celebration banquet, everyone stayed in the hotel eating, drinking and having fun very late, and did not go home until late at night.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Wei Bin and others left the gate of Haotai Hotel, a group of people surrounded them.

"Guild Leader Wei, I can only block them from the door. I tried my best!" Luo Wuji said with a smile.

Yes, this is Luo Wuji's mission tonight. When Wei Bin and the others were in the box, Wei Bin asked Luo Wuji to come down for a drink. At that time, Luo Wuji said, I still have a mission tonight, and I want to serve as your role.

Let’s talk about the role of a security guard. I can drink wine at any time, but I am the only one who can be the security guard tonight! The security guard he mentioned at that time actually meant stopping the group of people in front of me at the gate!

You know, Wei Bin let it out, saying that they were going to set up a few tables to celebrate the victory here tonight, and Nirvana's development is now at its peak. Since Nirvana exposed its combat power half a month ago, its prestige has become even greater.

It has risen to a new level. All kinds of forces, large and small, are trying to get on the Nirvana boat through their connections. Today, Wei Bin has let it out that he will have dinner here tonight, so many people will definitely come over to give him gifts.

In order to seek cooperation, after all, there are not many opportunities to catch Wei Bin!

Among the people who came tonight, most of them are deputy gang leaders or gang leaders, and they all have extremely high social status in reality. In this case, except for Luo Wuji who can stop this group of people, only Haotai

Do the waiters in the big hotel dare to stop these people? Wei Bin is holding a celebration banquet here tonight. If these people are not stopped outside, will Wei Bin still eat the food? Don't let these gifts come to you.

The box was packed with people!

This is why Luo Wuji said that he would work as a security guard for Wei Bin tonight!

"Guild Leader Wei, I have heard the name of Leader Wei for a long time, and now I am able to meet you today. Leader Wei, you are indeed a young and talented person. It is God's will that Nirvana can be carried forward in your hands, Leader Wei!" An old man stepped forward to flatter you.

"What are you talking about? This is not God's will. This is clearly the personal ability of Gang Leader Wei. In the face of Gang Leader Wei's ability, what does God's will mean? Even if God's will goes against Gang Leader Wei's personal wishes, it must give way!"

Another middle-aged man flattered.

"Guild Leader Wei, I am the deputy leader of the Bianque Gang. I heard that Nirvana will soon be promoted to a major force, so I came here to offer a gift to congratulate Nirvana on his promotion in advance!" After saying this, the man handed over a gift with both hands.

There is a detailed list, which contains dense records of various supplies. Obviously, the gifts mentioned by this person are actually just items to help Nirvana pass the test smoothly. However, it cannot be said like this, otherwise, it will be a bit awkward.

It sounds great!

"Guang Leader Wei, I am the deputy leader of the Linyu Gang. In order to allow Nirvana to fight various big forces more smoothly, I have deliberately prepared a token here. This token can summon a mercenary force out of the city.

Working together, I believe they will definitely become the vanguard of Nirvana's kick against all the major forces and sweep away all obstacles for Nirvana!" Another old man said respectfully.

Junior? Ni, you are old enough to be my grandfather, do you have the nerve to call yourself junior?

"Guild Leader, I have a scroll here that can forcibly lift the seal. The major forces are insidious and cunning. In order to prevent the other party from using the rogue tactics of sealing the arrow tower and attacking and defending the second tower again, Gang Leader Wei can use this scroll to lift the seal.

Just in case of emergencies! In addition, I would like to congratulate Nirvana in advance for being promoted to a major force, and at the same time, it will also open a door for us civilian gangs!" said a young man.

"Guang Leader Wei, our Jingyesi Gang is a living gang. We don't have the valuables that our predecessors can handle. However, I have brought you, Leader Wei, a detailed map of the entire Middle-earth continent below level 70.

I hope I can use it when Nirvana is galloping around the world in the future!" said a young girl.

Wei Bin had just come out of the hotel, and before he could speak, a group of people giving gifts gathered around him!

This group of gift givers tonight are really the best among the best. These people look like they are veterans in the alcoholic society. They know when to give what gifts. For example, when Wei Bin got married before.

, what are the gifts from these people? Either priceless villas and yachts, or rare night pearls, or various famous calligraphy and paintings, rare antiques, why? Because it was Wei Bin getting married,

It would be more appropriate to give something like that on that occasion!

And what is happening in front of you? What kind of occasion is this? In front of you is the eve of the impact of Nirvana. In a few days, Nirvana will usher in an unprecedented battle. In this case, you give him a villa, a luxury car,

Night pearls, calligraphy and paintings of famous people, etc. Let’s not talk about whether Wei Bin lacks these things. Are these things useful for Nirvana’s current situation? You must know that the icing on the cake is never as good as providing help in the snow. Only when people are in urgent need will others remember them.


This is the cleverness of the old fritters in front of them. They know what Wei Bin needs most now. What Wei Bin needs now is not those high-value items that are vain. What he needs now is something that will help him achieve Nirvana.

Help to win this impact battle!

Let's take a look at what these people are sending. Supplies. Supplies must be necessary, right? You know, this is not a war that can be completed in a day or two, this is a protracted war.

Without sufficient supplies, can Nirvana survive? Although they all say nice things and celebrate Nirvana's victory in advance, in fact, who of these people has their heart right? Even Wei Bin doesn't dare to say that he can win, right?

Are they sure? They say this just for good luck and to leave a good impression. They just use this excuse to find an excuse to give themselves gifts!

There are also scrolls to unlock the seal. You must know that the last time Huang Li and the others attacked Nirvana City, it was because they sealed the second offensive and defensive tower and all the arrow towers that Nirvana City almost fell. This is still a bit frightening. If

If there is no corresponding countermeasure, then if such a move is repeated, Nirvana City will really be in danger!

Let’s look at that world again

The scroll of the map. This scroll was drawn by a gang named Jingyesi. At first, their original intention of drawing the map was just to mark the coordinates of various collected objects. Later, they suddenly thought, why not draw

How about a world map, completing a major initiative? In this way, since the idea germinated, they spent three years and successfully mapped out all the maps below level 70 in the entire Middle-earth continent.

It covers where there are mountains and where there are rivers. It will undoubtedly be of great help to Nirvana's battle. You know, how could Feng Yun Wuji win in the field battles with the enemy gangs in the past? Isn't it just by relying on it?

Do you know the map? He knows where there are mountains, where there are jungles, and where tactics can be used. It can be said that although the cost of this map is not as high as the previous ones, its value is everything

The most valuable items among them, because the impact battle ten days later will most likely be a field battle!

"Everyone, thank you for your supplies, and thank you for your scrolls. Especially thank you for the so-called worthless world map. This will definitely become a sharp sword for us to achieve nirvana and defeat the great powers! Today, I am going to all of you.

Sincerely, I, Wei Bin, represent Nirvana and establish diplomatic relations with you. I hope to achieve a win-win situation in future cooperation! Thank you all!" Wei Bin said with a smile.

When everyone heard this, they were able to establish diplomatic relations with Nirvana so smoothly. Isn't this great?

You know, usually they can't even send gifts to Nirvana, let alone establish diplomatic relations. At this time, Nirvana is no longer the Nirvana that anyone can pinch at will. Nirvana has grown up.

Nirvana, which has a big family and great business, is no longer something that small forces like them can casually establish relationships with. In fact, they are very envious of those who have unique vision and have established relationships with Nirvana when it was still a weak force.

The gangs that have established diplomatic relations with Nirvana. Those gangs established diplomatic relations with Nirvana when Nirvana was weak. The difficulty of establishing diplomatic relations is incomparable to what it is now. The icing on the cake is not as good as the icing on the cake. Now you see that Nirvana is stronger, so you can be friends with Nirvana.

Can the gangs that have established diplomatic relations with Nirvana be compared with the gangs that have established diplomatic relations with Nirvana when he was weak? The relationship is very different! Especially a gang named Langya Pavilion. I have to say that the female gang leader of Langya Pavilion is Egg Tart.

Puff is really far-sighted. She was the first to establish a relationship with Nirvana when he was at his weakest. Moreover, she stepped forward when Nirvana was in the most critical situation, saved Nirvana from dire straits, and helped Nirvana turn defeat into victory and grow stronger.

!I think back then, Langya Pavilion was just a small unknown gang, and it was also a life gang. But it was because Langya Pavilion had established diplomatic relations with Nirvana early and strengthened its position when Nirvana was in the most critical situation.

How has the current Langya Pavilion grown and grown? It is no exaggeration to say that although the current Langya Pavilion is just a living gang with low combat effectiveness, even a combat gang whose combat effectiveness is 10,086 blocks behind her is

To sell her a bit thin, no fool dares to bully the people of Langya Pavilion, because they know that standing behind Langya Pavilion is Nirvana. If they bully Langya Pavilion, it means that they are challenging Nirvana! But challenging Nirvana

They are clear about the consequences. In today's world, how many forces dare to challenge Nirvana?

In the past, how did Langya Pavilion compare with these forces here? It can be said to be one sky and one earth. Yes, they are the sky, and Langya Pavilion is the earth! But because Langya Pavilion has caught up with Nirvana

On this ship, their relative status has undergone earth-shaking changes. Now Langya Pavilion is the sky and they are the earth. The reason is simply because Langya Pavilion has established diplomatic relations with Nirvana early! This is the benefit of establishing diplomatic relations early!

And now, why are these people so happy and so unexpected because Wei Bin agreed to establish diplomatic relations with them?

That's because it's not too late for them to establish diplomatic relations with Nirvana now. Yes, although Nirvana is much stronger than before, if they can establish diplomatic relations with Nirvana now, it's still not too late!

Why? Because now Nirvana has reached a time of life and death. If many people could not see the current situation clearly half a month ago, then after half a month of word of mouth, everyone has already

Everyone knows what is going on. Nirvana is now in the most critical moment in history. They have chosen to establish diplomatic relations with Nirvana now. Although it is not as high as Langya Pavilion in Nirvana's heart, its status is not low. After all, there are many people in the world.

Is there only one Langya Pavilion? The fact that they have established diplomatic relations with Nirvana now is tantamount to helping Nirvana overcome the biggest difficulty in history. If Nirvana really succeeds in its attack in the future, then they will make a lot of money. After Nirvana's attack succeeds,

, there will definitely be a large number of forces coming to establish diplomatic relations with Nirvana. When that time comes, will Nirvana still pay attention to them? You know, they are just the icing on the cake. How can they not be like what they are doing now, which is an act of giving help in the snow? By that time,

They are the envy of others, they are Langya Pavilion in the eyes of others!

Therefore, it is not too late for them to establish diplomatic relations with Nirvana. When Wei Bin agreed to establish diplomatic relations with them, they were all ecstatic!

The above are the thoughts in the eyes of the group of gift-givers standing in front of me, and what if we stand from Wei Bin's perspective? You know, the threshold for establishing diplomatic relations with Nirvana is very high now, and all of this is Wei Bin

Instructed, why did Wei Bin give such an instruction? Because the development of Nirvana can be said to be at its peak now. Even Wei Bin can't tell what the intentions of these large and small forces who want to establish diplomatic relations with him are. He can't tell.

I don’t know the character of each force. I don’t know whether these forces are worthy of Nirvana and establishing diplomatic relations. I don’t know whether these forces will coexist or die with Nirvana at the critical moment, or they will defect in the face of the battle, cut off Nirvana’s supplies, and give Nirvana a blow in the back.


Wei Bin couldn't distinguish these, so he raised the threshold for establishing diplomatic relations with Nirvana with an attitude of "preferring nothing to excess". In the past, you could establish diplomatic relations if you had a similar temperament, but now? It must be recommended by an old friend, and this old friend

You must also be jointly and severally liable! For example, if a force wants to establish diplomatic relations with Nirvana, it must be introduced by Langya Pavilion. In this process, Langya Pavilion is actually taking risks for this force, because

Once there is a problem with this new force, Langya Pavilion will also be expelled from Nirvana's allies. This is joint responsibility! With such a rule, does Langya Pavilion still dare to easily recommend new force allies to Nirvana?

Shouldn't Langya Pavilion conduct a thorough investigation before recommending it? In this way, the quality of Nirvana's allies will be greatly improved invisibly! And the new forces successfully recommended by Langya Pavilion can also be referred to other forces like Langya Pavilion.

Giving power to Nirvana, at the same time, like Langya Pavilion, he needs to bear certain risks, which will also force him to think carefully before recommending Nirvana!

In this way, Nirvana's allies will naturally become more reliable, and the chance of being struck from behind at a critical moment will also be greatly reduced. This is Wei Bin's purpose of raising the threshold for establishing diplomatic relations! Because of this, countless small and large life gangs

Everyone wants to establish diplomatic relations with Nirvana but there is no way. They really can’t even send gifts. After all, the risk of introducing Nirvana is too high now. If you are not careful, you will get yourself involved. Who would do it for a small thing?

What if you ruined your bright future with a small gift?

But now, Wei Bin has once again opened up new opportunities and no longer needs referrals from allies to establish diplomatic relations. Why?

That's because Wei Bin really felt a sense of sincerity from the eyes and voices of these people!

To be honest, although there are quite a few forces blocking Wei Bin's door today and want to establish diplomatic relations with Nirvana, there are about a dozen, but

And half a month ago, before Nirvana exposed its true combat power and attempted to attack the ranks of major powers, there were a lot of forces that wanted to establish diplomatic relations with Nirvana, but there were far more than now. The ones in front of us were not only ten

Is there just a few? Then why have there been so many small and large forces that want to establish diplomatic relations with Nirvana reduced from half a month ago to now?

It's very simple, because Nirvana is about to attack the major forces. At this stage, it is the time for various forces to bet their money. Most of the forces have chosen to give up establishing diplomatic relations with Nirvana because they know that Nirvana is playing with fire.

For a commoner with no background, it is almost impossible to succeed. Since ancient times, how many emerging forces have developed and grown with lightning speed, and how many have risen like new stars.

How many emerging forces have developed and grown? Among these forces, how many forces are expected to attack the big forces? But what is the result? Before the impact, almost everyone thought that they could succeed because of their development

It was so fast and so smooth, its dazzling light even overshadowed those big forces!

But what’s the result? The major forces have used their strength to tell everyone that your uncle will always be your uncle. Don’t think that it’s any big deal if you develop from scratch, develop very quickly, and become dazzling. As long as I take action, you still have to be honest.

Really get down here!

In this way, one by one, the emerging forces that attracted worldwide attention and that countless people thought could succeed were all defeated by these big forces without exception. From then on, everyone understood that they should not try to go there.

Not just anyone can get their hands on the cake in the hands of the big forces! All emerging forces, no matter how dazzling your light is, you have to remember that your development is certain.

There is an upper limit. Within this upper limit, you can develop as much as you want, but do not try to exceed this upper limit, because the consequences of exceeding this upper limit are not something that just anyone can bear! And Wei Bin did the same before.

He maintains Nirvana's transparent combat power at the edge of this upper limit and does not dare to expose its true combat power. He is also afraid that Nirvana will be like those emerging forces in the past. Although they are brilliant, they will eventually become history and become a short-lived existence!

Of course, most of the emerging forces mentioned here that are among the major impact forces refer to the forces in the previous holographic online game "God's Domain".

And half a month ago, those forces who wanted to establish diplomatic relations with Nirvana, but as of today, have given up on establishing diplomatic relations with Nirvana, precisely because they know that Nirvana has crossed the line, Nirvana is playing with fire, and it is impossible for Nirvana to win the impact battle.

Yes, that’s why I gave up the idea of ​​establishing diplomatic relations with Nirvana. If Nirvana keeps its strength below that upper limit, then these forces don’t mind being friends with Nirvana, but Nirvana has crossed the line. Nirvana has crossed the line of death. Next, what will happen

What will greet Nirvana will be destruction. Faced with such a self-destructive Nirvana, they will naturally not involve themselves in it, because since ancient times, although the Life Gang has been an ally of the Fighting Gang in name, in fact, due to

Its combat effectiveness is low, and it is more like an accessory than an ally. Once this fighting gang is destroyed, then his affiliated gangs, the so-called life gang allies, will also be destroyed together. They are escapees.

It’s just a liquidation of hostile forces! This is called the loss of skin, how can the general Mao be attached?

These various forces later gave up on establishing diplomatic relations with Nirvana. They were afraid that if Nirvana's attack failed, they would also be buried with Nirvana, so they gave up their plans to establish diplomatic relations with Nirvana!

In fact, this group of people is not targeting Nirvana, they are targeting all gangs that try to attack the big forces. If any gang tries to attack the big forces, they will break off relations with them!

And under this background, there are actually more than a dozen forces that want to establish diplomatic relations with Nirvana. What does this mean? This means that they are ready to share wealth and hardships with Nirvana. If Nirvana

If the impact is successful, then these forces will also take off, because whether it is Nirvana or other gangs that are among the major impact forces, once they succeed, then this group of life gangs will have the power to follow the dragon.

, this gang that successfully attacked the big forces will never forget these allies who have always shared weal and woe with them in their most difficult period! On the contrary, once they fail, they will also be buried with them! They almost

Even though everyone is not optimistic about Nirvana, they still choose to establish diplomatic relations with Nirvana. This is enough to show their sincerity and sincerity. Based on this alone, they no longer need to be recommended by other gangs! This is why Wei

Bin directly agreed to the reason why they established diplomatic relations!

In fact, as early as half a month ago, Wei Bin decided to seize the opportunity of Guan Xiong to dominate the small black room and take the opportunity to attack the big forces. In addition to not wanting to waste that excellent opportunity, he also had another point, that is

Wei Bin wanted to conduct an artificial search for the allies around him or the forces that showed favor to Nirvana. Through this impact battle, Wei Bin wanted to see clearly which forces were reliable allies that would never give up on Nirvana.

Obviously, the big waves have scared off a group of people before the impact battle has even begun. It is foreseeable that as time goes by, some forces will choose to stay away from Nirvana, and this is what Wei Bin wants to see

After arriving, Nirvana has fewer allies. Not only is it not a bad thing, but it is also a good thing, because those who remain are all the best, and all are trustworthy people!

So next, let’s take a look at why these forces risk their lives to support Nirvana at this critical moment of life and death! Are they really just speculating and riding motorcycles?


If you think so, you are totally wrong!

Why did Wei Bin agree to establish diplomatic relations with this group of people so easily? Apart from their friendship, what pleased Wei Bin the most was the names of these forces.

They are all a group of forces that have the same dream as themselves, but they have all failed before!

Most of these people have supported forces similar to Nirvana in previous games. What are the similarities? Like Nirvana, their forces have all experienced the impact of the war and are all civilians.

, trying to attack the big forces!

As for a small number of people, although they have not supported forces like Nirvana like others, they have done even more awesome things, that is, they are those who once attacked the big forces! That's right.

, they are those people on the cusp of the storm who have been supported by many forces, but they failed later!

But regardless of whether they are those who have personally experienced it or are the supporters behind it, they all have one thing in common, that is, they all have a common dream. This is what I said before, they have a peaceful and peaceful life.

Nirvana has the same dream, which is to break the cage, break through the blockade of the major forces, and become a major force as a commoner. Why can the cake only be eaten by you big forces with backgrounds? Why?

Can’t we at the bottom of society stand up? They are unwilling to accept it, and at the same time they are fighting for this unfair society. Although their strength is very weak, their inner beliefs are very strong. It is their inner beliefs that have always supported them.

, making them indomitable and getting up again and again from their falls!

Such a group of like-minded comrades, why does Wei Bin have any reason to refuse to establish diplomatic relations with them? They established diplomatic relations with Nirvana, definitely not for the purpose of speculating and profiting from it. They established diplomatic relations with Nirvana for only one purpose, then

It was through their own efforts that they pushed Nirvana up, made Nirvana's impact successful, and allowed Nirvana to break out of the cage and become the first major force born from civilians! What they want is

It's just about breaking the curse that makes it impossible for civilians to turn around! As long as Nirvana succeeds, they will have a chance in the future, because the curse is broken! It can be said that in Nirvana, countless people's hopes are placed, not only in front of them.

These dozens of forces, as well as tens of millions of civilians, it can be said that the vast majority of people outside of the big forces hope to see Nirvana succeed, but they have not done anything like the dozen or so forces in front of them.

It's just the action of the forces, but although there is no action, the expectations in their hearts are the same as the dozen or so companies in front of them. They also look forward to Nirvana succeeding, because the fate of all of them is the same, and they are all subject to the upper limit.

As long as nirvana breaks the shackles of fate, the dawn of hope will shine through the dark clouds to the earth!

And just when everyone was in high spirits and looking forward to a better life in the future, a voice came from behind Wei Bin!

"Hey, isn't this Erbi? You haven't left yet?" After saying that, Guang Jun put an arm around Wei Bin's neck and began to exert force, as if he was just trying to choke Wei Bin's neck!

Seeing this scene in front of them, everyone's faces instantly turned green. Who is this? How dare you call and treat Wei Bin like this? Is this because you have taken the courage of a bear's heart and a leopard's courage? Or is this Wei Bin's?

Backstage? Or a good brother who died? Besides the above three, does anyone else dare to make such a joke with Wei Bin? One word, one word, two strokes, this is obviously the homophony of the word "bin", and now he uses his arms to die

Is it possible for ordinary people to clamp Wei Bin's neck so hard that he is riding a horse?

And why did Guangjun behave like this? First of all, he drank too much, which paralyzed his nerves and made his brain unable to think in a sober state. Drinking can strengthen your courage!

Secondly, after what Wei Bin said in the box just now about treating Guangjun to eat and drink for free in the future, Guangjun thought about it for a long time. Finally, he figured it out! In his opinion, why did Wei Bin do this?

Wei Bin is clearly doing this to please himself, but why does he want to please himself? Is it because he is afraid of being bullied by himself? And for this kind of person, the more you bully him, the more he will try to please you in every possible way. On the contrary

, if one day he stops bullying him, then he will dare to joke with you and stop trying to please you. Guangjun has bullied so many people since he was a child, and he still understands this, so in order to be able to do so in the future

After coming to the Haotai Hotel for as long as possible to eat and drink, Guangjun decided to bully Wei Bin in front of everyone. You know, the more you bully someone in front of everyone, the worse that person will be.

I'm afraid of you, because it will make him lose face, which will lead to him feeling inferior. This effect is much better than bullying him alone!

So, the scene just happened. Guang Jun came up and called Wei Bin a double stroke, and then clamped his neck tightly on Wei Bin's neck, bullying Wei Bin just like he bullied his classmates when he was a child!

"Haha, if you don't take the road to heaven, there will be no way to hell!" Before everyone could figure out what was going on, who was the young man next to Wei Bin who was locking Wei Bin's neck?

At that moment, Wei Bin threw a move over his shoulder, and forcefully threw Guang Jun away!

That's right, Wei Bin didn't throw him to the ground, but threw him out alive. The difference in strength is evident!

"Ah!" Guangjun screamed, and his waist was broken by Wei Bin's over-the-shoulder move! How many young people nowadays exercise? Their bodies are extremely fragile, and even more

Not to mention someone like Guang Jun, who was thrown a few meters away by Wei Bin. Who could bear this?

"What the hell! Who are you going to hit?" Seeing that his good brother Guangjun was thrown away by Wei Bin with a move over his shoulder, the second worker immediately became anxious. You know, they two brothers

We usually have a very good relationship, we can say we have the same chemistry. We have been playing together since childhood, but when we saw our good brother being dumped, we naturally stopped working together!

The third brother didn't know the relationship between the group of people in front of them and Wei Bin. When the three of them came over, everyone had stopped talking. That's why Guangjun and Ergong dared to make a move!

I saw Er Gong immediately throw a right hook towards Wei Bin's head, and what about Wei Bin? Wei Bin's upper body leaned back slightly, and easily dodged Er Gong's right hook.

This guy is very good at work. If anyone gets hit by him, their head will definitely be buzzing!

After dodging the punch, Wei Bin was not idle either. He locked Er Gong's arm with both hands, and then after a struggle with each other, he heard Er Gong yell, yes, Wei Bin

Bin broke his arm!

Due to the severe pain in his right arm, Ergong subconsciously used his left hand to support his right arm to prevent the gravity of his right arm from causing him pain. However, Wei Bin had expected that he would do this, and Wei Bin immediately

Letting go of his right arm, he grabbed the left arm of Ergong who was trying to support his right arm, and then twisted it again. Wei Bin twisted his left arm into a twist, and it looked like it was a comminuted fracture.


And this was not over yet. As Er Gong screamed again, Wei Bin directly stretched out his right foot and kicked Er Gong's left leg hard at the knee. He only heard Er Gong's heartbreaking screams.

With a scream, everyone knew that his knees were probably useless. Wei Bin was too professional. The knife avoided the opponent's vital points, and every blow was aimed at the position that made the opponent incapacitated.

His leg was useless! However, Wei Bin did not intend to let go of his other leg. Wei Bin used all his strength again and kicked Er Gong's right leg hard. Just like that, Er Gong was huge

His body suddenly fell to the ground, falling down the steps like a dog eating shit, and slid directly down the steps more than ten stories high!

With Er Gong's injury, if he couldn't get treatment in time, he wouldn't die, because Wei Bin avoided his vital points, but he would probably have to lie in bed for the rest of his life!

And all of this is just a battle between lightning and flint. It all seems slow, but in fact it just happened in two seconds. As early as two seconds ago, the second worker was in trouble. As the third brother,

Naturally, Wei Ge can't let go at this time, otherwise if this spreads out, he will have a reputation of being unloyal.

So, when Er Gong came up, Wei Ge also followed closely. Just when Er Gong fell to the ground, Wei Ge's right fist also hit Wei Bin's head, but Wei Bin was already prepared.

, Wei Ge's fate was the same as Guangjun's. Wei Bin grabbed Wei Ge's arm, then threw him over his shoulder and flew out. Moreover, Wei Bin had already found a target for him, and his landing place was exactly the same.

This is where the Guangjun is, and since there is already a Guangjun at the bottom, Brother Wei's fate this time is much better. Although he was thrown out, he himself did not suffer much damage!

On the contrary, Guangjun was different. Guangjun's waist had already been broken because of Wei Bin's swing. Now he was hit by Brother Wei, who was an adult. This time, his whole waist was broken.

Being crushed into two knots, although he is not dead yet, he is destined to spend the rest of his life in bed like Ergong!

But the second job is okay. After all, the second job is a small contractor. He has some savings over the years. Although he may live a little poorer in the second half of his life, he will not be unable to survive, and his wife may not leave him.


But Guangjun is different. How can Guangjun's family have so much money? He only lost hundreds of thousands in the demolition of his hometown. I'm afraid he will spend more than half of this money just for medical treatment. How can he have any savings to last the rest of his life?


And Guang Jun is an uneducated person. He goes out to drink with a group of friends from time to time without caring about his family. Under such a background, once he collapses on the bed, do you think his wife will take care of him?

The rest of his life? Do you think his friends will provide money to support him? What kind of international joke are you kidding? What do you mean by fair-weather friends?

This chapter has been completed!
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