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Chapter 1176 Dasha Clan

"No, this is the boss. It will become invisible. Run! Let's go to the mirror. There must be a mystery there!" Wei Bin said hurriedly.

"What? This boss is so out of line with common sense. He just turns invisible without even revealing his face? At least he lets everyone see him before turning invisible! It's such a long time to see him alive!" Tian Jing complained while restoring Die Wu's blood.

"Who says it's not? Besides, we are at the resurrection point now. We haven't even started to attack it yet, and it has taken the initiative? This is the first time I've seen a boss who takes the initiative!" Xuanyuan Aiai was also very happy.

have opinions!

"Does this mean that the resurrection point is no longer safe? Then this dungeon is too dangerous, right?" said Little Nanny Rabbit grandma.

This copy is so abnormal!

Before they entered the dungeon, A'Zhu had already given a brief introduction to this boss. At that time, A'Zhu mainly expressed two points. First, this boss was invisible and could not be seen through. Second, its

The output was very high! What made Wei Bin flinch at that time was not the boss's output. What kind of high-output boss had Wei Bin not conquered? What really frightened Wei Bin was that this boss was invisible and could not be seen through.

This is a bit embarrassing. So far, he has never met a boss that can be invisible. He has no experience in defeating a boss that can be invisible. How can he defeat this dungeon?

Similarly, the reason why people are yelling at this boss is not because they can't bear the boss's damage. Even if the boss's damage is high, they still have ways to overcome it. The first level in the previous game, Ha Daba, then

It was really amazing. The pressure Ha Daba gave them at that time was even higher than the pressure of the invisible boss in front of them. Another example is the later Yamatamon. Each of the Yamatamon's heads has three...

With an attack power of 100,000, and each head has its own unique skills, its output is not lower than this boss, right? But they still have a way to defeat Yamatamon!

Therefore, the reason why people are yelling at this boss is not because of its high damage, but because this boss does not follow martial ethics!

You said that you are invisible. I can understand that you are invisible when you are not attacking. But you have to show up when you attack players, right? If you don't show up when attacking, how do you let the players play? How can the players attack you?

?You can only attack players, so we players deserve to be attacked by you, right? We players deserve to die, right? ??

It doesn't matter if you don't show up when attacking. I tolerate it, but you have to play your cards according to the routine, right? I haven't even revealed the resurrection point, and you can't wait to kill me? Is there anyone like you? Look

Look at the bosses in previous dungeons, such as Ha Daba in the first level of Da Piao. The player needs to come forward to talk. Ha Daba will attack the player only after activating the boss. Look at this person, he should pay more attention to martial ethics! Mom

I don’t expect to come forward and talk to you, but you have to at least wait until we leave the resurrection point and take a few steps forward before you attack us? You can have a larger hatred range, but you can’t even attack us at the resurrection point.

Come over and attack me before I leave? Are you so ungrateful in martial arts, does that mean that even the resurrection point is unsafe? Will our players still face the risk of being killed by you at any time after resurrection? Because

Resurrection in the dungeon only has 10 HP!

The appearance of such a boss really made everyone scratch their heads. How to fight an invisible boss?

However, just when everyone fled to the mirror area according to Wei Bin's instructions, the accident happened again. Just as Die Wu was about to escape, a very thick fibrous root appeared under his feet, tightly binding Die Wu to the original place.

Wow, this scene makes Die Wu’s heart tremble!

Originally, when Wei Bin gave the order to escape to the mirror area, Diewu's first reaction was to use the ladder cloud to teleport away, but she suddenly realized that she had just been drained of all her energy by this invisible boss. What would happen if she didn't have any energy?

Use ladder clouds? So, in desperation, she hurriedly used a tool to restore her energy. Once she had the energy, she could naturally escape through ladder clouds!

But who could have expected that just when she had just used a rejuvenating medicine and was about to use Tiyun Zong to escape, an extremely thick root directly wrapped around Diewu's legs, causing her to

The Tiyunzong she was about to use was stillborn!

This kind of entanglement skill is a unique control skill of the boss, and players will not have this skill!

Die Wu was not the only one who suffered serious injuries. Just when Die Wu was entangled by the extremely thick roots, an extremely thick shock wave was seen coming from behind the people who were escaping.

No one was spared from being hit, and everyone lost over 600,000 HP!

Diewu was even worse. Now she only had 300,000 blood left. The next second, a number of 300,000 appeared above Diewu's head again. Diewu fell to the ground as expected!

Seeing Die Wu's profile picture turn black, everyone instantly became panicked, because they knew that Die Wu was already dead, and all of this only happened in two or three seconds. Three seconds can kill an experience.

If a team of six players who have gone through perfect reconstruction and a team of five players attack this boss, the consequences can be imagined. At this moment, even if the team is not wiped out, it is almost there!

But everyone did not stop because of Diewu's death, including the four Emeis. They had no intention of turning back and resurrecting Diewu. They kept running desperately in the direction of the mirror, as if the mirror could save them.

Same! After all, it is impossible to place two rows of mirrors out of thin air in this copy. Since they exist, there must be a reason for their existence!

And they did not choose to resurrect Die Wu because the place where Die Wu died was the resurrection point, and if he died in the dungeon, he would only lose 10 experience points. Even if they revived Die Wu, Die Wu would still have to pay 10 points of experience.

To be honest, the cost of losing 5 experience points is not much different. There is no need to resurrect at all. What's more, if they turn back, will the boss watch them resurrect Die Wu? Resurrection requires reading a four-second bar.

, with their bodies, four seconds is enough for them to die! By that time, instead of being able to save Die Wu, they will have to risk their own lives. This is obviously not cost-effective!

Diewu also knew that Emei would not come to resurrect her, so she was very decisive and chose to leave her body directly after death. If she left her body in the dungeon, she would not enter the underworld, but appear directly at the resurrection point! But right here

After Die Wu chose to leave her body, she immediately regretted it!

To be honest, her choice to leave her body was just a subconscious act. She knew that Emei would not come to resurrect her, so she could only save herself. Moreover, in any previous dungeon, the resurrection point was very safe. This inertial thinking,

Diewu subconsciously ignored the crisis at hand!

Why does she regret getting out of body? Because she originally died at the resurrection point! There is a hidden boss here at the resurrection point. She can't see where the boss is now. God knows that this boss is going to hunt down Nirvana.

If there are other people in Nirvana, or should she continue to squat here guarding her body? It would be better if she goes after the other people in Nirvana, but if she hasn't left yet and is still squatting here, then won't she die again?

Once? You know, after resurrecting at the resurrection point, you only have 10 health!

Where does fear come from? Fear comes from the unknown!

Fortunately, Diewu has 10 qi after resurrection. Her upper limit of qi is very high, so even if she only has 10 qi, it is enough for her to use Tiyun Zong ten times! Thinking of this, Diewu decisively uses Tiyun Zong.

, but just when her figure was about to disappear and appear from another place, a number of 300,000 appeared above her head again. Yes, Diewu died again!

Diewu's hesitation hurt her. After she just chose to leave the body, she shouldn't waste time regretting it!

But this is not necessarily true. With only 10 HP, how can she escape from the boss who has been guarding her at the resurrection point? Not to mention Diewu, even Wei Bin may not be able to escape, right? You know

, there is only 10 HP after resurrection!

And next, Die Wu also learned to be smart this time. Do you like to stay with me so much? Then I will

I won’t be resurrected. Anyway, I have a five-minute out-of-body period. If you have the ability, just squat here for five minutes. I can just buy time for my teammates to think about the key to breaking the game!

So, Diewu just lay on the ground quietly without moving!

On the other side, Wei Bin seemed to understand what Die Wu meant.

"Brothers, let's spread out and look for something like dye. This boss is invisible. Maybe we can sprinkle dye on him to reveal his true form!" Seeing that there is nothing strange in the mirror.

At this point, Wei Bin ordered decisively.

Wei Bin had actually thought of this idea before entering the dungeon, because A'Zhu had already reminded him that the boss would become invisible, and the best way to deal with a boss that would always be invisible was to use the invisible method first.

Methods, such as advanced detection, super detection, or the marking skills that Wei Bin once bought from an auction. These methods are the best means to deal with stealth units!

But A'Zhu also said that this boss cannot be detected by visible and invisible means, which means that his super discernment and true seeing gems are all useless, and even his marking skills may not be effective, because marking

The mechanics of the skills are similar to those of Super Seethrough and True Sight Gem!

Judging from the current situation, the anti-invisibility effect of the super discernment skill and the True Sight Gem is indeed ineffective. Moreover, he cannot verify whether the marking skill can work, because if you want to mark a target, he must first

Just show up. He must first appear in your field of vision before you can mark him. If he doesn't show up at all, you don't know where he is. Do you mark him in the air? If this

The boss's invisibility is like the Tianshan sect's invisibility. If he appears immediately after attacking once, he may still be able to fight, but he doesn't appear at all, which makes Wei Bin's scalp numb!

The second way to solve the invisibility problem is to splash something with a distinct color such as dye on the target. Although the target is invisible, it is real after all. Although you can't see it, it can attack it.

You, it means that it has an entity. Since it has an entity, it must be stained with dye. As long as you splash the dye on it, wouldn't it outline its outline? In this way, it is equivalent to passing the dye.

Physical methods reveal its invisibility!

But in the outside world, there are basically things similar to dyes. Otherwise, it would be too unfair to the players of the Tianshan sect. They rely on invisibility to make a living. If you use dye to destroy them, that will definitely not work!

Therefore, Wei Bin believes that if all anti-invisibility methods fail, then the dye to break its invisibility is most likely hidden in this copy. The difficulty in defeating this boss does not actually lie in the boss itself.

Strength, as mentioned before, although the attack of this boss is very high, it can be compared to the experience of Wei Bin and others. They have encountered beings with higher output than this boss, which is not fatal to them. Strategy

The difficulty of this boss is how to break its invisibility. To a certain extent, the difficulty lies in finding the dye in Wei Bin's imagination! In addition to the dye, there are also these two rows of ordinary mirrors, but that's it.

For now, there is really nothing surprising about these two rows of mirrors, so Wei Bin can only focus on finding the dye!

However, after everyone dispersed and searched, they did not find anything similar to dye that could be splashed to reveal the invisibility. This made Wei Bin feel desperate. Is this boss really impossible to defeat?

Just when everyone was searching to no avail, a number appeared above Lin Qianhong's head. However, because he had the blessing of Meteor Chasing the Moon and using Qi to absorb blood, the amount of blood he actually lost was not too much. But the next second, the number above Lin Qianhong's head appeared.

The numerical value immediately shocked everyone, including Lin Qianhong!

With the next blow, Lin Qianhong lost half of her health!

That's right, just one blow killed half of Lin Qianhong's health. This kind of situation is something that Lin Qianhong has never seen in his life, and it is also something that no one has ever seen in his life!

You know, even Wei Bin's full blow can't kill half of Lin Qianhong's health. Blood Sea Demon Lord Diewu, Soochow Empress, Brother Li and others, no matter who they are, can't do it.

Kill half of Lin Qianhong's health, because although Lin Qianhong's half's health is about the same as Die Wu's, half of his health represents more blood than Die Wu's whole tube!

Although Lin Qianhong only has 2.4 million blood, half of which only has 1.2 million, his 1.2 million blood is more than Diewu's 2.4 million!

Because Lin Qianhong has Meteor Catch the Moon, and the effect of Meteor Catch the Moon is to offset 50% of the damage received with Qi. This means that if Lin Qianhong loses 1.2 million blood, then his damage before Meteor Catch the Moon takes effect is 2.4 million.

, the reason why he only lost 1.2 million blood is because his other 1.2 million damage was borne by Qi. If he had not come to Meteor to catch up with the moon, would the original 2.4 million damage have taken away Die Wu?

And why is it said here that Lin Qianhong's 1.2 million blood is more than Diewu's 2.4 million blood? Can't Meteor Qianyue use Qi to offset 50 damage? Isn't this exactly 2.4 million?

No, because in addition to Meteor Chasing the Moon, Lin Qianhong also has a skill that uses Qi to counteract blood, and that is the third skill of his hidden weapon - 20% of the damage to the magic soul is offset by Qi, and each point of Qi offsets 5 points of damage.

If the two skills of Meteor Chasing the Moon and Magic Soul, which use Qi to absorb blood, are effective at the same time, the calculation will be based on the optimal solution that is beneficial to the player. For example, a player should cause 1000 points of damage to Lin Qianhong, but because Lin Qianhong has Meteor Chasing the Moon

And this magic soul skill, so when the damage is calculated, part of the damage will be borne by Qi.

Here it comes to the question, should we give priority to the method of settling magic souls with Qi for blood, or should we first settle the method of dealing with meteors and moons with Qi for blood?

In fact, no matter which one is settled first, Lin Qianhong's final blood loss will be the same, because the calculation method is either 10000508 or 10000805, and the result is the same. In other words, no matter which one is settled first, the blood loss is equal to qi.

Skill, Lin Qianhong’s final blood loss is the same!

As for the lost energy, that is different, and the optimal solution is precisely reflected here!

If the Qi-to-blood effect of Meteor Rushing Moon is calculated first, then Meteor Rushing Moon will offset half of the 1,000 points of damage with Qi. In other words, Meteor Rushing Moon can offset 500 points of damage, and according to Meteor Rushing Moon, one Qi can offset two points.

As for the skill mechanism of blood, Lin Qianhong only needs to lose 250 points of qi here! Next, it is time to settle the magical soul. After the qi-for-blood effect of the magical soul is settled, the final damage suffered by Lin Qianhong and the final consumption of qi will be

The amount, the effect of the magic soul is to bear 20% of the damage received with qi, that is to say, the magic soul skill can offset 20% of the remaining 500 points of damage, which is 100 points of damage, and because the principle of the magic soul is that a little qi can

It is equal to five points of blood, so the magic soul only needs to consume 20 points of qi to offset the 100 points of damage. In other words, Lin Qianhong will eventually lose 400 blood and 270 points of qi!

Let’s take a look again, what if we settle the magic soul first and then the meteor and the moon? Will the result be the same? The answer is no!

If you settle the Dharma Soul first, then the Dharma Soul can offset 200 points of damage, and the cost to offset these 200 points of damage is 40 points of Qi. Next, you need to use Meteor to Catch the Moon to offset the remaining 800 points of damage. According to

The skill mechanism of Meteor Chasing the Moon can offset 50 points of damage. Meteor Chasing the Moon can offset 400 points of damage. Since one point of Qi of Meteor Chasing the Moon can be used for two points of blood, in the end Meteor Chasing the Moon will consume 200 points of Qi. In the end, Lin Qianhong will lose 400 blood and 240 Qi!

This is appropriate

The gap between the two different settlement orders is revealed. Obviously, it is the most cost-effective to use the magic soul to offset the damage first, and then use the meteor to catch the moon to offset the damage. This is when these two skills exist at the same time, its real value

Settlement method!

In other words, when Lin Qianhong is injured, he will only lose 40 points of blood, and the remaining 60 points of blood will be offset by Qi!

Based on the ratio of qi and blood when Lin Qianhong was hurt, for example, based on the ratio of 400 blood and 240 qi, when Lin Qianhong was hurt, the loss ratio of blood volume and qi was 5:3. In other words, as long as Lin Qianhong

The ratio of the upper limit of blood to the upper limit of qi is controlled at a ratio of five to three. When Lin Qianhong dies, not a trace of blood will be wasted, and a trace of qi can lead to a perfect death!

And what if the ratio between Lin Qianhong's upper limit of blood and upper limit of qi is greater than five to three? Then it will happen that before Lin Qianhong dies, the qi will be used up first. This is obviously not the best ratio, because without qi,

He has become a high-level infantryman, unable to use any skills, not even using ladder clouds to run vertically!

And what if the ratio of Lin Qianhong's upper limit of blood to upper limit of qi is less than 5:3? Then it will happen that when Lin Qianhong's blood volume reaches zero, there will still be a lot of qi that has not been used up. This is even more unwise and everyone will die.

Why do you still need so much energy? The extra energy is of no value!

Therefore, only when the ratio of Lin Qianhong's blood limit and qi limit is about 5:3, it is the most cost-effective. Of course, it is better to be slightly lower than 5:3. He still needs a little more qi. After all, he

You need to release your skills!

For a Shield Wudang player who has learned the skill of Meteor Catch the Moon, the survivability that a little concentration brings to him is definitely higher than that of a little physical strength, because a little concentration can add 16 points of energy to the Wudang faction, and a little physical strength can

It can only add 22 points of blood to Wudang Clan. Under the influence of Meteor Catch the Moon, one point of Qi can be used for two points of blood, so one point of concentration is equivalent to 32 points of blood for this shield Wudang, which is significantly higher than one point of physical strength.

The amount of blood it brings!

Moreover, this calculation is only based on having only one Meteor Chasing the Moon. What if this shield Wudang not only has Meteor Chasing the Moon, but also has a Dharma Soul? The amount of blood converted from that little concentration will be even higher!

If there are only meteors chasing the moon, then when Lin Qianhong calculates the 1,000 points of damage, he will lose 500 points of blood and 250 points of qi, which is equivalent to one point of qi worth two points of blood, that is, one point of concentration is worth 32 points of blood! It can be used as both.

When they existed at the same time, Lin Qianhong only lost 400 blood and 240 qi in the end. In other words, 240 qi points were used for 600 blood points. In other words, one qi can cover 25 health points, which is more offset than when using Meteor alone to catch up with the moon.

20 health points! Looking at it this way, is one point of concentration equivalent to 162,540 points of blood? Shaolin, which ranks first in physical growth, only increases its health by 35 points with one point of physical strength, and at the same time, the Meteor Catch the Moon and Meteor Catch the Moon are enabled.

In Dharma Soul's Shield Wudang, one point of concentration is equivalent to 40 points of health. Does that mean that Shield Wudang has changed its direction and become the sect with the highest health growth? And this is just calculated from the perspective of concentration.

You know, in addition to increasing the upper limit of qi with concentration, players also have upper limit of qi on their equipment. If these upper limits of qi are also converted into concentration, wouldn't their blood volume increase by more than 40 points!

From the perspective of damage reduction, Shield Wudang only received 40 damage. Can it be understood that as long as Shield Wudang still has energy, it will naturally have 60 damage reduction? Without any additional damage reduction.

Under the premise of similar skills, it has already reduced the damage by 60, and it can also be perfectly stacked with other damage reduction skills, such as being dumbfounded. With the dumbfounded chicken, it is equivalent to reducing the damage by 80! Such a big meat ratio!

It can be said that among the eleven major sects, the most fleshly one is not Shaolin at all, but Dun Wudang!

And for such a shield Wudang, half of its health, 1.2 million, was killed by this invisible boss in an instant. Before the Meteor Qianyue and Magic Soul were settled, the damage was even as high as 3 million! This is too terrifying! This

Who can withstand it? Not to mention those players with a limit of five or more, even players with a limit of six or more, not even Wei Bin can withstand this damage. The attackers had better pray that this boss will only attack like this.

Can be used once!

And just when Lin Qianhong was attacked continuously, Tian Jing shouted, "Look in the mirror, the boss is in the mirror!"

Sure enough, everyone's eyes couldn't help but look at the mirror. Inside the mirror was a humanoid monster that looked like a knife beetle. At this time, it was waving its sickle-like arm, preparing to cut Lin Qianhong again. Its last attack

He directly killed half of Lin Qianhong's blood. I wonder what will happen to Lin Qianhong after this sickle comes down!

"It turns out to be a monster from the Daza race. Damn it, it seems we are really going to fall into this dungeon today!" Wei Bin took a look and saw that this was not the dungeon he had cleared back then, that boss!

Although the boss you kill first will be stronger than the boss you kill two or three times later, you can just strengthen it. Now you have changed the entire boss. This is too much. If I do it again in the future,

If you defeat this boss, it will no longer be the one in front of you?

When everyone heard that Wei Bin actually said that he was the boss of the Dasha race, they suddenly became panicked. You must know that this is a descendant of the Dasha race!

What is the Dasa race? When they were upgrading, Wei Bin gave them a popular science about the various boss levels in Middle-earth. Of course, the levels here are only relative to the high and low levels in their boss circle, just like

At the top, upper, middle and lower levels of society, if you want to subdivide it, it can be divided even more finely! If this level is transformed into a player's perspective, it is strength and difficulty!

Wei Bin once told them about the top ten boss races in Middle-earth. Many powerful bosses are from these races, and the Dasha race ranks tenth among the top ten boss races in Middle-earth.


Don't look at the fact that the Dasha race is only the tenth, and it is just a low-end existence, but you have to look at its ranking environment. If you are the tenth in the village, then I have nothing to say, but if you are the tenth in the world, then you

Or the tail end of the crane?

At that time, Wei Bin gave them an example, that is, based on their three or four years of gaming experience, the strongest boss they had ever encountered was not worthy of being a shoe for the Dasha race. Just pick out any boss from the Dasha race.

, is enough to scare this strongest boss into kneeling down and licking him!

This is strength! The strength of the Dasha race!

At that time, many core members of Nirvana also asked Wei Bin a question, saying that the tenth-ranked Dasa race is so scary, so what kind of strength should the first-ranked race have?

Wei Bin said that among the boss races at the top of the rankings, any one of them is a world-class boss. This kind of boss is definitely not something that a team of six people or a group of 100 people can defeat.

It’s difficult for the entire gang to hurt it at all. Players from all over the world need to unite and go there to fight together! This is the boss of the first race in the rankings!

Among the Dasa clan, the lowest level Dasa boss is level 70. Now, the level of the boss in front of him also happens to be level 70. This cannot be faked, but why did Wei Bin decide that he is this time?

Are you going to fall into this copy?

Because the Dasa boss member in front of me is not an ordinary member of the Dasa clan, but an elite member of the Dasa clan!

When Wei Bin saw the true appearance of this boss, he finally understood. He understood why Die Wu had been drained of his blue energy in an instant, so that he could not use the Tiyun Zong to escape in time.

Judging from Diewu's reaction speed when Yu Wanjun recaptured the city lord's token from Nirvana City twice, it is impossible for her to teleport away. She definitely has her own difficulties, and this difficulty

, she was drained dry by this boss!

That's right, it was drained, not just part of it!

Wei Bin finally understood why this boss was able to kill Lin Qianhong with 1.2 million HP in one blow. If converted into the damage before using Qi to offset blood, it would be 3 million damage. This kind of damage

In terms of damage, everyone here can only resist two hits at most, and they will die on the second hit!

If the boss they were dealing with was a member of the Dasha clan, that would make sense!

First of all, let’s talk about what is outstanding among the bosses of the Dasha family. What makes them stand at the top of the major boss races?

The skills of the Dasha clan can be said to be diverse, but if we want to talk about the strongest ones, the skills of the Dasha clan are divided into six categories.

The first category is the stealth system. The boss in front of you has the stealth skill, but as far as the general stealth skill is concerned, they can only enter the stealth state after one second without attacking, and they are also permanently invisible.

If they don't attack others, they can remain invisible and show up whenever they want! And why did Wei Bin decide that he might fall into this dungeon today? Because the boss in front of him is launching an attack.

After that, it did not show up. In other words, this boss is definitely the best among the Dasha clan. Even Wei Bin has never seen a boss that does not show up after launching an attack. Do you think it is strong or not?


The second major category of skills is the blue-drawing type. The blue-drawing skill is one of the trump cards of the Dasha clan. Although there are many bosses who can draw blue on the market, their blue-drawing skills are just a trick in front of the Dasha clan.

! The average boss can only draw a few thousand mana at most, and the most can only be tens of thousands. It can't be higher! And what about the Dasha clan? Their mana draw starts at 100,000, and it can't be higher.

No matter how humble you are, no matter how humble you say it, you are afraid of being embarrassed!

Maybe many people don't have a very intuitive impression of Qi. Here, let's use combat power as the standard to divide the upper limit of Qi for different players!

Taking level 70 as an example, for all ordinary players without equipment, their upper limit of qi is about 10,000! The upper limit of qi for players with three or more is about 20,000, and the upper limit of qi for players with five or more is about 30,000. Even if

For players such as Wei Bin who have undergone perfect reconstruction and are wearing nine-star equipment, their maximum energy limit is only 200,000 to 300,000. After all, their energy and blood have doubled after reconstruction. Some like Lin Qianhong have 1.5 million.

After all, he has nothing else to do in his life but to accumulate his upper limit of energy and concentration!

Putting aside those people who have re-cultivated Nirvana, and just take the ordinary players who have not re-cultivated, the average boss can draw thousands or tens of thousands of energy, which is already a lot, right? Even if it is a player with a limit of five

, this draw will take away at least a quarter of their energy. This kind of blue draw skill is already very cool!

And this kind of mana-drawing skill, compared with the mana-drawing skills of the Dasha clan, is really as insignificant as a witch, not worth mentioning!

The blue drawing skills of the Dasha clan start with 100,000 blue. This is 100,000 blue. Apart from those who have re-cultivated in Nirvana, who else can have more than 100,000 blue? Even players with a limit of six or more

Come, you have to be drained all at once! Moreover, the blue drain of the Dasha clan is actually not just a drain of blue. While draining the blue, it is also accompanied by damage. How much blue the target loses must be drained at the same time.

How much blood!

Let’s take a look at why Wei Bin suddenly felt that there was no hope for this dungeon after realizing it? It’s because the Dasha in front of him not only has outstanding stealth skills, but also his mana-drawing skills are among the best in the Dasha clan.

You know, why did Lin Qianhong suffer such high damage all of a sudden? Because he was not knocked out by Dasha's attack. Dasha didn't have such a high attack at all. How could it be possible all of a sudden?

How about 3 million damage? The reason why Lin Qianhong lost 1.2 million blood is because Dasha drained 1.2 million of Lin Qianhong’s energy at once. Oh my god, this is a bit scary. Although the Dasha clan is very good at drawing blue.

Come on, you start with 100,000 qi, but you are too perverted, right? Among the general bosses of the Dasha clan, their blue-drawing skills are only between 100,000 and 300,000. How can anyone directly draw 1.2 million qi?

Fortunately, it was Lin Qianhong. If it had been anyone else, I'm afraid he would have been drained all at once, right?

Just like Diewu, wouldn't Diewu be drained all at once?

Of course, although Lin Qianhong was not drained of all his mana, to be honest, among everyone here, he was the most injured by Dasha’s mana draw skill! Because he had taken a lot of mana draw damage, I’m afraid the big man in front of him

Sa has never felt so happy in her life!

And why was Lin Qianhong drained of 1.2 million blood by Da Sa, while Die Wu was only drained of hundreds of thousands of blood? Because Die Wu's Qi limit is not as high as Lin Qianhong's, and the skill of drawing blue is

The damage depends on how much mana you have. If you only have a little energy left, and then it is drained by Da Sa, then this mana draw can only drain a drop of your blood! Die Wu and Lin Qianhong are both full

When entering the dungeon, Diewu's energy limit is not that high, so the damage he receives is naturally not as good as Lin Qianhong's!

This is why Lin Qianhong is at a huge disadvantage when facing this big Sa, because his upper limit of energy is higher than Da Sa's upper limit of mana draw. Da Sa may be so cool!

The third type of skill is shock wave, which is the shock wave that Dasha unleashed on them when they were escaping just now. In one shock wave, each person's blood volume was over 600,000, and this damage was unavoidable.

It's also a bit too high. If it were some players with a limit of five or more, I'm afraid they would have died long ago, right?

The fourth type of skills is entanglement skills. Entanglement skills are unique control skills of bosses. Players have no corresponding dispersal methods. Unless you directly use divine blessing to create an invincible environment, even Emei's dumbfounded chicken cannot be used, because

You have been controlled, how to use the dumbfounded chicken?

The fifth type of skill is purification. Purification skill is also a type of control skill. However, its control effect is not as stable as winding. Winding skill belongs to stable control. After being wound, you cannot perform any operations, but purification is different.

, the purification skill is similar to the immobilization skill, but it is different from the immobilization skill. At the moment of purification, the effect is the same as purification, making the target unable to move. However, as time goes by, the target will gradually regain its ability to move, and its movement speed will gradually increase from

0 becomes 10, 20, 30, until the movement speed of 100 is restored! The speed of this process depends on the strength of the purification skill. If it is a relatively weak purification skill, it may only take five seconds.

The movement speed has been restored from 0 to the original movement speed. If it is some relatively powerful purification skills, then this process may take twenty or thirty seconds. During this process, the movement speed will be more or less affected. To put it bluntly, purification

The skill is a control skill that combines immobilization and deceleration effects! However, the control ability of this skill is limited after all, because the player is only immobilized or slowed down, and the skill can be used. If you are a Tianshan sect

Players, after being purified, just become invisible!

In addition, the purification skill has another effect, which is to expel the buff status on the target. This is completely opposite to the player's baby skill purification. After all, the baby's purification skill is for the owner, and its effect is naturally

The bad status on the master has been purified, and Dasha's purification is for the enemy. It must be to purify the player's beneficial status!

The sixth type of skill is the halo skill. Within the coverage of the halo, its allies can continuously restore health, and the recovery speed is very fast. It is restored based on a percentage, which means,

If it's a team with average output, then maybe they can't beat others as fast as they can regenerate blood as fast as others!

The above are the six famous skills of the Dasha clan. In addition, the Dasha clan also has many secret skills that not just anyone can know!

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