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Chapter 1180 Returning empty-handed

Thinking of this, the clever crow set out on the road to find pebbles. Not long after, it found a pebble. So the crow picked up the pebble in its beak, flew back to the bottle, and then threw the pebble into the bottle.

Sure enough, the water level in the bottle became higher due to the sinking of pebbles. Seeing that his method was indeed effective, the crow continued on its journey to find the pebbles!

Just like this, as the crow dropped pebbles one after another into the bottle, soon the water level in the bottle floated to the mouth of the bottle. The crow was very excited! Because it could finally drink water!

However, just when the crow lowered its head and was about to drink water, its peripheral vision accidentally caught a glimpse of the small river next to the water bottle. Suddenly, the clever crow seemed to have been struck by a bolt from the blue, and it froze on the spot.


"What have I been doing all my life?" Crow muttered to himself stupidly, looking at the small river next to him.

At this time, everyone was like this crow. It was clear that they had used their own intelligence to finally come up with a way to attack Dasha, but what was the result? They only needed to break those mirrors, leading to

The shortcut road is right in front of them, all they need is their final step, but what's the result? I just won't take that step. As long as I want to be a poor person, no one can make me rich!

Damn it, I burned countless brain cells to come up with the strategy, and the subsequent series of efforts have been in vain, but I haven’t gotten the reward for riding the horse yet! It turns out that breaking the mirror can directly break the game, then

Isn’t this too simple? What have I done in my life?

In fact, when Wei Bin heard Qiao Feng say that if Da Sa did not break the mirror, Da Sa would not be dead, Wei Bin said that it did not matter, and it would be best if Da Sa did not die. Wei Bin was still very

I want to see Dasha continue to live!


First of all, he must have completed the task, and A'Zhu will cash in his reward soon.

Furthermore, if Dasha is not dead, then other players who follow up will definitely not be able to defeat Dasha. If they cannot complete the task, they will not be able to obtain exclusive items from A'Zhu. Doesn't this mean that they are suppressing invisibly?

Did you suppress others? Although you also suppressed some people from Nirvana, it is obvious that the suppression of others is stronger! Because there are many others, how many people are there in Nirvana? How many people are there besides Nirvana?

If Wei Bin really kills Dasha, then it will be equivalent to liberating everyone. The boss guarding that copy will become the boss in Wei Bin's memory. To deal with that boss, five players are enough.

!If Wei Bin really breaks the mirror and kills Dasha's body, then it will be equivalent to liberating the maximum five players in the world. Nirvana only has 50 maximum five players, but what about other forces? Add up

Five hundred, five thousand, and fifty thousand are all there, right? The 50 players who have reached the limit of 5 at the expense of Nirvana, so that they cannot obtain exclusive items, are exchanged for the 5,000 from the outside world. The 50,000 players who have reached the limit of 5 cannot obtain exclusive items. This amount

No matter how you think about buying and selling, how can you make money!

This was Wei Bin's initial thought. However, when Wei Bin heard that there were rewards in the mirror, he immediately regretted it. You know, the attack they had just obtained after defeating Dasha.

Although the rewards from the air have some effect, it is true that as An Jing and the others said, these rewards are somewhat insignificant and cannot change anything!

You know, this is the first kill. As long as Wei Bin kills Da Sa's body, Da Sa will not appear again. Instead, it will be the boss in Wei Bin's memory, and all of this is Wei Bin and the others.

The difficulty of this dungeon is so high, and Dasha’s strength is so strong. To be honest, obtaining the so-called hitting air and those experiences are not in line with Dasha’s temperament at all. Such a powerful Dasha, even

Qiao Feng didn't even believe that they won by spreading hard steel from the front. How could the rewards be only these? It turns out that the real reward is hidden in the mirror. This is a bit outrageous! I entered Baoshan empty-handedly, and since

I thought I had returned home with a full load, but what happened? I didn’t bring back the most valuable item!

"Senior, we did defeat Dasha from the front. I would like to ask, can we enter this dungeon again? I want to break the mirror inside and get the reward!" Wei Bin asked.

"Haha, no, everyone can only successfully challenge this dungeon once. If you fail this time, you can indeed challenge again, but you have already succeeded. You cannot enter the dungeon again. It seems that the reward will be there after all.

If you don’t have a chance, you can’t get it! But having said that, I’m really curious, how do you do it? Why can you drop the big scatter in the strategy? With your strength, it is simply impossible.

You conquered it!" Qiao Feng said doubtfully.

After listening to Qiao Feng's words, Wei Bin once again had an idea in his mind. I have never been able to get what I want! Although we can't enter the dungeon again, others can. Since I have it in my hands

Now that you have found a way to break the game, are you still worried about not getting rewards? Let Avril improve A'Zhu's friendship later. When the friendship reaches the standard, go to the dungeon to get rewards. Anyway, she doesn't need to fight, so she can just fight them one by one.

Just break the mirror!

Now, Wei Bin finally understood. He understood why in his previous life, at the same time, someone took the first kill of Dasha and changed the subsequent bosses. Logically speaking, Wei Bin and the others were very

It is impossible for anyone to conquer the difficult dungeon at the same time in the previous life. In fact, it was indeed conquered by others. The co-authors used this opportunistic method to pass the level!

"Just fly the kite, and others will spread the poison." Just when Wei Bin was about to tell Qiao Feng his method, Wei Bin stopped abruptly in the middle of the sentence because he could not explain the poison to Qiao Feng.

The problem with the number above the head is that this number is given by the system and is designed for the convenience of players. The local forces of Tianlong do not know the existence of these numbers at all. If Wei Bin explains it rashly, it is very likely that he will be punished for revealing it to the local forces.

He found out something about the system and was punished!

"Haha, senior, you underestimate us. Based on Da Sa's specific position in the mirror, we determined his real-life location. After locking its location, isn't it easy to conquer it?" Wei

Bin simply omitted the number thing!

"Looking at the mirror to determine the position and attacking at the same time? Isn't this too difficult? With this efficiency, let alone half an hour, the battle can't be solved in one hour, right?" Qiao Feng didn't seem to believe Wei Bin's words!

"Senior, you can't underestimate our output! Our output is very high. By the way, senior, I think you seem to know this big dog quite well. If you are asked to take action, how long will it take to kill it?

?" Wei Bin didn't want to continue answering Qiao Feng's questioning, so he simply pointed the question directly at Qiao Feng!

"Haha, if Brother Qiao takes action, one move to attack the whole map without distinction is enough to solve the problem. Brother Qiao doesn't need to know where Dasha is hiding, just one move is enough!" Before Qiao Feng could speak,

A'Zhu gave an explanation directly. After all, if this explanation came from Qiao Feng himself, it would be suspected of being pretentious!

Even when A'Zhu described Qiao Feng's power, he deliberately used the word "hide". The implication is that Qiao Feng beating Dasha is as simple as a father beating his son. Dasha has to hide when he sees Qiao Feng.


Moreover, from A'Zhu's words, Wei Bin could also hear that not only Qiao Feng knew Dasha, but A'Zhu also knew him very well. Just now in the dungeon, when Wei Bin guessed that Dasha was actually in the mirror world, he also

Wei Bin questioned A'Zhu's professionalism. At that time, Wei Bin believed that Dasha did not rely on stealth to attack them, because stealth had a physical existence in reality, but Brother Li's Sanyang Kaitai in the state of walking through the Yang with a hundred steps did not

Dasha was not hit, which directly shows that Dasha is not invisible, but in the mirror.

Zili attacked them with some special attack method. At that time, Wei Bin was still thinking that A'Zhu did tell him that Dasha could become invisible, but in fact? Dasha could not become invisible, he just hid in the mirror world.

It was just an output. Later, when Wei Bin and others entered the mirror world, they found that Dasha could indeed become invisible. This shows that the information given by A'Zhu was correct!

"Can such a powerful Dasha be defeated with one move?" Wei Bin asked. Wei Bin, like everyone else here, knew that Qiao Feng was the protagonist and the protagonist should be very awesome, but they had not thought that Qiao Feng was actually the protagonist.

Are they so awesome? They spent so much effort and effort that they finally conquered Dasha. But in Qiao Feng’s hands, it turned out that he was no longer an enemy in one match. He was able to kill him casually? This is too much.

Stronger, right?

"Haha, it's just a big show, why bother? Okay, come and choose your rewards. I will show you the rewards that each of you can redeem, and you can make your own choice!" A'Zhu!

Said with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, the interface for their own rewards appeared in front of everyone. After all, their sects and skills were different, so the skills they could strengthen were also different!

It’s finally time to receive the award!

Everyone looked at these rewards and were in a daze for a long time. Everyone was salivating and wanted everyone. After all, this is a personal exclusive!

Exclusive props can be embodied in many ways. They can add a permanent gain state to you, such as increasing output by a percentage, improving defense by a percentage, directly increasing a large number of attributes, or - strengthening.

Player skills, etc.

Strengthening skills is the choice of most people, because exclusive props can greatly enhance skills!

For example, in Tianshan's Yihuayuemu, A'Zhu can enhance Yihuayuemu so that the user is free from control during the use of Yihuayuemu. You must know that even if you choose the Yihuayuemu that is free of control and Zhenwu's guidance, you can only be free from control for up to 6 seconds, and the duration of Yihuayuemu is

The time is as long as 16 seconds, 6 seconds without control and 16 seconds without control, what a big gap is this? Anyone who can increase the friendship level with A'Zhu to above 2000, absolutely no one is ordinary.

, they are definitely powerful people, otherwise it would be impossible to clear the 100th floor of the arena, officially enter the world of martial arts, and it is impossible to have a friendship level of 2000 with A'Zhu. Of course, ordinary people must also have it, but absolutely

It's a minority!

As for those who have reached this point, do they lack some output and gain status? No, they definitely don’t lack! With their financial resources, it is enough to ensure their output. On the contrary, what they lack is immunity.

For them, the control environment and the control-free environment are far greater than the so-called gain states and attributes. If you can't even output freely, what's the use of giving you a higher output?

For another example, A'Zhu can also be strengthened to sputter 10 targets. You must know that under normal circumstances, A'Zhu can only splash three targets. After strengthening, the original sputtering of 3 targets is enhanced to splashing.

What is the concept of shooting 10 targets? In the past, a normal attack was equivalent to causing five damage. The basic attack attacked itself once, carried one attack to the attacked target, and then splashed it to the surrounding three targets.

A goal!

But now, attacking once is equivalent to causing 12 times of damage, and this is only the number of damage caused by normal attacks. What if it is a group attack? If a group attack could cause 50 times of damage in the past, then it can do it now.

Attacked 120 times, who can bear this? If the opponent has 10 people, then if you attack in a group with one move, you have basically sentenced them to death. Ten people will splash each other, and I will splash you 10

Times, you splashed me 10 times, no matter how many lives you have, it’s not enough to die like this. Are you still playing Ni? Why is it so strong to imitate others? Why can you kill me in seconds during a team battle? Isn’t it because of this splash effect?

And now that the sputtering effect has been enhanced as never before, who will care about the so-called buff status and attribute rewards?

For another example, the trick can be enhanced by A'Zhu so that the target being splashed ignores the defense. This is equivalent to a low-end version of the God descending from the earth. It ignores defensive skills. Regardless of the early, middle and late stages, it will always be a magical skill, and it is more powerful.

It becomes more powerful in the later stage, because in the later stage, the defense of players, wild monsters and bosses is higher. Although the player's output is also higher, the total output does not necessarily increase much, but what if the defense is ignored? Then what?

It's different. This means that the opponent's defense is always 0, but your attack is getting higher and higher! Therefore, in the later stages, this kind of defense-ignoring skill becomes more and more precious! And the defense-ignoring skill is more and more valuable!

What? That's even more perverted. You know, grafting can splash three surrounding units. It's like beating a cow on a mountain. The person who was beaten didn't die, but the people next to him died in a daze. As long as you choose

With this enhancement, the output will definitely be raised to a higher level!

Of course, the above three kinds of enhancement directions are all standard versions. They are not customized by the players themselves. A'Zhu just gives you three options for you to choose! But even so, you can just pick one out

It’s enough to make people salivate!

As for Wei Bin, he already knew the direction of strengthening the skills of each Tianshan sect, but like everyone else, he still couldn't make his own choice in the end. After all, this multiple-choice question was too difficult!

The reason why Wei Bin has a difficult time is because his choice is different from others, because he has a universal exclusive equipment! There is no functional difference between the universal exclusive equipment and A'Zhu's exclusive props.

The only difference is that this universal exclusive equipment can be used by everyone. After all, there is a universal word in its name!

Moreover, the effects of the universal exclusive equipment and the personal exclusive equipment that Wei Bin got in front of him can be superimposed on each other. After superimposition, the strengthening effect of its skills will be even more obvious!

Let’s take the example of Yihuaqimu just now. Is the first enhancement direction of Yihuaqimu to increase the number of splashes? After strengthening, it can splash to 10 surrounding units, and if Wei Bin uses these two exclusive pieces of equipment, he can get them all

To strengthen this direction, that is, after superposition, it can be enhanced to sputter 20 units, and the sputtering range will also be expanded accordingly. After all, within the initial sputtering range of Yihuaqiaomu, there are simply no more than twenty people standing, two consecutive

If ten people can't stand, how can we splash 20 people?

Damn it, this is a bit awesome. Splashing 20 people? Is this still fun! Wei Bin killed twenty people with one strike? Do you still let others play? Is this a game played by your family?

Are you here to play stand-alone games?

In the same way, if it is a second strengthening of the control-free direction, it will no longer be free of control for the whole process, but the control-free time will be doubled on the basis of the full control-free. After strengthening the previous transfer, you choose Zhenwu control-free.

After guidance, you can be free of control for 6 seconds. After strengthening it once, you can be strengthened to be free of control for 16 seconds, which is the so-called full freedom of control. If you strengthen it twice, you can be free of control for 32 seconds!

This is a bit awesome. It is immune to control for 32 seconds. Is there any skill in the world that can be immune to control for such a long time? Absolutely not. One that can be immune for ten to eight seconds is amazing. And for a player with high combat power, it is immune to control for 32 seconds.

Controlling the environment is the basis of their output. This is something everyone knows, but with 32 seconds of control-free time, this horse-riding person would never dare to do this!

Moreover, if Wei Bin strengthens this control-free direction twice in a row, the benefits will be different from others. If it is someone else, then they can get a 32-second control-free skill at best, but you must know that Wei Bin has

For those in the control-free field, under the influence of the control-free field, his own immunity time is doubled, and

That is to say, he can directly avoid control for 64 seconds. What does this mean? It means that Wei Bin will be exempt from control for the entire process! The full exemption here does not mean that Wei Bin is exempt from control for the duration of the transfer, but that Wei Bin will be exempt from control for the entire duration.

Bin has been exempt from control all his life! Why? Because Wei Bin can be exempted from control in addition to expelling. Expelling can give Wei Bin a control-free environment for 22 seconds. In addition, super dispersal can also make Wei Bin exempt from control.

Control for 12 seconds.

This adds up to 98 seconds of control-free time! You must know that the cooling time of grafting is only 107 seconds. After subtracting the two, Wei Bin only needs 9 more seconds to do another round.

The control-free skill is now available! Wei Bin can be free of control for 98 seconds in this life, then he can be free of control for 9 seconds, and then he can be free of control for another 98 seconds, and so on!

And even if Wei Bin doesn't wait for the nine-second gap? That doesn't matter, because Wei Bin also has a move called God descending to earth. God descending to earth can exempt him from control for 10 seconds. Under the influence of the control-free field, he can avoid control.

20 seconds, can this fill the gap of 9 seconds? Now you can always spin continuously! Of course, you can’t spin continuously every time, because the cooldown time of the gods coming to earth is as high as an hour, even if you can store energy now

, then it can only be stored up to 24 times. In other words, it can only be continuously rotated 24 times at most. No more will be enough. This directly destined the gods to come to earth and it is impossible to frequently participate in the control-free environment.

Among the matching!

And what if the order of releasing skills is adjusted? Then there is no need for the participation of the gods! For example, Wei Bin uses the expulsion skill first, because the cooling time of the expulsion skill is 60 seconds, and the expulsion can be exempted from control for 20 seconds, and then he can do it after he is done.

Use Yihuajiumu to avoid control for 64 seconds. After the end, the cooldown time of expulsion has already ended. At this time, you can use expulsion again, and then connect it with super dispersion. After the control-free environment of super dispersion ends, there will be only 64 seconds left until the cooldown of Yihuajiumu is completed.

There are 9 seconds left. This sequence of releasing skills will provide 20 seconds more control-free environment than the previous sequence of releasing skills!

In any case, if Wei Bin really chooses dual reinforcement in this direction, then his control-free environment will really have nothing to say!

And what if Wei Bin chooses to change the direction of the third enhancement? The target that is splashed will have its defense ignored. After being strengthened for the second time, it will be strengthened so that the target that is splashed will not only ignore its defense, but also suffer an additional 50 damage.


It causes an additional 50 damage. This number sounds scary when you hear it. It makes people think that this skill is very strong, but in fact, whether it is strong or not depends on who its audience is. If it is ordinary players, or the average

For high-combat players, this damage increase of 50 is indeed very powerful, but for Wei Bin, it can only be said to be better than nothing! Because Wei Bin's output itself is already very high, he needs to ignore being splashed

Does the person he shoots defend? Does he need to cause an additional 50 damage to these people? Not at all! Wei Bin can kill them in minutes. I don't need your 50 damage increase? Who are you shabby here? You really think I am.

Can't afford it?

Of course, the above is just an example of Wei Bin, which is intended to describe how powerful a skill is after being strengthened twice in a row! If Wei Bin really has the opportunity to strengthen a certain skill twice in a row, then Wei Bin still

It’s really not necessary to strengthen Yihuaqiaomu! Wei Bin has so many skills that are not inferior to Yihuaqiaomu, such as breaking the sky, expelling, guardian angel, baptism, and gods descending from the earth. None of these skills are worse than Yihuaqiaomu. If he really let

Wei Bin has to choose, but Wei Bin really may not choose to replace others with others!

Take the Breaking Heaven Style as an example! The Breaking Heaven Style also has several strengthening directions, such as strengthening the range. Under normal conditions, the range of action of the Breaking Heaven Style is only a radius of five meters. In many cases, the giant sword of the Breaking Heaven Style will land.

When you are behind you, you cannot attack the target in front of you. If this happens, it will be very embarrassing! Because the landing position of the sky-breaking sword is random, and the strengthening of this range direction

, which is to increase the scope of action of the Sky-breaking giant sword. When it is strengthened for the first time, the damage range of the giant sword can be expanded to a radius of 10 meters, and when it is strengthened for the second time, it can be strengthened to a radius of 20 meters. This is a bit awesome.

, within a radius of 20 meters, even if he falls behind me, you in front of me will not be spared! You can't hide no matter where you hide!

Another example is the enhancement of the damage direction of the Breaking Heaven Style. As we all know, the damage of the Breaking Heaven Style is extremely high. Even if it is not strengthened, the Breaking Heaven Style is definitely not something that ordinary people can withstand. After strengthening, the damage of the Breaking Heaven Style will be extremely high.

Directly doubled! If it is strengthened twice, not only the damage will be doubled, but the resistance and defense of the target will also be ignored. This is a bit abnormal. Without ignoring the resistance and defense, you will not be able to withstand it.

The Sky-Breaking Style attack now adds the ability to ignore defense and resistance. Who can withstand such a Sky-Breaking Style? Basically, where the giant sword falls, no one will be able to survive!

Wei Bin now has two pieces of equipment that can enhance his skills. Because of this, Wei Bin not only has one more choice than others, but also has a more difficult choice!

Should he use these two quotas to strengthen the same skill and make it more powerful, or should he use these two quotas to strengthen two different skills so that his strength can be improved in all aspects and from multiple angles?

After thinking for a long time, Wei Bin finally decided to use these two exclusive opportunities to strengthen skills to enhance the number of splashes, from the original three targets to splashing 20 units!

You need to know which skill to strengthen is a matter of opinion and wisdom. For different groups of people, the choice of strengthening skills and the direction of strengthening are also different. Everyone must make a choice based on their own actual situation.

Nothing is set in stone, and in this regard, there is no template for everyone to choose from! And why did Wei Bin choose to increase the direction of the sputtering target by adding a new twist?

Why doesn't he choose to fill up the control-free environment, or be a target that is splashed, ignoring defense? Or even choose some other skills?

This starts with Wei Bin’s personal needs!

First of all, what does Wei Bin lack most now? The output environment? No, now Wei Bin no longer lacks the output environment. He has a variety of control-free skills, and his control-free time has long been as high as tens of seconds.

, even if it is not enough, doesn’t he still have medicines that can resist control skills? Among the medicines that Wei Bin can currently mass-produce to resist control, except for sealing skills that cannot resist, Wei Bin has other control skills.

It can be resisted. It can be said that with the existence of these drugs, Wei Bin is no longer so dependent on control-free skills!

Some people may ask, since there are anti-control drugs, who would pursue control-free skills?

This is a good question. With anti-control drugs, there is no need for control-free skills, right?

Wrong! And it’s so wrong!

First of all, players need to use anti-control drugs. After using them, they will be immune to that type of control for the next half hour. However, drugs have usage intervals, and the usage intervals of different drugs are also different, such as blood-restoring drugs.

The use interval is five seconds, and for this type of anti-control medicine, the use interval is as high as one minute. That is to say, after you have just used the medicine to resist acupoint sealing, it will take another minute before you can use the anti-paralysis medicine.

, anti-blindness and other drugs, is this a bit delayed? Anti-control drugs are drugs that need to be used in advance before the war. If you want to use them during the war, it is really difficult. You may not have it yet.

If all the anti-control drugs are used, the person will die long ago!

Second, the meaning of anti-control drugs is to resist control and provide players with a control-free environment. But in the real-time battlefield, who has time to use drugs? For example, if someone attacks you by surprise, since it is a sneak attack, it means that you must not know the existence of the other party.

Yes, at this time, when you discover the existence of the other party, you still have time to

Is it time to take medicine? It's definitely not in time, because using medicine takes your time. In this urgent time, only your own control-free skills can help you resist control! Because control-free skills can be used in seconds! If

The other party has already controlled you, so how can you still use controlled-free drugs?

Third, there is the issue of battery life. Control-free skills can be used by players at any time and can be used unlimited times. However, the situation is different with control-free drugs. Control-free drugs impose a state on the player that lasts for half an hour. This state

It will disappear after death. When you resurrect and join the battlefield again, you need to use it again! Although many forces have achieved mass production of the current exempted drugs, due to the large amount of use, they are exempted from the control.

It is impossible to popularize medicines, and their cost is very high, so most people cannot afford them!

Based on the above three reasons, it can be said that control-free drugs can only alleviate players' dependence on free-air skills to a certain extent, but they can never replace control-free skills!

From Wei Bin's perspective, first of all, he has a lot of air-free skills, and he doesn't rely much on control-free skills. Secondly, even if it happens in a real-time battlefield, Wei Bin is sure to use all the control-free drugs.

Because Wei Bin has the ability to descend from the gods, even if he is controlled first by his opponent in the real-time battlefield, he still has a way to dispel the control. Then, can't he take medicine?

Let’s take a look at the strengthening direction where the target being splashed ignores the defense. To be honest, this strengthening direction is more suitable for civilians, because the skill of moving flowers and trees is a skill that can be used in conjunction with the eagle to strike into the sky. Take Wei Bin as an example, after he activates the force of flowers and trees,

The opponent will definitely not survive. Even if he does not ignore the defense, others will not survive. So is it necessary for him to waste an exclusive quota to strengthen this direction? No need! Only those whose output is not very high

That's what they need. They can't kill people in the state of grafting, so they need to ignore the defense effect of grafting to output, and then kill others instantly!

The above are the reasons why Wei Bin did not choose these two strengthening directions!

As for why Wei Bin didn't choose to strengthen other skills? Regarding this point, it can actually be seen from Wei Bin's choice to add more splash targets!

What is Wei Bin lacking most now? Survivability? Output? Displacement?

Wei Bin is very tough now. Not only does his blood limit have a high limit, but his defense, resistance and dodge are also very high. He can stand now, so he does not lack survivability. What about his output? Wei Bin can instantly kill five players who have reached the maximum limit at every turn.

Even players with a maximum limit of six are just two swords. How can he lack output? Does he lack displacement? This is also lacking. Not only Wei Bin lacks displacement, everyone is lacking, but displacement is not

the most important!

So the question is, what does Wei Bin lack most now?

What he lacks most now is weapons of mass destruction! Such as decomposition skills, group attack skills, etc. In short, he lacks all means that can cause large-scale damage. Wei Bin's current output is already very high, but he

No matter how high the output is, one knife can only kill one person. This does not increase the killing speed at all. When a person's output reaches a certain height, he will begin to lack the means of large-scale destruction!

And this is why Wei Bin chose to change the direction of strengthening the splash target, because this is a weapon of mass destruction. In the past, Wei Bin could kill up to four people with one knife, but now? He can kill 11 people.

Isn't this a weapon of mass destruction?

In addition to the enhancement direction of increasing the number of splashes, which enhancement direction of any skill can do this?

Wei Bin had already thought about it. He was very understanding, and he also had the long-range attack skill of Blooming Plum Blossoms. The pointing effect of Blooming Plum Blossoms was that once a knowing strike was triggered, its cooldown would be reset, that is,

Said that as long as Wei Bin can keep triggering the knowing strike, he can use Hanmei Blooming infinitely, and he will change from a melee sect to a long-range sect!

That's right, Wei Bin's high understanding is enough to do this. Although he will be a Tianshan sect in the future, he will be a long-range attack Tianshan sect. This is very exciting to think about!

During large-scale team battles, Wei Bin can rely on the blooming of winter plums and the combination of flowers and trees to continuously kill opponents. Each of his blows will kill more than twenty people. He is like a mobile turret, moving towards

After firing in the east, he went to fire in the south. After firing in the south, he fired in the west. After he finished firing in the north and cleared the screen, the people from the east should have rushed up, so he would

You can continue the endless killing!

A casual blow can take away twenty people. How much advantage does this kind of output have in a team battle? As we all know, no matter how high a person's combat power is, it cannot affect the direction of the war, because war

It is a group fight between tens of thousands of players. It relies on the competition of overall strength, rather than the stage of individual combat power. If you want to talk about playing in a group arena, if that person is very powerful, you will be able to get a good ranking.

But war is not possible, a person's power is always very little!

This is Wei Bin's idea of ​​​​strengthening. Nirvana will definitely face countless wars in the future. Let's not talk about the distant war, let's talk about the impact battle in front of us. In this impact battle, there may be many people who are against it.

As for Nirvana, if he doesn't strengthen in the direction of mass destruction, how can he influence the war? Even if he chooses the direction of strengthening to increase the number of sputters, he may not be able to affect the war, but at least he can influence the war.

Can you give me some relief?

Among the remaining 17 people, each one has chosen the strengthening direction that is most suitable for them based on their actual situation. After all, everyone is smart, and only the one that suits them is the best choice!

Tian Jing chose to strengthen the secret of the Nine Yin Divine Claws. To be honest, the purpose of Tian Jing's participation in this dungeon today was for this move. She had already had this idea a few months ago, and

Later, it was delayed due to various reasons, but today, she finally got what she had dreamed of!

Her secret move, Jiuyin Divine Claw, is her own self-created skill. I have to say that this move is really too powerful!

The effect of her Jiuyin Divine Claw skill is to stimulate her own potential, exert a power beyond herself, destroy the target with the same fate, and cause damage equal to the player's upper limit of 100 health to the target and all hostile targets within a radius of 100 meters.

, the damage is holy damage, ignoring all damage reduction and all death-avoiding skills!

Tian Jing's blood limit is as high as 3.5 million, which means that once she uses this move, she can kill 350 million blood. Within a hundred meters, there will be no grass growing, and even the boss may not be able to survive.

Come down!

However, this skill has a very fatal negative effect, that is - its own level is reduced by 10 levels.

If a powerful skill is daunting because of this equally powerful negative effect, although Tian Jing has created this skill long ago, she is ashamed that she has never used it even once. Such a treasure can only be let go by Tian Jing

It goes into the bottom of the box and never sees the light of day all year round!

The setting of the Jiuyin Divine Claw, which will lose ten levels every time it is used, was the setting when Tian Jing first created it. However, the skill she created has growth potential. To be precise, it is

All self-created skills have growth potential, but their growth potential varies!

Moreover, no self-created skill does more harm than good. It definitely does more good than harm! No matter how rubbish this self-created skill is!

Self-created skills are divided into five levels: ordinary, true, refined, extreme and profound!

This chapter has been completed!
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