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Chapter 1197 Positioning

Here, I would like to emphasize that the difference between engraving and engraving mentioned above is only one word, so many people are confused and confused.

The so-called engraving is a large part of the seal, one of the three major parts of the seal, and it needs to be engraved on the seal!

But carvings are different. Carvings are something that can be engraved on all equipment. Even seals can be engraved. Carvings and engravings are completely different things. Apart from having the same glyph, there is no difference between the two.


Glyphs are also divided into offensive glyphs and defensive glyphs. Offensive glyphs can only be engraved on offensive equipment, while defensive glyphs can only be engraved on defensive equipment. Why?

Do you also prefer the Tianlong sect for carvings? Because carvings are the same as orbs, you can choose to carve carvings for single-attribute attack, and you can also choose to carve carvings for all-attributes. If the first-level carvings can increase single attributes by ten points

In terms of attack, if it is a full-attribute glyph, it will be a 5-point full-attribute attack. As explained before, those players from single-attribute sects will not choose full-attribute glyphs, and if they choose

If a single-attribute glyph is used, it can only add 60 points of damage to them, but what about the Tianlong faction players? They must choose a full-attribute glyph. If they choose a full-attribute attack, they can get 100 points of damage. As the

As the carving levels increase, the gap will get bigger and bigger! The carvings on Brother Li's offensive equipment are all attack-type carvings with all attributes, while the defensive equipment all choose resistance carvings.

Why is Brother Li so called outrageous by the audience? He is obviously a Tianlong sect player, but he looks like a Shaolin player? Isn't it because his resistance has killed all the players who have reached the limit of 5?

Then there is the equipment section. To be honest, even the equipment section gives great preferential treatment to the Tianlong Sect!

First, let’s give an example. This piece of equipment is what Brother Li is wearing now.

Phoenix Dance Level 70

Basic internal and external attack +600

External attack +1200

Internal attack +1200

Mysterious attack +300

Poison attack +300

Fire attack +300

Ice attack +300

Aura +180

Strength +90

The damage caused by Damage Amplification is increased by 5.

How about such a piece of equipment? This is definitely a divine piece of equipment! Especially for Tianlong sect players, this is definitely a piece of equipment of Tianlong sect.

What a divine outfit! This piece of equipment can be said to be a perfect fit for the Tianlong Sect! No one else! There is no other attribute composition that can be more suitable for Tianlong Sect players than the attribute composition of this piece of equipment!

You need to know, what is the positioning of Tianlong Sect? The positioning of Tianlong Sect is remote output and auxiliary. The auxiliary part includes control and teammate attributes, as well as some damage-increasing skills.

So why is Tianlong positioned as an output? Because the output of the Tianlong faction is too high. Of course, the Tianlong faction mentioned here refers to the Tianlong faction players who grow up in the later stages of the game. When the Tianlong faction players grow up

Before, its output was really average. Why did people position the Tianlong Sect as an auxiliary? Isn't it because the output of the Tianlong Sect was low?

But why does the game Tianlong have a Tianlong sect? You know, the name of this game is called Tianlong! The Tianlong sect is the named sect of this game! How can the named sect be weak? Everyone thinks that the Tianlong sect is very weak

Weak players are all because so far, there has not been a truly grown-up Dragon Sect player in Middle-earth!

And today, such a grown-up Tianlong sect player was born, and this person is Brother Li!

So why is this piece of equipment a perfect fit for Tianlong sect players? Why is this piece of equipment said to be the most perfect piece of equipment for Tianlong sect players?

Now let’s analyze what attributes are attached to this piece of equipment. First of all, the first attribute is basic internal and external attack. This attribute is an attribute that any ring or talisman equipment has, and equipment of the same level, no matter how old it is,

Star, the attack values ​​​​of these basic internal and external skills are exactly the same, but if this attribute is worn on the players of the Tianlong sect, what difference will it have when it is worn on the players of other sects?

First of all, the internal and external power attack increases by 600 each. In fact, a level 70 amulet or ring can only increase the internal and external power attack by 300. The reason why Brother Li's equipment increases the internal and external power attack by 600 is because

Because Wei Bin has the title of Luban Grandmaster, Wei Bin just used this title to empower the equipment!

When Grandmaster Lu Ban builds or re-refines equipment, he can double the eight specified attributes.

Wei Bin, who holds the title of Luban Grandmaster, has refining all the nine-star equipment he has built, greatly improving the attributes of the equipment, and Brother Li's

This piece of equipment is one of them. Except for the strength attribute, all other attributes of Brother Li's piece of equipment have been doubled by Wei Bin!

The 600 points of basic internal and external attack, after being strengthened by +9, will be 1770 points of internal and external attack. The basic internal and external attack of a piece of equipment can be increased by 1770, and it is also the equipment of a Tianlong sect player. This horse-riding

How can others play with it? This piece of equipment, when worn by Tianlong sect players, has nearly 1,770 more attack points than when worn by players from other sects, because internal attacks are ineffective against external sects, and external attacks are also invalid.

It is ineffective against internal strength sects, and Tianlong sect is the only sect in the whole sect that can master both internal and external strength. Both internal and external strength attacks are effective against Tianlong sect! In other words, this basic internal and external strength attack attribute can add 3540 points to Tianlong sect players.

The attack of other sects is only half of that of Tianlong Sect. Naturally, the attack is 1770 less than that of Tianlong Sect players!

The above is just a comparison of the preferential treatment enjoyed by the Tianlong Sect from the perspective of the sect, but what if we look at it from a personal perspective? Why is Brother Li so strong? Because others simply do not have such equipment, even if they are others

They also obtained more than one piece of equipment with attributes, but do they have Wei Bin's Luban Grandmaster title? They don't, so their basic internal and external attack is only 300. After strengthening and adding 9, they only have a basic internal and external attack of 885.

That's it. If you compare it like this, then Brother Li's attack power is 35408852655 higher than theirs. Just one piece of equipment is 2655 higher than others. Isn't this the source of the gap?

With just one attribute, the attack is 2655 lower than that of the Tianlong Sect? This is the attack of three fifth-level cats' eyes! With just one attribute, there is a gap of three fifth-level cats' eyes more than others. How can others still play with it?

? It would be great if you opened a private server, so that you can have whatever equipment you want!

And this is just the first attribute gap on this piece of equipment. Let’s look at the second attribute and the third attribute. The internal attack is increased by 1200 and the external attack is increased by 1200. This adds to the Tianlong faction players.

How many attributes are output, and not a single bit is wasted, because the Tianlong Sect is a sect that has both internal and external skills. If this equipment is worn by players from other sects, it will only have an attack power of 1200, but if it is worn by

For Tianlong players, that would be an attack power of 2400!

Perhaps players from other sects can choose to

The other useless attack attribute is replaced by other attributes, such as physical strength or movement skills, etc.! However, as an output sect, is there any attribute that is more valuable than attack? The Tianlong Sect is a long-range output sect.

Ah, the Tianlong Sect does not need to resist monsters. The output is the first priority of the Tianlong Sect. As long as there are other attributes that conflict with the attack, it must choose to attack. Therefore, even if other sects use this useless

Even if the attack attribute is replaced by other attributes, the price-performance ratio is still not as cost-effective as the attack attribute of the Tianlong Sect!

For another example, if you are a Shaolin player, then when attack conflicts with physical strength, you must give priority to physical strength, because the first priority of a Shaolin player is to resist monsters, and you can't do it without physical strength!

When Brother Li puts on this equipment, he has 1,600 more attack points than players from other sects in terms of these two attributes.

That's why Bin's designation was doubled to 1600. Before doubling, there were actually only 800 internal and external attack points. Moreover, this was the attribute attached to the nine-star equipment. If it were not nine-star equipment, it would have 700 attack points.

It’s already quite good! The equipment’s attributes are numerous. In addition to the basic internal and external attacks, other attributes vary with the star rating! And without Wei Bin’s help, the attribute values ​​will not double!

In other words, these two attributes of Brother Li have 2,500 more attack points than other players! These are the attributes of three level five cat's eye stones!

Next, let’s take a look at attributes 4567. It can be said that these four attributes are the biggest highlights of this piece of equipment. They are also the place that best highlights the perfect fit with the Tianlong Sect. They are the most dazzling features of this piece of equipment.


Fire attack, ice attack, poison attack, and mysterious attack each increase by 300! This is a bit abnormal, you know, this is an attribute attack! Attribute attacks are much harder than internal and external attacks.

It is common knowledge that attribute attacks are superior to internal and external attacks in terms of output. It is also one of the reasons why the majority of players abandon internal and external attacks and switch to attribute attacks!

For example, player A can increase his external attack by inlaying tiger's eye stone, but opponent B will also inlay rubies to improve his external defense. A level 5 tiger's eye stone can increase his external attack by 800 points, while a level 5 tiger's eye stone can increase his external attack by 800 points.

Level 5 rubies can increase physical strength by 120 points, and the physical growth of different sects is different.

This chapter has been completed!
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