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Chapter 1199 Which sect is less popular?

The main attribute chosen by Brother Li is poison attack. So the question is, among the four attribute attacks of ice, fire, black and poison, why did Brother Li choose poison attack? Why not fire attack, black attack or ice attack?

Woolen cloth?

This starts from the attribute distribution of the entire sect and the majority of players. Among the eleven sects of Tianshan, Shaolin, Murong, Beggar Clan, Tianlong, Mingjiao, Emei, Tangmen, Xingxiu, Xiaoyao and Wudang, in addition to

Except for Tianlong, which possesses the four attributes of ice, fire, mystery and poison, the other sects are all single-attribute sects. Among them, the fire attribute includes Mingjiao and Xiaoyao, the ice attribute attacks include Tianshan and Emei, and the poison attribute includes Beggar Gang, Xingxu and Tang.

Men, Xuan attributes include Wudang, Shaolin and Murong. Brother Li has a principle in choosing the main attributes, that is, if the number of players inlaid with resistance gems of which attribute is small, he should choose which attribute to attack! This is very

Obviously, knowing that everyone is embedded with this kind of resistance, you still want to take this attribute attack route. Doesn't that bring challenges to your own resistance reduction?

It is worth mentioning that the number here refers to the number of players, not the number of sects. It does not mean that there are many sects with mysterious attributes and poison attributes, so you cannot choose these two attributes as the main attributes, because the number of sects

A large number of players does not mean a large number of players. Some sects are born with few players. For example, the extra sect in the Xuan attribute is the Murong sect. The Murong sect itself does not have many players. The same goes for the Tang sect.

Although the number of players in the Tang Sect is much larger than that of the Murong Sect, their number is still very small compared to other sects. After all, the Tang Sect's assessment tasks are very difficult, and not everyone can pass the assessment. Therefore,

The Murong Sect and Tang Sect can basically be ignored!

Next, we have to make a choice among the other eight sects. Among the factors that determine which attribute attack Brother Li chooses as the main attribute, the most important one is which resistance gem. The number of players who choose it is small, so he will choose

What kind of attribute!

Of course, the choice cannot all be based on quantity. Quantity is only one of the most important factors, because among these eight sects, there is also a special sect, and this special sect is Emei, and the players of the Emei sect

The number is huge, but because the Emei sect is a nanny sect, its number cannot be directly added to the Tianshan sect, which is also an ice attribute sect! The number of the Emei sect cannot be counted! How many Emei sects have you seen?

Are you here to deal damage? Even people like Tian Jing and Xuanyuan Aai, who have experienced perfect reconstruction in the Sixth Emei,

Behind the backs of Wei Bin and others, they are silently doing the work of increasing health. Who else in Emei will play DPS? If you like DPS so much, go play Wudang!

And since the number of Emei cannot be directly added to the Tianshan faction, that is to say, the number of ice attribute players must be the smallest, because there is only one Tianshan left for the ice attribute, and no matter how many people there are in Tianshan, it is impossible to catch up.

The sum of the number of sect members with other attributes!

But even so, Brother Li still would not choose the ice attribute as his main attribute, because the number is only one of the factors, not the decisive factor. Even if the number of players in the Tianshan sect does not reach the total number of players in the other attribute sects, it can be

The small number of players in ice attribute sects does not mean that the number of players who choose ice resistance is small. The reason why number of players is used as one of the criteria is that in the final analysis, it depends on resistance. If there are many people in this sect, then those who can resist this attribute

There are more people who are resistant, and if there are many people who know a certain kind of resistance, then there is no need to worry about whether there are many people in this sect!

The Tianshan Sect is an example. The Tianshan Sect is really terrible! In the more than three years since the server was launched, who has not been attacked by the Tianshan Sect? And as long as they are attacked by the Tianshan Sect, how many people can survive? You know, the Tianshan Sect

With stealth skills, they have the perfect right to speak first. If they are fighting with other sects, they will more or less have a chance to escape because they are mentally prepared! But facing the Tianshan sect, they will not

It’s the same, they don’t know that Tianshan is lurking around them. How many people can survive the sneak attack of Tianshan Sect when they are caught off guard? It can be said that although the number of players of Tianshan Sect is not as good as that of the other three attributes

The number of players who attacked, but the threat that the Tianshan Sect brought to the world, far exceeded the number of players attacked by the other three attributes. This is the second impact - deterrence. Which attribute did Brother Li choose as his weapon?

When it comes to your main attributes, you can’t just look at the number of players, but also their deterrence!

The Tianshan sect directly persuaded Brother Li to retreat. It single-handedly provided a deterrent force that the two sects with other attributes could not bring, directly making ice resistance the mainstream resistance in Middle-earth.

, making the number of players embedded with ice resistance the largest!

Next, we have to choose among the three attributes of Xuan, Fire, and Poison. First, let’s talk about Xuan attack. The sects of Xuan attack include Shaolin sect and Wudang sect. Wudang sect, in the early stage of the game, definitely has the largest number of sects.

The sect with the most, because their internal strength has the highest growth rate, who doesn’t want the highest attack? Who doesn’t want to be a mobile fort to enjoy the thrill of instant kills? Moreover, the Wudang sect is also a long-range sect, with natural attack environment advantages. As for

How fragile is its body? Under the temptation of high attack, who would care about a shortcoming that is not very intuitive? If you want high attack, but also want to be able to resist, how can there be such a good thing in the world? Youshe

There must be something! So when the server was first launched, the number of Wu-Tang Clan players was the largest. After a few months of opening the server, people began to exclude Wu-Tang Clan players because they were not welcome because their bodies were really big.

It's too fragile! I didn't bother enough to form a team with you!

As long as the Wudang Clan is in the team, it’s not easy to pull monsters from Shaolin. Emei doesn’t have to do anything else. It just adds blood to you. Originally, without you, we only had to face the monsters, but now with Wudang

, we not only have to deal with monsters, but we also have to deal with you. Who would want a teammate like this?

Along with everyone's rejection, just at this time, the first job transfer period arrived, and many players transferred from the Wudang Clan to other sects. From then on, the Wudang Clan began to decline! Its numbers declined off a cliff! But

Not long after the Wudang Sect fell, it stood up again, and it has remained standing to this day, because the Huashan Sword Contest appeared, because the Huashan Sword Contest was a contest between sects. When tens of thousands of Wudang Clan players twisted into one

After Strand Rope, no sect can be the enemy of the Wudang Clan! The Wudang Clan will take first place in every Huashan Sword Competition, which adds a lot of confidence to the Wudang Clan players.

, you know, this is a contest between sects. Although the Wudang Sect has the title of Crispy and has shortcomings that cannot be ignored, its strengths cannot be ignored. Crispy is discussing swords in Huashan.

It has been infinitely underestimated! The Wudang Sect has occupied the first place in Huashan Swordsmanship for a long time, which directly gives the Wudang Sect an invincible aura. There must be a reason for being able to occupy the first place for a long time. The Wudang Sect is still strong! Again

In addition, as the level increases, Shaolin players gradually have more skills to pull monsters, and the hatred value is not easily lost. Some Emei players also

Later, I learned the Pure Heart Universal Good Mantra, and my blood-increasing ability went up to a higher level. As a result, Wudang's side effects in the team were once again weakened. Therefore, when I changed jobs for the second time, a large number of players switched back to the Wudang sect.

Wudang Clan is still a mainstream sect!

In other words, even though the number of Wu-Dang Clan players is not as large as when the server was first launched, nor is it as large as the Tianshan Sect now, compared with other sects, the number of Wu-Dang Clan players is still one of the best!

Another mystical sect is the Shaolin sect, and its number is not small. You must know that except for low-level dungeons such as three rings and counterattacks that do not require Shaolin sect, slightly higher-end dungeons require Shaolin sect players.

For example, in the dungeon of Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, the Shaolin sect is the main force. If there are no Shaolin sect players, it will be difficult to attract hatred by just relying on several other sects! Another example is the difficult dungeon of Piaomiao Peak. The Shaolin sect

Players are absolutely indispensable. Without Shaolin sending players to attract Ha Daba's hatred, wouldn't Ha Daba just kill people casually?

Furthermore, everyone understands the truth that the dungeon becomes more difficult in the later stage. In the later stage, there may be some magical dungeon. The more difficult the dungeon is, the more popular the Shaolin sect becomes. Therefore, there are not many Shaolin sect players.

A Wudang sect with one of the largest number of players, plus a Shaolin sect with an average number of players, would Brother Li dare to choose this kind of mysterious attack? A lot of people are waiting for him with inlays of mysterious resistance!

Next, let’s take a look at the fire attribute. The sects that attack with the fire attribute include Mingjiao and Xiaoyao. Let’s talk about the Xiaoyao sect first. Although the role of the Xiaoyao sect is different from that of the Shaolin sect, their number is about the same, because the Xiaoyao sect is a god-level auxiliary.

After Xishan Travel enlarges the target, it can increase the damage taken by the target by 100. This is simply a dungeon artifact! With him, it can not only improve the efficiency of dungeon farming, but also reduce the risk of death. After all, it speeds up the speed of playing the boss.

! Moreover, the Xiaoyao faction also has the Dinghai Shenzhen skill, which causes damage to surrounding units every two seconds. Whether it is used to pull monsters or to guard against Tianshan during team battles, it is a good choice! Then there is Xiaoyao.

Pai has a skill called Yun Ti Feng Shen that can increase understanding of teammates. After some guidance, it can increase the internal and external attack by 30, which is very powerful. This will undoubtedly greatly improve the output of teammates!

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