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Chapter 1233 Domineering Fury Continuous Slashes

But if they don't use it, how should they deal with this boss?

Soon, everyone returned to the main group. With the blessings of many Emeis, everyone's blood volume quickly returned to full!

"Gang Leader, how do we fight?" Feng Yun Wuji asked.

"I don't know, I don't want to summon Dasha and Yamatamon yet!" Wei Bin said with difficulty.

Next, everyone fell into silence. No one could come up with a countermeasure to deal with this flame giant. Their output was indeed very high, but their output was all based on the premise of being able to break through the opponent's defense.

As long as you can break through the opponent's defense, and cooperate with various damage-increasing states, you can deal tons of damage. But the defense of the flame giant in front of you is really too high. If you can't break through the defense, then there will be another chance.

What's the use of having too many damage-increasing states?

Seeing the flame giant getting closer and closer to the position of Nirvana's main force, no one in the crowd could say anything. They just watched helplessly as the flame giant got closer and closer to them!

Just when everyone held their breath and prepared to resist the flame giant, a voice came from behind them!

"Leave this flame giant to me! Protect me!" Everyone looked at the source of the voice, and the person who spoke was none other than the worm in Qian's eyes!

"Leave it to you? This flame giant has 100 million health points. Are you sure you can handle it?" Feng Yun Wuji questioned. In fact, not only Feng Yun Wuji doubted whether the bug in Qian's eyes had this ability, everyone here

People are all suspicious. You know, there is no one in this world who can challenge a boss alone. Even Wei Bin has never challenged a boss alone, let alone the one in front of him with such high defense and resistance.

Fire giant!

"Don't worry, just keep me safe!" Qian Eyes Bug said seriously. Looking at his expression, it didn't seem like he was joking! .??.

After that, the bug in Qian's eyes went directly to the front row. At this time, the flame giant was only five meters away from him!

I saw Chongzi holding the Molten Gold Sunset Knife in his right hand, and shook it hard on the ground. Chongzi's body immediately started to burst into flames. Seeing Chongzi's state, everyone knew that he was really going to play it real this time, and this move was not Mingjiao.

What is the skill of being so angry?

He becomes furious and instantly enters a violent state, increasing his external attack by 30 and reducing his external defense by 30 for 5 minutes.

This is a skill that sacrifices defense in exchange for attack. It can greatly improve Mingjiao.

The output, but correspondingly, while greatly increasing the output, there must be a huge price to pay. The price is to sacrifice a lot of defense. This move of Mingjiao can be said to be running to death!

This move of Chongzi was so angry that it was the first time he used it since this war. It's not that he didn't want to use it, but he didn't dare to use it because he knew the output of Aoshi. If he activated this explosive state, let alone the limit of six.

Players can easily handle him, and even players with a limit of five or more will pose a threat to him!

But now, the bug is obviously determined to die! Because the flame giant in front of him is much more powerful than those players who have reached the limit of six and five. Each of its blows has a damage of half a million,

And bugs with lowered defense will do even more damage! Moreover, Xiongba did not just let the Fire Giant attend the banquet alone this time, but waited for all the players with a maximum of five and a maximum of six to resurrect together.

Outside the city, the players and the Fire Giant echo each other, making Nirvana unable to attack the player with all its strength, and at the same time, it cannot concentrate on attacking the Fire Giant. If you kill the proud player, then the output of the Fire Giant is so high, how can Nirvana bear it? And if

Nirvana concentrated its firepower to deal with the flame giant, and Aoshi's players with a limit of six or more were not vegetarians. Aoshi used a battle method of collaborative battle between tanks and tanks to fight!

After releasing his anger, the insect in Qian's eyes once again raised the molten gold sunset knife in his hand and shook it hard on the ground. In an instant, the flames on the insect became more intense. Wei Bin knew that the insect had opened the pure

Extremely positive!

Pure Yang Wuji can increase the fire attack and fire resistance of insects by 50, and the status lasts for 15 seconds!

This is a bit awesome. What is the concept of increasing fire attack by 50? This is much higher than Wei Bin's attribute attack!

This is not over yet. The insect raised the molten gold sunset knife in his hand again and shook the ground violently. This time, the flames on his body can be described as monstrous. At least he looked at this battlefield from the perspective of the audience.

If so, all the audience’s eyes will be attracted to the bug. There is no way around it, the appearance of the bug is so eye-catching!

This time, Chongzi unleashed another of Mingjiao's ultimate moves - Fury Continuous Slash!

Fury Continuous Slash: After release, the damage is increased by 8, and each subsequent attack will increase the damage by 15 again, and at the same time, the damage is increased by 5.

0 movement speed, lasts for 16 seconds or 10 attacks, cooldown time is 70 seconds.

Tip 1: The damage increment is reduced to 10, but the duration is increased by 4 seconds, and the number of maintenance times is increased by 2 times. Zhenwu: The number of skill maintenance times is increased by 5 times, but the single damage increase is reduced to 10.

Tip 2: Use it when your own blood volume is lower than 50, and the basic damage increase is increased to 15. Zhenwu: Use Furious Slash when your blood volume is lower than 30, and you can restore your own maximum health volume of 2 when attacking.

The duration of Point Three is reduced by 6 seconds, but there is no longer a limit on the number of attacks. Zhenwu: The duration is reduced by 2 seconds, but there is no longer a limit on the number of attacks.

Guidance Four: The attack power is increased by 20 in the state of Furious Slashing, and the defense is reduced by 50. Zhenwu: The attack in the state of Furious Slashing is increased by 40, but the own defense is reduced by 50.

This is Mingjiao's famous stunt. According to legend, among players of the same strength, no one can withstand the duration of Mingjiao's Fury Continuous Slash, because the damage of Mingjiao's Fury Continuous Slash is too high!

First of all, after casting it, Mingjiao can get an increase of 8 in damage. After that, each attack can be increased by 15 again, up to ten attacks.

Some people may want to say, this is too slow, isn't it? By the time you finish ten cuts, I don't know when, maybe you are already dead. Besides, even if you get ten cuts,

Then at the tenth blow, didn't the damage increase by 158? That's not high! And this is the highest damage increase of 158. Before that, it couldn't even reach 158!

First of all, the damage increase is 158. This number itself is not low. If you count the various sects in detail, how many have such a high damage increase number? It is only the Tang Sect, right? Xingxiu and Beggar Clan are not included. After the explosion of Xingxiu

Which skill exists? Apart from Xuanming Divine Palm, which can reach this number under the superposition of layers of fatal poison, what other skill can reach this number? The Beggar Gang, the Beggar Gang's state of running thousands of miles only lasts for a few seconds.

Obviously, it is not as good as the damage increase effect of Mingjiao. The damage increase of 158 is honestly not low!

Moreover, at the tenth blow, is the damage really increased by 158? Is the method of increasing the damage really adding up ten 15s, plus the initial increase of 8?


The damage-increasing stacking effect of Mingjiao's Fury Continuous Slash is not calculated in this way. If you are calculating multiple damage-increasing skills at the same time, you can directly add up the various damage-increasing numbers, but Mingjiao does not

It's multiple damage-increasing states at the same time. He just uses one move of Furious Slash!

Let me ask, when calculating the damage increase number of the first knife, should we use 8 plus 15? Isn't it right? It should be a multiplication relationship, right? To increase the damage of 15 on the basis of 108, shouldn't it be 1081151242?

That's right, it's the base damage multiplied by the damage increase, and 108 here represents the damage of the last attack!

And for the second blow, how much is the damage increase? At this time, 1242 represents the basic damage when calculating the damage increase for the second blow. At this time, use 124211514283! For the third blow, multiply it by 115 again.

And so on!

If calculated according to this damage increase calculation method, then the tenth blow will cause 437 damage! It should be 337 damage increase!

This is a bit scary. How many of the entire sect can achieve such a high damage-increasing effect? ​​I'm afraid it's unique, right? And this is only the damage of the tenth sword. What about the ninth sword? What about the eighth sword? It can explain the teaching.

You can see blood with every cut!

This is the Mingjiao's Furious Continuous Killing. Why is it said that no opponent of the same strength can survive the Mingjiao's Furious Continuous Killing? Who can survive such a high output?

And do you think this is the end?

No, I haven't asked for it yet, because Chongzi chose to strengthen the Fury Continuous Slash move on the exclusive equipment just now. This is the most violent skill of the Ming Cult. If it is not strengthened, who will it be strengthened?

Chongzi chose Zhenwu Guidance 4 for this Fury Continuous Slash move, because Zhenwu Guidance 4 can increase the attack. After strengthening, Chongzi's Fury Continuous Slash will increase the attack by 40 in the Fury Continuous Slash state, but his own defense will be reduced by 50.

, changed to increase the attack by 100, but reduce the self-defense by 50!

This is a bit abnormal. You must know that the attack referred to here refers to all attack power, including internal and external attack and attribute attack. This is equivalent to the insect's basic damage being greatly increased. The original attribute attack is 8000.

It suddenly jumped to 16,000. The original attack power of 60,000 suddenly increased to 120,000. Is this too exaggerated? And it’s not over yet. The insect’s external attack power under normal conditions is 60,000, and it’s not even full of rage.

Consider the effect of Chopper's Cloud Body Wind Body skill! Taking into account all the increased attack status, the insect's external attack directly increased to 140,000!

This chapter has been completed!
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