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Chapter 1274 Balance

In the final analysis, it is still caused by the lack of commanders!

So let’s analyze why it is caused by the lack of commanders in charge!

Because since they have not moved forward as planned, it means that their output is insufficient, and what is the reason for their insufficient output?

There are two possibilities. The first is because their high-power players keep dying. Since the number of players who can output has become smaller, the total output has become lower. This is a possibility! In addition, there are

There is a possibility that they have less time to output and they waste their time elsewhere!

And are the high-combat players of the three alliances dying all the time? Is it because the number of high-combat players output has decreased? No! The high-combat players of the three alliances have not died many times at all, and they have always been taken care of by Emei.

Even if they die, they can be resurrected quickly and continue to output! So their output has not been reduced much because of death!

So since it's not because there are fewer output players, it must be due to the lack of time for their output. Although the battle has passed for an hour, their actual output is actually only twenty minutes. The other four

They had been paddling for ten minutes and did not participate in the output. Only then did they come up with the plan. The original plan was to defeat Tide Hunter in one hour, but in the end they only lost 30 of Tide Hunter's HP!

So what did they do during all this time? All time was wasted on communication! For example, when the three alliances discovered Tide Hunter's anchoring skill, although they guessed that Tide Hunter's anchoring skill was

The release pattern is regular, but they did not dare to tell Xia Yang easily. They had to go through many experiments before they dared to tell Xia Yang about this situation, and then Xia Yang would formulate the rules to use the Tide Hunter skill release pattern to avoid Tide Hunter.

To be honest, can't other people formulate this tactic of group attack? It certainly can. The reason why they didn't formulate it is because they don't want to take responsibility and take the blame!

But how much time did they waste just observing the patterns? How much time did they spend reporting the situation to Xia Yang? How much time did Xia Yang waste from formulating strategies to passing them back? You know, during this time, the three alliances lost nearly half of the time.

Because before the strategy comes back, the melee and high-combat players of the three alliances will not dare to attack Tide Hunter!

And what if Xia Yang was commanding on the spot? Then it might not even take a minute to formulate the combat strategy. Wouldn't this time be saved? Those high-combat players who dare not step forward would

Is there any output?

So, in the final analysis, it is still due to the lack of command

It was caused by the officer, and this was the consequences of Xia Yang's wrong choice of command battlefield!

But sometimes, the consequences can be big or small. In some cases, even if you make the wrong choice, it will not cause too serious consequences. Even if it causes bad consequences, there are still ways to save it.


But similarly, once some negative consequences are formed, there will be no salvation in this life! For example, Xia Yang's mistake in front of him, his mistake, has caused the three alliances to gradually move towards the abyss of destruction. If they do not adjust their direction,

If so, I am afraid that the armies of the three alliances will really be buried in Nirvana City by his own hands!

Some people may want to ask, is it so serious? Although an hour has passed, at least Xia Yang has found a way to defeat Tide Hunter, and in theory, it should be effective. Three alliances have come this time.

800,000 people. After just one hour of fighting, the three alliances only lost 200,000 people. Judging from this battle loss, there is no problem in letting them last for another two hours, and as long as they defeat them

With Tide Hunter, wouldn't the City Lord's Mansion be like strolling in your own backyard? Wouldn't the City Lord's Token be at your fingertips? By that time, the three coalition forces will have the bonus of attack tower and defense tower, Nirvana

The four arrow towers in the city will also be used for it. At that time, won't the offensive and defensive positions be changed, and the situation will be reversed instantly?

Theoretically speaking, the above conjecture is indeed correct, but one thing has been ignored, and that is the output attenuation problem caused by the death of high-competition players from the three alliances! You must know that what they are facing is not ordinary.

The boss is a Tide Hunter who is intelligent and has the ability to think independently! If it is just a boss without intelligence, then the rules of its skill use can indeed be mastered by players, but is Tide Hunter an ordinary boss? In Tide Hunter

In the eyes of Tide Hunter, the rules of skill display that this group of players think they have mastered are just the cooling time of their skills. You must know that the cooldown time does not represent the rules of display. Maybe it is for Tide Hunter.

For ordinary non-intelligent creatures, the cooldown time of skills is equal to the casting rules. Because they have no intelligence, they can continue to use the skills after the cooldown is restored!

But what about intelligent creatures such as Tide Hunter? That's different. They have their own thinking. With the skill cooling time set, they can choose to use it or not to use it! On this basis,

The problem arises. Players from the three alliances think they have

Once you have mastered the rules of Tide Hunter's skills, that is, an anchor attack every twenty seconds and a destruction every ten minutes. Let's take the anchor attack as an example. After Tide Hunter uses an anchor attack once, his skills will enter the tenth level.

During the second cooling period, the melee-type high-combat players of the three alliances can safely output. According to the combat strategies of the three alliances, after ten seconds, they will withdraw from the battlefield and stay five meters away from the Tide Hunter.

Except, what if the cooldown time of Tide Hunter's Anchor Strike has expired at this time, but he is not in a hurry to use Anchor Strike? How should the people of the three alliances deal with it? You know, Tide Hunter is...

Intelligent creatures, people have IQs. Even if it is done once or twice, people will not be able to see your operation, but it can be done three or four times, right? If Tide Hunter keeps pressing the skill at this time, then the three alliances will

How should we deal with it? Isn't this embarrassing? Are they going up? Or not? You know, the Tide Hunter's anchor attack has not been used yet. If you go up now, won't you hit the muzzle of the gun yourself?

As long as Tide Hunter keeps holding the anchor in his hand and does not use it, it can have the effect of a rat-proof weapon against the three alliances. What is the most powerful thing about nuclear weapons? It is not its terrifying lethality. When nuclear weapons explode, people are not afraid.

Yes! What are people most afraid of? The deterrent effect brought by nuclear weapons before they are launched. This thing cannot be used. The less you use it, the more afraid people will be!

Let’s talk about the deterrent effect that the skill of destruction brings to the three alliances!

To be honest, the deterrence brought by destruction to the three alliances is more powerful. At best, the anchor attack can only be used to deter those melee players. The long-range high combat players of the three alliances can still continue to output without pressure. After all, your anchor attack

The distance is only five meters, but remote players must stand five meters away to attack! And what about destruction? Destruction is different. If Tide Hunter keeps holding a move to destroy in his hand, then the three alliances

Should people continue to go up, or should they continue to hide and wait for Tide Hunter to release destruction before going up again? If Tide Hunter doesn't release destruction, you won't go up, right? Then do you want to conquer Tide Hunter? Anchor Attack Station

Only melee players are shocked, but destruction can shock all players!

Of course, the three alliances can also withstand the destruction of Tide Hunter. The worst is to die. Anyway, Emei can resurrect them, but there is a problem of level! What to do with the level drop caused by death? Although they were resurrected by Emei

They will only lose 30 experience points, but by destroying them once every ten minutes, they can be wiped out six times in an hour, which is almost two levels lower. Their output is already low enough. If this level is

If it drops again and again, their output might not even be able to kill Tide Hunter in the end. By that time, it will be too late!

This is why it is said that the current three alliances are already a bit dangerous. In the competition between the three alliances and Nirvana, a small advantage has gradually turned into a small disadvantage, and the balance of victory has moved in the direction of Nirvana!

And Xia Yang is not a fool. After the battle just now and the blood loss of Tide Hunter in this hour, Xia Yang also came to his senses. He had mistaken the focus of his command! Although it ultimately caused harm to the three alliances,

The biggest threat is Nirvana players, and Tide Hunter, but Tide Hunter can support the three alliances. On the surface, Nirvana players seem to be a sharp blade, but Tide Hunter is the operator hiding in the dark.

!You can’t just see the sharp blade in front of you, but not the murderous intention hidden in the dark!

After realizing this, Xia Yang decided to move the battlefield. He could no longer stay on the front line and fight fiercely with Nirvana players. The longer this war was delayed, the more disadvantageous it would be for their three alliances, because in terms of combat power, they were not as good as Nirvana players.

Yes, their players die much faster than Nirvana. Their advantage is their large number of people. But as time goes by, one person will die in Nirvana and ten will die in the three alliances. The longer they delay, the more they will suffer.

This is Nirvana City after all, and the resurrection points of Nirvana players are set in the city. Even if they die, they can rejoin the battlefield in just a few minutes. But what about their three alliances? Their resurrection points are set in other cities.

Now it is impossible to enter Nirvana City, whether through teleportation or through the city gate, because after the Nirvana players entered Nirvana City, Wei Bin turned on the combat readiness mode because he wanted to close the door and fight.

Damn it! In the combat readiness mode, all means of teleportation are prohibited. After the dead players of the three alliances are resurrected, they will naturally be unable to teleport to Nirvana City!

The door is also impassable, because the door has been surrounded by both sides for a long time. The area near the city gate is occupied by three alliances. At that time, they were trying to prevent Nirvana players from entering the city, but now they are still there.

They occupy it because since ancient times, the city gate has always been a strategic location in siege warfare. This is related to the attacker's retreat. Once they fail to capture it, at least they still have control of the city gate.

In their hands, they can also stop their losses in time and escape unscathed.

The outside of the city gate is also heavily guarded by Nirvana's soldiers, because Wei Bin wants to close the door to beat the dog, and what is the most important thing in the tactic of closing the door to beat the dog? It's the city gate! You have to make sure the door is closed.

Otherwise, wouldn’t the dog run away?

This chapter has been completed!
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