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Chapter 1276: Capture of Nirvana City

In the past, the three alliances have used this tactic to deceive his anchor attack many times. If he can't see it anymore, then he is really a fool!

And now that Xia Yang's conspiracy is known, how can Tide Hunter continue to play according to Xia Yang's script? He must be going in the opposite direction, and what follows is the scene in front of him. Don't you wait

After using my destruction, will you send your ace troops back? Then I don’t need to destroy, so just wait. Anyway, you are killing people every minute and every second. Let’s see who can’t afford to wait. Look

Who can't afford it!

Next, seeing the group of people who had just withdrawn join the battlefield again, the Tide Hunter decisively seized the opportunity to destroy the enemy with one hand, and saw countless spikes protruding from the ground again, pulling everyone away.

They poked them up in place, and when these players fell from the air, they were already corpses!

"Damn it! This Tide Hunter is so smart, can he use his skills in a targeted manner? This is going to be difficult!" Seeing that his people had just entered the Tide Hunter's group attack range, the Tide Hunter came up with such a move, Xia Yang basically

It can be concluded that Tide Hunter is different from other traditional bosses. Tide Hunter should be a very intelligent boss. He can control the casting time of his skills by himself, unlike the bosses he has come into contact with before, which have skill cooldowns.

Use it as soon as the time is up. If this is really the case, it will be a big trouble! How should he deal with such a boss that can instantly kill all high-power players from three companies?

"Emei has resurrected them. Our plan has changed. You can listen to my orders at any time!" Although the situation was extremely bad, Xia Yang quickly thought of a countermeasure. Although this countermeasure has not been verified, there is a high probability that it should be feasible!

In this way, after resurrection, these high-combat players continued to output steadily for more than nine minutes. At about nine and a half minutes, Xia Yang spoke again!

"Everyone listens to the order. The teams with odd numbers will all withdraw within fifty meters. The teams with even numbers will stay where they are and continue to output!" Xia Yang ordered.

To be honest, Xia Yang can be regarded as a qualified commander. Before the war started, he deliberately compiled numbers for all the hundred-man regiments and teams for the convenience of command. Unexpectedly, the numbers he compiled before were

This time it actually came in handy!

The purpose of Xia Yang's approach has been

It's very clear, that is to sacrifice half of the people to preserve the other half. Aren't you Tide Hunter very smart? Aren't you able to freely control the cooldown time of your skills? Well, you can control it, I want to see it

Look, I'm leaving half of the people now. Do you want to deal with the group attack? If you don't, then I will continue to rely on this half of the people to deal with output. In this way, although the output is reduced by half, at least their

The level cannot be kept. If the Tide Hunter is not greedy for more and surrenders to the group attack here, then he will not lose. He only lost half of the people. He has kept the level of the other half. Next, let everyone

Players can join the battle!

This is Xia Yang's plan. His plan is theoretically feasible, but there is one thing that still needs to be verified, and that is the issue of output!

If they are attacking the boss in the wild, it doesn't matter. This plan is definitely feasible, because there is no time limit in the wild, but if it is now, it may not be feasible, because now they are attacking the city, they

The previous advantages of the three alliances are being eroded bit by bit by Nirvana. The longer this war is delayed, the more detrimental it will be to the three alliances. The further it is delayed, the more beneficial it will be to Nirvana. It can be said that their time

is very limited. If his tactics lead to insufficient output, it is very likely that before they conquer the Tide Hunters, their own army will have been wiped out by Nirvana. This is what he

Something needs to be verified!

Then, Tide Hunter also fell into thinking. As Xia Yang expected, he was indeed caught up in the choice of whether to eat these people or not. If he chose to hand over his ultimate move to destroy, then he could indeed easily lead them.

Take away these heads, but in this way, the other half of the people have escaped. As long as the dead people are rescued, then everyone can join the battle again! And if

What if he doesn't eat these people? Then he can hang them all the time. As long as he doesn't use his ultimate move, the other half of the people on the opposite side will never dare to join the battlefield!

After some thinking, Tide Hunter finally decided not to use his ultimate move on these half of the people!

Why? Because I remembered my mission, and also based on the current situation

After analyzing what he should do, what is his mission? The only mission Wei Bin hired him for was nothing else. It was to protect the safety of the city lord's palace and not to kill many enemies!

And now not only is there a battle happening on his side, Tide Hunter is very big. Looking from a distance, he can see fighting happening in other places in Nirvana City. Combining his mission, Tide Hunter will soon

After analyzing the current situation, it is to delay time. He needs to delay as much time as possible and wait for the arrival of Nirvana reinforcements. What is the best way to delay time? Combined with the actual situation at hand, it is obvious that

It’s because he doesn’t use his ultimate move! Because as long as he doesn’t use his ultimate move, the number of people participating in the battle will be halved. With fewer people participating in the battle, the efficiency will naturally be low. Isn’t this tantamount to delaying time?

Seeing that Tide Hunter didn't use his ultimate move, Xia Yang was forced to verify whether his style of play was feasible. Next, he needed to calculate how long it would take for his side to defeat Tide Hunter based on his side's damage per second, and then start again.

Estimate how long your 800,000-strong army can last. If the time it takes to conquer Tide Hunter is longer than the 800,000-strong army can last, then it’s definitely not going to work. You definitely won’t make the trip.

Your army is gone, but you still have to attack the Tide Hunter! On the other hand, if you can defeat the Tide Hunter first before the 800,000-strong army is destroyed, then this style of play will be feasible, although there will be

Some losses, but how can a war be without bloodshed?

As time went by, Xia Yang kept observing the Tide Hunter's blood loss rate and the attrition rate of his own personnel. His brain was running rapidly. After calculating for ten minutes, Xia Yang finally got the answer. Although this was not

What he wants!

The answer is that in the end, the three coalition forces can capture the Tide Hunters before their 800,000-strong army is destroyed by the Nirvana Regiment. However, there is one thing that needs to be noted here, that is, even if

They defeated the Tide Hunters, but their 800,000-strong army is not much left. A conservative estimate is that there are only about 100,000 people left! If there are only 100,000-strong troops left, then to be honest, there are still some

It's dangerous, because it will still take some time for them to attack the city lord's palace. Judging from the way they used wooden beasts to attack the city walls of Nirvana City, it is obvious that the walls of Nirvana City are very unusual. They are really extremely strong. It is obvious

It has been strengthened by some means. The walls of Nirvana City are like this. Who knows whether the gate of the City Lord's Mansion has been strengthened? Logically speaking, it should not be. After all, Xia Yang has never heard of anything that can strengthen the City Lord's Mansion.

There are many ways to use the gate, but Nirvana has always been unconventional. They can even strengthen the city wall. The properties of the city lord's palace and the city wall are the same. They are both buildings. The city wall can be strengthened. It is not new that the city lord's palace can also be strengthened.

Well, it would be tragic if the gate of the city lord's palace in Nirvana City was similarly strengthened. The gate of the city lord's palace that originally only took more than ten minutes to conquer would take half an hour or even an hour after it is strengthened.

What? Then the game is over? His army of 100,000 will be hard to hold on for even half an hour, let alone an hour!

Even if the gate of the Nirvana City Lord's Mansion has not been strengthened, it will take them ten minutes to conquer the gate, and another ten minutes to hold the City Lord's Token. In other words, conservatively estimated, it will take them at least twenty minutes.

, this is still without any unexpected situations. If something happens, for example, the city lord token is taken back by Nirvana during this period, then the countdown will have to be restarted, which will be a big trouble!

And even if everything goes well, the city lord's token is finally determined to be owned by the three alliances, and Nirvana City has truly changed hands, but so what? You know, at that time, their three alliances no longer have much in Nirvana City.

Now, what about Nirvana? All the members of Nirvana are in Nirvana City. This means that in name Nirvana City is an alliance of three families, but in fact the control of Nirvana City is still in the hands of Nirvana, because there are so many people.

, these days, the last word is to have big fists, and the rest are just fancy!

Maybe someone wants to say, isn't it said that after a gang city changes hands, there will be a 24-hour protection period? Within these 24 hours, other forces cannot attack the gang city. Since

So, what is there to worry about? The three alliances have enough time to transfer their gang members to Nirvana City, right? In this way, when Nirvana counterattacks again the next day, will the three alliances still be afraid of Nirvana?

That's right! According to common sense, this is indeed the case. Generally speaking, when a city changes hands, the original owner of the city will not fight back because they have twenty-four hours of preparation time.

, how can a counterattack be so easy?

This chapter has been completed!
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