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Chapter 1207 Create something out of nothing

So here comes the question, why does Mingjiao have so many fans? This starts from his sentence of "the holy fire of light coming from the earth, burning up the world". You need to know, in today's world, which group, which group

Which class has the most people?

Obviously, the most powerless and poor people are the most numerous. No matter what era it is, a few people are destined to rule over many people. The vast majority of people still live in hot water and an unfair world. So the Mingjiao

What does this slogan mean? Isn’t it very clear? Burning out all the injustices in the world means using blazing fire to burn out all the injustices in the world. This is the purpose of Mingjiao and the foundation of Mingjiao.

Just imagine, if a sect founded a sect from the perspective of a person at the bottom of society, how many fans would it have?

It can be said that the vast majority of people in the world, although they may not necessarily join the Mingjiao, are all fans of the Mingjiao without exception, because everything the Mingjiao does is for the benefit of ordinary people like them!

And what about the bug in the eyes of money? As a leader in the Ming Cult, he is naturally a fan in the hearts of countless people!

In Qian's eyes, Chongzi held a molten gold sunset knife in his right hand and shook it hard on the ground. Chongzi's body immediately ignited with raging fire. Seeing the state of Chongzi's body, everyone knew that he was really going to play for real this time.

Okay, what kind of skill is this if it's not the Mingjiao's rage?

He becomes furious and instantly enters a violent state, increasing his external attack by 30 and reducing his external defense by 30 for 5 minutes.

This is a skill that sacrifices one's own defense in exchange for attack. It can greatly increase the output of Mingjiao, but correspondingly, the increase in output is not in vain. While the output is greatly increased, a huge price must be paid.

, and the price is to sacrifice a lot of defense. This move of Mingjiao can be said to be running to death! I can die, but you must die!

The bug in Qian's eyes was furious. It was the second time he used it since the Nirvana Impact battle. It wasn't that he didn't want to use it, but that he didn't dare to use it because he knew that his opponent was too powerful. With the three alliances fighting against each other,

The player's output, if he turns on this explosive state, let alone a player with a limit of six or more can easily handle him, even a player with a limit of five or more will pose a threat to him!

And now, the war between Nirvana and the three alliances has entered an incandescent stage, and has entered the final decisive battle stage. It can be said that the duel in the next ten minutes or so will directly affect the outcome of the war, so

, Chongzi is obviously determined to fight well. Even if he dies, he will take away several high-combat players from the three alliances!

After turning on the rage, the bug in Qian's eyes once again raised the molten gold sunset knife in his hand and shook it hard on the ground. The next second, the flames on the bug became more intense. Everyone knew that the bug was turned on.

Pure Yang is infinite!

Pure Yang Wuji can increase the fire attack and fire resistance of the bug in the money's eye by 50, which lasts for 15 seconds!

This is a bit awesome. What is the concept of increasing the fire attack by 50? You know, although the fire attack of the insect in Qian Yan's eyes is not as good as Wei Bin's ice attack, the gap between them is not that big, at most

There is only a difference of two thousand, and it is definitely within 50, but now? Chongzi's fire attack suddenly increased by 50, which made Chongzi's fire attack suddenly higher than Wei Bin's attribute attack.

A lot!

But this was not over yet. Chongzi once again raised the molten gold Sunset Knife in his hand and shook the ground violently. This time, the flames on his body could be described as monstrous. The whole flame shot straight into the sky, even if

People who are very far away, even if they can't see the insect himself, can still see the monstrous flames! And if you look at this battlefield from the perspective of the audience, there is no doubt that all the audience's eyes are in Qian's eyes.

The bugs were attracted, but there was nothing I could do about it. The appearance of the bugs was so eye-catching!

But this time, the bug in Qian's eyes unleashed another of Mingjiao's ultimate moves - Fury Continuous Slash!

Fury Continuous Slash: After release, the damage is increased by 8, and each subsequent attack will increase the damage by 15 again, while increasing the movement speed by 50, lasting for 16 seconds or 10 attacks, and the cooling time is 70 seconds.

Tip 1: The damage increment is reduced to 10, but the duration is increased by 4 seconds, and the number of maintenance times is increased by 2 times. Zhenwu: The number of skill maintenance times is increased by 5 times, but the single damage increase is reduced to 10.

Tip 2: Use it when your own blood volume is lower than 50, and the basic damage increase is increased to 15. Zhenwu: Use it when your own blood volume is lower than 30, and you can restore your own maximum health volume of 2 when attacking.

The duration of Point Three is reduced by 6 seconds, and there is no longer a limit on the number of attacks. Zhenwu: The duration is reduced by 2 seconds, and there is no longer a limit on the number of attacks.

Guidance Four: The attack power in the Furious Continuous Slash state is increased by 20, and the defense is reduced by 50. Zhenwu: The attack power in the Furious Continuous Slash state is increased by 40, and the own defense is reduced by 50.

That's right, it was the ultimate move that the insect in Qian's eyes relied on when he was tyrannizing the domineering Fire Giant. It was precisely because of him that the insect was able to do seven million damage with one strike!

This is Mingjiao's famous stunt. Legend has it that if two players of the same strength attack each other, no one can withstand the duration of Mingjiao's Fury Continuous Slash, because the damage of Mingjiao's Fury Continuous Slash is too high!

First of all, after performing the Fury Continuous Slash, Mingjiao can immediately gain 8 damage increases, and then each attack can increase the damage by 15 again, up to ten attacks.

Some people may want to say, this is too slow, right? By the time you finish these ten cuts, I don’t know when it will happen. Maybe you are already dead, and maybe the other person has run away long ago. Where can I return the money?

Do you have any chance to finish these ten cuts? Besides, even if you make ten cuts, wouldn’t the damage only increase by 158 at the tenth cut? This is not high! And this is still the highest

The damage increase was only 158 when the game was released. Before that, the damage increase could not even reach 158! Damage-increasing skills are indeed precious, but this cannot be said to be a magical skill, right? Nor can it be called Mingjiao.

A stunt to become famous, right? Then the Ming Cult is too watery, right?

The misunderstanding here is quite big!

First of all, the figure of 158 damage increase is not low in itself. If we break down the various sects, how many sects have such a high damage increase number? Is it just the Tang Sect? Xingxiu and Beggar Clan are not counted.

Which skill exists, except Xuan Ming Shen?

In addition to being able to reach this number with the stack of death powder poison, what other skills can reach this number? As for the Beggar Clan, although the Beggar Clan can reach this number in its Thousand Miles Thousand Miles state, it only lasts for a short time.

It only takes a few seconds, and it is obviously not as good as the damage increase effect of Mingjiao. The damage increase of 158 is honestly not low!

Moreover, at the tenth blow, is it really just a damage increase of 158? Is the damage increase method really just adding up ten 15s, plus the initial increase of 8?


The damage-increasing superposition algorithm of Mingjiao's Fury Continuous Slash is not calculated like this. If you are calculating multiple damage-increasing skills at the same time, you can indeed directly add up the various damage-increasing numbers, but this is not the case with Mingjiao.

There are multiple damage-increasing states at the same time, and he just uses one move to continuously slash with anger!

Let me ask, when calculating the damage increase number of the first knife, should 8 plus 15 be used? This is definitely not the case, right? There should be a multiplicative relationship between the two? Is it possible to increase the damage of 15 on the basis of 108?

Shouldn't it be 1081151242?

That's right, it's the base damage multiplied by the damage increase, and 108 here represents the damage of the last attack! 115 represents the damage increase!

So how much is the damage increased during the second blow? At this time, 1242 actually represents the basic damage when calculating the damage increase number for the second blow. At this time, use 124211514283! For the third blow, 14283

As the basis, multiply it again by 115, and so on!

This is the correct way to calculate the damage increase of Mingjiao's Fury Continuous Slash. If calculated according to this damage increase calculation method, then at the tenth blow, it will cause 437 damage! It should be 337 damage increase!

Ni, this is a bit scary. Which sect in the whole sect can achieve such a high damage-increasing effect? ​​I'm afraid it is unique? And this is only the damage of the tenth sword. What about the ninth sword of Mingjiao?

?What about the eighth sword? It can be said that every sword taught can be bloody!

This is the terrifying part of the Mingjiao's Furious Continuous Slashes. Why is it said that no opponent of the same strength can survive the Mingjiao's Furious Continuous Slashes? Get rid of it, with such a high output, who can survive?

And do you think this is the end?

No, it’s not over yet, because Chongzi chose to strengthen the Fury Continuous Slashing skill on the exclusive equipment he obtained. This is the most violent skill of the Ming Cult. If it is not strengthened, who will be strengthened?

The insect chooses Zhenwu Guidance Four for this Fury Continuous Slash move, because Zhenwu Guidance 4 can further improve the attack, and the Fury Continuous Slash after being strengthened by exclusive props can increase the attack in the Fury Continuous Slash state by 40 and reduce itself.

The effect of defense of 50 has been changed to the effect of increasing one's own attack by 100 and lowering one's own defense by 50!

Ni, this is a bit abnormal. You know, the attack here refers to all attack power, including internal and external attack and attribute attack. This is equivalent to the basic damage of the bug being greatly improved.

The original attribute attack power of 10,000 suddenly increased to 20,000, and the original external attack power of 60,000 suddenly increased to 120,000. Is this too exaggerated? And this

It’s not over yet. You know, the external attack of the insect under normal conditions is 60,000. This does not include the bonus after he activates the rage, nor does it include the effect of the cloud body wind skill of using a kitchen knife to chop wires! Count it.

After increasing all the attack states, the insect's external attack directly increased to 140,000!

As for fire attack, the pure Yang Wuji of Qian Eyes Bug can increase the fire attack by 50, and the Fury Continuous Slash can increase the fire attack by 100, which directly increases his fire attack to 25,000. Isn't this a bit naughty?

Well, Wei Bin’s attribute attack is only 12,000! This can be said to be a complete blow to Wei Bin!

Of course, while the bug in Qian's Eyes has greatly improved his output, it must be a blessing and a curse. While he has greatly improved his output, he has to endure a lot of additional damage. His move

The Fury Continuous Slash will lower one's own defense by 50 points. You must know that the previous Furious Slash has already lowered his defense by 30 points. Now if he lowers his defense by 50 points, to be honest, let alone a player with a limit of six or more.

Players with a limit of five or more can handle bugs at will! After all, the bug defense at this time is really too low!

And does He think that the output of the Worm in Qian's Eyes has come to an end? No! It is far from over yet. As the leader of the external martial arts sect and the most powerful person in the Ming Cult, if the Worm in Qian's Eyes only has the above output,

To be honest, he is not worthy of being called the ceiling of the Ming Cult. If he wants to be the ceiling of the Ming Cult, he still lacks one of the Ming Cult's great skills of full of wrath - to create something out of nothing!

Create something out of nothing: Ignore the target's internal and external defense. The state lasts for 15 seconds and requires full rage.

Tip 1: Ignore the target's internal and external strength defense of 50 and fire resistance of 50. Zhenwu: Ignore the target's internal and external strength defense of 70 and fire resistance of 70.

Tip 2: It no longer ignores the target's internal and external strength defense, but instead ignores the target's fire resistance. Zhenwu: It no longer ignores the target's internal and external strength defense, but instead ignores the target's fire resistance, while lowering the target's lower limit of fire resistance.

10 O'Clock.

Tip 3: No longer ignores the target's internal and external strength defense, but instead increases one's own external strength attack by 30. Zhenwu: No longer ignores the target's internal and external strength defense, but instead increases one's own external strength attack by 50.

Tip 4: Ignore the target's internal and external defense and fire resistance, but the damage you take increases by 150. Zhenwu: Ignore the target's internal and external defense and fire resistance, but the damage you take increases by 100.

The choice of Chongzi's move to create something out of nothing is Zhenwu Tip 4, which can ignore the target's internal and external defense and resistance at the same time. This is a tip to maximize the output. Once Chongzi activates the trick to create something out of nothing, he will really be disowned.

!Of course, everything has two sides. While this guidance will greatly increase the output of the bug, it will definitely put an equally heavy price on the shoulders of the bug, and this price is to suffer an additional 100


And this is the reason why the last time the insect challenged the Fire Giant, he asked the core members of Nirvana to protect him! You know, once he turns on the explosive state, his body will become extremely fragile, and it is huge.

He greatly reduces his own internal and external defense, and suffers an additional 100 damage. This is equivalent to adding a state of 100 increased damage to his enemy!

This chapter has been completed!
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