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Chapter 1236 Intrigue

"Later, when Ji Wuming asked you who was instructing you, your mind was almost blank. In desperation, you had no choice but to name Nirvana. The reason why you used Nirvana to accuse you was, first of all, because

Menghui Luoyang and Nirvana are hostile forces. If you use Nirvana to support you, you can protect Menghui Luoyang and at the same time turn the spear against Nirvana. This is killing two birds with one stone! Secondly, you use Nirvana to support Nirvana because Nirvana is already a

There is a dead person, so using a dead person to support you is absolutely foolproof. Anyway, now that Nirvana is under siege, you are not afraid of being charged with another crime! You are really good at calculating! Haha, you understand now.

Where did you go wrong? Your mistake was that you changed your words too quickly. You have realized that you should not stand up and support Meng Huiluoyang at this time. But when you discovered this, how could you immediately

Are you going to change your story and say that you were instigated by Nirvana? Your psychological quality, haha!" the alliance leader explained. Obviously, he was very sure that it was indeed Ji Wuming who had mastered the technology of artificially making plum blossom darts.

They were just harmed by two idiots. Even if they were moral and wanted to help Meng return to Luoyang, they couldn't show up at this time. Even if they showed up, they couldn't reveal anything related to Plum Blossom Darts. They weren't

Doing bad things with good intentions further confirmed that Ji Wuming controlled the technology. Did he deceive Ji Wuming?

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, these two people are not stupid. Not only are they not stupid, but they are also very smart. As mentioned before, these two people did not actually stand up to help Meng return to Luoyang.

Yes, they are both businessmen, this can be seen from their clothes, and as long as they are businessmen, they are only interested in profit. They have identified that there is a rare business opportunity in front of them. They know that in front of them,

Under this situation, it is impossible for Menghui Luoyang to continue to exist, and since Menghui Luoyang is already certain to die, why not let yourself take advantage of it for the last time? If they stand up now, they will definitely be labeled as moralists.

label, people who want to do business with them will not have to queue up in long lines from now on? This possibility is also possible!

What they don't know is that today's two episodes were actually arranged by the public relations master. He sent these two actors to help Ji Wuming explain and make the trip darker and darker.

The water was muddied, making everyone think that the rumors on the Internet were true, and at the same time, Meng Hui died in Luoyang, allowing his next plan to be implemented!

All this is the conspiracy of the public relations master!

But no matter what, dreaming back to Luoyang is doomed this time!

The next battle was a one-sided situation, because Menghui Luoyang did not have the second offensive and defensive tower of Nirvana City to increase the attributes of its own players, and at the same time, it did not have the arrow tower to assist Menghui Luoyang in attacking, the second offensive and defensive tower, and the arrow tower.

Not just anyone can get it. Most of the gang cities in Middle-earth do not have these things. And if there are no these buildings to help Menghui Luoyang, then Menghui Luoyang will fight with the Alliance here, and in the wild.

What's the difference between fighting with the Alliance? The alliance's combat power is twenty times that of Menghui Luoyang. With such a disparity in combat power, how can Menghui Luoyang be able to withstand it?

In the war taking place in the Middle-earth continent today, not only Nirvana fought against the three

The alliance's war will enter the annals of history, and even the Menghui Luoyang defensive battle in front of us will always be remembered by people, because this is the first large-scale conflict between major forces in history. In the past, various

Although some conflicts will occur between major forces in order to compete for interests, the scale of those conflicts has never exceeded a hundred people. Basically, as long as the leader of the Hundred is alerted, it is over. No matter which side loses, they will accept their fate.

, will never sway people to help them regain their position, because they know that once the scale of the battle exceeds a hundred people, and once they bring their teammates of the same level to the 100-man team to help, the battle will inevitably escalate, and there will be

There is a hidden danger in the outbreak of war, because once the scale of the battle escalates, it will involve the face of the major forces on both sides. I can suffer a dumb loss without outsiders knowing, but I must not do it when the escalation of the war attracts a lot of viewers.

, suffered a loss in front of everyone, even though the two losses were the same! Because the big forces all want to save face, there will basically not be much conflict between them!

But this is different now. But this is the first time in history that such a large-scale war has broken out. People have no idea what the outcome of the war between the big forces will be. God knows after the collision between the big forces.

What kind of ending will it look like, and now, they have witnessed this historical moment with their own eyes!

It turns out that the war between the major forces is so cruel. Menghui Luoyang, as one of the major forces, was as vulnerable as a chicken and a dog in front of the alliance. The unprecedented war that the audience imagined did not happen. Instead,

Yes, it was actually a unilateral massacre! The entire battlefield turned out to be a one-sided situation. The alliance was like destroying the dead, wantonly massacring the players who dreamed of returning to Luoyang, it was unstoppable!

And at this time, those spectators who were watching this war finally woke up. It turned out that the great force that was usually as inviolable as a god in their eyes was actually so vulnerable in the face of absolute superiority. This

Is it still the big force in their minds? Is this still the big force that will take the initiative to give up upgrade points when they come? Is this still the big force that won't let them sell supplies to anyone? I guess they will definitely not be afraid.

Do you dare to sell it to that person? Is this the same powerful force that can easily kill you, prevent you from leaving the city gate, or even kill you back to Novice Village?

It turns out that big forces can be so fragile! In the face of absolute strength, even big forces will be beaten to the point of being unable to fight back. Even big forces will be beaten to such an embarrassing state! What happened today

This war has completely subverted the world's understanding of big forces. Big forces are just stronger forces, but they are also human beings. When more powerful opponents appear, they still have to be honest.

He bows his head and surrenders!

And today's scene has planted a seed of hope in the hearts of many people with dreams. These people are the same as Wei Bin. They don't believe in the evil curse.

Why can't emerging forces without background win the battle of impact? Why can't emerging forces without background become a big force? Today's battle brought them great confidence, because they saw

The fragility of a big force. Big forces are not invincible or invincible. They are also human beings, and some of them have flesh and blood. As long as they plan well, there is still hope to win the impact battle!

In a moment, the defense line organized by Meng Hui Luoyang collapsed. Among them, the players closest to the city wall who died the most tragically were crushed to death by the collapsing city wall. They could not even react.

Before he could react, he was deeply pressed by the collapsed city wall! He couldn't die anymore! And soon, facing the alliance's invincible offensive, Menghui Luoyang's defense line instantly collapsed, and the alliance seemed to be empty.

As if in a state of chaos, they moved forward rapidly. As Meng Hui Luoyang's heads were harvested by the alliance one by one, soon, the main force of the alliance reached the gate of Kecheng Lord's Mansion. At this time, the main force of the alliance stayed to attack.

At the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, the other players continued to advance the entire defense line, but Ji Wuming, seeing that the situation was over, retreated to the City Lord's Mansion alone!

Seeing this scene, a player in the audience frowned tightly!

"Gang leader, what's wrong with you? Is there any problem?" A confidant seemed to have noticed something unusual about his gang leader.

"This Ji Wuming's behavior is a bit abnormal!" Huang Li explained lightly. Yes, this person is Huang Li, who wanders around different live broadcast rooms, the leader of the Forbidden Summit Huang Li! After all, Meng Hui Luoyang's defensive battle

The defensive battle with Nirvana City was carried out almost at the same time. Huang Li didn't want to miss these two fierce battles. He not only wanted to know how far Nirvana had grown now, but also wanted to know how a big force that was struggling to its death was going to fight.

Facing the coming of destruction, what kind of potential can be unleashed? These data are very important to Huang Li, because he is also a person who wants to lead the Forbidden Peak to become a big force, and wants to

To become a big force, you must first understand it and know the necessary conditions for becoming a big force!

"Ji Wuming is a little abnormal? I didn't find anything abnormal about him. Even if there is, it's normal. After all, anyone with a discerning eye can see it! Meng returned to Luoyang and the situation was over. He saw with his own eyes the destruction of the empire he had built.

Once this happens, everyone will be abnormal!" Huang Li's confidant said.

"No! No! Ji Wuming has no reason to enter the City Lord's Mansion. Now the front lines of both sides have crossed the City Lord's Mansion and reached the rear of the City Lord's Mansion. At this time, the City Lord's Mansion is under the control of the coalition forces. In other words, the City Lord's Mansion

It will be a matter of time before the mansion falls. If Ji Wuming doesn't go outside to direct the battle, there is no reason to enter the city lord's mansion! Unless! There is a reason why he must enter the city lord's mansion!" Huang Li analyzed.

"Before the war started, he said that he had recorded everything the coalition wanted in the book in the city lord's palace, and if he had the ability, let them get it themselves. But now, Ji Wuming may have regretted it, so he wants to return as soon as possible.

Go to the city lord's palace to recover or destroy the booklet. After all, the technology of artificially making plum blossom darts is too tempting.

!" said Huang Li's confidant.

"Impossible! If Ji Wuming really wanted to take back or destroy the booklet, couldn't he just ask a confidant to go there? Why must he go there in person? This is unreasonable!" Huang Li explained.

"Maybe Ji Wuming can't trust anyone, at least in front of such an important thing, he can't trust anyone! So he can only go in person!" Huang Li's confidant guessed!

"Can't trust anyone? How dare he put such an important thing in the City Lord's Mansion? You know, there must be at least ten people in a gang who have the authority to enter the City Lord's Mansion, right? If he doesn't trust these people, then

Does he dare to put such important things in the City Lord's Mansion? And if he can trust these people who have the authority to enter the City Lord's Mansion, wouldn't it be enough if he just shoots these people to destroy or retrieve the things? Why is this not inconsistent?

"?" Huang Li explained.

"He is acting so abnormally now. There is only one possibility, and that is, God, he is crazy. Ji Wuming must be crazy!" Huang Li's eyes couldn't help but dilate, obviously he had thought of something terrible!

"Gang leader, what's wrong? What's possible?" a confidant asked.

"Don't ask why first. You should immediately arrange an order for the deputy gang leader to purchase various strategic materials, supplies, etc. at high prices as soon as possible. There is no limit to the purchase. Take as much as you can!" Huang Li hurriedly arranged things for his confidants.

After a while, the confidant finally arranged the work and returned to Huang Li's side again. "Gang leader, I have arranged it according to your wishes. Is there any deeper meaning in doing this?"

"Ji Wuming is crazy. He is ready to die together with these big forces. A world-class war is about to break out in Middle-earth. In this war, any big force has the risk of being involved.

Everyone will be affected by this world war, and no one can be immune!" Huang Li said calmly.

"Gang leader, how do you say this?" The confidant continued to ask, Huang Li only predicted what would happen next, but did not explain the reasons.

"It's very simple. When I returned to the City Lord's Mansion in Luoyang, there was no so-called book recording the technology of artificially making plum blossom darts. It was just a gimmick. Its purpose was to attract the attention of the alliance to the City Lord's Mansion, and

In the City Lord's Mansion, there is a conspiracy that Ji Wuming has prepared a long time ago! Although I don't know the specific content of his conspiracy, the result is very obvious, that is, just like others framed him, he will possess this

He framed the accusation of advanced technology on others and dumped this hot potato on others. The force that took over the scapegoat would become the next one to dream back to Luoyang and become the target of destruction by all major forces. Ji Wuming might not be able to

He has the ability to defeat everyone, but he can actually pull a big force to support him, and then, a series of chain reactions came out. The big force who was framed by Ji Wuming saw his gang city with his own eyes.

Once the gang he founded is destroyed, he will have the same thoughts as Ji Wuming, since I am dead, there is no need for you to live!" Huang Li continued to explain.

This chapter has been completed!
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